
Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. Updated Mineral Resource Estimate at South Mountain Project Shows a Substantial Increase.

Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. Updated Mineral Resource Estimate at South Mountain Project Shows a Substantial Increase.

Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc.最新的南山項目礦產資源估算值顯示大幅增加。
newsfile ·  2023/11/13 10:48
  • 7.7% increase to the Measured & Indicated tonnage, including a significant increase in zinc, silver, gold, and copper.
  • 15.1% increase in the Inferred tonnage, including a 14% increase in zinc and silver.
  • The DMEA Zone extended an additional 250 feet.
  • 測量和指示噸位增加7.7%,包括鋅、銀、金和銅的顯著增加。
  • 推斷噸位增加了15.1%,包括鋅和銀增加了14%。
  • DMEA 區域又延伸了 250 英尺。

Boise, Idaho, and Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 13, 2023) - Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. (OTCQB: THMG) (TSXV: THM), (the "Company" or "THMG") is pleased to report an updated Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") incorporating results from surface diamond drilling program conducting in 2021 at the South Mountain Project ("South Mountain" or "South Mountain Project" or the "Property") in southwestern Idaho, U.S.A. The updated MRE includes an increased resource for the Project while maintaining the high-grade mineralization.

愛達荷州博伊西和不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月13日)——雷山黃金公司(OTCQB:THMG)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:THM)(“公司” 或 “THMG”)欣然報告最新的礦產資源估算(“MRE”),其中納入了2021年在南山項目(“南山” 或 “南山項目”)進行的地表鑽石鑽探項目的結果 “財產”)位於美國愛達荷州西南部。更新後的 MRE 包括爲該項目增加資源,同時保持高品位礦化。

The updated Independent MRE, which has an effective date of October 16, 2023, was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI-43-101") by Hard Rock Consulting, LLC, based in the U.S.A. More details are included in Table 1 below. A technical report for this MRE will be filed with SEDAR, and on the Company's website, within 45 days from the date of this news release.

更新後的獨立地雷風險評估的生效日期爲2023年10月16日,由總部位於美國的Hard Rock Consulting, LLC根據國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準(“NI-43-101”)編寫。更多細節包含在下表1中。本MRE的技術報告將在本新聞發佈之日起45天內向SEDAR提交併在公司網站上提交。



  • Measured & Indicated ("M&I"): 223,000 tons grading 9.02% Zinc ("Zn"), 4.27 ounces per ton ("opt") Silver ("Ag"), 0.059 opt Gold ("Au"), 0.64% Copper ("Cu"), and 0.94% Lead ("Pb").
  • This represents a 7.7% increase to the M&I tonnage from the previous 2021 MRE, with a 18.82% Zn equivalent grade ("ZnEq"), or a 20.55opt Ag equivalent grade ("AgEq")
  • Inferred: 959,000 tons grading 7.56% Zn (14% increase in Zn lbs), 5.67 opt Ag (14.10% increase in Ag ounces), 0.037 opt Au (3.3% increase in Au ounces), 0.80% Cu (14.5% increase in Cu lbs), and 1.06% Pb (25.4% increase in Pb lbs).
  • This represents a 15.1% increase in the Inferred tonnage from the previous 2021 MRE with an 17.2% ZnEq or a 19.30 opt AgEq.
  • The DMEA Zone in the model was extended an additional 250 feet down dip and remains open.
  • 測量與指示(“M&I”): 223,000 噸鋅(“鋅”)品位爲 9.02%,每噸(“可選”)銀(“銀”)品位爲 0.059 盎司(“金”),0.059 精選金(“金”),銅(“銅”)0.64%,鉛(“鉛”)0.94%。
  • 這意味着M&I噸位比之前的2021年MRE增加了7.7%,其中鋅當量品位(“ZneQ”)爲18.82%,銀當量品位(“AgeQ”)爲20.55opt Ag當量品位(“AgeQ”)
  • 推斷: 959,000 噸鋅品位增加 7.56%(鋅磅增加 14%)、5.67 opt Ag(銀盎司增加 14.10%)、0.037 opt Au(金盎司增加 3.3%)、銅 0.80%(銅磅增加 14.5%)和 1.06% Pb(鉛磅增加 25.4%)。
  • 這意味着推斷噸位比之前的2021年MRE增長了15.1%,ZneQ爲17.2%,AgeQ爲19.30%。
  • 模型中的 DMEA 區域向下延伸了 250 英尺,並且仍然處於開放狀態。

