
Mirasol Increases Virginia Silver Resource in Argentina

Mirasol Increases Virginia Silver Resource in Argentina

Mirasol 增加了阿根廷的弗吉尼亞白銀資源
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/11/09 11:18
  • Mineral Resource Estimate increased 30% to 20 million ounces silver
  • Mineralization remains open along strike and at depth
  • Numerous vein prospects outside and proximal to the Resource remain to be tested
  • On-going metallurgical testing of the extensive mineralized halo could add significant silver ounces to the mineral resource
  • 礦產資源估計值增加了30%,達到2000萬盎司白銀
  • 礦化沿走向和深度仍處於開放狀態
  • 資源外部和附近的許多礦脈前景仍有待測試
  • 正在進行的對大量礦化光環的冶金測試可能會爲礦產資源增加大量的銀盎司

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Nov. 09, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mirasol Resources Ltd. (TSX-V: MRZ) (OTC: MRZLF) (the "Company" or "Mirasol") is pleased to announce an increase to the independent Mineral Resource Estimate (the "Resource") for its 100% owned Virginia Silver Deposit ("Virginia" or the "Deposit") located in the Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. Discovered by Mirasol in 2009, Virginia hosts a high-grade, intermediate sulfidation epithermal style mineralization in a series of prominent outcropping vein-breccias. The updated Resource builds on the previous amended Resource estimate released on March 29, 2016.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2023年11月9日(環球新聞專線)——米拉索爾資源有限公司(TSX-V:MRZ)(場外交易代碼:MRZLF)(“公司” 或 “Mirasol”)欣然宣佈增加其位於阿根廷聖克魯斯省的100%持股的弗吉尼亞銀礦牀(“弗吉尼亞州” 或 “礦牀”)的獨立礦產資源估算(“資源”)。弗吉尼亞州於 2009 年由 Mirasol 發現,在一系列顯著的露頭礦脈角礫岩中呈現出高品位的中等硫化超熱式礦化。更新後的資源建立在先前於2016年3月29日發佈的經修訂的資源估算值的基礎上。

The Resource contained within nine outcropping veins of high-grade silver mineralization (Table 1) consists of:

高品位銀礦化九個露頭礦脈中所含的資源(表 1)包括:

  • An Indicated Resource totaling 11.7 million ounces silver, average grade of 357 g/t
  • An Inferred Resource totaling 7.9 million ounces silver, average grade of 184 g/t
  • Based on a silver price of US$25 per ounce and a 65 g/t silver cut-off grade (Table 2). The Resource is reported using a new constraining resource pit focused on the Vein/Breccia high-grade component of the mineralization.
  • 指示資源總量爲1170萬盎司白銀,平均品位爲357 g/t
  • 推斷資源總量爲 790 萬盎司白銀,平均品位爲 184 克/噸
  • 基於每盎司25美元的白銀價格和65克/噸的白銀臨界等級(表2)。據報道,該資源使用了一個新的限制性資源坑,重點是礦化的礦脈/角礫岩高品位部分。

"The Virginia Silver Project is a cornerstone asset within Mirasol's large portfolio of advanced stage exploration projects in Chile and Argentina. The overall 30% increase in silver ounces in the updated Resource estimate from limited new drilling underscores the project's potential," Mirasol's President, Tim Heenan, commented. "High-grade silver grab samples collected along strike and also from prospecting multiple nearby parallel exposed veins highlight the significant upside potential outside the current Resource."


