
OpenLocker Holdings Provides Year-End Letter to Shareholders

OpenLocker Holdings Provides Year-End Letter to Shareholders

OpenLocker 控股向股東提供年終信
Accesswire ·  2023/12/12 09:00

WEST PALM BEACH, FL / ACCESSWIRE / December 12, 2023 / OpenLocker Holdings Inc., ("OpenLocker" or the "Company") (OTCQB:OLKR) is pleased to announce the release of the following Year-End Letter to Shareholders:

佛羅里達州西棕櫚灘/ACCESSWIRE/2023年12月12日/OpenLocker Holdings Inc.(“OpenLocker” 或 “公司”)(OTCQB: OLKR)欣然宣佈發佈以下年終股東信:

Dear OpenLocker Holdings Investor,

親愛的 OpenLocker 控股投資

As we approach the end of 2023, we are excited to share with you the accomplishments and milestones achieved by OpenLocker Holdings, Inc. over the past year. The company works hard at redefining fan experiences and fostering engagement in college sports through community building, strategic partnerships and leveraging Name, Image and Likeness opportunities. We had the privilege of working with some of the top collegiate talent in the country, including Trinity Thomas (University of Florida Gymnastics '22), Leanne Wong (University of Florida Gymnastics and U.S. National team), Colin Castleton (University of Florida Basketball '22, drafted by the L.A. Lakers) and Donovan Clingan (University of Connecticut '26, NCAA Champion). We are looking forward to expanding our reach to an even larger audience of sports fans in 2024 with even more innovation and through harnessing the power of A.I.

隨着2023年底的臨近,我們很高興與大家分享OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.在過去一年中取得的成就和里程碑。該公司致力於通過社區建設、戰略合作伙伴關係以及利用姓名、形象和肖像機會來重新定義球迷體驗並促進參與大學體育運動。我們有幸與美國一些頂尖的大學天才合作,包括三一·托馬斯(佛羅里達大學體操隊 '22)、Leanne Wong(佛羅里達大學體操隊和美國國家隊)、科林·卡斯爾頓(佛羅里達大學籃球'22,由洛杉磯湖人隊選中)和多諾萬·克林根(康涅狄格大學 '26,NCAA 冠軍)。我們期待通過更多的創新和利用人工智能的力量,在2024年將我們的影響範圍擴大到更多的體育迷受衆。

In March, our Gataverse community hosted an exclusive clinic with the University of Florida women's gymnastics team (2023 SEC Champions) for the local community in Gainesville, FL. The event featured choreography demonstrations and instruction along with autograph sessions and photographs with the athletes and over 100 exuberant school age girls and their families.

3月,我們的 Gataverse 社區與佛羅里達大學女子體操隊(2023 年 SEC Champions)一起在佛羅里達州蓋恩斯維爾爲當地社區舉辦了一場專屬診所。該活動包括舞蹈編排演示和指導,以及與運動員和100多名熱情洋溢的學齡女孩及其家人的簽名會和合影。

OpenLocker had the pleasure of experiencing March Madness in person when our PowerOwls Club traveled to Houston to meet up with the Florida Atlantic University men's basketball team for their first ever appearance in the NCAA Division I Final Four. We helped arrange a private meeting and inspirational talk for the players with Jim McInvale (aka "Mattress Mack"), who also gave them and their families box seat tickets to a Houston Astros game. Upon returning to Boca Raton, the PowerOwls Club was on the ground again to execute celebratory fan engagement activities including a city-sponsored autograph session at Mizner Park and a private VIP party with the entire team.

