
Sun Summit Intersects 0.79 G/t Gold Equivalent Over 41.5 Metres, Including 1.45 G/t Gold Equivalent Over 15.0 Metres at the Buck Project, Central B.C.

Sun Summit Intersects 0.79 G/t Gold Equivalent Over 41.5 Metres, Including 1.45 G/t Gold Equivalent Over 15.0 Metres at the Buck Project, Central B.C.

Sun Summit 在超過 41.5 米處相交 0.79 克/噸的黃金當量,其中包括不列顛哥倫比亞省中部巴克項目超過 15.0 米的 1.45 克/噸黃金當量
newsfile ·  2023/11/16 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - November 16, 2023) - Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) reports the final assay results from its 2023 multi-stage exploration program on the 52,000 hectare Buck Project, central British Columbia. Assay results continue to demonstrate strong expansion potential for both disseminated and high-grade gold, silver, and zinc mineralization along the northwestern and northeastern extents of the Buck Main zone.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年11月16日)——太陽峯礦業公司(TSXV:SMN)(OTCQB:SMREF)報告了其2023年對不列顛哥倫比亞省中部52,000公頃巴克項目的多階段勘探計劃的最終分析結果。化驗結果繼續表明,在巴克主區的西北和東北地區,浸染和高品位的金、銀和鋅礦化都有很強的擴張潛力。



  • Significant mineralization confirms strong grade continuity: Results from the four remaining drill holes show continuity of near-surface gold, silver, and zinc mineralization in areas where previous drilling is sparse:

    • Hole BK23-095 returned 0.44 g/t gold equivalent (AuEq*) over 40.5 metres from 15.0 metres depth, and 0.79 g/t AuEq over 41.5 metres from 173.5 metres depth, including 1.45 g/t AuEq over 15.0 metres;

    • Hole BK23-096 returned 0.78 g/t AuEq over 16.0 metres from a depth of 107 metres, including 5.84 g/t AuEq over 1.5 metres; and 0.84 g/t AuEq over 39.0 metres from a depth of 133.8 metres, including 1.89 g/t AuEq over 12.3 metres;

    • Hole BK23-097 bottomed in mineralization, intersecting 0.5 g/t AuEq over 1.0 metre to the end of the hole;

    • Hole BK23-098 bottomed in 0.76 g/t AuEq over 22.5 metres, suggesting disseminated mineralization increases at untested depths to the northeast.

  • Mineral Resource Estimate to be completed on Buck Main: An initial Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) will be calculated on Buck Main with expected completion in Q1 2024. The MRE will include recent drilling completed at Buck Main with the potential to incorporate additional historic drilling.

  • 顯著的礦化作用證實了很強的品位連續性: 剩餘四個鑽孔的結果顯示,在先前鑽探稀疏的區域,近地表金、銀和鋅礦化是連續的:

    • BK23-095 洞回來了 40.5 米以上 0.44 克/噸黃金當量 (aueQ*) 從 15.0 米深度開始,以及 41.5 米以上 0.79 g/t auEQ 從 173.5 米深度開始,包括 1.45 g/t auEq 超過 15.0 米;

    • BK23-096 洞回來了 在 16.0 米以上,0.78 g/t auEQ 從 107 米的深度開始,包括 1.5 米以上 5.84 g/t auEQ;以及 39.0 米以上 0.84 g/t auEQ 從 133.8 米的深度開始,包括 1.89 g/t auEq 超過 12.3 米;

    • BK23-097 洞在礦化層中觸底,相交 1.0 米以上 0.5 g/t auEQ 到洞的盡頭;

    • BK23-098 洞觸底 0.76 g/t auEQ 超過 22.5 米, 這表明在東北部未經測試的深度浸潤礦化會增加。

  • 礦產資源估算將在 Buck Main 上完成: 初始礦產資源估算(MRE)將在Buck Main上計算,預計將於2024年第一季度完成。MRE將包括最近在Buck Main完成的鑽探,並有可能納入更多的歷史鑽探。

