
Equinox Resources (ASX:EQN) Exploring Rare Earths in Brazil

Equinox Resources (ASX:EQN) Exploring Rare Earths in Brazil

Equinox Resources (ASX: EQN) 探索巴西的稀土
sharecafe ·  2023/11/28 16:10

Equinox Resources Limited (ASX:EQN) CEO Zac Komur discusses the company's move to apply for a large tenement in Brazil, and the attractions of the jurisdiction.

Equinox Resources Limited (ASX: EQN) 首席執行官扎克·科穆爾討論了該公司在巴西申請大型物業的舉動以及該司法管轄區的景點。

Paul Sanger: I'm Paul Sanger for the Finance News Network, and today I'm talking with Equinox Resources. Their ticker code is "EQN" and they have a market cap of around $29m. Equinox Resources specialises in the exploration and development of iron ore, lithium, and other future-facing commodities that are integral for a sustainable tomorrow. All their current projects are wholly owned and strategically situated in Western Australia and Ontario, Canada's prime mining territory, and are poised to make a significant impact in the industry. A warm welcome to Equinox CEO Zac Komur. Zac, welcome.

保羅·桑格:我是金融新聞網的保羅·桑格,今天我在和Equinox Resources談話。他們的股票代碼是 “EQN”,市值約爲2900萬美元。Equinox Resources專門從事鐵礦石、鋰和其他面向未來的大宗商品的勘探和開發,這些商品是未來可持續發展不可或缺的一部分。他們目前的所有項目都是全資擁有的,戰略性地位於加拿大主要採礦區西澳大利亞州和安大略省,並有望對該行業產生重大影響。熱烈歡迎 Equinox 首席執行官扎克·科穆爾。扎克,歡迎。

Zac Komur: Thanks for having me, Paul.


Paul Sanger: Absolute pleasure. Zac, to kick things off, can you just give us a brief overview of your current projects?


Zac Komur: So, our current projects, our Hamersley Iron Ore Project is our maiden project, which kicked off the IPO back in 2021. We have a JORC resource of 343 million tonnes at 54.5 per cent iron in the Pilbara, and we have an option there to actually high-grade that asset at 58 to 63 per cent iron, which sits above the water table. And we're currently engaging with the traditional owners there to unlock that asset. We also have West Australian lithium tenements, and there's field reconnaissance currently underway to undergo some soil and rock chip samples. And those tenements are adjacent to Mineral Resources' Mount Marion lithium mine. And we also have some Canadian tenements in Ontario which stretches over 20,000 hectares. And there's some reconnaissance work underway there as well.


Paul Sanger: And also, Zac, tell us a little bit more about your background. I believe, prior to joining Equinox, you worked for both Fortescue (ASX:FMG) and BHP (ASX:BHP).


Zac Komur: Yeah. Fortescue, BHP, INPEX, and also Northvolt, overseas, as a battery producer. So, 23 years in the resources sector, spanning various roles from mining development, project delivery, commercialisation, commissioning a startup, across various commodities including iron ore, nickel, cobalt, lithium. And also spent some time overseas in South Korea with INPEX on the commissioning and startup of the CPF, in Africa for South32 (ASX:S32) in manganese mining operations, and in Sweden and Portugal with Northvolt, where I helped successfully start up Europe's first battery gigafactory. But 10 years with BHP as well in iron ore and nickel and cobalt, and also had an opportunity to venture in Brazil back in 2009 for a nickel and cobalt project. And also, moving back to Australia, I was the head of commercialisation for Fortescue Future Industries.

扎克·科穆爾:是的。作爲電池生產商的Fortescue、必和必拓、INPEX以及海外的Northvolt。因此,他在資源領域工作了23年,擔任過各種職務,包括礦業開發、項目交付、商業化、委託初創公司等,涉及鐵礦石、鎳、鈷、鋰等各種大宗商品。還曾在韓國INPEX工作過一段時間,負責CPF的調試和啓動,在非洲爲South32(澳大利亞證券交易所股票代碼:S32)從事錳礦開採業務,在瑞典和葡萄牙與Northvolt工作過,在那裏我幫助成功啓動了歐洲第一家電池超級工廠。但是,在必和必拓在鐵礦石、鎳和鈷領域工作了10年,早在2009年,也有機會在巴西冒險進行鎳和鈷項目。而且,回到澳大利亞後,我曾擔任Fortescue Future Industries的商業化主管。

Paul Sanger: That's a pretty impressive resume, Zac. So, what attracted you to Equinox?