OpenLocker 有幸親身體驗瘋狂三月,當時我們的 PowerOwls 俱樂部前往休斯敦與佛羅里達大西洋大學男子籃球隊會面,這是他們首次參加 NCAA I 級決賽四強。我們幫助球員們安排了與吉姆·麥金維爾(又名 “Mattress Mack”)的私人會面和勵志演講,吉姆·麥金維爾(又名 “Mattress Mack”)還向他們和他們的家人提供了休斯頓太空人隊比賽的包廂座位門票。回到博卡拉頓後,PowerOwls Club再次來到現場舉辦慶祝粉絲參與活動,包括在米茲納公園舉辦城市贊助的簽名會以及與整個團隊舉行的私人貴賓派對。

In June, we took advantage of the opportunity to network with over 600 student-athletes, school administrators and industry professionals as a sponsor of the 2nd Annual Student Athlete NIL Summit at the College Football Hall of Fame in Atlanta, GA. We offered every athlete in attendance the opportunity to sign an NIL deal on the spot at the OpenLocker booth. Each athlete received a unique collectible sport card with their NIL to keep and one to autograph for sale on the OpenLocker platform. The conversations, connections, not to mention the social media, from the event were priceless. We signed up 139 Student Athletes at the event onto our platform.

6月,我們利用這個機會與600多名學生運動員、學校管理人員和行業專業人士建立了聯繫,成爲這兩場比賽的贊助商 年度學生運動員 NIL 峯會在喬治亞州亞特蘭大的大學橄欖球名人堂舉行。我們爲每位到場的運動員提供了在OpenLocker展位現場簽署零協議的機會。每位運動員都將獲得一張獨特的收藏運動卡,其中沒有要保留,還有一張要親筆簽名,在OpenLocker平台上出售。活動中的對話、人脈,更不用說社交媒體了,是無價的。我們在我們的平台上註冊了139名學生運動員。

In July, we returned to the University of Florida back in basketball mode. A partnership between our Gataverse community and University of Florida brought an alumni team to Louisville for The Basketball Tournament (TBT), an annual high-stakes competition that awards a one million dollar prize to the winner and airs on ESPN. The Gataverse team, which included legends like Corey Brewer, Taurean Green and Lee Humphrey (members of the Gators back-to-back championship teams of 2006 & 2007) met up for training camp in Gainesville the weekend before the competition. The weekend also featured an exhibition game and Fan Fest for the local community to meet current and alumni Gator athletes, get autographs and enjoy beverages from our presenting sponsor, Celsius Essential Energy. We are also grateful for the hospitality provided by StayGainesville who hosted the team in their comfortable B&B properties conveniently located near the UF athletic training facility.

7月,我們以籃球模式回到了佛羅里達大學。我們的Gataverse社區與佛羅里達大學的合作使一支校友隊伍來到路易斯維爾參加籃球錦標賽(TBT),這是一項年度高風險比賽,向獲勝者頒發一百萬美元的獎金,並在ESPN上播出。Gataverse隊伍包括科裏·布魯爾、陶琳·格林和李·漢弗萊等傳奇人物(2006年和2007年鱷魚隊連續獲得冠軍隊的成員),將在比賽開始前的週末聚集在蓋恩斯維爾參加訓練營。週末還舉辦了一場展覽遊戲和粉絲節,供當地社區與現任和校友Gator運動員見面,獲得簽名並享用我們的贊助商Celsius Essential Energy提供的飲品。我們還感謝StayGainsville的熱情款待,他們在靠近UF運動訓練設施的舒適的B&B酒店接待了球隊,交通便利。

We connected countless fans to student athletes across several sports at multiple universities.


Please click on this video link to see some highlights from our OpenLocker powered events from 2023.

請點擊此視頻鏈接,查看 2023 年我們由 OpenLocker 提供支持的活動的一些精彩片段。

Our stated goal was to build a platform for student-athletes to monetize their NIL. and of course grow our business alongside this burgeoning new industry. We made a tremendous impact on a local and national level. I can confidently state that in a very brief period of time the OpenLocker "brand" has become highly respected and regarded as one of the most innovative sportstech and marketing companies with college athletes.