*Gold Equivalent (AuEq) calculations use 3-year trailing metal prices current to end of August 2023 ($1840/oz Au, $23.59/oz Ag and $1.38/lbs Zn) using the equation: AuEq(g/t) = ((Au(g/t)*%recovery*$Au/oz*0.032151)+(Ag(g/t)*%recovery*$Ag/oz*0.032151)+ (Zn%*%recovery*$Zn/lbs*22.0462))/($Au/oz*0.032151). The Company has used conceptual metallurgical recoveries of Au 85%, Ag 65%, and Zn 95% based on assumptions that it believes to be reasonable in the circumstances. There is no guarantee, however, that the actual metal recoveries determined from metallurgical testing will be the same as the conceptual recoveries used to determine the AuEq.

*黃金當量(auEQ)計算使用截至2023年8月底的3年期追蹤金屬價格(1840美元/盎司金,23.59美元/盎司銀和1.38美元/磅鋅),使用公式:auEq(g/t)= ((Au (g/t) *%回收率*$au/oz*0.032151) + (Ag (g/t) *%Recovery*$ag/oz*0.032151) + (zn%*%Recovery*$zn/lbs*22.0462))/($au/oz*0.032151)。該公司根據其認爲在當時情況下合理的假設,使用了金85%、銀65%和鋅95%的概念冶金回收率。但是,無法保證通過冶金測試確定的實際金屬回收率將與用於確定AuEq的概念回收率相同。

"The final set of assay results from the recent drilling at Buck Main continue to demonstrate the strong continuity of mineralization across this large mineralized system and the expansion opportunities that remain to be drilled," stated Sharyn Alexander, Sun Summit's President. "We are very encouraged by all the results from the 13 drill holes completed recently at Buck Main, which successfully intersected both disseminated and high-grade mineralization in new areas that were previously undrilled. These latest results will be incorporated into the geological model and ultimately into the planned Mineral Resource Estimate anticipated for completion in Q1 2024. The consistent broad zones of near-surface mineralization at Buck Main clearly demonstrate the large scale gold, silver, and zinc potential of this target, which remains open in all directions, and the recent drill results strengthen our belief in the value of this asset."

Sun Summit總裁莎琳·亞歷山大表示:“最近在Buck Main鑽探的最後一組化驗結果繼續表明,這個大型礦化系統的礦化作用具有很強的連續性,還有待鑽探的擴張機會。”“最近在Buck Main完成的13個鑽孔的所有結果使我們感到非常鼓舞,這些鑽孔成功地在以前未鑽探的新區域中穿越了浸潤和高品位礦化。這些最新結果將納入地質模型,並最終納入預計於2024年第一季度完成的計劃礦產資源估算。Buck Main持續存在的廣闊近地表礦化區域清楚地表明瞭該目標的大規模金、銀和鋅潛力,該目標仍然向各個方向開放,最近的鑽探結果增強了我們對該資產價值的信心。”

Drill Program Details


The recently completed drill program at the Buck Main target consisted of 3,738 metres over 13 diamond drill holes aimed at testing the lateral and vertical extents of near-surface gold-silver-zinc mineralization, particularly on potential high-grade zones and the limits of mineralization to the north, east, and west (see June 8, 2023 news release). The current known mineralized footprint at Buck Main demonstrates strong near-surface grade continuity and currently measures over 1.1 kilometres in strike length and 700 metres in width.

