
SolGold PLC Announces Porvenir Project Update

SolGold PLC Announces Porvenir Project Update

SolGold PLC 宣佈 Porvenir 項目最新情況
Accesswire ·  2023/12/01 08:45

SolGold plc Porvenir Project Update Advancing Exploration Across a Cluster of Porphyry Copper-Gold Targets

SolGold plc Provenir 項目更新推進對斑岩銅金目標群的勘探

BISHOPSGATE, LONDON / ACCESSWIRE / December 1, 2023 / SolGold ("SolGold" or the "Company")(LSE:SOLG)(TSX:SOLG) is pleased to provide an update on the exploration of the Porvenir Project ("Project"), held through its Ecuadorean subsidiary, Green Rock Resources S.A.

倫敦畢曉普斯蓋特/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月1日/SolGold(“SolGold” 或 “公司”)(倫敦證券交易所代碼:SOLG)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SOLG)很高興提供通過其厄瓜多爾子公司Green Rock Resources S.A進行勘探的最新情況

The Porvenir Project is located within the south-eastern portion of the Eastern Cordillera of Ecuador, approximately 70km south of the regional centre of Loja. The Project sits within the northerly-trending, Jurassic metallogenic belt of the northern Andes, which hosts significant economic gold and copper mines at Fruta del Norte and Mirador, and large Cu-Au resources at Mirador Norte, Warintza, San Carlos, Panantza.


Full details on the exploration updated are set out below under the heading 'Further Information'.

有關更新的勘探的完整詳細信息列在下面 “更多信息” 標題下。

SolGold Geology Manager, Mr. Santiago Vaca, commented on today's exploration update:

SolGold 地質經理聖地亞哥·瓦卡先生評論了今天的勘探最新情況:

"Drilling completed in the Cacharposa deposit indicates a pit constrained mineral resource, which is still open. The successful exploration performed at Cacharposa allows us to enhance our understanding on the geology and mineralization controls in the area, building our confidence in the potential to keep growing the resource with additional drilling, and to validate the high-quality of the other Cu-Au porphyry targets found within the Porvenir project".




The Porvenir Project, covers a cluster of geochemical anomalies that represent porphyry copper-gold targets that include Cacharposa, Balmore-(Diablo), Bartolo, Palmal and Merino. The Cacharposa anomaly coincides with a Cu-Au porphyry deposit that has an open-pit mineral resource estimate (CAC MRE#1) that comprises 396.8 Mt @ 0.44% CuEq for 1.40 Mt Cu and 1.80 Moz Au in the indicated category, plus 96.9 Mt @ 0.37% CuEq for 0.28 Mt Cu and 0.38 Moz Au in the inferred category, using a cut-off grade of 0.16% CuEq (refer to "Porvenir Property NI 43-101 Technical Report Mineral Resource Estimate, October 2021"). The remaining anomalies have yet to be drill-tested.

Porvenir項目涵蓋了一組代表斑岩銅金目標的地球化學異常,包括卡查波薩、巴爾莫爾(暗黑破壞神)、巴託洛、帕爾馬爾和美利奴。Cacharposa 異常與一個銅金斑岩礦牀相吻合,該礦牀的露天礦產資源估算值 (CAC MRE #1) 包括 140 萬噸銅的 396.8 萬噸 @ 0.44% cueQ 和 1.80 Moz Au(使用截止品位),再加上推斷類別中的 96.9 萬噸 @ 0.37% CueQ和 0.38 Moz Au 的 cueQ 爲 0.16%(請參閱 “Porvenir Property NI 43-101 技術報告礦產資源估算,2021 年 10 月”)。其餘的異常情況尚未經過鑽探測試。

On 26th October 2021, a data cut-off was applied to the Cacharposa dataset for the purposes of a Mineral Resource Estimation. The CAC MRE#1 dataset comprised 18,635.7m of diamond drilling; 439.6m of surface rock-saw channel sampling from 23 outcrops; and 16,982.4m of final assay results from drill holes 1 to 20.