Eric T. Jones, President and CEO of Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. commented, "We are pleasantly surprised by the results of the revised MRE. These deep surface core holes placed to determine the downdip potential of the mineralization had a dramatic positive effect on our resource. We are currently publishing the revised 43-101 in the coming weeks with our independent engineering firm - Hard Rock Consulting, LLC. This new data supports previously reported results confirming the continuation of the DMEA zone extending down-plunge, and that it continues to remain open at depth. Our experience tells us that South Mountain has the potential to be one of the lowest cost producers of zinc, silver, and gold in north America".

Thunder Mountain Gold Inc.總裁兼首席執行官埃裏克·瓊斯評論說:“修訂後的MRE的結果令我們感到驚喜。這些爲確定礦化的向下傾潛力而放置的深層地表岩心孔對我們的資源產生了巨大的積極影響。我們目前將在未來幾周內與我們的獨立工程公司Hard Rock Consulting, LLC一起發佈修訂後的43-101。這些新數據支持了先前報告的結果,證實了DMEA區域繼續向下暴跌,並且繼續保持深度開放。我們的經驗告訴我們,南山有可能成爲北美成本最低的鋅、銀和黃金生產商之一”。



This latest round of drilling completed during the late fall of 2021 proves the continuation of the down plunge extension of the DMEA zone at depth. This zone remains open in both directions. All the of the drill results have now been in incorporated into the updated MRE for the South Mountain deposit. The increase in Measured and Indicated tons are the result of updated metal prices and mining costs. Surface drilling completed in 2021 accounts for approximately 8% of the increase in Inferred tons, while the remaining 7% increase is due to updated metal prices and mining costs.

最新一輪鑽探於2021年秋末完成,證明了DMEA區域在深度向下延伸的延續。該區域保持雙向開放。所有鑽探結果現已納入南山礦牀更新後的MRE中。實測和指示噸數的增加是金屬價格和採礦成本更新的結果。2021 年完成的露天鑽探約佔推斷噸位增長量的 8%,其餘 7% 的增長歸因於最新的金屬價格和採礦成本。

Table 1 below provides the Mineral Resource Statement for the Project in U.S. units with details of the modelling methodology and cut-off grades applied to the mineral resource. Figure 1 illustrates the principal areas where the South Mountain deposit has been expanded from the historical MRE that was completed in 2021. The historical Technical Report for the Mineral Resource Estimate for the South Mountain Project Owyhee County, Idaho USA Report Date: June 15, 2021 - is filed on SEDAR.

下表1提供了以美國單位表示的項目礦產資源報表,詳細說明了適用於礦產資源的建模方法和臨界等級。圖 1 說明了南山礦牀在 2021 年完工的歷史地震勘探基礎上擴建的主要區域。美國愛達荷州奧威希縣南山項目礦產資源估算曆史技術報告報告日期:2021年6月15日——已在SEDAR上提交。

Table 1. South Mountain Mineral Resource Statement (U.S. Units)

表 1.南山礦產資源聲明(美製單位)

