
Sequoia Financial Group (ASX:SEQ) Annual General Meeting, November 2023

Sequoia Financial Group (ASX:SEQ) Annual General Meeting, November 2023

紅杉金融集團 (澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:SEQ) 年度股東大會,2023 年 11 月
sharecafe ·  2023/11/22 21:43

Sequoia Financial Group Limited (ASX:SEQ) Managing Director and CEO Garry Crole and Chairman John Larsen present at the company's 2023 AGM.

紅杉金融集團有限公司 (ASX: SEQ) 董事總經理兼首席執行官加里·克羅爾和董事長約翰·拉森出席公司2023年股東周年大會。

Chairman's Speech


Good morning, ladies, and gentlemen. My name is John Larsen, Chairman of Sequoia Financial Group Ltd and it is my pleasure to welcome you to our 2023 Annual General Meeting.


I welcome and thank my 3 fellow directors alongside me in Melbourne today, for their continued commitment and support. I'd also like to thank our execuve team led by CEO Garry Crole and CFO Lizzie Tan, for everything they've done over the past 12 months, and the efforts of all our staff who are working hard to grow Sequoia, improve its service offering and profitability.

我歡迎並感謝今天在墨爾本與我同行的三位董事們,感謝他們一直以來的承諾和支持。我還要感謝由首席執行官Garry Crole和首席財務官Lizzie Tan領導的高管團隊在過去12個月中所做的一切,以及我們所有努力發展紅杉、改善其服務範圍和盈利能力的員工所做的努力。

For those of you who were able to attend in person today, we all look forward to talking with you after today's formal meeting concludes. For those shareholders who are joining us online, we thank you for attending the meeting 'virtually'.

對於今天能夠親自出席的各位來說,我們都期待在今天的正式會議結束後與你們交談。對於那些在線加入我們的股東,我們感謝您 “虛擬” 參加會議。

Before we move on to the formal business of today's meeting, I would first like to make some observations regarding the 2023 financial year and some remarks in relation to the Company's outlook. I'll then hand over to Garry Crole who will update you on the progress of our business in the current period.

在我們開始討論今天會議的正式事項之前,我想首先對2023財年發表一些看法,並就公司的前景發表一些看法。然後我會交給 Garry Crole,他將向你介紹本期業務的最新進展。

Throughout the 2023 financial year, the financial services industry faced numerous challenges, including escalating interest rates, continuing global inflation, a reduced number of available advisers, and a heavy fall in market volumes. Despite these hurdles, Sequoia adeptly managed to maintain profitability while absorbing increased operational expenses from an inflationary market in addition to several significant abnormal costs.

在整個 2023 財年中,金融服務行業面臨着許多挑戰,包括利率上升、全球通貨膨脹持續、可用顧問人數減少以及市場交易量大幅下降。儘管存在這些障礙,但紅杉還是巧妙地設法保持了盈利能力,同時吸收了通貨膨脹市場增加的運營支出以及幾項重大的異常成本。

Sequoia reported revenue of $131.5m and an EBITDA of $5.5m down from $12.4m in 2022. The results were impacted by weaker equity market condions and several abnormal and non-recurring expenses.


Two acquisitions were completed, we made a small investment in Euree Asset Management (Euree) and acquired the business assets of Castle Corporate and Castle Legal Pty Ltd (Castle) post 30 June 2023. Both investments are expected to be earnings accreve. In the second half of FY2023, we announced the divestment of 80% of Morrison Securities Pty Ltd ('Morrisons') to New Quantum Holdings Pty Ltd. Sequoia received total cash of $40.5m and maintain a 20% interest in Morrisons. This additional cash will allow the Company to fund acquisitions with cash rather than via the dilutionary effect of issuing new shares, particularly as we feel the share price undervalues the company and provide us with the confidence and capacity for a high dividend payout ratio of up to 90% of net operating cash flow after tax.

完成了兩項收購,我們對Euree資產管理公司(Euree)進行了小額投資,並在2023年6月30日後收購了Castle Corporate和Castle Legal Pty Ltd(Castle)的商業資產。預計這兩項投資的收益都將增加。在 FY2023 的下半年,我們宣佈將莫里森證券有限公司(“莫里森”)80%的股份剝離給新量子控股有限公司。紅杉獲得了總額爲4,050萬美元的現金,並維持了莫里森20%的權益。這筆額外的現金將使公司能夠用現金爲收購提供資金,而不是通過發行新股的攤薄效應,特別是因爲我們認爲股價低估了公司的價值,併爲我們提供了實現高達稅後淨運營現金流90%的高股息支付率的信心和能力。

In September 2023, the Board declared a special dividend of 4.0 cents per share post the completion of the Morrison transaction.

