
Is AGNC A Good Stock To Buy According To Hedge Funds?

Is AGNC A Good Stock To Buy According To Hedge Funds?

Insider Monkey ·  2020/12/21 15:17

In this article you are going to find out whether hedge funds think AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) is a good investment right now. We like to check what the smart money thinks first before doing extensive research on a given stock. Although there have been several high profile failed hedge fund picks, the consensus picks among hedge fund investors have historically outperformed the market after adjusting for known risk attributes. It's not surprising given that hedge funds have access to better information and more resources to predict the winners in the stock market.

在這篇文章中,你將了解對沖基金是否認爲 AGNC 投資公司。納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)目前是一項不錯的投資。在對給定股票進行廣泛研究之前,我們喜歡先檢查聰明的貨幣在想什麼。儘管有幾種備受矚目的對沖基金選擇失敗,但在調整已知風險屬性後,對沖基金投資者的共識選擇歷來表現優於市場。鑑於對沖基金有機會獲得更好的信息和更多資源來預測股市的贏家,這並不奇怪。

Is AGNC a good stock to buy?AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) shareholders have witnessed a decrease in support from the world's most elite money managers in recent months. AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) was in 32 hedge funds' portfolios at the end of September. The all time high for this statistic is 37. Our calculations also showed that AGNC isn't among the 30 most popular stocks among hedge funds (click for Q3 rankings and see the video for a quick look at the top 5 stocks).Video: Watch our video about the top 5 most popular hedge fund stocks.

AGNC 是一隻值得買入的好股票嗎?最近幾個月,AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)的股東目睹了全球最精英基金經理的支持減少。截至9月底,AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)參與了32家對沖基金的投資組合。該統計數據的歷史最高水平爲37。我們的計算還顯示,AGNC不在對沖基金中最受歡迎的30只股票之列(點擊查看第三季度排名,觀看視頻,快速瀏覽前五名股票)。視頻:觀看我們關於最受歡迎的5只對衝基金股票的視頻。

If you'd ask most market participants, hedge funds are viewed as unimportant, outdated investment tools of years past. While there are more than 8000 funds trading today, Our researchers hone in on the crème de la crème of this club, approximately 850 funds. These money managers command the majority of all hedge funds' total asset base, and by tailing their unrivaled stock picks, Insider Monkey has identified various investment strategies that have historically beaten the S&P 500 index. Insider Monkey's flagship short hedge fund strategy beat the S&P 500 short ETFs by around 20 percentage points per year since its inception in March 2017. Our portfolio of short stocks lost 13% since February 2017 (through November 17th) even though the market was up 65% during the same period. We just shared a list of 6 short targets in our latest quarterly update .Louis Bacon Moore of Moore Capital

如果你問大多數市場參與者,對沖基金被視爲過去幾年中不重要、過時的投資工具。儘管今天有超過8000只基金在交易,但我們的研究人員對該俱樂部的精華,大約有850只基金進行了深入研究。這些基金經理控制着所有對沖基金總資產基礎的大多數,通過追蹤他們無與倫比的股票選擇,Insider Monkey確定了歷史上擊敗標準普爾500指數的各種投資策略。自2017年3月推出以來,Insider Monkey的旗艦空頭對沖基金策略每年比標準普爾500指數空頭ETF高出約20個百分點。儘管同期市場上漲了65%,但自2017年2月(截至11月17日)以來,我們的空頭股票投資組合下跌了13%。我們剛剛在最新的季度更新中分享了6個空頭目標清單。摩爾資本的路易斯·培根·摩爾

At Insider Monkey we leave no stone unturned when looking for the next great investment idea. For example, the House passed a landmark bill decriminalizing marijuana. So, we are checking out this under the radarcannabis stockright now. We go through lists like the 15best blue chip stocks to buyto pick the best large-cap stocks to buy. Even though we recommend positions in only a tiny fraction of the companies we analyze, we check out as many stocks as we can. We read hedge fund investor letters and listen to stock pitches at hedge fund conferences. You can subscribe to our free daily newsletter on our website. Keeping this in mind let's go over the latest hedge fund action surrounding AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC).Do Hedge Funds Think AGNC Is A Good Stock To Buy Now?

在Insider Monkey,我們在尋找下一個不錯的投資想法時不遺餘力。例如,衆議院通過了一項具有里程碑意義的法案,將大麻合法化。因此,我們現在正在大麻股票的雷達下檢查這個問題。我們會瀏覽15只最值得購買的藍籌股之類的清單,以挑選最適合買入的大盤股。儘管我們只建議在我們分析的公司中有一小部分持倉,但我們會盡可能多地查看股票。我們閱讀對沖基金投資者的來信,並在對沖基金會議上聽取股票推介。您可以在我們的網站上訂閱我們的免費每日時事通訊。記住這一點,讓我們來看看圍繞AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)的最新對沖基金行動。對沖基金認爲AGNC是現在值得買入的好股票嗎?

At the end of September, a total of 32 of the hedge funds tracked by Insider Monkey were bullish on this stock, a change of -14% from the previous quarter. Below, you can check out the change in hedge fund sentiment towards AGNC over the last 21 quarters. So, let's check out which hedge funds were among the top holders of the stock and which hedge funds were making big moves.