Metallurgical Domain Massive Sulfide Type
Classification Measured Indicated Measured + Indicated Inferred
Short Tons 54,000 122,000 176,000 868,000
NSR ($/sh. Ton) 343.35 370.05 361.92 307.62
Zinc (%) 11.51 11.15 11.26 8.25
Zinc (lb.) 12,300,000 27,300,000 39,600,000 143,200,000
Silver (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 3.62 4.74 4.39 5.96
Silver (t. oz) 194,000 580,000 774,000 5,177,000
Gold (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 0.070 0.074 0.073 0.040
Gold (t. oz) 3,800 9,100 12,900 34,700
Copper (%) 0.45 0.55 0.52 0.74
Copper (lb.) 500,000 1,300,000 1,800,000 12,800,000
Lead (%) 0.79 1.32 1.16 1.16
Lead (lb.) 850,000 3,240,000 4,080,000 20,200,000
ZnEq (%) 19.54 20.93 20.51 17.69
ZnEq (lb.) 20,900,000 51,200,000 72,200,000 307,200,000
Metallurgical Domain Skarn Type
Classification Measured Indicated Measured + Indicated Inferred
Short Tons 15,000 32,000 47,000 91,000
NSR ($/sh. Ton) 196.71 149.31 164.73 166.76
Zinc (%) 0.99 0.44 0.62 1.02
Zinc (lb.) 300,000 300,000 600,000 1,900,000
Silver (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 4.61 3.44 3.82 2.86
Silver (oz/ sh. Ton) 70,000 109,000 179,000 261,000
Gold (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 0.017 0.005 0.009 0.005
Gold (oz/ sh. Ton) 300 100 400 400
Copper (%) 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.41
Copper (lb.) 300,000 700,000 1,000,000 2,600,000
Lead (%) 0.27 0.07 0.13 0.04
Lead (lb.) 80,000 40,000 120,000 70,000
ZnEq (%) 14.83 11.38 12.50 12.65
ZnEq (lb.) 4,500,000 7,200,000 11,700,000 23,100,000
Metallurgical Domain Total
Classification Measured Indicated Measured + Indicated Inferred
Short Tons 69,000 154,000 223,000 959,000
NSR ($/sh. Ton) 310.88 324.73 320.46 294.21
Zinc (%) 9.18 8.95 9.02 7.56
Zinc (lb.) 12,600,000 27,600,000 40,200,000 145,000,000
Silver (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 3.84 4.47 4.27 5.67
Silver (oz/ sh. Ton) 264,000 688,000 953,000 5,438,000
Gold (t. oz/ sh. Ton) 0.058 0.060 0.059 0.037
Gold (oz/ sh. Ton) 4,000 9,300 13,300 35,200
Copper (%) 0.60 0.66 0.64 0.80
Copper (lb.) 800,000 2,000,000 2,900,000 15,400,000
Lead (%) 0.67 1.06 0.94 1.06
Lead (lb.) 930,000 3,280,000 4,210,000 20,270,000
ZnEq (%) 18.50 18.97 18.82 17.21
ZnEq (lb.) 25,500,000 58,400,000 83,900,000 330,300,000
冶金領域 大量硫化物類型
分類 已測量 已指明 已測量 + 已指示 推斷
短噸 54,000 122,000 176,000 868,000
NSR ($/sh。噸) 343.35 370.05 361.92 307.62
鋅 (%) 11.51 11.15 11.26 8.25
鋅(磅) 12,300,000 27,300,000 39,600,000 143,200,000
銀(噸盎司/英寸噸) 3.62 4.74 4.39 5.96
銀(噸盎司) 194,000 580,000 774,000 5,177,000
黃金(噸 oz/sh.噸) 0.070 0.074 0.073 0.040
黃金(噸盎司) 3,800 9,100 12,900 34,700
銅 (%) 0.45 0.55 0.52 0.74
銅(磅) 50 萬 1,300,000 1,800,000 12,800,000
