
Leading Pan-European Ferry and Logistics Company, P&O Ferries, Adopts Fingerprint Drug Screening Solution for On-Board, Random Testing of Seafaring Staff

Leading Pan-European Ferry and Logistics Company, P&O Ferries, Adopts Fingerprint Drug Screening Solution for On-Board, Random Testing of Seafaring Staff

領先的泛歐渡輪和物流公司P&O Ferries採用指紋藥物篩查解決方案對海員進行船上隨機測試
Intelligent Bio Solutions ·  2023/12/05 00:00

Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System is expected to reduce P&O Ferries' overall drug testing costs by 90%

智能指紋藥物篩選系統有望推出 將P&O Ferries的總體藥物測試成本降低90%

Easy-to-use, hygienic fingerprint sweat test improves the testing experience for P&O Ferries employees from previous urine method

易於使用、衛生的指紋汗水測試改善了 P&O Ferries 員工根據以前的尿液方法進行測試的經驗

NEW YORK, Dec. 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (Nasdaq: INBS) ("INBS" or the "Company"), a medical technology company delivering intelligent, rapid, non-invasive testing solutions, today announced that leading pan-European ferry and logistics company, P&O Ferries, is now using the revolutionary portable Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System to support its drug and alcohol testing policy.

紐約,2023 年 12 月 5 日(環球新聞專線)-- 智能生物解決方案公司 提供智能、快速、非侵入性測試解決方案的醫療科技公司納斯達克股票代碼:INBS)(“INBS” 或 “公司”)今天宣佈,領先的泛歐渡輪和物流公司P&O Ferries現在正在使用革命性的便攜式設備 智能指紋藥物篩選系統 以支持其藥物和酒精測試政策。

P&O previously used an external drug testing service provider to conduct random urine testing of seafaring staff on board its ferries. The testing process typically required multiple cabins with toilet facilities, HR support, external testers and a series of two-hour testing sessions across multiple voyages to conduct testing. This approach proved expensive and inflexible. Switching to an in-house program using the Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System is expected to reduce P&O Ferries' overall drug testing costs by 90%.

P&O此前曾聘請外部藥物測試服務提供商對其渡輪上的海員進行隨機尿液檢測。測試過程通常需要多個配備廁所設施、人力資源支持、外部測試人員的艙室以及一系列跨越多個航程的兩小時測試環節來進行測試。事實證明,這種方法既昂貴又不靈活。改用使用智能指紋藥物篩查系統的內部計劃有望將P&O Ferries的總體藥物測試成本降低90%。

"When we first saw fingerprint sweat-based drug screening in action, we knew it would be a great fit for P&O Ferries and our need for a flexible system that we could use on board our ferries," explained Grant Laversuch, Head of Safety & Designated Person Ashore at P&O Ferries. "This has proved to be the case, with the portable and non-invasive Intelligent Fingerprinting system giving us the ability to test on our ferries as needed. Having rolled out the innovative fingerprint solution to our ferries, we're now looking at training additional HR team members so that we can extend the program to our employees onshore."

P&O Ferries岸上安全與指定人員Grant Laversuch解釋說:“當我們第一次看到基於指紋汗水的藥物篩查應用時,我們知道這將非常適合P&O Ferries,我們需要一個可以在渡輪上使用的靈活系統。”“事實證明是這樣,便攜式和非侵入性的智能指紋識別系統使我們能夠根據需要在渡輪上進行測試。在爲渡輪推出創新的指紋解決方案之後,我們現在正在考慮培訓更多的人力資源團隊成員,以便我們可以將該計劃擴展到我們在岸的員工。”

P&O Ferries will deploy the Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System at its three UK ferry port sites at Larne in Northern Ireland, as well as Hull and Dover in England. The Company's portable DSR-Plus readers and screening cartridges will be used to randomly test seafaring staff on board ferries in line with the company's drug and alcohol policy.

P&O Ferries將在其位於北愛爾蘭拉恩的三個英國渡輪碼頭以及英格蘭的赫爾和多佛部署智能指紋識別藥物篩查系統。該公司的便攜式 DSR-Plus 閱讀器篩查墨盒 將用於根據公司的毒品和酒精政策對渡輪上的海員進行隨機測試。

"The ease-of-use and portability of our Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System makes it a powerful solution for random workplace testing across different locations. P&O Ferries' deployment of fingerprint testing on its ferries demonstrates the system's flexibility. It's great that we're not only helping the company maintain a safe and efficient work environment, but also equipping it with a more cost-effective method of testing," added Harry Simeonidis, President and Chief Executive Officer at Intelligent Bio Solutions.

“我們的智能指紋藥物篩查系統的易用性和便攜性使其成爲在不同地點進行隨機工作場所測試的強大解決方案。P&O Ferries在其渡輪上部署指紋測試表明瞭該系統的靈活性。Intelligent Bio Solutions總裁兼首席執行官Harry Simeonidis補充說,我們不僅幫助公司維持安全高效的工作環境,而且還爲其提供了一種更具成本效益的測試方法,這真是太好了。

An introductory video demonstrating fingerprint-based drug testing in action is available here.

演示基於指紋的藥物測試的介紹性視頻現已上線 這裏。

About Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc.


Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. (NASDAQ: INBS) is a medical technology company delivering innovative, rapid, non-invasive testing solutions. The Company believes that its Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System will revolutionize portable testing through fingerprint sweat analysis, which has the potential for broader applications in additional fields. Designed as a hygienic and cost-effective system, the test screens for recent use of drugs commonly found in the workplace, including opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine, and cannabis. With sample collection in seconds and results in under ten minutes, this technology would be a valuable tool for employers in safety-critical industries. Additionally, the Company's biosensor platform has the potential to test for up to 130 indications, ranging from glucose to immunological conditions and communicable diseases. The Company's current customer segments include construction, manufacturing and engineering, transport and logistics firms, drug treatment organizations, and coroners.

Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:INBS)是一家提供創新、快速、非侵入性測試解決方案的醫療技術公司。該公司認爲,其智能指紋藥物篩查系統將通過指紋汗液分析徹底改變便攜式測試,這有可能在其他領域得到更廣泛的應用。該測試系統既衛生又具有成本效益,可篩查最近在工作場所使用的常見藥物,包括阿片類藥物、可卡因、甲基苯丙胺和大麻。該技術可在幾秒鐘內收集樣本,在不到十分鐘內得出結果,因此對於安全關鍵行業的僱主而言,這項技術將是一項寶貴的工具。此外,該公司的生物傳感器平台有可能測試多達130種適應症,包括葡萄糖、免疫疾病和傳染病。該公司目前的客戶群包括建築、製造和工程、運輸和物流公司、藥物治療組織和驗屍官。

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About P&O Ferries

關於 P&O 渡輪

With more than 185 years of rich heritage and experience, P&O Ferries has been connecting the UK and Europe for nearly two centuries. Our history and our lifelong drive for innovation helps us be the reliable ferry operator you know today, bringing the latest technology to our fleet to deliver sustainable travel in comfort. We sail across the English Channel, North Sea, and Irish Sea, employing 1350 people around our network. Our fleet of ships includes two hybrid-powered state of the art Fusion Class vessels being delivered in 2023, the newest ferries on the English Channel. Taken together, our ships make nearly 20,000 sailings every year. Our passengers travel with us on major routes connecting the UK to France, the Republic of Ireland, and the Netherlands, and our domestic route between Northern Ireland and Scotland. We also operate continental hubs at Zeebrugge and Europoort, and overall we carry around one fifth of the UK's goods trade with Europe.

P&O Ferries 擁有超過 185 年的豐富遺產和經驗,連接英國和歐洲已有近兩個世紀了。我們的歷史和對創新的終身追求幫助我們成爲您今天所熟知的可靠渡輪運營商,爲我們的船隊帶來最新技術,以提供舒適的可持續旅行。我們航行穿越英吉利海峽、北海和愛爾蘭海,我們的網絡僱用了 1350 名員工。我們的艦隊包括兩艘將於2023年交付的混合動力最先進的Fusion Class艦艇,這是英吉利海峽上的最新渡輪。總而言之,我們的船每年航行將近 20,000 次。我們的乘客乘坐連接英國與法國、愛爾蘭共和國和荷蘭的主要航線,以及我們往返北愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭的國內航線。我們還在澤布魯日和歐洲港口運營大陸樞紐,總體而言,我們承載了英國與歐洲商品貿易的約五分之一。

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Forward-Looking Statements:


Some of the statements in this press release are forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation, Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc.'s ability to successfully develop and commercialize its drug and diagnostic tests, realize commercial benefit from its partnerships and collaborations, and secure regulatory approvals. Although Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date made, expectations may prove to have been materially different from the results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. has attempted to identify forward-looking statements by terminology, including" believes,"" estimates,"" anticipates,"" expects,"" plans,"" projects,"" intends,"" potential,"" may,"" could,"" might,"" will,"" should,"" approximately" or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, included in Intelligent Bio Solutions' public filings filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements contained in this release speak only as of its date. Intelligent Bio Solutions undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this release to reflect events or circumstances occurring after its date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

本新聞稿中的一些陳述屬於1933年《證券法》第27A條、1934年《證券交易法》第21E條和1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述,它們涉及風險和不確定性。本新聞稿中的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於智能生物解決方案公司。”能夠成功開發和商業化其藥物和診斷測試,從合作伙伴關係和合作中獲得商業利益,並獲得監管部門的批准。儘管Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc.認爲,截至發佈之日,此類前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但預期可能與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。Intelligent Bio Solutions Inc. 試圖通過術語來識別前瞻性陳述,包括 “相信、” 估計、“預期”、“預期”、“計劃”、“項目”、“打算”、“可能”、“可能”、“將”、“應該” 或其他表達未來事件或結果不確定性的詞語,以識別這些前瞻性陳述。這些聲明僅是預測,涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性和其他因素,包含在Intelligent Bio Solutions向美國證券交易委員會提交的公開文件中。本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性陳述僅代表截至其日期。Intelligent Bio Solutions沒有義務更新本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性陳述以反映其發佈日期之後發生的事件或情況或反映意外事件的發生。

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Comma Communications
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+44 (0) 7791 720460

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