2021 年 10 月 26 日,出於礦產資源估算的目的,對卡查波薩數據集應用了數據截止值。CAC MRE #1 數據集包括18,635.7米的鑽石鑽探;來自23個露頭的439.6米的地表巖鋸槽採樣;以及來自鑽孔1至20的16,982.4米的最終分析結果。

Since that time, a further 2,610.0m of infill and extension diamond drilling has been completed at the Cacharposa Deposit and number of drill holes have been planned for future resource extension drilling (Figure 1).


Figure 1: Plan view of drilling at the Cacharposa Deposit, showing additional drilling completed since CAC MRE#1 shown with red glow and planned diamond drilling shown in green. (TOP). The extents of the orebody at 0.16%CuEq COG utilising all drill holes are shown BOTTOM LEFT, and the CAC MRE#1 open-pit optimisation phases are shown BOTTOM RIGHT.

圖 1: Cacharposa礦牀鑽探的平面圖,顯示自CAC MRE #1 以紅色光芒顯示以來已完成的更多鑽探,計劃中的鑽石鑽探顯示爲綠色。(頂部)。使用所有鑽孔的礦體範圍爲 0.16% cueQ COG 顯示在左下方,右下角顯示了 CAC MRE #1 露天礦優化階段。

The Cacharposa dataset now comprises 21,245.7m of diamond drilling; 439.6m of surface rock-saw channel sampling from 23 outcrops; and 21,685.3m of final assay results from drill holes 1 to 27.


Result assays obtained from the infill and extension drilling show encouraging mineralized intersections (Table 1), which should support the conversion of a large portion of the deposit into the measured and indicated categories, as well as significantly increasing the resource tonnage in both the measured and indicated categories as well as the inferred category. SolGold is planning to complete a resource extension drilling program, and when it is completed, a mineral resource update (CAC MRE#2) for the Cacharposa deposit will be done.

從填充和延伸鑽探中獲得的結果分析表明,礦化交叉點令人鼓舞(表1),這將支持將大部分礦牀轉換爲測量和指示類別,並顯著增加測量和指示類別以及推斷類別的資源噸位。SolGold計劃完成一項資源擴展鑽探計劃,當該計劃完成後,將對Cacharposa礦牀進行礦產資源更新(CAC MRE #2)。

Table 1: Mineralized intersections from holes 21 to 27 using 10m composites.

表 1: 使用 10m 複合材料從 21 號孔到 27 號洞進行礦化交叉點。

The Porvenir Project also contains a number of satellite targets, generated by careful compilation of numerous datasets, including geological mapping, geochemical anomalies (soils, rocks, stream sediments, airborne and ground geophysics, regional structural interpretation, and 3D geochemical modelling. As such, the targets generated at the Project, display several encouraging characteristics of porphyry style deposits, such as:


  • Identification of mineral occurrences (chalcopyrite, chalcocite, bornite, native Cu, pyrite) and porphyry-style veining (quartz veins) at Bartolo and Eudis.
  • Identification of common hydrothermal alteration minerals in porphyry systems like K-feldspar, biotite, epidote, chlorite, and/or sericite (white mica) at Bartolo and Mula Muerta.
  • Coincident Cu, Cu/Zn, Mo, Mo/Mn geochemical anomalies, at Bartolo, Palmal, Diablo, Eudis and Merino.
  • Airborne and ground geophysics magnetic anomalies that lie coincident with regional lineaments and lineament intersections at Mula Muerta, Diablo, Palmal, Bartolo and Merino.
  • 3D geochemical models for the potential (p=0.14) of a Yerington-like porphyry centre (modified from Core, 2019), based on B-horizon soil-sample muti-element results. The main anomalies generated include Cacharposa, Balmore-(Diablo), Bartolo, Palmal and Merino.
  • 識別巴託洛和尤迪斯的礦物礦點(黃銅礦、鈣石、硼鐵礦、天然銅、黃鐵礦)和斑岩狀礦脈(石英脈)。
  • 在Bartolo和Mula Muerta鑑定斑岩系統中常見的熱液蝕變礦物,例如鉀長石、黑雲母、epidote、亞氯酸鹽和/或絲雲母(白雲母)。
  • 在巴託洛、帕爾馬爾、暗黑破壞神、歐迪斯和美利奴上存在重合的銅、銅/鋅、鉬、鉬/錳地球化學異常。
  • 與 Mula Muerta、Diablo、Palmal、Bartolo 和 Merino 的區域線條和線狀交叉點重合的空中和地面地球物理學磁異常。
  • 基於B-Horizon土壤樣本多元素結果的三維地球化學模型,對類似耶靈頓的斑岩中心的潛力(p=0.14)(根據Core,2019年的修改)。生成的主要異常包括 Cacharposa、Balmore-(暗黑破壞神)、巴託洛、帕爾瑪和美利奴。

