4 iShares ETFs Delivering Holiday Cheer For Investors With Lower Fees
4 iShares ETFs Delivering Holiday Cheer For Investors With Lower Fees
It's the holiday shopping season and in the spirit of the season, everyone loves a good deal. Well, everyone loves a good deal all year long and that's something exchange-traded funds issuers often oblige.
BlackRock's iShares unit, the world's largest ETF sponsor, is adding some cheer to the season, announcing fee cuts on four of its well-known products.
For the most part, the expense ratio reductions are modest, but for long-term investors, those small cuts can add up to big savings over time.
Here are the four iShares ETFs with newly lower fees.
以下是四隻費用最新降低的iShares ETF。
iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (IEMG)
IShares Core MSCI新興市場ETF(IEMG)
The iShares Core MSCI Emerging Markets ETF (NYSE:IEMG) now has an annual fee of 0.11%, or $11 on a $10,000 investment. That draws IEMG to within one basis point of primary rival, the Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets ETF (NYSE:VWO). VWO and IEMG are the two largest emerging markets ETFs, a competition that's really limited to these two products.
iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF (STIP)
IShares 0-5年TIPS債券ETF(STIP)
There's plenty of debate regarding just how pesky inflation currently is and will be next year, but there's no denying it just got a little bit cheaper to protect against the scourge of rising prices as the iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF (NYSE:STIP) now charges 0.05%, down from 0.06%. The $2.91 billion STIP, which turned 10 years old earlier this month, tracks the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) 0-5 Years Index.
關於通脹目前和明年將會是多麼令人討厭的問題,有很多爭論,但不可否認的是,為了抵禦物價上漲的禍害,通脹只是變得更便宜了一點,因為IShares 0-5年TIPS債券ETF紐約證券交易所代碼:STip)現在收費0.05%,低於0.06%。本月早些時候滿10歲的29.1億美元STIP追蹤彭博巴克萊美國國債通脹保值證券(TIPS)0-5年指數。
iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF (IAGG)
IShares Core國際集合債券ETF(IAGG)
The iShares Core International Aggregate Bond ETF (CBOE: IAGG) had its fee trimmed to 0.08% from 0.09%. Alone, that's barely noteworthy, but in this case, it's interesting because IAGG now has the same annual fee as its most director competitor, the Vanguard Total International Bond Index Fund ETF Shares (NASDAQ:BNDX).
這個IShares Core國際集合債券ETF(芝加哥期權交易所代碼:IAGG)的費用從0.09%下調至0.08%。單獨來説,這幾乎不值得注意,但在這種情況下,這很有趣,因為IAGG現在的年費與其最具指導性的競爭對手先鋒總國際債券指數基金ETF份額(納斯達克:BNDX).
iShares International Dividend Growth ETF (IGRO)
Alright, now we're getting somewhere in terms of notable fee reductions. The iShares International Dividend Growth ETF (CBOE: IGRO) is now charging 0.15% per year, down from 0.22%. That's significant by the standards of individual ETF expense ratio reductions.
IGRO's newly cheaper status is relevant for investors heading into 2021 because international stocks are suddenly a favored asset class for the new year and expectations for dividend growth are fairly stout, indicating this ETF could be a fine idea for income investors in the new year.