2023 年 9 月,董事會宣佈在莫里森交易完成後派發每股 4.0 美分的特別股息。

The Company currently holds a cash balance of approximately $30 million, which as mentioned be used to finance future acquisitions. Any allocation of funds towards M&A will be approached with prudence. We also continue to fund the share buyback as part of our capital management program in particular whist the share price is around current levels.


In FY24, we are confident the business will deliver strong EBITDA growth and strong top line growth. This was reconfirmed with the FY24 financial guidance we provided last week. Our confidence with such a posive outlook is supported by improved tailwinds for the first me in this sector of our industry for more than 5 years.


Sequoia advisor numbers have grown at a me when total industry adviser numbers fell by up to 40% , this headwind is one we feel confident will reverse and note the overall reduction in advisers has abated in recent months and coming in to 2025 we expect to see an increase in overall adviser numbers as more inductees enter the industry through professional year programs and degree courses intended to replace an aging advice industry.


Looking ahead we will centre our strategies on establishing economies of scale with an emphasis on technological advancements within our core businesses, in particular licensee services and the legal documents business aiming to cultivate additional revenue streams and contribute to improving overall margins.


We find optimism in the Government's efforts to adopt member recommendations in the Quality of Advice Review (the Levy Report) as our advocacy revolves around streamlining the processes associated with financial advice. Furthermore, we aim to lessen some of the financial burdens imposed on financial advisers by cung unnecessary costs and simplifying regulatory procedures.


I'll now hand over to Garry to provide a more detailed report on the Group's activities for the past year, and I'll return for the formal business of the meeting afterwards.

我現在將交給 Garry,讓他更詳細地報告該小組在過去一年的活動,之後我會回來討論會議的正式事項。

CEO's Speech


Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. My name is Garry Crole, CEO of Sequoia Financial Group Ltd and I am delighted to welcome you to our 2023 Annual General Meeting.


As mentioned by John Larsen, our Chairman, I would like to discuss FY 2023 but also update you all on the progress of our business in the current period.


FY2023 was a year of transition towards the long-term Sequoia Strategic Plan that this board reset back in the 2019/2020 when I accepted the role as CEO.

FY2023 是向長期紅杉戰略計劃過渡的一年,早在我接受首席執行官一職時,本董事會在 2019/2020 年就重新啓動了該計劃。

After several years of strong growth, FY 2023 presented us with an environment that provided many challenges within our businesses, namely:


  1. Consumers were faced with a significantly increased cost of living due predominantly to higher interest rates
  2. General global inflation was driving increased costs to the SME market.
  3. Sequoia is operating in a market where there has been a shrinking pool of advisers and a substantial decline in equity market volumes.
  4. The increased cost of providing advice due to strict regulatory requirements and other compliance related impositions on advisers.
  1. 消費者面臨着生活成本的大幅上漲,這主要是由於利率的上升
  2. 全球總體通貨膨脹正在推動中小企業市場的成本增加。
  3. 紅杉在顧問人數不斷減少、股票市場交易量大幅下降的市場中開展業務。
  4. 由於嚴格的監管要求以及對顧問的其他合規相關規定,提供建議的成本增加。
All of these issues significantly impacted the overall profitability for those that operate a business in this space.

Despite these hurdles, and some heavy unexpected claims costs attributable to past businesses which we couldn't control, the Group was able to maintain reasonable profitability due to our diversified financial services business model.


The Company's revenue of $131.5m and operating profit of $5.5m (which includes discontinued operations from the for-sale business) on the surface was a disappointment. As mentioned, there were abnormal expense items - namely claims and remediation costs in excess of $2.0m, an unrealized loss on a Group share portfolio of $0.7m and lower revenue earned on our structured investments portfolio of $1.3m due to uncertain economic conditions and hence our decision to reduce the issuance of new products. If you add back these items, the operating profit before tax was just above $9m.