Figure 2: Porvenir Project target generation summary showing geochemical anomalies at Cacharposa, Eudis, Mula Muerta, Balmore, Diablo, Palmal, Bartolo and Merino prospects, flagged for exploratory drill testing (TOP). Copper and Molybdenum in soil anomalies (BOTTOM CENTRE & BOTTOM RIGHT), and airborne reduced-to-pole magnetic image for the project area (BOTTOM LEFT).

圖 2: Porvenir Project 目標生成摘要,顯示了卡查波薩、Eudis、Mula Muerta、Balmore、Diablo、Palmal、Bartolo和Merino勘探區的地球化學異常,已標記爲勘探性鑽探測試(TOP)。土壤異常中的銅和鉬(中下和右下),以及項目區域的機載還原至極磁圖像(左下)。

Qualified Person:


Above information relating to the exploration results is based on data reviewed by Mr. Santiago Vaca (M.Sc. P.Geo.), Santiago joined SolGold in 2014 as Chief Geologist for the Cascabel project and is an Ecuadorian geologist with over 18 years of experience in mineral Exploration and research. Mr. Vaca holds a Professional Geoscientist Certification (P.Geo) granted by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) in Canada and is a Qualified Person for the purposes of the relevant LSE and TSX Rules. Mr. Vaca consents to the inclusion of the information in the form and context in which it appears.




Scott Caldwell

Chief Executive Officer

Tel: +44 (0) 20 3807 6996

Tavistock (Media)

Jos Simson/Gareth Tredway

Tel: +44 (0) 20 7920 3150



電話:+44 (0) 20 3807 6996


Jos Simson/Gareth Tredway

電話:+44 (0) 20 7920 3150



SolGold is a leading resources company focused on the discovery, definition and development of world-class copper and gold deposits and continues to strive to deliver objectives efficiently and in the interests of shareholders.


The Company operates with transparency and in accordance with international best practices. SolGold is committed to delivering value to its shareholders while simultaneously providing economic and social benefits to impacted communities, fostering a healthy and safe workplace, and minimizing the environmental impact.


SolGold is listed on the London Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (LSE/TSX: SOLG).


See for more information.




News releases, presentations and public commentary made by SolGold plc (the "Company") and its Officers may contain certain statements and expressions of belief, expectation or opinion which are forward looking statements, and which relate, inter alia, to interpretations of exploration results to date and the Company's proposed strategy, plans and objectives or to the expectations or intentions of the Company's Directors, including the plan for developing the Project currently being studied as well as the expectations of the Company as to the forward price of copper. Such forward-looking and interpretative statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors beyond the control of the Company that could cause the actual performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from such interpretations and forward-looking statements.

SolGold plc(“公司”)及其高管的新聞稿、陳述和公開評論可能包含某些陳述和信念、期望或觀點表達,這些陳述和表達是前瞻性陳述,除其他外,與對迄今爲止勘探結果和公司擬議戰略、計劃和目標的解釋或公司董事的期望或意圖有關,包括目前正在研究的項目的開發計劃以及公司對以下方面的期望的遠期價格銅。此類前瞻性和解釋性陳述涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性以及公司無法控制的其他重要因素,這些因素可能導致公司的實際業績或成就與此類解釋和前瞻性陳述存在重大差異。

Accordingly, the reader should not rely on any interpretations or forward-looking statements; and save as required by the exchange rules of the TSX and LSE or by applicable laws, the Company does not accept any obligation to disseminate any updates or revisions to such interpretations or forward-looking statements. The Company may reinterpret results to date as the status of its assets and projects changes with time expenditure, metals prices and other affecting circumstances.


This release may contain "forward‐looking information". Forward‐looking information includes, but is not limited to, statements regarding the Company's plans for developing its properties. Generally, forward‐looking information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "occur" or "be achieved".