最近在Buck Main目標完成的鑽探計劃包括13個金剛石鑽孔的3,738米,旨在測試近地表金銀鋅礦化的橫向和垂直範圍,特別是在潛在的高品位區域以及北、東和西的礦化極限(見2023年6月8日新聞稿)。目前已知的Buck Main礦化足跡顯示出很強的近地表品位連續性,目前走向長度超過1.1公里,寬度超過700米。

The first two drill holes from the 2023 drill program indicated that significant mineralization extended laterally to the east and at depth (see September 6, 2023 news release). Highlights included 185.9 metres of 0.66 g/t AuEq, and 20.1 metres of 0.98 g/t AuEq (BK23-087). Seven additional holes confirmed that significant gold, silver, and zinc mineralization extended laterally beyond limits of previous drilling and defined strong depth potential (see October 18, 2023 news release). Highlights included 43.5 metres of 1.26 g/t AuEq in a 100 metre step-out to the northwest (BK23-094). Results from the four holes discussed in this release confirms continuity of near-surface gold, silver, and zinc mineralization in areas where previous drilling is sparse.

2023年鑽探計劃的前兩個鑽孔表明,顯著的礦化作用向東和深度橫向延伸(見2023年9月6日新聞稿)。亮點包括在內 185.9 米爲 0.66 g/t auEq,20.1 米爲 0.98 g/t auEq (BK23-087)。另外七個鑽孔證實,大量的金、銀和鋅礦化作用橫向延伸至先前鑽探的極限,並定義了強大的深度潛力(見2023年10月18日新聞稿)。亮點包括在內 43.5 米的 1.26 g/t auEq 在向西北 100 米處步行 (BK23-094)。本新聞稿中討論的四個鑽孔的結果證實了先前鑽探稀疏地區的近地表金、銀和鋅礦化的連續性。

Holes BK23-095, BK23-096, and BK23-097 were drilled to target the northwestern extent of disseminated mineralization (Figure 1, Table 1). Hole BK23-095 was designed as a deep test of vertical continuity of disseminated gold, silver, and zinc mineralization to the west and an interpreted fault believed host high-grade veining or hydrothermal breccia observed in neighboring holes. Highlights from this hole include 0.44 g/t AuEq over 40.5 metres from near-surface at 15.0 metres depth, and 0.79 g/t AuEq over 41.5 metres from 173.5 metres depth, including 1.45 g/t AuEq over 15.0 metres.

鑽探了 BK23-095、BK23-096 和 BK23-097 孔,目標是浸染礦化的西北範圍(圖 1,表 1)。BK23-095 洞的設計目的是對西部浸染金、銀和鋅礦化的垂直連續性進行深度測試,經解釋的斷層被認爲是鄰近孔洞中觀察到的高品位礦脈或熱液角礫岩的宿主。這個洞的亮點包括 40.5 米以上 0.44 g/t auEQ 從 15.0 米深的近地表出發,以及 41.5 米以上 0.79 g/t auEQ 從 173.5 米深度開始,包括 1.45 g/t auEQ 超過 15.0 米

Hole BK23-096 was designed to target an extension of higher grade disseminated mineralization to the west and the intersection of a projected shallow fault. Highlights include 0.84 g/t AuEq over 15.3 metres from a depth of 80 metres; 0.78 g/t AuEq over 16.0 metres from a depth of 107 metres, including 5.84 g/t AuEq over 1.5 metres; and 0.84 g/t AuEq over 39.0 metres from a depth of 133.8 metres, including 1.89 g/t AuEq over 12.3 metres.

BK23-096 孔的設計目標是將更高品位的浸染礦化向西延伸以及預計的淺層斷層的交匯處。亮點包括 超過 15.3 米的 0.84 g/t auEQ 從 80 米的深度開始; 在 16.0 米以上,0.78 g/t auEQ 從 107 米的深度開始,包括 1.5 米以上 5.84 g/t auEq;39.0 米以上 0.84 g/t auEQ 從 133.8 米的深度開始,包括 1.89 g/t auEQ 超過 12.3 米

Hole BK23-097 was designed as a step out test of higher grade disseminated mineralization to the west of previously drilled holes. Intercepts include 0.52 g/t AuEq over 9.8 metres, with the hole bottoming in 0.50 g/t AuEq (including 28.4 g/t silver) over 1.0 metre, suggesting mineralization increases and improves at untested depths to the northwest.