Table 1: Vein/Breccia, Diluted Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource Tabulation

表 1:礦脈/角礫岩、稀釋指示和推斷礦產資源表

Indicated Inferred
Vein/Breccia Vein/Breccia
Tonnes (000) Silver (g/t) Silver Oz (000) Tonnes (000) Silver (g/t) Silver Oz (000)
Julia South 93 420 1,250 29 162 153
Julia Central 247 278 2,207 105 158 532
Julia North 432 478 6,644 4 286 38
Naty 31 165 166 219 166 1,169
Ely North 73 132 310 254 105 861
Ely Central 57 302 558 336 253 2,975
Ely South 70 201 451 171 152 833
Margarita --- --- --- 84 318 861
Martina SE 12 188 72 94 143 431
TOTAL 1,016 357 11,659 1,326 184 7,853
已指明 推斷
靜脈/角礫岩 靜脈/角礫岩
噸 (000) 銀 (g/t) 白銀奧茲 (000) 噸 (000) 銀 (g/t) 白銀奧茲 (000)
朱莉婭南方 93 420 1,250 29 162 153
朱莉婭中心 247 278 2,207 105 158 532
朱莉婭諾斯 432 478 6,644 4 286 38
Naty 31 165 166 219 166 1,169
北伊利 73 132 310 254 105 861
伊利中央火車站 57 302 558 336 253 2,975
伊利·索斯 70 201 451 171 152 833
瑪格麗塔 --- --- --- 84 318 861
Martina SE 12 188 72 94 143 431
總計 1,016 357 11,659 1,326 184 7,853



  • Mineral resource estimates were prepared following with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (CIM, 2019) and reported in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (CIM Definition Standards, 2014). Mineral Resources are estimated at a cut-off grade of 65 g/t silver for Vein/Breccia and 250 g/t silver for Halo/Undefined.
  • Mineral Resources are estimated using a silver price of US$25 per ounce. Mineral Resources are estimated using an average recovery of 80% for silver hosted in Vein/Breccia and 22% for silver hosted in Halo/Undefined from preliminary metallurgical studies.
  • A dry bulk density was estimated from the samples using ID3 into 2 m x 2 m x 2 m & minimum subcell 0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m blocks coded by domain, and the non-estimated blocks were assigned a density value of 2.44 t/m3 and 2.09 t/m3 for Halo/Undefined.
  • There are no Mineral Reserves stated or calculated in this report.
  • Mineral Resources are reported within conceptual pit shells with Pit Walls at 50-degree angles.
  • Mineral Resources that are not Mineral Reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability.
  • Rounding as required by reporting guidelines may result in apparent discrepancies between tonnes, grades, and contain silver content.
  • The effective date of the Mineral Resource is October 30th, 2023.
  • This estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by geology, environment, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing or other relevant issues.
  • 礦產資源估算是根據加拿大礦業、冶金和石油學會(CIM)的《礦產資源和礦產儲量估算最佳實踐指南》(CIM,2019年)編制的,並根據CIM礦產資源和礦產儲量定義標準(CIM定義標準,2014年)進行報告。礦產資源估計,靜脈/角礫岩的截止品位爲65克/噸銀,Halo/Undefined的臨界品位爲250克/噸銀。
  • 礦產資源使用每盎司25美元的白銀價格進行估算。根據初步冶金研究,礦脈/角礫岩中儲存的銀的平均回收率爲80%,Halo/Undefined中儲存的白銀的平均回收率爲22%,估算礦產資源。
  • 使用ID3對樣品的幹體積密度進行了估計,分爲2 m x 2 m x 2 m和最小子電池0.5 m x 0.5 m x 0.5 m的區塊,Halo/Undefined的非估計區組的密度值爲2.44 t/m3和2.09 t/m3。
  • 本報告中沒有說明或計算任何礦產儲量。
  • 據報道,礦產資源位於概念坑殼內,坑牆呈50度角。
  • 不是礦產儲量的礦產資源沒有表現出經濟可行性。
  • 報告指南要求的四捨五入可能會導致噸數、等級和含銀量之間存在明顯的差異。
  • 礦產資源的生效日期是10月30日第四,2023。
  • 礦產資源的這種估計可能會受到地質、環境、許可、法律、所有權、稅收、社會政治、營銷或其他相關問題的重大影響。

The nine silver deposits considered in this mineral resource estimate are mineralized from surface and are highly oxidized to the lower limit of drilling, at 150m vertical depth. The primary silver mineral in the vein/breccia is acanthite, a silver sulphide favourable to conventional metallurgical processes.