9月底,Insider Monkey追蹤的對沖基金中共有32家看好該股,與上一季度相比增長了-14%。下面,您可以查看過去21個季度中對沖基金對AGNC的情緒變化。因此,讓我們來看看哪些對沖基金是該股的最大持有者,以及哪些對沖基金正在採取重大舉措。

The largest stake in AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) was held by D E Shaw, which reported holding $60.7 million worth of stock at the end of September. It was followed by OZ Management with a $51.5 million position. Other investors bullish on the company included Moore Global Investments, Clough Capital Partners, and Millennium Management. In terms of the portfolio weights assigned to each position One Fin Capital Management allocated the biggest weight to AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC), around 4.9% of its 13F portfolio. Clough Capital Partners is also relatively very bullish on the stock, dishing out 2.45 percent of its 13F equity portfolio to AGNC.

AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)的最大股份由D E Shaw持有,該公司報告截至9月底持有價值6,070萬美元的股票。緊隨其後的是OZ Management,頭寸爲5,150萬美元。其他看好該公司的投資者包括摩爾環球投資、克拉夫資本合夥人和千禧管理公司。就分配給每個頭寸的投資組合權重而言 一個 Fin Capital Management對AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)的權重最大,約佔其13F投資組合的4.9%。Clough Capital Partners也相對非常看好該股,向AGNC提供了其13F股票投資組合的2.45%。

Due to the fact that AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) has experienced falling interest from hedge fund managers, it's easy to see that there is a sect of hedgies who sold off their full holdings last quarter. At the top of the heap, Peter Rathjens, Bruce Clarke and John Campbell's Arrowstreet Capital dropped the largest position of the "upper crust" of funds monitored by Insider Monkey, valued at an estimated $38.9 million in stock. Paul Marshall and Ian Wace's fund, Marshall Wace LLP, also sold off its stock, about $22.4 million worth. These transactions are interesting, as total hedge fund interest was cut by 5 funds last quarter.

由於AGNC投資公司(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC)經歷了對沖基金經理的興趣下降,因此不難看出,有一部分對沖者在上個季度拋售了全部持有的股份。排在首位的是,彼得·拉斯延斯、布魯斯·克拉克和約翰·坎貝爾的Arrowstreet Capital下跌了Insider Monkey監管的 “上流社會” 基金中最大的頭寸,股票價值估計爲3,890萬美元。保羅·馬歇爾和伊恩·韋斯的基金馬歇爾·韋斯律師事務所也出售了其價值約2,240萬美元的股票。這些交易很有趣,因爲上個季度有5只基金削減了對沖基金的總利息。

Let's check out hedge fund activity in other stocks - not necessarily in the same industry as AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) but similarly valued. We will take a look at Iron Mountain Incorporated (NYSE:IRM), Magellan Midstream Partners, L.P. (NYSE:MMP), Amedisys Inc (NASDAQ:AMED), Mylan Inc. (NASDAQ:MYL), Chemed Corporation (NYSE:CHE), Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH), and Amdocs Limited (NYSE:DOX). This group of stocks' market valuations resemble AGNC's market valuation.

讓我們來看看其他股票的對沖基金活動——不一定與同一個行業 AGNC 投資公司。(納斯達克股票代碼:AGNC),但估值相似。我們來看看 Iron Mountain Incorporated (紐約證券交易所:IRM)、麥哲倫中游合夥人有限責任公司(紐約證券交易所:MMP), Amedisys Inc. (納斯達克股票代碼:AMED), 邁蘭公司。(納斯達克股票代碼:MYL), Chemed 公司 (紐約證券交易所代碼:CHE), 智利銀行 (紐約證券交易所代碼:BCH),以及 amdocs 有限公司(紐約證券交易所代碼:DOX)。這組股票的市場估值類似於AGNC的市場估值。

[table] Ticker, No of HFs with positions, Total Value of HF Positions (x1000), Change in HF Position IRM,25,112125,3 MMP,20,101183,5 AMED,31,343564,1 MYL,48,1749763,2 CHE,34,417170,8 BCH,4,34650,1 DOX,29,390241,2 Average,27.3,449814,3.1 [/table]

[表] 股票行情、持倉的HF數量、HF持倉總價值 (x1000)、HF 持倉變動 IRM,25,112125,3 MMP,20,101183,5 AMED,31,343564,1 MYL,48,1749763,2 CHE,34,417170,8 BCH,4,34650,1 DOX,29,390241,2 平均值,27.3,449814,3.1 [/表]

View table here if you experience formatting issues.


As you can see these stocks had an average of 27.3 hedge funds with bullish positions and the average amount invested in these stocks was $450 million. That figure was $382 million in AGNC's case. Mylan Inc. (NASDAQ:MYL) is the most popular stock in this table. On the other hand Banco de Chile (NYSE:BCH) is the least popular one with only 4 bullish hedge fund positions. AGNC Investment Corp. (NASDAQ:AGNC) is not the most popular stock in this group but hedge fund interest is still above average. Our overall hedge fund sentiment score for AGNC is 57.8. Stocks with higher number of hedge fund positions relative to other stocks as well as relative to their historical range receive a higher sentiment score. Our calculations showed that top 20 most popular stocks among hedge funds returned 41.3% in 2019 and outperformed the S&P 500 ETF (SPY) by 10 percentage points. These stocks gained 33.3% in 2020 through December 18th and still beat the market by 16.4 percentage points. Hedge funds were also right about betting on AGNC as the stock returned 12.7% since the end of Q3 (through 12/18) and outperformed the market. Hedge funds were rewarded for their relative bullishness.


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Disclosure: None. This article was originally published at Insider Monkey.

披露:無。這篇文章最初發表在 Insider Monkey 上。

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