此版本可能包含 “前瞻性信息”。前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關公司開發房產計劃的陳述。通常,前瞻性信息可以通過使用前瞻性術語來識別,例如 “計劃”、“期望” 或 “不預期”、“預期”、“預算”、“預算”、“預測”、“打算”、“預期” 或 “不預期” 或 “相信”,或者此類詞語的變體或陳述某些行動、事件或結果 “可能” “可能””、“將”、“可能” 或 “將被採取”、“發生” 或 “實現”。

Forward‐looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward‐looking information, including but not limited to: transaction risks; general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; future prices of mineral prices; accidents, labour disputes and shortages and other risks of the mining industry. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, risks relating to the ability of exploration activities (including assay results) to accurately predict mineralization; errors in management's geological modelling and/or mine development plan; capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates; the preliminary nature of visual assessments; delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other required approvals; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; changes in equity markets; inflation; the global economic climate; fluctuations in commodity prices; the ability of the Company to complete further exploration activities, including drilling; delays in the development of projects; environmental risks; community and non-governmental actions; other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry; the ability of the Company to retain its key management employees and skilled and experienced personnel; and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR+ at . Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward‐looking information. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking information, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.


The Company and its officers do not endorse, or reject or otherwise comment on the conclusions, interpretations or views expressed in press articles or third-party analysis.


Quality Assurance / Quality Control on Sample Collection, Security and Assaying


SolGold operates according to its rigorous Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) protocol, which is consistent with industry best practices.

SolGold 按照其嚴格的質量保證和質量控制 (QA/QC) 協議運營,該協議符合行業最佳實踐。

Primary sample collection involves secure transport from SolGold's concessions in Ecuador, to the ALS certified sample preparation facility in Quito, Ecuador. Samples are then air freighted from Quito to the ALS certified laboratory in Lima, Peru where the assaying of drill core, channel samples, rock chips and soil samples is undertaken. SolGold utilises ALS certified laboratories in Canada and Australia for the analysis of metallurgical samples.

主要樣本採集包括安全地將SolGold在厄瓜多爾的特許經營權運送到厄瓜多爾基多的ALS認證樣本製備設施。然後將樣本從基多空運到秘魯利馬的ALS認證實驗室,在那裏對鑽芯、河道樣本、岩屑和土壤樣本進行化驗。SolGold 利用加拿大和澳大利亞的 ALS 認證實驗室對冶金樣品進行分析。

Samples are prepared and analysed using 100g 4-Acid digest ICP with MS finish for 48 elements on a 0.25g aliquot (ME-MS61). Laboratory performance is routinely monitored using umpire assays, check batches and inter-laboratory comparisons between ALS certified laboratory in Lima and the ACME certified laboratory in Cuenca, Ecuador.

採用 100g 4-Acid 消化 ICP 製備和分析樣品,採用 MS 表面處理 0.25g 等分 (ME-MS61) 上的 48 種元素。在利馬的ALS認證實驗室和厄瓜多爾昆卡的ACME認證實驗室之間,使用裁判檢驗、檢查批次和實驗室間比較來監測實驗室性能。

In order to monitor the ongoing quality of its analytical database, SolGold's QA/QC protocol encompasses standard sampling methodologies, including the insertion of certified powder blanks, coarse chip blanks, standards, pulp duplicates and field duplicates. The blanks and standards are Certified Reference Materials supplied by Ore Research and Exploration, Australia.


SolGold's QA/QC protocol also monitors the ongoing quality of its analytical database. The Company's protocol involves Independent data validation of the digital analytical database including search for sample overlaps, duplicate or absent samples as well as anomalous assay and survey results. These are routinely performed ahead of Mineral Resource Estimates and Feasibility Studies. No material QA/QC issues have been identified with respect to sample collection, security and assaying.


Reviews of the sample preparation, chain of custody, data security procedures and assaying methods used by SolGold confirm that they are consistent with industry best practices and all results stated in this announcement have passed SolGold's QA/QC protocol.


See for more information. Follow us on 'X' @SolGold_plc

有關更多信息,請參見。在 “X” 上關注我們 @SolGold_plc

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