The database for the estimation of mineral resources consists of the initial 223 drill holes for 23,116.55m, drilled from 2010 to 2012, and 191 channel samples with 95.67m reported on SEDAR+ (Earnest & Lechner, 2016). The current resource estimate incorporates 70 new drill holes from 2020 to 2022, totalling an additional 10,247m. This update was based on a geological model delivered by Mirasol Resources.

礦產資源估算數據庫包括2010年至2012年鑽探的初始223個鑽孔,鑽孔長度爲23,116.55米,以及SEDAR+上報告的191個通道樣本,其中95.67萬個(Earnest & Lechner,2016年)。目前的資源估計包括2020年至2022年期間的70個新鑽孔,總共增加了10,247萬個。此更新基於米拉索爾資源公司提供的地質模型。

Figure 1: The Location of the Nine Defined Vein-Breccia Hosted Silver Deposits including the Six New Pits in the Current Resource Estimate. Other Highly Prospective Vein Zones to be Drill Tested are also shown

圖 1:九個已定義礦脈角礫岩儲存的銀礦牀的位置,包括當前資源估算中的六個新礦坑。還顯示了其他有待鑽探測試的高前景靜脈區域

The Mineral Resources estimate is constrained to pit shells (optimized using the Lerchs-Grossman algorithm) using parameters outlined in Table 2 below.

使用下表 2 中概述的參數,礦產資源估算僅限於礦殼(使用 Lerchs-Grossman 算法進行優化)。

Table 2: Conceptual Pit Parameters

表 2:概念礦坑參數

Parameter Value
ORE: 1 (Vein/Breccia)
Silver price (US$/oz) 25
Silver recovery (%) 80
Mining cost (US$/tonne) 5
G&A cost (US$/tonne) 30
G&A cost (US$/tonne) 4
Pit slope angle (degrees) 50
ORE: 2-3 (Halo/Undefined)
Silver recovery (%) 22
參數 價值
白銀價格(美元/盎司) 25
白銀回收率 (%) 80
採礦成本(美元/噸) 5
併購成本(美元/噸) 30
併購成本(美元/噸) 4
礦坑斜度角度(度) 50
白銀回收率 (%) 22

Table 3: Mirasol Virginia Silver Project Resource Statement including the Halo/Undefined Zone

表 3:Mirasol 弗吉尼亞白銀項目資源聲明,包括 Halo/Undefined 區域

Category Tonnes
Silver Grade
Contained Metal Silver Oz (000)
Indicated 1,016 357 11,659
Inferred 1,370 190 8,389
所含金屬銀盎司 (000)
已指明 1,016 357 11,659
推斷 1,370 190 8,389

In the Halo/Undefined zone with a recovery of 22%, the Resource pit declared in this report uses the conceptual pit parameters, assuming that the Halo/Undefined silver mineralization can be recovered with a cut-off grade greater than or equal to 250 g/t silver, increasing the Inferred Resource by 0.5 million ounces to 8.4 million ounces.

在回收率爲22%的Halo/Undefined區域,本報告中申報的資源礦使用概念礦坑參數,假設Halo/Undefined銀礦化可以在截止品位大於或等於250 g/t銀的情況下回收,從而將推斷資源增加50萬盎司至840萬盎司。

These Halo/Undefined Inferred Resources primarily exist adjacent to the Vein/Breccia bodies in form of a halo, supporting the importance to continue metallurgical testing to increase the confidence of the Virgina Resource and to evaluate the metallurgical behavior in the recovery of silver across the Deposit.