BK23-097 孔的設計目的是對先前鑽孔以西更高品位的浸染礦化進行逐步測試。截獲包括 0.52 g/t auEQ 超過 9.8 米,洞穴觸底了 1.0 米以上 0.50 g/t auEQ(包括 28.4 g/t 銀),這表明在未經測試的西北深處,礦化程度會增加和改善。

Table 1. Assay Results - West Targets

表 1。化驗結果-西方目標

Hole ID From
BK23-095 15.0 55.5 40.5 0.19 4.8 0.5 0.44
and 78.0 95.3 17.3 0.20 2.3 0.3 0.32
and 173.5 215.0 41.5 0.73 13.2 0.1 0.79
inc 180.5 195.5 15.0 1.34 27.0 0.2 1.45
and 260.0 298.5 38.5 0.17 5.3 0.1 0.24
BK23-096 8.0 37.0 29.0 0.10 2.8 0.3 0.25
and 80.0 95.3 15.3 0.80 4.0 0.2 0.84
inc 80.0 81.5 1.5 4.17 6.8 0.6 3.91
inc 92.3 95.3 3.0 1.91 11.3 0.7 2.07
and 107.0 123.0 16.0 0.77 5.2 0.2 0.78
inc 115.5 117.0 1.5 6.50 14.9 0.4 5.84
and 133.8 172.8 39.0 0.92 3.2 0.1 0.84
inc 156.0 168.3 12.3 2.13 2.1 0.1 1.89
and 184.5 193.8 9.3 0.16 3.6 0 0.18
BK23-097 31.0 35.5 4.5 0.16 2.7 0.4 0.33
and 81.0 87.0 6.0 0.11 1.9 0.3 0.26
and 197.3 207.0 9.8 0.29 6.0 0.5 0.52
and 219.0 220.0 1.0 0.30 28.4 0 0.5
洞 ID 來自

BK23-095 15.0 55.5 40.5 0.19 4.8 0.5 0.44
78.0 95.3 17.3 0.20 2.3 0.3 0.32
173.5 215.0 41.5 0.73 13.2 0.1 0.79
inc 180.5 195.5 15.0 1.34 27.0 0.2 1.45
260.0 298.5 38.5 0.17 5.3 0.1 0.24
BK23-096 8.0 37.0 29.0 0.10 2.8 0.3 0.25
80.0 95.3 15.3 0.80 4.0 0.2 0.84
inc 80.0 81.5 1.5 4.17 6.8 0.6 3.91
inc 92.3 95.3 3.0 1.91 11.3 0.7 2.07
107.0 123.0 16.0 0.77 5.2 0.2 0.78
inc 115.5 117.0 1.5 6.50 14.9 0.4 5.84
133.8 172.8 39.0 0.92 3.2 0.1 0.84
inc 156.0 168.3 12.3 2.13 2.1 0.1 1.89
184.5 193.8 9.3 0.16 3.6 0 0.18
BK23-097 31.0 35.5 4.5 0.16 2.7 0.4 0.33
81.0 87.0 6.0 0.11 1.9 0.3 0.26
197.3 207.0 9.8 0.29 6.0 0.5 0.52
219.0 220.0 1.0 0.30 28.4 0 0.5

* See Notes below

* 參見下面的註釋

Hole BK23-098 (Figure 1, Table 2) was drilled to target the northeastern extent of disseminated mineralization as a follow-up to holes BK23-086 and BK23-087 where significant mineralization was shown to extend laterally to the east and at depth (see September 6, 2023 news release). The hole bottomed in 22.5 metres of 0.76 g/t AuEq which corresponded to a noticeable increase in sphalerite-pyrite, suggesting mineralization increases and improves at untested depths to the northeast.