In the second half of FY2023, Sequoia announced the divestment of 80% of Morrison Securities Pty Ltd ('Morrisons') to the digital wealth management platform New Quantum Holdings Pty Ltd and received total cash consideration of $40.5m. Because the full payment for this transaction wasn't received until August 23 we slightly delayed our special dividend payment of 4.0 cents per share, which cost the Group $5.5m. This payment was the commencement of our Group moving towards our long-term goal of providing annual dividend payments towards 90% of normalized operational cash flow after tax. This is well ahead of the long term plan we set back in 2019/20 to increase dividend distribution as a percentage of normalized operating cash flow after tax over time.

在 FY2023 的下半年,紅杉宣佈將莫里森證券有限公司(“莫里森”)80%的股份撤資給數字財富管理平台新量子控股私人有限公司,並獲得了總額爲4,050萬美元的現金對價。由於直到8月23日才收到這筆交易的全額付款,我們略微推遲了每股4.0美分的特別股息支付,這使集團損失了550萬美元。這筆款項是我們集團朝着長期目標邁進的開始,即每年提供相當於稅後正常運營現金流的90%的股息。這遠遠超過了我們在2019/20年度制定的長期計劃,該計劃旨在隨着時間的推移增加股息分配佔稅後正常運營現金流的百分比。

The divestment of Morrisons has placed the Group in a very strong capital management position where we can now consider funding options for acquisitions using balance sheet cash as opposed to building a pool of cash from operations or needing to use debt or resort to the dilutionary impact of issuing new shares.


On the acquisition front, in June 2023, we made a small investment in Euree Asset Management (Euree) and acquired the business assets of Castle Corporate and Castle Legal Pty Ltd (Castle) in August 2023.

在收購方面,2023年6月,我們對Euree資產管理公司(Euree)進行了小額投資,並於2023年8月收購了Castle Corporate和Castle Legal Pty Ltd(Castle)的商業資產。

These strategic investments contribute to the enhancement of Sequoia's customer offerings. The Euree investment expands the range of multi-asset fund options available to our advisers, while the Castle acquisition increases Sequoia's market share and immediately increase the operating profit contribution from our Documents business in our Professional Services Division.


In May 2023, Sequoia's Directors extended the existing on-market buy-back program for a further twelve months. Initiated in May 2022, the buy-back program aimed to prioritize shareholder benefits and enhance capital management. Since such me we have acquired and cancelled just under 5m shares totalling $2.5m or approximately 3.7% of the issued shares in the company under this buy back at an average price just above 50 cents per share.

2023 年 5 月,紅杉董事將現有的市場回購計劃再延長十二個月。該回購計劃於2022年5月啓動,旨在優先考慮股東利益並加強資本管理。自那以後,我們已經收購併取消了總額爲250萬美元的近500萬股股票,約佔本次回購中公司已發行股票的3.7%,平均價格略高於每股50美分。

In terms of our forward-looking outlook, we are confident the Group will deliver strong EBITDA growth and strong top line growth in FY24. We recently published guidance that stated we expected to make a minimum of $10M normalized EBITDA in FY24 and this was likely to be split 40%/60% over the two halves of the financial year.


This represents normalized EBITDA growth of 117% over FY23, after adjusting for the impact of the now divested Morrison's business. On the revenue front we provided a $130 million FY24 guidance. This implies excellent revenue growth of 33% for FY24, after adjusting for the impact of the now-divested Morrison's business.


On the People front, this expected future growth of the Group's businesses allows us to further to invest in the quality and capability of our leadership team. During the year, we announced three senior appointments. Martin Morris as COO, Justin Harding as Head of Legal & Risk and Mark Hutchison as an additional Senior Compliance Manager in August. These outstanding leaders are poised to play a crucial role in steering the Group towards even higher levels of profitable growth in the years ahead.


The Group expects earnings growth in all Divisions next year. This confidence is supported by a better external environmental outlook, where favourable commercial tailwinds from improved industry dynamics are expected. The recent decline in advisor departures from the industry is a positive development for the sector. For Sequoia, the above market growth in our adviser numbers is very encouraging. From a Divisional perspective, we were very pleased with the improved performance of the Equity Markets Division across the final 5 months of FY23 and have high expectations for our Professional Services Division where we intend to deploy more acquisition capital to grow earnings by more than 25% following the recent Castle acquisition.


Management is confident about further accretive acquisitions in FY24, focusing on general insurance broking, financial planner customer books, additional documents and associated legal services, whilst expanding our market share in SMSF administration roll-ups is a major acquisition focus.


Thank you for attention and I will now hand back to John Larsen.

感謝您的關注,我現在將交還給 John Larsen。




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