鉛 (%) 0.79 1.32 1.16 1.16
鉛(磅) 850,000 3240,000 4,080,000 20,200,000
zneQ (%) 19.54 20.93 20.51 17.69
zneQ(磅) 20,900,000 51,200,000 72,200,000 307,200,000
冶金領域 Skarn 類型
分類 已測量 已指明 已測量 + 已指示 推斷
短噸 15000 32,000 47,000 91,000
NSR ($/sh。噸) 196.71 149.31 164.73 166.76
鋅 (%) 0.99 0.44 0.62 1.02
鋅(磅) 300 300 60萬 1,900,000
銀(噸盎司/英寸噸) 4.61 3.44 3.82 2.86
銀(盎司/英寸)噸) 7000 109,000 179,000 261,000
黃金(噸 oz/sh.噸) 0.017 0.005 0.009 0.005
黃金(盎司/sh.噸) 300 100 400 400
銅 (%) 1.12 1.12 1.12 1.41
銅(磅) 300 700,000 1,000,000 2,600,000
鉛 (%) 0.27 0.07 0.13 0.04
鉛(磅) 8000 40,0000 12萬 7000
zneQ (%) 14.83 11.38 12.50 12.65
zneQ(磅) 4500,000 7200,000 11,700,000 23,100,000
冶金領域 總計
分類 已測量 已指明 已測量 + 已指示 推斷
短噸 69,000 154,000 223,000 959,000
NSR ($/sh。噸) 310.88 324.73 320.46 294.21
鋅 (%) 9.18 8.95 9.02 7.56
鋅(磅) 12600,000 27,600,000 40,200,000 145,000,000
銀(噸盎司/英寸噸) 3.84 4.47 4.27 5.67
銀(盎司/英寸)噸) 264,000 688,000 95.3萬 5,438,000
黃金(噸 oz/sh.噸) 0.058 0.060 0.059 0.037
黃金(盎司/sh.噸) 4,000 9,300 13,300 35,200
銅 (%) 0.60 0.66 0.64 0.80
銅(磅) 800,000 2,000,000 2,900,000 15,400,000
鉛 (%) 0.67 1.06 0.94 1.06
鉛(磅) 930,000 3,280,000 4,210,000 20,270,000
zneQ (%) 18.50 18.97 18.82 17.21
zneQ(磅) 25,500,000 58,400,000 83,900,000 330,300,000
  1. The effective date of the mineral resource estimate is October 16, 2023. The QP for the estimate Mr. Richard A. Schwering, SME-RM, P.G., of Hard Rock Consulting, LLC. is independent of South Mountain Mining, LLC.
  2. Mineral resources are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability such as diluting materials and allowances for losses that may occur when material is mined or extracted; or modifying factors including but not restricted to mining, processing, metallurgical, infrastructure, economic, marketing, legal, environmental, social and governmental factors.
  3. Inferred mineral resources are part of a mineral resource for which the grade or quality are estimated on the basis of limited geological evidence and sampling. Inferred mineral resources do not have demonstrated economic viability and may not be converted to mineral reserves. It is reasonably expected, though not guaranteed, that the majority of Inferred mineral resources could be upgraded to Indicated mineral resources with continued exploration.
  4. The mineral resource is reported at an underground mining cut-off of $97.50 U.S. Net Smelter Return ("NSR") within coherent wireframe models. The NSR calculation and cut-off is based on the following assumptions: an Au price of $1,800/oz, a Ag price of $23.50/oz, a Pb price of $1.00/lb., a Zn price of $1.35/lb. and a Cu price of $4.00/lb.; Massive Sulfide type metallurgical recoveries and payables of 52.25% for Au, 71.25% for Ag, 