CHS Owners Elect Seven Board Members, Pass Bylaws Amendments
CHS Owners Elect Seven Board Members, Pass Bylaws Amendments
CHS owners elected seven board members to three-year terms during the cooperative's 2023 annual meeting held Dec. 7-8 in Minneapolis.
Reelected to the CHS Board of Directors were:
- Scott Cordes, who raises corn and soybeans with his family near Wanamingo, Minn., representing Region 1 (Minnesota)
- Cortney Wagner, a first-generation cattle and hay producer based near Hardin, Mont., representing Region 2 (Montana and Wyoming)
- Jon Erickson, who raises small grains and oilseeds and has a cow-calf operation with his family near Minot, N.D., representing Region 3 (North Dakota)
- Tracy Jones, who raises corn, soybeans, wheat and cattle with his family near Kirkland, Ill., representing Region 5 (Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia and Wisconsin)
- Dan Schurr, who raises corn and soybeans with his family near LeClaire, Iowa, representing Region 7 (Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
- C.J. Blew, who farms and ranches in a family partnership in south-central Kansas, representing Region 8 (Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas)
- 斯科特·科德斯,代表第一區(明尼蘇達州)在明尼蘇達州瓦納明戈附近與家人一起種植玉米和大豆
- Cortney Wagner,第一代牛和乾草生產商,總部位於蒙大拿州哈丁附近,代表第二區(蒙大拿州和懷俄明州)
- 喬恩·埃裏克森,他代表第三區(北達科他州)飼養小穀物和油籽,並與家人一起在北達科他州邁諾特附近經營牛犢養殖場
- Tracy Jones,他在伊利諾伊州柯克蘭附近與家人一起飼養玉米、大豆、小麥和牛,代表第 5 區(康涅狄格州、特拉華州、伊利諾伊州、印第安納州、肯塔基州、俄亥俄州、緬因州、馬里蘭州、馬薩諸塞州、密歇根州、新罕布什爾州、新澤西州、紐約州、賓夕法尼亞州、羅德島、佛蒙特州、弗吉尼亞州、西弗吉尼亞州和威斯康星州)
- 丹·舒爾在愛荷華州勒克萊爾附近與家人一起種植玉米和大豆,代表第 7 區(愛荷華州、密蘇里州、阿肯色州、路易斯安那州、密西西比州、阿拉巴馬州、佛羅里達州、喬治亞州、北卡羅來納州、南卡羅來納州、田納西州)
- C.J. Blew,他代表第 8 區(內布拉斯加州、堪薩斯州、科羅拉多州、新墨西哥州、俄克拉荷馬州、德克薩斯州)以家庭合夥方式在堪薩斯州中南部種植農場和牧場
Newly elected CHS Board member
新當選的 CHS 董事會成員
Anthony Rossman was elected to the CHS Board to represent CHS members in Region 1 (Minnesota), succeeding Perry Meyer, who retired from the Board at the conclusion of the annual meeting. Rossman operates a diversified crop and livestock operation near Rochester, Minn., and manages genetic alliances in the beef industry.
CHS Board officer elections
CHS 董事會官員選舉
The following CHS Board members were elected to one-year officer terms:
以下 CHS 董事會成員當選,任期一年:
- Dan Schurr, LeClaire, Iowa, reelected chair
- C.J. Blew, Castleton, Kan., elected first vice chair
- Scott Cordes, Wanamingo, Minn., elected second vice chair
- Russell Kehl, Quincy, Wash., reelected secretary treasurer
- Al Holm, reelected assistant secretary-treasurer
- 愛荷華州勒克萊爾的丹·舒爾再次當選主席
- 堪薩斯州卡斯爾頓的 C.J. Blew 當選爲第一副主席
- 明尼蘇達州瓦納明戈的斯科特·科德斯當選第二副主席
- 華盛頓州昆西的羅素·凱爾再次當選秘書財務主管
- 阿爾·霍爾姆,再次當選助理秘書兼財務主管
Bylaws amendments
At the Annual Meeting, CHS members also approved two amendments to the organization's bylaws.
The first amendment decreases the number of representative directors in Region 1 from four to three directors and increases the number of representative directors in Region 7 from one to two directors.
The second amendment modifies how dividends are treated when calculating the net income or net loss of an allocation unit from patronage business and provides the Board with increased authority to add an additional amount of patronage income, not to exceed 35%, to the capital reserve.