
Rise Gold Provides Update on Vested Rights

Rise Gold Provides Update on Vested Rights

Rise Gold 提供既得權利的最新信息
newsfile ·  2023/11/29 18:59

Grass Valley, California--(Newsfile Corp. - November 29, 2023) - Rise Gold Corp. (CSE: RISE) (OTCQX: RYES) (the "Company") announces that the legal staff of Nevada County has released a Staff Report analyzing the Company's Petition to the County of Nevada asserting its vested right to mine at the Idaho-Maryland-Brunswick Mine (the "IM Mine"). A decision whether to confirm the vested right will be made by the elected Board of Supervisors in a public hearing on December 13th. The Supervisors' decision is not discretionary; they must apply the relevant legal principles as determined by the California Supreme Court to the historical facts.

加利福尼亞州格拉斯谷--(Newsfile Corp.,2023 年 11 月 29 日)-Rise Gold Corp.(CSE:RISE)(OTCQX:RYES)(the”公司“) 宣佈,內華達縣的法律人員已發佈了一份員工報告,分析了該公司向內華達縣提出的申訴,聲稱其在愛達荷州-馬里蘭-不倫瑞克礦場(即”IM Mine“)。是否確認既得權利的決定將由當選的監事會在12月13日的公開聽證會上作出第四。監督員的決定不是自由裁量的;他們必須將加利福尼亞最高法院確定的相關法律原則應用於歷史事實。

Under the U.S. Constitution, Nevada County cannot require the Company to obtain a use permit to operate the IM Mine if the Company can show that operations were occurring at the time that the zoning ordinance was passed in 1954, unless the County can prove by clear and convincing evidence that the right to mine was abandoned.


The seminal case interpreting the law of vested rights in California is Hansen Brothers, which concerned Nevada County's previous attempt to deny the vested rights of a mining operator on the basis that operations had ceased for more than the time period proscribed in Nevada County's zoning code and that only continuity of operations is relevant to the analysis of abandonment, not owner intent. The California Supreme Court overruled both of Nevada County's arguments and held for the miner, stating that "cessation of use alone does not constitute abandonment" and that abandonment requires both "(1) An intention to abandon; and (2) an overt act, or failure to act, which carries the implication the owner does not claim or retain any interest in the right to the nonconforming use."

解釋加利福尼亞既得權利法的開創性案例是 漢森兄弟,該案涉及內華達縣先前試圖剝奪採礦運營商的既得權利,理由是運營的停止時間已超過內華達縣分區法規定的時限,只有運營的連續性與遺棄分析有關,與所有者的意圖無關。加州最高法院駁回了內華達縣的兩項論點,並支持該礦商,指出 “僅停止使用並不構成放棄”,放棄既需要 “(1)意圖放棄;(2)公開行爲或不採取行動,這意味着所有者在不合規使用權中不主張或保留任何權益。”

It is indisputable that mining was occurring at the IM Mine in 1954, and the Company submitted 2,000 pages of exhibits to show that each of the predecessor owners of the mine either attempted to reopen it or marketed the property for sale as a mine to demonstrate that there was never an intent to abandon the right to mine.


Nevada County's legal staff opine that any vested right to operate the IM Mine was abandoned. Their Report argues that the petitioner must prove "continuity of intent to mine" to avoid a finding of abandonment, whereas the Hansen decision clearly states that there must be "intent to abandon" demonstrated by "overt acts," the completely opposite standard. The Report did not cite a single overt act that would constitute abandonment, as is required by California law.

內華達縣的法律工作人員認爲,任何運營IM礦的既得權利都被放棄了。他們的報告認爲,請願人必須證明 “挖礦意圖的連續性”,以避免被認定爲遺棄,而 漢森 裁決明確指出,“公開行爲” 必須表現出 “意圖放棄”,這是完全相反的標準。該報告沒有按照加利福尼亞州法律的要求列舉任何構成遺棄的公開行爲。

The legal staff also assert that the County can deem the Constitutionally-protected vested right abandoned if operations cease for a sufficient period: "Petitioner fails to cite any case where a court has held that a nonconforming use was not abandoned after such a lengthy period when the nonconforming use had ceased."


In its letter to the County, the Company cited the decision in Hardesty v. State Mining which involved similar questions of law: "The question in such cases is whether there is an intent to abandon or permanently cease operations, or instead a business judgment that a temporary-even if prolonged-hiatus should be made. Otherwise, as Hardesty suggests, an operator might be forced to continue operations at a loss-perhaps for decades-in order to await market recovery at some unknowable future point."