71.40% for Zn, 66.50% for Pb, and 49.00% for Cu and a total smelter cost of $33.29; Skarn type metallurgical recoveries and payables of 71.25% for Au, 80.75% for Ag, 51.00% for Zn, 47.50% for Pb, and 87.70% for Cu and a smelter cost of $7.24; assumed mining cost of $65/ton, process costs of $25/ton, general and administrative costs of $7.50/ton. Based on the stated prices and recoveries the NSR formula is calculated as follows; NSR = (Ag grade * Ag price * Ag Recovery and Payable) + (Au grade * Au price * Au Recovery and Payable) + (Pb grade * 20 * Pb Price * Pb Recovery and Payable) + (Cu grade * 20 * Cu Price * Cu Recovery and Payable) + (Zn grade * 20 * Zn Price * Zn Recovery and Payable) for each metallurgical domain. The zinc equivalent grades were calculated as Zn Grade + (((Pb Price * Pb Recovery and Payable) / (Zn Price*Zn Recovery and Payable)) * Pb Grade) + (((Cu Price * Cu Recovery and Payable) / (Zn Price * Zn Recovery and Payable)) * Cu Grade) + (((Ag Price * Ag Recovery and Payable) / (Zn Price * 20 * Zn Recovery and Payable)) * Ag Grade) + (((Au Price * Au Recovery and Payable) / (Zn Price * 20 * Zn Recovery and Payable)) * Au Grade) for each metallurgical domain.
  5. Rounding may result in apparent differences when summing tons, grade and contained metal content. Tonnage and grade are in U.S. Customary units.
  1. 礦產資源估算的生效日期爲2023年10月16日。Hard Rock Consulting, LLC.,SME-RM,P.G. Richard A. Schwering先生的估算合格人獨立於南山礦業有限責任公司。
  2. 礦產資源不是礦產儲量,沒有顯示出經濟可行性,例如稀釋材料和抵消開採或開採材料時可能發生的損失;或修改因素,包括但不限於採礦、加工、冶金、基礎設施、經濟、營銷、法律、環境、社會和政府因素。
  3. 推斷的礦產資源是礦產資源的一部分,其品位或質量是根據有限的地質證據和抽樣估算的。推斷的礦產資源沒有顯示出經濟可行性,因此不得轉化爲礦產儲量。有理由預計,通過持續勘探,大多數推斷礦產資源可以升級爲指示礦產資源,但不能保證。
  4. 據報道,在連貫的線框模型中,礦產資源的地下采礦截止點爲97.50美元的熔鍊廠淨回報率(“NSR”)。NSR的計算和截止值基於以下假設:金價爲1,800美元/盎司,銀價格爲23.50美元/盎司,鉛價格爲1.00美元/磅,鋅價格爲1.35美元/磅,銅價格爲4.00美元/磅;金的大規模硫化物類冶金回收率和應付賬款爲52.25%,銀爲71.25%,鋅爲71.40%,61.40% 鉛爲6.50%,銅爲49.00%,熔鍊廠總成本爲33.29美元;錫卡恩型冶金回收率和應付賬款爲71.25%,銀爲80.75%,鋅爲51.00%,鉛爲47.50%,銅爲87.70%,冶煉廠成本爲7.24美元;假設採礦成本爲65美元/噸,加工成本爲25美元/噸,一般和管理費用爲7.50美元/噸。根據規定的價格和回收率,NSR 計算公式如下:NSR =(Ag 等級 * Ag 價格 * Ag 回收和應付賬款)+(金級 * Au 價格 * Au 回收和應付款)+(Pb 等級 * 20 * Pb 價格 * Pb 回收和應付款)+(銅等級 * 20 * 鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款)+(銅品位 * 20 * 鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款)+(銅品位 * 20 * 鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款)+(銅品位 * 20 * 鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款)+(銅品位 * 20 * 鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款)冶金領域。鋅當量等級計算方法爲:鋅等級 +(((鉛價格 * 鉛回收和應付款)/(鋅價格*鋅回收和應付款))* 鉛等級)+(((銅價格 * 銅回收和應付款)/(鋅價格 * 鋅回收和應付款))* 銅品位)+(((銀價 * Ag 回收和應付款))* Ag 等級)+(((金價格 * 金回收和應付款)/(鋅價格 * 20 * 鋅回收和應付款))* 金等級)(每個冶金域)。
  5. 四捨五入在計算噸數、等級和所含金屬含量時可能會產生明顯的差異。噸位和等級採用美國慣用單位。

