
Apple To Expand Action Button To Entire iPhone 16 Lineup: Internal Documents Reveal

Apple To Expand Action Button To Entire iPhone 16 Lineup: Internal Documents Reveal

蘋果將把操作按鈕擴展到整個iPhone 16陣容:內部文件顯示
Benzinga ·  2023/12/01 00:35

In a move to upgrade user interactivity, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) reportedly plans to include the Action button across the entire iPhone 16 lineup.

據報道,爲了提升用戶互動性,蘋果公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)計劃在整個iPhone 16系列中加入操作按鈕。

What Happened: The Action button, which first appeared on the iPhone 15 Pro and Pro Max models, replaces the previous mute switch. Unlike the mute switch serving a singular function, the Action button offers a variety of uses, allowing users to configure it to perform a range of functions, MacRumors reported.

發生了什麼:操作按鈕首次出現在iPhone 15 Pro和Pro Max機型上,取代了之前的靜音開關。據MacRumors報道,與提供單一功能的靜音開關不同,操作按鈕具有多種用途,允許用戶將其配置爲執行一系列功能。

For the iPhone 16 range, Apple intends to enhance the Action button's functionality by shifting it from a mechanical to a capacitive-type button. The reimagined Action button, codenamed Atlas, is projected to operate similarly to the Touch ID Home button on older iPhone models or the Force Touch trackpad on recent MacBooks.

對於iPhone 16系列,蘋果打算通過將操作按鈕從機械按鈕轉換爲電容式按鈕來增強其功能。經過重新設計的代號爲Atlas的操作按鈕的操作方式預計將與舊款iPhone機型上的Touch ID Home按鈕或最新MacBook上的Force Touch觸控板類似。

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Apple's internal documentation reveals the updated Action button will include a force sensor, detecting pressure changes, and "tact-switching functionality." An upcoming "Capture" button on the iPhone 16 models is also expected to incorporate the same functionalities as the upgraded Action button.

蘋果的內部文件顯示,更新後的操作按鈕將包括力傳感器、檢測壓力變化和 “觸摸切換功能”。預計iPhone 16機型上即將推出的 “捕獲” 按鈕也將包含與升級後的操作按鈕相同的功能。

Why It Matters: The Action button's presence has stayed consistent across different development stages and hardware configurations of the iPhone 16 prototypes. Apple has also tested different sizes for the Action button, with some hardware configurations featuring a larger Action button closely resembling the volume buttons in size.

爲何重要:在iPhone 16原型的不同開發階段和硬件配置中,操作按鈕的存在一直保持一致。蘋果還測試了不同尺寸的操作按鈕,一些硬件配置的操作按鈕較大,大小與音量按鈕非常相似。

Furthermore, the Action button is planned to feature on the next generation of the budget-friendly iPhone SE fourth-generation, set for a 2025 launch. This move will effectively eliminate the dedicated mute switch from all future iPhones currently under development.

此外,計劃在定於2025年推出的下一代廉價iPhone SE第四代iPhone SE上推出 “操作” 按鈕。此舉將有效地取消目前正在開發的所有未來iPhone的專用靜音開關。

It's important to note that this is pre-production information and may not necessarily reflect the final product as hardware designs are still months away from finalization.


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Image Source – Apple

圖片來源 — 蘋果

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