該公司在給縣的信中引用了該決定 Hardesty 訴州礦業案 其中涉及類似的法律問題:“此類案件中的問題是,是否有放棄或永久停止運營的意圖,或者商業判斷應暫時停業,即使中斷時間很長。否則,正如哈迪斯蒂所說,運營商可能被迫繼續虧損運營,可能持續數十年,以便等待未來某個不可知的時刻市場復甦。”

Operating in accordance with California law, Merced County in 2019 recognized the vested right of a mining operation that ceased in 1950. San Bernardino County also in 2019 recognized the vested right of a mining operation that ceased in 1954.


Rise Gold CEO Joe Mullin reacted: "It is unfortunate that Nevada County's legal staff think the County should relitigate the Hansen case, which they lost badly. We invite the County Supervisors to avoid a costly legal battle by adhering to California law and voting to recognize the Company's vested right to operate the IM Mine at the hearing on December 13."

Rise Gold首席執行官喬·穆林回應說:“不幸的是,內華達縣的法律人員認爲該縣應該重新提起訴訟 漢森 案子,他們輸得慘重。我們邀請縣主管遵守加利福尼亞州法律,並在12月13日的聽證會上投票承認公司運營IM礦山的既得權利,從而避免代價高昂的法律鬥爭。”

Rise Gold has retained the litigation firm of Cooper & Kirk to defend its property interests. Our attorney, Chuck Cooper, has argued nine cases before the U.S. Supreme Court; Michael Kirk has represented companies such as Shell Oil, Boeing, Texaco, and Ford Motor Company. Their firm has won over $10 billion for its clients.

Rise Gold已聘請Cooper & Kirk的訴訟公司來捍衛其財產利益。我們的律師查克·庫珀在美國最高法院辯論了九起案件;邁克爾·柯克曾代表殼牌石油、波音、德士古和福特汽車公司等公司。他們的公司已經爲其客戶贏得了超過100億美元。

In a letter to the County, Cooper stated: "We have concluded that Rise Grass Valley, Inc. has a vested right to operate the Idaho-Maryland Mine, and we expect that right to be vindicated in court, should it be necessary to do so." The firm also warned that: "Rise will have suffered a compensable, unconstitutional taking if the County denies both the vested rights petition and the use permit.... The remedy for an unconstitutional taking is the payment of just compensation, which is the fair market value of the property taken. Based on comparable mines and historic yield at the Idaho-Maryland Mine, Rise's mineral estate is conservatively estimated to be worth at least $400 million."

庫珀在給該縣的一封信中說:“我們得出的結論是,Rise Grass Valley, Inc.擁有運營愛達荷州-馬里蘭州礦山的既得權利,我們預計,如果有必要,這一權利將在法庭上得到維護。”該公司還警告說:“如果該縣拒絕既得權利申請和使用許可,Rise將遭受可賠的、違憲的處罰...違憲佔用的補救措施是支付公正的賠償,即所收財產的公允市場價值。根據愛達荷州-馬里蘭礦的可比礦山和歷史產量,保守地估計Rise的礦產價值至少爲4億美元。”

Documents related to the Company's vested rights Petition may be found on Nevada County's website at the following link .


About Rise Gold Corp.

關於 Rise Gold Cor

Rise Gold is an exploration-stage mining company incorporated in Nevada, USA. The Company's principal asset is the historic past-producing Idaho-Maryland Gold Mine located in Nevada County, California, USA.

Rise Gold是一家位於美國內華達州的勘探階段礦業公司。該公司的主要資產是歷史悠久的愛達荷州-馬里蘭金礦,該金礦位於美國加利福尼亞州內華達縣。

On behalf of the Board of Directors:


Joseph Mullin
President and CEO
Rise Gold Corp.

Rise Gold公司

For further information, please contact:


Suite 215, 333 Crown Point Circle
Grass Valley, CA 95945
T: 530.433.0188

215 號套房,皇冠角環線 333 號
加利福尼亞州格拉斯谷 95945
T: 530.433.0188

The CSE has not reviewed, approved or disapproved the contents of this news release.

CSE 尚未審查、批准或不批准本新聞稿的內容。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are frequently characterized by words such as "plan", "expect", "project", "intend", "believe", "anticipate", "estimate" and other similar words or statements that certain events or conditions "may" or "will" occur.

本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的某些前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述通常以 “計劃”、“期望”、“項目”、“打算”、“相信”、“預期”、“估計” 等詞語以及其他關於某些事件或條件 “可能” 或 “將” 發生的類似詞語或陳述爲特徵。

Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Such forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions related to certain factors including, without limitation, obtaining all necessary approvals, meeting expenditure and financing requirements, compliance with environmental regulations, title matters, operating hazards, metal prices, political and economic factors, competitive factors, general economic conditions, relationships with vendors and strategic partners, governmental regulation and supervision, seasonality, technological change, industry practices, and one-time events that may cause actual results, performance or developments to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and information contained in this release. Rise undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements or information except as required by law.


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