保羅·桑格:這是一份非常令人印象深刻的簡歷,扎克。那麼,是什麼吸引你來到 Equinox 呢?

Zac Komur: I think the challenge. Having a chat to Rob Martin and the board and the investors, it was an opportunity to actually deliver without being caught up in red tape and capitulation. I saw that at some of the big majors. A lot of great work gets put forward to senior leadership teams and the like, but because of capitulation and red tape, some of those great ideas don't progress into execution, and I found that quite frustrating. And being at the helm, you could make those calculated decisions and move forward.


Paul Sanger: So, Zac, your primary focus to date for Equinox has been iron ore, battery metals and green energy resources. Today, you just announced to the market that EQN has applied for a highly prospective rare earths tenement in Brazil. Can you walk us through this transaction? Why rare earths and why Brazil?


Zac Komur: Brazil ticks a lot of boxes for us. It's a premiere mining jurisdiction. It has a high rich resource base, great infrastructure, great legislative regimes around mining. The Brazilian electricity network is backed on hydro and wind and solar. So, downstream, when we look to build a processing facility, scope two emissions will be reduced. It's also a low-cost jurisdiction. For RC drilling, it only costs $50 a metre to drill in Brazil, which is four to five times the cost in Australia and Canada.


I had always looked at Brazil when coming into Equinox, and also pivoting towards ionic rare earth clays. Rare earths is a need. Ninety per cent of the rare earths at the moment are coming out of China. And we foresee a bifurcated market coming out as China restricts supply to the world, and Western supply is critical for that. But when it comes to rare earths, you should always start with an end in mind. There are a lot of great hard rock deposits out there, but the hard rock route requires extensive pyro and hydrometallurgical processes, which require $1.5 billion to $2 billion worth of capex downstream, when the ionic rare earth clay route doesn't require any drilling or blasting. The downstream route is simple leaching with ammonium sulphate, and it's really just key to find a key high-concentration ionic rare earth clay deposit.


And looking in Brazil and working with the team in Brazil, I came across some great geophysical markers, which kind of drew our attention to the Bayer region. And I recently spent a month in Brazil looking at various potential acquisitions in lithium and rare earth clay deposits. Some of those were overvalued with the team on the ground. So, we did our homework and started pegging in the Bayer region. And as I was over there, the prospectus for Brazilian Rare Earths Limited was actually announced, and I found out that Gina and Whitehaven Coal (ASX:WHC) and others were backing that, and I just happened to be in the same region as they were.

縱觀巴西,與巴西團隊合作,我發現了一些很棒的地球物理標記,這在某種程度上引起了我們對拜耳地區的關注。我最近在巴西呆了一個月,研究了鋰和稀土粘土礦牀的各種潛在收購。在團隊在實地的情況下,其中一些被高估了。因此,我們做好了功課,開始在拜耳地區扎根。當我在那邊的時候,巴西稀土有限公司的招股說明書實際上已經公佈了,我發現Gina和Whitehaven Coal(ASX: WHC)和其他公司對此表示支持,而我恰好和他們處在同一個地區。

Paul Sanger: And a takeaway from there is the jurisdiction of Brazil. The capex is obviously cheaper to develop projects in Brazil. And more importantly, the ESG credentials. Having access to the renewable power that you stated is going to be incredibly important for the project going forward, and hopefully attract investors onto your register.

保羅·桑格:從那裏得出的結論是巴西的管轄權。在巴西開發項目的資本支出顯然更便宜。更重要的是,ESG 證書。如你所說,獲得可再生能源對於該項目的未來將非常重要,並有望吸引投資者加入你的登記冊。

Zac Komur: Absolutely.


Paul Sanger: Okay. Now, let's talk about some of the peers in the immediate region. And how does your Camp Grande Project compare to these other projects?

