
Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. / BlockChain Loyalty Corp. Announces Closing of Definitive Agreement With Hong Kong-based AI-Marketing Firm Touchpoint, Acquiring 12.5%

Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. / BlockChain Loyalty Corp. Announces Closing of Definitive Agreement With Hong Kong-based AI-Marketing Firm Touchpoint, Acquiring 12.5%

Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. /區塊鏈忠誠公司宣佈與總部位於香港的人工智能營銷公司Touchpoint達成最終協議,收購12.5%
Accesswire ·  2023/11/15 09:50

PORTLAND, OR and MONTREAL, QC / ACCESSWIRE / November 15, 2023 / Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. / BlockChain Loyalty Corp. (OTC PINK:BBLC) is pleased to announce the signing of a Definitive Agreement with Sinoex Limited Dba Touchpoint, a Hong-Kong based AI (Artificial-Intelligence) and marketing firm, acquiring 12.5% of Touchpoint on October 20th, 2023. This strategic acquisition is part of BBLC's plans to create recurring organic revenue streams; by not only utilizing the services of Touchpoint's technology to drive sales toward its wholly owned subsidiary True + Luscious; but also offering and recommending its use by other brands that BBLC acquires in the near future. BBLC believes that the possibilities of generating income are threefold and very encouraging. One, being through Touchpoint's existing customers; another, as an increased spotlight by AI-generating advertisements geared at driving traffic and sales towards True + Luscious' website ; and the third via signed contractual agreements with Touchpoint, by its subsidiaries.

俄勒岡州波特蘭和魁北克州蒙特利爾/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 11 月 15 日/Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. /BlockChain Loyalty Corp.(場外交易PINK: BBLC)很高興地宣佈與之簽署最終協議 Sinoex Limited Dba 接觸點,一家總部位於香港的人工智能(人工智能)和營銷公司,於10月20日收購了Touchpoint12.5%的股份第四,2023。此次戰略收購是BBLC創造經常性有機收入來源計劃的一部分;不僅要利用Touchpoint的技術服務來推動其全資子公司True + Luscious的銷售;還建議BBLC在不久的將來收購的其他品牌使用它。BBLC認爲,創收的可能性有三方面,非常令人鼓舞。第一,通過Touchpoint的現有客戶;另一個是通過人工智能生成廣告來增加True + Luscious網站的流量和銷售,越來越受到關注;第三是通過其子公司與Touchpoint簽訂的合同協議。

Transaction terms:


BBLC will pay the value of $730,000.00 in Consideration Shares & cash and will jointly raise capital for Sineox Limited Dba Touchpoint in the amount of $102,000. The Consideration Shares have a per unit value of $0.42 USD. The transaction will be broken down into 3 segments of 5% and 5% in shares, and 2.5% in cash. Each issuance of Consideration Shares and cash payment will take place over the course of 60 days per segment, until the entire 12.5% is acquired. Sinoex Limited Dba Touchpoint shall issue the same number of units to Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. in-order to consummate the purchase.

BBLC 將支付價值 730,000.00 美元 對價股票和現金 並將共同籌集資金 Sineox Limited Dba 接觸點 金額爲10.2萬美元。那個 對價股 每單位價值爲 0.42 美元。該交易將分爲3個部分,分別爲5%和5%的股票以及2.5%的現金。每次發行 對價股 並且將在每個細分市場的60天內進行現金支付,直到全部收購12.5%。 Sinoex Limited Dba 接觸點 將向Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. 發行相同數量的單位以完成收購。

"This is an extremely important acquisition that will bring value to BBLC through AI-powered technology and access to sales channels and methods, used by Touchpoint and their team. This is very exciting" said Joel DeBellefeuille, Chairman & CEO of BBLC.

“這是一項極其重要的收購,它將通過人工智能技術以及Touchpoint及其團隊使用的銷售渠道和方法爲BBLC帶來價值。這太令人興奮了。” BBLC董事長兼首席執行官喬爾·德貝勒費耶說。

Key takeaways include:


  • Synergy in AI Marketing Services: The acquisition of Sinoex by BBLC has the potential to create a synergistic relationship in the field of AI algorithm-based marketing services. Sinoex's expertise in this area can significantly enhance BBLC's capabilities, allowing it to offer advanced marketing solutions to corporations, SMEs, and marketing agencies worldwide.
  • Competitive Advantage: By incorporating the AI marketing tool into the operations of its subsidiary companies, BBLC can gain a competitive edge in the market. The tool's ability to provide marketing intelligence and adapt to dynamic market changes can help BBLC's subsidiaries stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions to maximize their marketing efforts.
  • Financial Strength: The steady stream of cash flow and recurring income generated by Sinoex will contribute to the financial strength of BBLC. This increased financial capability can support BBLC's growth initiatives, such as investing in research and development, expanding into new markets, or acquiring other strategic assets.
  • Global Expansion: Sinoex's addition to BBLC's portfolio aligns with their global business diversification and expansion strategies. With Sinoex's international presence and expertise, BBLC can leverage their resources to expand its operations into new markets and strengthen its position as a global player in the lifestyle industry.
  • 人工智能營銷服務的協同作用:收購 Sinoex by BBLC 有可能在基於人工智能算法的營銷服務領域建立協同關係。 Sinoex's 該領域的專業知識可以顯著增強BBLC的能力,使其能夠爲全球企業、中小企業和營銷機構提供先進的營銷解決方案。
  • 競爭優勢:通過將人工智能營銷工具納入其子公司的運營中,BBLC可以在市場上獲得競爭優勢。該工具提供營銷情報和適應動態市場變化的能力可以幫助BBLC的子公司在競爭中保持領先地位,並做出明智的決策,以最大限度地提高營銷力度。
  • 財務實力:由以下方面產生的穩定現金流和經常性收入 Sinoex 將有助於增強BBLC的財務實力。這種增強的財務能力可以支持BBLC的增長計劃,例如投資研發、向新市場擴張或收購其他戰略資產。
  • 全球擴張: Sinoex's BBLC的投資組合之外還符合其全球業務多元化和擴張戰略。用 Sinoex's 國際影響力和專業知識,BBLC可以利用其資源將其業務擴展到新市場,並鞏固其作爲生活方式行業全球參與者的地位。

About Sinoex Limited Dba Touchpoint

關於 Sinoex Limited Dba Touchpo

Sinoex Limited Dba Touchpoint, headquartered in Hong Kong, is a pioneering company revolutionizing marketing and sales processes to build business intelligence, optimize customer targeting and enhancing business results for business clients around the globe. With advanced data analysis and machine learning capabilities, Touchpoint adopts an omnichannel approach to provide effective, efficient, and accurate solutions.

Sinoex Limited Dba 接觸點總部位於香港,是一家革新營銷和銷售流程的開創性公司,旨在爲全球商業客戶建立商業智能、優化客戶定位和改善業務成果。憑藉先進的數據分析和機器學習功能,Touchpoint 採用全渠道方法來提供有效、高效和準確的解決方案。

About Belle Bonica Luxe Corp.

關於 Belle Bonica Luxe Corp.

Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. OTC: (BBLC) is dedicated to promoting a lifestyle of health, beauty, and wealth; through the acquisition and development of creative & innovative brands catering to luxury markets that are aimed at improving your way of life, while seeking long-term shareholder value. BBLC's promise is to commit to optimizing shareholder value by continuously sourcing un-paralleled revenue generating brands that match the group's 5 pillars of: "No limits. Passionate. Creative. Innovative. Fun"

Belle Bonica Luxe Corp. OTC:(BBLC)致力於通過收購和開發迎合奢侈品市場的創意和創新品牌,旨在改善您的生活方式,同時尋求長期股東價值,從而促進健康、美麗和財富的生活方式。BBLC的承諾是致力於通過持續採購與集團五大支柱相匹配的無與倫比的創收品牌來優化股東價值: “沒有限制。充滿激情。有創意。創新。好玩”

For more information visit:


Joel DeBellefeuille, Chairman & CEO
E. Tel. 1.888.653.1268
To learn more about Joel visit: Investor Relations: Just3 Public Relations E.

Joel DeBelleFeuille,董事長兼首席執行官
E. 電話 1.888.653.1268
要了解有關 Joel 的更多信息,請訪問:投資者關係:Just3 公共關係 E.

This press release may contain certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 27E of the Securities Act of 1934 as well as relevant Canadian securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect management's expectations regarding future business prospects and opportunities. Statements contained in this release that are not historical facts may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict", "potential", "continue", "target" or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are inherently uncertain. Actual performance and results may differ materially from that projected or suggested herein due to certain risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, the ability to obtain financing and regulatory and shareholder approval for anticipated actions.
The Company does not assume any responsibility to update or revise any past statements regarding plans or projections related to any expected future events in cases where such plans or projections have not materialized or developed as previously stated or expected.

本新聞稿可能包含1933年《證券法》第27A條和1934年《證券法》第27E條以及相關的加拿大證券法所指的某些前瞻性陳述。這些陳述與未來事件或未來業績有關,反映了管理層對未來業務前景和機遇的期望。本新聞稿中包含的非歷史事實的陳述可被視爲前瞻性陳述。此類前瞻性陳述反映了管理層當前的信念,並基於管理層目前可用的信息。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述可以通過諸如 “可能”、“將”、“應該”、“預期”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“估計”、“預測”、“潛力”、“繼續”、“目標” 等術語或其他類似術語的否定詞來識別。提醒投資者,前瞻性陳述本質上是不確定的。由於某些風險和不確定性,包括但不限於爲預期行動獲得融資以及監管和股東批准的能力,實際業績和業績可能與本文的預測或建議存在重大差異。

SOURCE: Blockchain Loyalty Corp.


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