The Company has filed an independent technical report prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), "NI 43-101 Technical Report and Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the Virginia Silver Project in Santa Cruz Province, Argentina", with the effective date of 30 October 2023, supporting an increase to the Resource on and the report can be found on the Company's website at

該公司已提交了根據國家儀器43-101——礦產項目披露標準(“NI 43-101”)、“阿根廷聖克魯斯省弗吉尼亞白銀項目NI 43-101技術報告和最新礦產資源估算” 編寫的獨立技術報告,生效日期爲2023年10月30日,支持增加資源,該報告可在公司網站上找到

The updated mineral resource estimate was completed by Julio B. Novillo, Ph.D., PGeo., Principal Geologist, and José A. Bassan, MSc., PGeo., Principal Geologist, located in Rio Negro and Córdoba, Argentina respectively and both are Directors of Patagonia GEOSCIENCES. They are both Independent Qualified Persons' as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standard Disclosure for Mineral Projects who reviewed and validated the resource model previously prepared (original Virginia Mineral Resource Report dated January 23, 2015 and the Amended Resource Report dated February 29, 2016). The resource estimates were prepared following with the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) Estimation of Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Best Practice Guidelines (CIM, 2019) and reported in accordance with the CIM Definition Standards for Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves (CIM Definition Standards, 2014).

最新的礦產資源估算由首席地質學家胡利奧·諾維洛博士和分別位於阿根廷里奧內格羅和科爾多瓦的首席地質學家何塞·巴桑完成,他們都是巴塔哥尼亞地球科學的主任。根據National Instrument 43-101礦產項目標準披露的定義,他們都是獨立合格人士,他們審查並驗證了先前編制的資源模型(2015年1月23日弗吉尼亞礦產資源報告和2016年2月29日的修訂資源報告)。資源估算是根據加拿大礦業、冶金和石油學會(CIM)《礦產資源和礦產儲量估算最佳實踐指南》(CIM,2019年)編制的,並根據CIM礦產資源和礦產儲量定義標準(CIM定義標準,2014年)進行報告。

Exploration Potential Beyond the Defined Resource to Expand Mineralized Footprint


Future drilling at Virginia will focus on increasing the inferred silver resources. The potential exists to increase the overall deposit by continuing to drill along strike and at depth of the silver veins included in the current resource.


In addition, Mirasol's plans to advance exploration of new and proximal vein prospects, which are already known to host high-grade silver from previously collected surface samples (news release dated May 10, 2018). These new vein occurrences located within close proximity to the east, south and north with limited or no drilling are considered to have the highest potential to add significantly to the Inferred Resource. and are. Focused geological mapping, detailed geochemical sampling and geophysics will guide future drilling for the potential discovery of new mineralized zones.


Metallurgical Testing to Integrate Significant Surrounding Halo Mineralization


Halo/Undefined mineralization adjacent to Virginia's veins-breccias, which host the current Resource, represent a significant volume of material with an average grade of 55 g/t silver. This Halo/undefined silver mineralization with low recoveries from the initial metallurgical test work completed to date (≤22%). However, because of the significant volume of this Halo/Undefined material metallurgical testing looking to improve and increase the silver recoveries is currently ongoing with the goal of developing a suitable processing method for this material.

與當前資源所在的弗吉尼亞礦脈-角礫岩相鄰的光環/未定義礦化區代表了大量的礦物,平均品位爲55 g/t銀。從迄今爲止完成的初始冶金測試工作中,這種Halo/未定義的銀礦化回收率很低(≤22%)。但是,由於這種Halo/Undefined材料的冶金測試量很大,旨在改善和提高銀回收率的冶金測試目前正在進行中,目標是爲這種材料開發一種合適的加工方法。

Technical Reports Notes


The original Mineral Resources referenced in this press release regarding the Virginia Project refers to the technical report: "Virginia Project, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina - Initial Silver Mineral Resource Estimate", with an effective date of January 23, 2015, and authored by Donald F. Earnest P. Geo. (Independent Qualified Person) and Michael J. Lechner, P.Geo. (Independent Qualified Person).


The amended Mineral Resources referenced in this press release regarding the Virginia Project refers to the technical report: "Amended Technical Report, Virginia Project, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina - Initial Silver Mineral Resource Estimate", with an effective date of February 29, 2016, and authored by Donald F. Earnest P. Geo. (Independent Qualified Person) and Michael J. Lechner, P.Geo. (Independent Qualified Person).