保羅·桑格:好吧。現在,讓我們來談談附近地區的一些同行。你的 Camp Grande 項目與其他項目相比如何?

Zac Komur: Yeah. Campo Grande, it actually refers to big field. It's a large tenement size, actually 170,000 hectares, which equates to the size of the island of Maui in Hawaii. So, driving from the north of the tenement to the south of the tenement stretches across six hours of driving. And I'm looking at splitting that tenement into various paths where we could kick off exploration campaigns along the strike. We are situated close to Brazilian Rare Earths, along the anomalies that we foresee in the geophysical data as part of the research that was done by the Brazilian government. But the Brazilian Rare Earth Limited has also acquired Rio Tinto's JORC compliant drill-core that was drilled out by Rio Tinto. They were looking for bauxite quite some time, years ago.

扎克·科穆爾:是的。Campo Grande,它實際上是指大場地。這是一個大型的物業單位,實際上是17萬公頃,相當於夏威夷毛伊島的大小。因此,從物業單位的北部開車到物業單位的南部,需要六個小時的車程。我正在考慮將那個公寓拆分成不同的路徑,這樣我們就可以開始罷工沿線的勘探活動。我們位於巴西稀土附近,沿着我們在地球物理數據中預見的異常現象,這是巴西政府研究的一部分。但是,巴西稀土有限公司也收購了力拓公司鑽出的符合JORC標準的鑽芯。幾年前,他們一直在尋找鋁土礦。

Paul Sanger: And I believe Brazilian Rare Earths are going to IPO here in Australia. I also believe their tenement is smaller than yours and their valuation is around $300m?


Zac Komur: Yeah. They have a valuation of $315m once fully prescribed on the IPO. I guess they are leading in with a JORC-compliant resource. And it's key for us to kick off exploration once those exploration tenements are granted to us in January, to then work through the high-grade areas to then get a JORC-compliant resource in the future.

扎克·科穆爾:是的。在首次公開募股中完全規定後,他們的估值爲3.15億美元。我猜他們正在以符合JORC的資源處於領先地位。對我們來說,關鍵是在 1 月份獲得這些勘探物業權後開始勘探,然後穿越高品位區域,然後在將來獲得符合 JORC 標準的資源。

Paul Sanger: So, there's a strong chance that, in the first quarter of next year, your stock will get re-rated?


Zac Komur: That's the plan, Paul. Deliver shareholder value as much as possible and really continue progressing through spending our dollars in the ground to understand the resource and get those concentrations and areas drilled out, to then kick off further studies into processing.


Paul Sanger: And just to finish on that, Zac, what is the strategy for exploration and the development of this new rare earth asset?


Zac Komur: I'm actually in the process of holding several interviews to find an exploration manager in Brazil. And a key one there is finding a competent person in ionic rare earth clays. And once the exploration tenements are granted, it's kicking off an auger drilling campaign. A majority of the ionic rare earth clay deposit sits approximately 20 to 40 metres in the high-concentration regions. So, when it comes to auger drilling, you don't need the RC or diamond drilling process, which can be capital intensive. So, it's much more easier to drill out. And we have a huge area to cover, so looking at various teams to split the tenement up. I actually have contractors on standby to kick off soil and hillside samples in December, to start mapping out which parts of the tenements we should start focusing on initially.

扎克·科穆爾:實際上,我正在進行幾次面試,以便在巴西尋找勘探經理。其中一個關鍵問題是在離子稀土粘土中找到一個有能力的人。而且,一旦勘探物業權獲得批准,它就會開始螺旋鑽探活動。大多數離子稀土粘土沉積物位於高濃度區域約20至40米處。因此,在螺旋鑽探方面,您不需要 RC 或金剛石鑽探工藝,這可能是資本密集型的。因此,鑽孔要容易得多。而且我們要覆蓋的區域很大,所以要找不同的團隊來拆分物業單位。實際上,我有承包商待命,準備在12月份啓動土壤和山坡樣本,開始規劃我們最初應該開始關注物業單位的哪些部分。

Paul Sanger: Zac Komur, many thanks for your time today.


Zac Komur: Thank you, Paul. Appreciate it.





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