BK23-098 孔(圖 1,表 2)的鑽探目標是浸染礦化的東北範圍,這是 BK23-086 和 BK23-087 鑽孔的後續鑽探,在鑽孔中,顯著的礦化作用向東和向深處橫向延伸(見 2023 年 9 月 6 日新聞稿)。這個洞觸底了 22.5 米 0.76 g/t auEq 這相當於閃鋅礦-黃鐵礦的顯著增加,這表明在未經測試的東北深處,礦化程度增加和改善。

Table 2. Assay Results - East Target

表 2.化驗結果-東方目標

Hole ID From
BK23-098 35.5 73.5 38 0.18 1.6 0.1 0.2
and 94.5 280 185.5 0.24 3 0.3 0.36
inc 257.5 280 22.5 0.52 8.6 0.5 0.76
洞 ID 來自

BK23-098 35.5 73.5 38 0.18 1.6 0.1 0.2
94.5 280 185.5 0.24 3 0.3 0.36
inc 257.5 280 22.5 0.52 8.6 0.5 0.76

* See Notes below

* 參見下面的註釋

* Notes for Tables 1, and 2:

* 表 1 和 2 的注意事項:

  1. Intervals are downhole core lengths. True widths are unknown.
  2. Calculations are uncut and length-weighted using a 0.10 g/t gold cut-off.
  3. Gold Equivalent (AuEq) calculations use 3-year trailing metal prices current to end of August 2023 ($1840/oz Au, $23.59/oz Ag and $1.38/lbs Zn) using the equation: AuEq(g/t) = ((Au(g/t)*%recovery*$Au/oz* 0.032151)+(Ag(g/t)*%recovery*$Ag/oz*0.032151)+(Zn%*%recovery*$Zn/lbs*22.0462))/($Au/oz*0.032151). The Company has used conceptual metallurgical recoveries of Au 85%, Ag 65%, and Zn 95% based on assumptions that it believes to be reasonable in the circumstances. There is no guarantee, however, that the actual metal recoveries determined from metallurgical testing will be the same as the conceptual recoveries used to determine the AuEq.
  1. 間隔是井下岩心長度。真實寬度未知。
  2. 計算結果未切割,使用0.10 g/t的黃金分界值進行長度加權。
  3. 黃金當量(auEQ)計算使用截至2023年8月底的3年期追蹤金屬價格(1840美元/盎司金,23.59美元/盎司銀和1.38美元/磅鋅價)使用公式:auEq(g/t)= ((Au (g/t) *%回收率*$au/oz* 0.032151) + (Ag (g/t) *%Recovery*$ag/oz*0.032151) + (zn%*%Recovery*$zn/lbs*22.0462))/($au/oz*0.032151)。該公司根據其認爲在當時情況下合理的假設,使用了金85%、銀65%和鋅95%的概念冶金回收率。但是,無法保證通過冶金測試確定的實際金屬回收率將與用於確定AuEq的概念回收率相同。

Table 3. Drill Collar Locations

表 3.鑽環位置

Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation (m) Azimuth Dip Depth (m)
BK23-095 654174 6019709 892 20.4 -85.55 395
BK23-096 654174 6019708 892 85.1 -55.12 221
BK23-097 654079 6019637 892 289.8 -59.92 220
BK23-098 654624 6019631 914 60.28 -45.14 280
洞 ID 向東 北方 海拔 (m) 方位角 深度 (m)
BK23-095 654174 6019709 892 20.4 -85.55 395
BK23-096 654174 6019708 892 85.1 -55.12 221
BK23-097 654079 6019637 892 289.8 -59.92 220
BK23-098 654624 6019631 914 60.28 -45.14 280

Coordinates are in UTM NAD83 Zone 9N

座標位於 UTM NAD83 區域 9N

Correction to News Release


The Company also announces a correction to its news release issued November 9, 2023, regarding the finder's fee for the option to acquire the JD Project. The revised section is outlined below.


Subject to Exchange approval, Sun Summit intends to pay a finder's fee to Dr. Christopher Leslie of up to $28,750 and 200,000 post-consolidated shares over two years in consideration of his efforts in the Company being granted its option to acquire the JD Project.