About Mirasol Resources Ltd

關於 Mirasol 資源有限公司

Mirasol is a well-funded exploration company with 19 years of operating, permitting and community relations experience in the mineral rich regions of Chile and Argentina. Mirasol is currently self-funding exploration at two flagship projects, Sobek and Inca, both located in Chile and controls 100% of the high-grade Virginia Silver Deposit in Argentina. Mirasol also continues to advance a strong pipeline of highly prospective early and mid-stage projects.


For further information, contact:
Tim Heenan, President
Troy Shultz, Vice President Investor Relations


Tel: +1 (604) 602-9989

電話:+1 (604) 602-9989

QAQC: Mirasol applies industry-standard exploration sampling methodologies and techniques. All geochemical rock and drill samples are collected under the supervision of the company's geologists following industry practice. Geochemical assays are obtained and reported under a quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program with insertions of controls (standards, blanks and duplicates, representing 5%, 4% and 5% of the samples, respectively).


Drill composites were calculated using a cut-off of 65 g/t Ag. Drill intersections are reported as true thicknesses. Drill samples were assayed by Alex Stewart Laboratories ALS Limited in Mendoza, Argentina, which complies with certification ISO 9001:2015 and accreditation ISO 17025:2017, for silver by Fire Assay of a 30-gram (1 assay ton) charge with an AA finish, or if over 100 g/t Ag were re-assayed and completed with a gravimetric finish. For these samples, the gravimetric data were utilized in calculating silver intersections.

鑽孔複合材料是使用65 g/t Ag的臨界值計算得出的。鑽頭交叉口報告爲真實厚度。位於阿根廷門多薩的亞歷克斯·斯圖爾特實驗室ALS有限公司對鑽井樣本進行了檢測,該實驗室符合ISO 9001:2015 認證和ISO 17025:2017 認證,對30克(1化驗噸)電荷進行銀質化驗,表面處理爲AA,或者如果重測的銀含量超過100 g/t,則採用重量法完成。對於這些樣品,使用重量數據來計算銀的交叉點。

Fire Assay analyzes samples for both Au and Ag and also by ICP MS, including a package of 48 elements.

Fire Assay可以分析樣品中的金和銀,也可以通過ICP MS進行分析,包括一包48種元素。

Drill core samples have an average 1.2m length before composite and 1.9m in length after composite of Vein/Breccia and Halo/Undefined, and the core diameter is generally HQ/HQ3. The samples are delivered to the laboratory by Mirasol personnel, a private courier, or a dedicated laboratory pick-up service.

鑽芯樣品在複合之前的平均長度爲 1.2m,合成靜脈/角礫岩和 Halo/Undefined 後的平均長度爲 1.9m,岩心直徑通常爲 HQ/HQ3。樣本由Mirasol工作人員、私人快遞或專門的實驗室提貨服務運送到實驗室。

Qualified Person Statement: Mirasol's disclosure of technical and scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Tim Heenan (MAIG), the President for the Company, who serves as a Qualified Person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

合格人員聲明:Mirasol在本新聞稿中披露的技術和科學信息已經過公司總裁蒂姆·希南(MAIG)的審查和批准,根據National Instrument 43-101的定義,他是合格人士。

Forward Looking Statements: The information in this news release contains forward looking statements that are subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in our forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences include: changes in world commodity markets, equity markets, costs and supply of materials relevant to the mining industry, change in government and changes to regulations affecting the mining industry and to policies linked to pandemics, social and environmental related matters. Forward-looking statements in this release include statements regarding future exploration programs, operation plans, geological interpretations, mineral tenure issues and mineral recovery processes. Although we believe the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, results may vary, and we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Mirasol disclaims any obligations to update or revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required by applicable law.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


声明:本內容僅用作提供資訊及教育之目的,不構成對任何特定投資或投資策略的推薦或認可。 更多信息