
SBS Transit Signs Agreement With Cervello and ST Engineering to Cyber-secure Critical Rail Infrastructure in Singapore

SBS Transit Signs Agreement With Cervello and ST Engineering to Cyber-secure Critical Rail Infrastructure in Singapore

SBS Transit 與 Cervello 和 ST Engineering 簽署協議,爲新加坡的關鍵鐵路基礎設施提供網絡安全
PR Newswire ·  2023/11/28 08:00

SINGAPORE, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- With the increasing digitalisation of the rail sector, safeguarding the cybersecurity of our critical systems is a vital component to maintaining the seamless operations of our railway lines. Recognising the growing risks and complexities within the rail cybersecurity landscape, SBS Transit has entered into a strategic collaboration with Cervello, pioneer and leader in rail cybersecurity, and ST Engineering, a global technology, defense, and engineering group. Cervello was selected by SBS Transit to secure its rail critical information infrastructure after carefully considering the most advanced solutions available.

新加坡,2023 年 11 月 28 日 /PRNewswire/ — 隨着鐵路行業日益數字化,保護我們關鍵系統的網絡安全是維持我們鐵路線無縫運營的重要組成部分。認識到鐵路網絡安全格局中日益增長的風險和複雜性,SBS Transit已與之建立了戰略合作 Cervello,鐵路網絡安全領域的先驅和領導者,以及全球技術、國防和工程集團 ST Engineering。在仔細考慮了現有的最先進的解決方案之後,SBS Transit選擇了Cervello來保護其鐵路關鍵信息基礎設施。

SBS Transit has appointed ST Engineering as the System Integrator to implement Cervello's end-to-end railway cybersecurity solutions, enabling SBS Transit to enhance monitoring, safeguarding the backbone of SBS Transit's transportation network and ensuring the resilience and reliability of essential services in Singapore and promote Cervello solutions internationally.

SBS Transit已指定意法半導體工程作爲系統集成商,負責實施Cervello的端到端鐵路網絡安全解決方案,使SBS Transit能夠加強監控,保護SBS Transit交通網絡的支柱,確保新加坡基本服務的彈性和可靠性,並在國際上推廣Cervello解決方案。

Cervello Platform delivers maximum protection with zero disruption at rapid deployment for the entire rail infrastructure and turns data across all network environments into operational insights for better transportation service. Cervello's patented threat detection technology harnesses AI-based behavioural analysis to swiftly detect and identify even the most sophisticated threats. This proactive approach ensures rapid responses to security incidents while maintaining operational efficiency.

Cervello Platform 在快速部署整個鐵路基礎設施時提供最大程度的保護,零中斷,並將所有網絡環境中的數據轉化爲運營見解,以提供更好的運輸服務。Cervello 的專利威脅檢測技術利用基於人工智能的行爲分析來快速檢測和識別最複雜的威脅。這種主動的方法可確保快速響應安全事件,同時保持運營效率。

Driven by a shared mission to advance innovation and cybersecurity within the rail industry, this partnership enhances security of vital transportation systems while preserving the commuter experience, providing a safe and secure transportation system.


Mr Jeffrey Sim, Group Chief Executive of SBS Transit said: "Enhancing cybersecurity is an ongoing journey, never a destination, as we increasingly face new and advanced cyber threats. Hence, we continuously focus on building our cybersecurity defences and capabilities, ensuring that we adopt the latest technology and meet the highest standards while complying with regulatory requirements. This collaboration with Cervello paves the way for the implementation of a Cybersecurity Monitoring and Detection solution that safeguards our assets from cyber threats as well as strengthen the security and resilience of our rail infrastructure."

SBS Transit集團首席執行官Jeffrey Sim表示:“隨着我們越來越多地面臨新的和先進的網絡威脅,加強網絡安全是一項持續的旅程,絕不是目的地。因此,我們不斷專注於建立我們的網絡安全防禦和能力,確保我們在遵守監管要求的同時採用最新技術並達到最高標準。與Cervello的合作爲實施網絡安全監控和檢測解決方案鋪平了道路,該解決方案可以保護我們的資產免受網絡威脅,並增強我們鐵路基礎設施的安全性和彈性。”

"We are honoured to be selected to provide comprehensive cybersecurity for SBS Transit's operated infrastructure in Singapore. This reflects our market leadership and global recognition, as well as the shared mission to ensure the safety and reliability of essential transport services," said Roie Onn, CEO and Co-Founder of Cervello. "Together, we combine our expertise to transform and upgrade the offerings of rail transport around the world."

“我們很榮幸被選中爲新加坡SBS Transit運營的基礎設施提供全面的網絡安全。這反映了我們的市場領導地位和全球認可度,也反映了確保基本運輸服務的安全性和可靠性的共同使命。” Cervello首席執行官兼聯合創始人Roie Onn說。“我們共同整合我們的專業知識,改造和升級世界各地的鐵路運輸產品。”

"We have been involved in securing and defending critical infrastructures against ever-evolving threats for over two decades. This collaboration reflects our customers' confidence in our cybersecurity capabilities. We are confident that our deep domain expertise and experience will enhance SBS Transit's resilience against cyber threats and help to fortify the overall critical rail infrastructure," said Goh Eng Choon, President, Cyber, ST Engineering.

“二十多年來,我們一直參與保護和捍衛關鍵基礎設施免受不斷變化的威脅。這種合作反映了我們的客戶對我們的網絡安全能力的信心。我們相信,我們深厚的領域專業知識和經驗將增強SBS Transit抵禦網絡威脅的能力,並有助於鞏固整體關鍵鐵路基礎設施。” 意法半導體工程網絡總裁吳英春說。

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Allison Brooks
Content Lead at Cervello
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