Sun Summit打算在兩年內向克里斯托弗·萊斯利博士支付最高28,750美元的發現費和20萬股合併後的股份,以考慮他在公司的努力獲得了收購京東項目的選擇權,但須經交易所批准。

Quality Assurance and Quality Control


All sample assay results have been monitored through the Company's quality assurance / quality control (QA / QC) program. Drill core was sawn in half at Sun Summit's core logging and processing facility in Houston, B.C. Half of the core was sampled and shipped by a bonded courier in sealed and secure bags to the ALS Global preparation facilities in Langley, B.C. Samples were prepared using standard preparation procedures. Following sample preparation, the pulps were sent to the ALS Global analytical laboratory in North Vancouver, B.C. for analysis. ALS Global is registered to ISO / IEC 17025:2017 accreditations for laboratory procedures.

所有樣本分析結果均通過公司的質量保證/質量控制(QA/QC)計劃進行了監測。鑽芯在不列顛哥倫比亞省休斯敦的 Sun Summit 核心測井和處理設施中被鋸成兩半。一半岩心採樣後由保稅快遞公司裝在密封安全的袋子裏運送到位於不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的ALS Global製備設施。樣品是使用標準制備程序製備的。樣本製備後,紙漿被送往位於不列顛哥倫比亞省北溫哥華的ALS Global分析實驗室進行分析。ALS Global 已獲得 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 實驗室程序認證。

Core samples were analyzed for 33 elements by ICP-MS on a 0.25-gram aliquot using a four-acid digestion (method ME-ICP61). Gold was analyzed by fire assay on a 30-gram aliquot with an AAS finish (method Au-AA23). Samples with >10 parts per million (ppm) gold were re-analyzed by fire assay using a gravimetric finish on a 30-gram aliquot. Samples with >100 ppm silver were re-analyzed using an ore-grade, four-acid digestion and ICP-AES finish. Samples with >10,000 ppm zinc were re-analysed using an ore-grade, four-acid digestion and ICP-AES finish. In addition to ALS Global laboratory QA/QC protocols, Sun Summit implements a rigorous internal QA / QC program that includes the insertion of duplicates, standards and blanks into the sample stream.

使用四酸消解(方法 ME-ICP61),通過ICP-MS在0.25克等分試樣品上對核心樣本進行了33種元素的分析。在30克的等分試樣上對黃金進行了火法分析,表面處理爲AAS(方法爲au-AA23)。對含金量大於百萬分之十 (ppm) 的樣品進行了火法分析,在30克等分試樣品上使用重量法完成了重新分析。使用礦石級四酸消解和 ICP-AES 表面處理對含銀量大於 100 ppm 的樣品進行了重新分析。使用礦石級四酸消解和 ICP-AES 表面處理對鋅含量大於 10,000 ppm 的樣品進行了重新分析。除了ALS全球實驗室質量保證/質量控制協議外,Sun Summit還實施了嚴格的內部質量保證/質量控制計劃,其中包括在樣本流中插入副本、標準和空白。

National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure

美國國家儀器 43-101 披露

This news release has been approved by Sun Summit's Vice President Exploration, Ken MacDonald, P. Geo., a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has also verified the data disclosed, including sampling, analytical and test data, underlying the technical information in this news release.

本新聞稿已獲得 Sun Summit 勘探副總裁 Ken MacDonald,P. Geo. 的批准,他是 National Instrument 43-101 中定義的 “合格人士”, 礦產項目披露標準 加拿大證券管理局的。他還覈實了披露的數據,包括採樣、分析和測試數據,這些數據構成了本新聞稿中技術信息的基礎。

Community Engagement


Sun Summit is engaging with First Nations on whose territory our projects are located and is discussing their interests and identifying contract and work opportunities, as well as opportunities to support community initiatives. The Company looks forward to continuing to work with local and regional First Nations as project work continues.

