Surprise Inspection Forces Cannabis Company To Cancel $3M Sale Deal Shareholders Opposed
Surprise Inspection Forces Cannabis Company To Cancel $3M Sale Deal Shareholders Opposed
YourWay Cannabis Brands Inc. (CSE:YOUR) (OTC:YOURF) has terminated the definitive agreement to sell Labtronix, Inc.
YourWay Cannabis Brands Inc.(CSE: YOUR)(場外交易代碼:YOURF)已終止出售Labtronix, Inc.的最終協議。
The special meeting of shareholders scheduled for Dec. 28, 2023 to vote on the sale of Labtronix has been canceled.
What Happened
Last week, the Labtronix manufacturing location was visited by the fire department for a surprise inspection and was ordered to cease all extraction operations immediately until certain improvements are made to the facility, the company said on Tuesday.
It is undetermined how long it will take to rectify this issue as it requires engineering and permitting through the City of Phoenix.
In direct response to this infraction the license holder that Labtronix was operating under pulled the license from the building requiring all operations of Labtronix to cease. The company is in discussions with the license holder to resolve the issue.
As a result, the company received notification from the buyer, terminating the sale agreement.
See also: YourWay Cannabis Brands Terminates Contracts With Old Pal And Airo
另見:YourWay 大麻品牌終止了與 Old Pal 和 Airo 的合同
Shareholders Against The Sale Deal
Interestingly, the latest update comes on the heels of last week's push from YourWay Cannabis' shareholders to terminate the sale of Labtronix, the company's "primary revenue-generating asset at a price significantly below its fair market value," according to Thursday's press release.
有趣的是,最新消息是在上週YourWay Cannabis的股東推動終止出售Labtronix之後發佈的。根據週四的新聞稿,該公司的 “主要創收資產,價格大大低於其公允市場價值”。
During the canceled special meeting, shareholders were slated to vote on the company's plan to sell a 100% ownership interest in Lantronix for $3 million.
With the move, the company had planned to separate itself from:
- all lawsuits both existing and unknown against Labtronix;
- all existing liabilities of Labtronix both known and unknown; and
- all tax liabilities about Labtronix (where essential all operations of the company have been conducted).
- 所有針對Labtronix的現有和未知訴訟;
- Labtronix 的所有現有負債,包括已知和未知的負債;以及
- 有關Labtronix的所有納稅義務(公司的所有重要業務都是在那裏進行的)。
Carl Saling III, who holds 28,814,400 shares, representing roughly 11% of the company's issued and outstanding common shares, filed a notice with YourWay Cannabis earlier for the nomination of six highly experienced directors to be elected to its board at the meeting.
卡爾·薩林三世持有28,814,400股股票,約佔公司已發行和流通普通股的11%。他早些時候向YourWay Cannabis提交了一份通知,要求提名六位經驗豐富的董事在會議上當選爲董事會成員。
Saling, who co-founded Hollister Biosciences, a company that later evolved and rebranded itself as YourWay Cannabis, sought to stop the proposed transaction, prioritize the completion of the audit and restore the company's trading status as quickly as possible.
薩林是Hollister Biosciences的共同創始人,該公司後來發展並更名爲YourWay Cannabis,他試圖停止擬議的交易,優先完成審計,並儘快恢復公司的交易狀態。
'Kickback Schemes'
In October, marijuana giant Trulieve Cannabis Corp. (CSE:TRUL) (OTCQX:TCNNF), Harvest Health & Recreation and Randy Taylor Consulting filed a verified complaint in the Arizona Superior Court against, among others, the company, Labtronix and YourWay Cottonwood. The plaintiffs claim that the defendants, their related entities and employees, participated in unlawful kickback schemes to the detriment of the plaintiffs.
10月,大麻巨頭Trulieve Cannabis Corp.(CSE: TRUL)(OTCQX: TCNNF)、Harvest Health & Recreation和Randy Taylor Consulting在亞利桑那州高等法院對該公司Labtronix和YourWay Cottonwood等公司提起了經覈實的申訴。原告聲稱,被告及其關聯實體和僱員參與了非法的回扣計劃,損害了原告的利益。
Photo: Benzinga edit images by bulkbuddy, PublicDomainPictures by Pixabay and Nick Fewings on Unsplash
照片:Benzinga 編輯 bulkbuddy 的圖片、Pixabay 的 PublicDomainPictures 和 Unsplash 上的 Nick