我們的既定目標是爲學生運動員搭建一個平台,讓他們的 NIL 獲利。當然,在這個蓬勃發展的新行業的同時發展我們的業務。我們在地方和國家層面產生了巨大影響。我可以自信地說,在很短的時間內,OpenLocker “品牌” 已受到高度尊重,並被視爲擁有大學運動員的最具創新性的體育技術和營銷公司之一。

Although the impact we have made is impressive, we have been disappointed that it has not yet translated to the kind of revenues we anticipated for calendar year 2023. We are committed to increasing our revenues in 2024 by tapping into new market opportunities in the sports tech ecosystem as well as developing proprietary new products.


In closing, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support of OpenLocker Holdings, Inc. Together, we are transforming the landscape of sports technology and unlocking unprecedented value for all stakeholders. If you have any questions or would like further details on our achievements and plans for the future, please do not hesitate to reach out.

最後,我要衷心感謝您一直以來對OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.的支持。我們正在共同改變體育科技格局,爲所有利益相關者釋放前所未有的價值。如果您有任何疑問或想進一步了解我們的成就和未來計劃,請隨時聯繫我們。

Best regards,


Howard Gostfrand


About OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.

關於 OpenLocker 控股有限公司

OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.'s subsidiary OpenLocker operates a technology platform for athletes and brands to redefine and unlock consumer and fan value. OpenLocker builds highly engaged fan communities for colleges and universities using student-athletes Name, Image and Likeness (NIL), opening the door to countless revenue opportunities that previously did not exist. OpenLocker increases engagement among fans, athletes and brands through innovative collectibles and provides unique user utility, perks and experiences. OpenLocker is delivering digital loyalty and spearheading the future of marketing.

OpenLocker 控股公司'其子公司OpenLocker運營一個技術平台,供運動員和品牌重新定義和釋放消費者和粉絲價值。OpenLocker 使用學生運動員姓名、形象和肖像(NIL)爲高校建立高度參與的粉絲社區,爲以前不存在的無數創收機會打開了大門。OpenLocker 通過創新的收藏品提高粉絲、運動員和品牌之間的參與度,並提供獨特的用戶效用、津貼和體驗。OpenLocker 正在提供數字忠誠度,引領營銷的未來。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical facts included in this press release are forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "plan," "potential," "continue" or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements include risks and uncertainties, and there are important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. These factors, risks and uncertainties are discussed in OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.'s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Investors should not place any undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. Any forward-looking statement reflects OpenLocker Holdings, Inc.'s current views with respect to future events and is subject to these and other risks, uncertainties and assumptions relating to operations, results of operations, growth strategy and liquidity. OpenLocker Holdings, Inc. assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述均爲前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,前瞻性陳述可以通過諸如 “相信”、“期望”、“預期”、“計劃”、“潛力”、“繼續” 或類似的表達方式來識別。此類前瞻性陳述包括風險和不確定性,有些重要因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。OpenLocker Holdings, Inc. 討論了這些因素、風險和不確定性。”s 向證券交易委員會提交的文件。投資者不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲它們涉及已知和未知、不確定性和其他因素,在某些情況下,這些因素是公司無法控制的,這些因素可能會而且很可能會對實際業績、活動水平、業績或成就產生重大影響。任何前瞻性陳述都反映了 OpenLocker Holdings, In對未來事件的當前看法,並受這些風險和其他與運營、經營業績、增長戰略和流動性相關的風險、不確定性和假設的影響。即使將來有新的信息,OpenLocker Holdings, Inc. 也沒有義務出於任何原因公開更新或修改這些前瞻性陳述,也沒有義務更新實際業績可能與這些前瞻性陳述中預期的結果存在重大差異的原因。

For more information, visit:


Investor Contact:
Howard Gostfrand, CEO


SOURCE: OpenLocker Holdings Inc.
via PRISM Mediawire, LLC

資料來源:OpenLocker 控股公司
通過 PRISM Mediawire, LLC

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