Sun Summit 正在與我們的項目所在的原住民接觸,並正在討論他們的利益,確定合同和工作機會,以及支持社區舉措的機會。隨着項目工作的繼續,該公司期待繼續與當地和地區的原住民合作。

About the Buck Project

關於 Buck Project

The Buck Project is situated in a historic mining district near Houston, B.C., with excellent nearby infrastructure that allows for year-round, road-accessible exploration.

Buck Project位於不列顛哥倫比亞省休斯敦附近的一個歷史悠久的採礦區,附近基礎設施良好,可以全年進行公路勘探。

The project is host to the Buck Main intermediate-sulfidation epithermal-related gold-silver-zinc system. Most of the mineralization drilled to date at Buck Main consists of long, continuous zones of disseminated and breccia-hosted, bulk tonnage-style gold-silver-zinc. Vein-hosted, high-grade mineralization has also been intersected near the center of Buck Main.

該項目是Buck Main中間硫化與表溫相關的金銀鋅系統的宿主。迄今爲止,在Buck Main鑽探的大部分礦化區域都由漫長而連續的浸染區和角礫岩託管的散裝噸位式金銀鋅區域組成。在巴克美因中心附近,礦脈承載的高品位礦化也出現了交叉現象。

Exploration at the Buck Project is focused on investigating the lateral and vertical extent of gold-silver-zinc mineralization at the Buck Main system, and to define additional drill targets across the entire land package through systematic exploration programs.

Buck Project的勘探重點是研究Buck Main系統的金-銀-鋅礦化的橫向和垂直範圍,並通過系統的勘探計劃確定整個陸地包中的其他鑽探目標。

About Sun Summit


Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is a mineral exploration company focused on focused on expansion and discovery of district scale gold and copper assets in central British Columbia. The Company's diverse portfolio includes the Buck Project in north-central B.C, and the JD Project in the Toodoggone region of B.C.

Sun Summit Minerals(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SMN)(場外交易代碼:SMREF)是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於在不列顛哥倫比亞省中部擴張和發現區域規模的黃金和銅資產。該公司的多元化投資組合包括位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的巴克項目和位於不列顛哥倫比亞省圖多貢地區的京東項目。

Sun Summit is committed to environmental and social responsibility, with a focus on accountable development and building respectful and beneficial relationships with Indigenous and local communities.

Sun Summit 致力於履行環境和社會責任,重點是負責任的發展以及與土著和當地社區建立相互尊重和有益的關係。

Further details are available at .


Link to Figures


Figure 1:

圖 1:

For further information, contact:


Sharyn Alexander


Matthew Benedetto
Simone Capital


Tel. 416-817-1226

電話 416-817-1226

Forward-Looking Information


Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences, without limiting the generality of the following, include: risks inherent in exploration activities; the impact of exploration competition; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; changes in government regulations and policies, including trade laws and policies; failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; volatility and sensitivity to market prices; volatility and sensitivity to capital market fluctuations; the ability to raise funds through private or public equity financings; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens; weather and other natural phenomena; and other exploration, development, operating, financial market and regulatory risks. Except as required by applicable securities laws and regulation, Sun Summit disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞稿中包含的非歷史事實的陳述可能是前瞻性陳述,涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,可能導致實際業績與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。在不限制下述內容普遍性的前提下,可能造成這種差異的因素包括:勘探活動固有的風險;勘探競爭的影響;意想不到的地質或水文狀況;包括貿易法和政策在內的政府規章和政策的變化;未能獲得政府當局的必要許可和批准;波動性和對資本市場波動的敏感性;通過私募或公共股權融資籌集資金的能力;環境和安全風險,包括增加的監管負擔;天氣和其他自然現象;以及其他勘探、開發、運營、金融市場和監管風險。除非適用的證券法律法規要求,否則除非適用的證券法要求,否則Sun Summit不打算或有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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