Figure 1: 3D Perspective view inclined 200 looking north-north-east, indicating the areas of the expanded mineral resource, with zones that are open.

圖 1:傾斜 20 的 3D 透視圖0 向東北方向看,表示礦產資源擴大的區域,區域是開放的。

Qualified Person Statement for the Mineral Resource Estimate


Mr. Richard A. Schwering, P.G., SME-RM, a Resource Geologist with Hard Rock Consulting, LLC, is responsible for the South Mountain Project Mineral Resource Estimate with an effective date of October 16, 2023. Mr. Schwering is a Qualified Person as defined by NI43-101 and is independent of Thunder Mountain Gold Inc., and South Mountain Mines, Inc. Mr. Schwering estimated the mineral resources based on drill hole and channel sample data constrained by geologic boundaries using an Ordinary Krige algorithm. The Geologic Model and Mineral Resource Estimate were completed using Leapfrog Geo Software version 2023.1.1. Hard Rock Consulting also completed the previous resource estimate.

Hard Rock Consulting, LLC的資源地質學家Richard A. Schwering先生,P.G.,SME-RM,負責南山項目礦產資源估算,其生效日期爲2023年10月16日。Schwering 先生是 NI43-101 定義的合格人員,獨立於 Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. 和 South Mountain Mines, Inc.。施韋林先生使用普通克里格算法,根據受地質邊界限制的鑽孔和通道樣本數據估算了礦產資源。地質模型和礦產資源估算是使用Leapfrog Geo軟件版本2023.1.1完成的。Hard Rock Consulting還完成了先前的資源估算。



The Company also reminds shareholders of its upcoming annual meeting on December 6, 2023, at 12 pm Mountain time. Call-in and participation instructions can be found on the Company website at .




The project employs a rigorous QC/QA program that includes blanks, duplicates, and appropriate certified standard reference material. All samples are introduced into the sample stream prior to sample handling/crushing to monitor analytical accuracy and precision. The insertion rate for the combined QA/QC samples is 10 percent or more depending upon batch sizes. ALS Global completed the analytical work with the core samples processed at their preparation facility in Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. All analytical and assay procedures are conducted in the ALS facility in North Vancouver, BC. The samples are processed by the following methods as appropriate to determine the grades; Au-AA23-Au 30g fire assay with AA finish, ME-ICP61-33 element four acid digest with ICP-AES finish, ME-OG62-ore grade elements, four acid with ICP-AES finish, Pb-OG62-ore grade Pb, four acid with ICP-AES finish, Zn-OG62-ore grade Zn, four acid digestion with ICP-AES finish, Ag-GRA21-Ag 30g fire assay with gravimetric finish.

該項目採用了嚴格的質量控制/質量保證計劃,其中包括空白、重複項和相應的認證標準參考資料。在樣品處理/粉碎之前,將所有樣品引入樣品流,以監測分析的準確性和精度。合併的 QA/QC 樣本的插入率爲 10% 或以上,具體取決於批次大小。ALS Global在其位於美國內華達州里諾的製備設施完成了核心樣本的分析工作。所有分析和化驗程序均在不列顛哥倫比亞省北溫哥華的ALS設施中進行。樣品通過以下適當方法進行處理以確定等級:AU-AA23-AU 30g 火試驗,AA 表面處理,ME-ICP61-33 元素四酸消解法,ICP-AES 表面處理的四種酸,ICP-AES 表面處理的四種酸,Pb-OG62 礦石級鉛,四種帶有 ICP-AES 表面處理的酸,Zn-OG62 礦石級鋅,ICP-AES 表面處理的四種酸,AG-AES 表面處理的四種酸 Gra21-Ag 30g 火焰試驗,採用重量法完成。

The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Richard A. Schwering, SME-RM, P.G., Principal Resource Geologist, Hard Rock Consulting, LLC a "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 standards.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由美國國家儀器43-101標準定義的 “合格人員”,SME-RM,P.G.,Hard Rock Consulting, LLC首席資源地質學家理查德·施韋林的審查和批准。

The South Mountain Project


The South Mountain Mine is a polymetallic development project focused on high-grade zinc, silver, gold, and copper, and is located approximately 70 miles southwest of Boise, Idaho (See Figure 2). The Project was intermittently mined from the late 1800s to the late 1960s and its existing underground workings remain intact and well maintained. Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. purchased and advanced the project from 2007 through 2022, with expenditures into the project of approximately US$20 million. Historic production at the Project has largely come from high-grade massive sulfide bodies that remain open at depth and along strike. According to historical smelter records, approximately 53,642 tons of mineralized material has been mined to date. These records also indicate average grades; 14.5% Zn, 10.6 o.p.t. Ag (363.42 g/t Ag), 0.058 o.p.t. Au (1.98 g/t Au), 1.4% Cu, and 2.4% Pb were realized (See NI 43-101 Technical Report: Updated Mineral Resource Estimate for the South Mountain Project, dated June 15, 2021, Section 6.4 - Table 6-3 for more details. Available on the Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. website and at ).

南山礦是一個多金屬開發項目,專注於高品位鋅、銀、金和銅,位於愛達荷州博伊西西南約70英里處(見圖 2)。從1800年代末到1960年代末,該項目斷斷續續地開採,其現有的地下作業完好無損,維護良好。從2007年到2022年,Thunder Mountain Gold Inc.收購併推進了該項目,該項目的支出約爲2000萬美元。該項目的歷史產量主要來自於高品位的塊狀硫化物體,這些礦體在深度和走向沿線保持開放狀態。根據冶煉廠的歷史記錄,迄今爲止已經開採了大約53,642噸礦化材料。這些記錄還顯示平均成績; 14.5% 鋅,10.6 o.p.t. Ag(363.42 g/t Ag),0.058 o.p.t. Au1.98 g/t Au)、1.4% 的銅和 2.4% 的鉛 被實現了 (更多細節參見北愛爾蘭43-101技術報告:南山項目的最新礦產資源估算,2021年6月15日,第6.4節——表6-3。可在 Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. 網站和網址獲得

Figure 2. Location of South Mountain Project

圖 2。南山項目的位置

Regarding Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc.


Thunder Mountain Gold Inc., a junior exploration company founded in 1935, owns interests in base and precious metals projects in the western U.S. The Company's principal asset is The South Mountain Mine, a historic former producer of zinc, silver, gold, lead, and copper, located on private land in Owyhee County Idaho. Thunder Mountain Gold also owns 100% of the Trout Creek Project - a gold exploration project located along the western flank of the Shoshone Mountain Range in the Reese River Valley, adjacent to and surrounded by Nevada Gold Mines, a joint operating agreement between Barrick and Newmont Gold, Inc. private mineral lands. For more information on Thunder Mountain Gold, please visit the Company's website at .

Thunder Mountain Gold Inc. 是一家成立於1935年的初級勘探公司,在美國西部擁有基本金屬和貴金屬項目的權益。該公司的主要資產是位於愛達荷州奧威希縣私人土地上的前鋅、銀、金、鉛和銅的歷史性前生產商。Thunder Mountain Gold還擁有Trout Creek Project的100%股份。Trout Creek項目是一個黃金勘探項目,位於里斯河谷肖肖尼山脈西側,毗鄰內華達金礦並被內華達金礦所包圍,是巴里克和紐蒙特黃金公司的私人礦產地聯合運營協議。有關 Thunder Mountain Gold 的更多信息,請訪問該公司的網站,網址爲。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the beliefs of management and reflect the Company's current expectations. Generally, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates", "believes" or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved" or the negative connotation thereof. The forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions which could change materially in the future. By their nature, forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Investors should refer to THMG's Form 10-K, Form 10-Q reports, for a more detailed discussion of risks that may impact future results. There can be no assurance that forward-looking information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Forward-looking information is provided as of the date of this press release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required in accordance with applicable laws.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,這些陳述基於管理層的信念,反映了公司當前的預期。通常,可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別前瞻性陳述,例如 “計劃”、“期望”、“預期”、“預期”、“估計”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期”、“相信”,或者某些行動、事件或結果 “可能”、“可能” 或 “將要採取” 的詞語和短語或陳述的變體,“發生” 或 “實現” 或其負面含義。前瞻性陳述基於某些假設,這些假設將來可能會發生重大變化。就其性質而言,前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。投資者應參閱THMG的10-K表格,即10-Q表報告,以更詳細地討論可能影響未來業績的風險。無法保證前瞻性信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,投資者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息自本新聞稿發佈之日起提供,除非適用法律有要求,否則公司沒有義務對其進行更新或修改以反映新的事件或情況。

Cautionary Note to Investors


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, please contact:


Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc.


Eric T. Jones
President and Chief Executive Officer
Office: (208) 658-1037

辦公室:(208) 658-1037

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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