
Bold Ventures Provides Year End Project Overview

Bold Ventures Provides Year End Project Overview

Bold Ventures 提供年終項目概述
Accesswire ·  2023/12/18 08:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / December 18, 2023 / Bold Ventures Inc. (TSX.V:BOL) (the "Company" or "Bold") wishes one and all a very Merry Christmas and Holiday season! All the best to you and yours in 2024!

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2023 年 12 月 18 日/Bold Ventures Inc.(TSX.V: BOL)(“公司” 或 “Bold”)祝大家聖誕節和節日快樂!2024 年祝你和你一切順利!

We are pleased to provide the following projects overview with highlights.


Farwell Battery and Precious Metals Project (Cu, Zn, Pb, Au, Ag):

Farwell 電池和貴金屬項目(銅、鋅、鉛、金、銀):

Between 2019 and 2023 Bold carried out data compilation, multiple prospecting and sampling programs, a ground geophysical test survey and a modern airborne VTEM electromagnetic (EM) and magnetic (Mag) survey. Of particular note is an interpretation and comparison of the 2022 property scale VTEM EM and Mag survey with the 1987 Ontario Geological Survey (OGS) Dighem regional airborne EM and Mag survey. The results indicate that the location of the historical drilling in the Farwell Sulphide Zone (FSZ) does not compare well with the location of the modern 2022 survey anomalies within the same vicinity. The historical drill intersections at the Bibis Copper Prospect (1.5% Cu over 5.2 m) and the Burex Copper Occurrence (massive sulphides over 10.7 m); (Bennett and Thurston 1977) did not appear to adequately test the conductor locations identified in the 2022 survey. The location of the 2022 VTEM anomalies provide a more accurate basis for drill targets to test and explain the conductors that may represent copper bearing massive sulphides. Six diamond drill holes are recommended to test the various conductive anomalies. This report is available on the Bold website here.

在2019年至2023年之間,Bold進行了數據彙編、多個探礦和採樣計劃、地面地球物理測試調查和現代機載VTEM電磁(EM)和磁力(Mag)測量。特別值得注意的是對2022年地質規模的VTEM EM和Mag調查與1987年安大略省地質調查局(OGS)Dighem區域空中電磁和地磁探測的解釋和比較。結果表明,Farwell Sulphide Zone(FSZ)歷史鑽探的位置與2022年現代調查異常在同一附近的位置相比不佳。Bibis銅礦區(超過5.2米的銅含量爲1.5%)和Burex銅礦區(超過10.7米的塊狀硫化物)(Bennett和Thurston 1977年)的歷史鑽探交叉口似乎沒有充分測試2022年調查中確定的導體位置。2022年VTEM異常的位置爲鑽探目標測試和解釋可能代表含銅塊狀硫化物的導體提供了更準確的基礎。建議使用六個金剛石鑽孔來測試各種導電異常。該報告可在Bold網站上查閱。

An interpretation of the Farwell property geology and geophysics in context with the regional scale geophysics and geology indicates the presence of a Mag low anomaly, indicative of a NW- SE oriented fault system crossing the Farwell claim group. The structure appears to extend to the southeast and intersects with Wesdome Gold Mines Mishi open pit gold deposit located approximately 6 km to the southeast. Wesdome produced gold from the Mishi pit as recently as 2021. The Mag low may represent a structural conduit for the remobilization and emplacement of gold mineralization. A high resolution airborne Mag survey is planned to provide enhanced detail of the interpreted structure. The survey will have the added benefit of better locating and orienting the battery metal drill targets located proximal to the Mag low and in the vicinity of the Farwell Sulphide Zone (FSZ). A planned drill program will follow the high-resolution Mag survey.

結合區域尺度地球物理學和地質學對Farwell地質學和地球物理學的解釋表明,存在低磁異常,這表明存在一個面向西北東南的斷層系統穿過Farwell索賠組。該結構似乎向東南延伸,與位於東南約6公里處的Wesdome金礦Mishi露天金礦相交。Wesdome最近在2021年就從米希礦中生產了黃金。Mag Low 可能代表金礦化的再動員和埋設的結構管道。計劃進行一次高分辨率的空中磁場測量,以提供解釋結構的更多細節。該調查還有一個額外的好處,那就是可以更好地定位和定向位於Mag Low附近和Farwell硫化物區(FSZ)附近的電池金屬鑽探目標。計劃中的鑽探計劃將在高分辨率的Mag調查之後進行。

The Traxxin Gold Project (Au):

Traxxin 黃金項目(澳大利亞):

In 2020 and 2021 Bold carried out multiple prospecting, sampling, stripping and channel sampling programs on the Traxxin Gold Property. Stripping at the north end of the Main Zone indicates that additional sub-parallel shear zones may be present.


Stripping, mapping, sampling and drilling at the south end of the Main Zone indicates lower grade gold mineralization between it and the Teardrop Zone (2.65 g/t Au over 1 m and .21 g/t over 42 m) (Sims 2019) within a more structurally complex geological setting. Additional geological and geophysical work in the southern portion of the claim group is recommended.

在主區南端進行剝離、測繪、取樣和鑽探表明,在結構更爲複雜的地質環境中,主區與淚珠區(1米以上爲2.65 g/t Au,42 m以上爲0.21 g/t)(Sims 2019)之間的金礦化程度較低。建議在索賠組的南部進行更多的地質和地球物理工作。

Bold completed four diamond drill holes in 2021 to test the Main Zone gold system at depth. The results confirmed the presence of gold mineralization in all four drill holes. Hole BV-21-04 located at the north end of the Main Zone, intersected 3.6 g/t Au over 12.3 m (including 6.13 g/t Au over 4.9 m) at a vertical depth of approximately 150 m in the deepest drill hole to date. A geophysical survey is recommended to accurately trace the gold bearing structure to the north, where it remains open, and to determine if any new sub-parallel shear zones exist. It is anticipated this would take place just before the next drill program.

Bold 在 2021 年完成了四個金剛石鑽孔,以測試主區金礦系統的深度。結果證實,所有四個鑽孔中都存在金礦化現象。BV-21-04 孔位於主區北端,在迄今爲止最深的鑽孔中,在 12.3 米處與 3.6 克/噸金相交(包括 4.9 米以上 6.13 g/t Au),垂直深度約爲 150 米。建議進行地球物理調查,以準確地追蹤北部的含金結構,該結構保持開放狀態,並確定是否存在任何新的亞平行剪切帶。預計這將在下一個鑽探計劃之前進行。

The Burchell Battery and Precious Metals Project (Cu, Zn, Ni, Au, Ag, Mo):


In 2006 a VTEM airborne electromagnetic (EM) and magnetic (Mag) survey was carried out over the western portion of the Burchell claim group. In 2017 a NI 43-101 property report was completed (NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Burchell Lake Property, Northwestern Ontario Thunder Bay Mining District NTS Sheet 52B/10SE, Prepared by Ike A. Osmani, M.Sc., P.Geo.). A recent interpretation and comparison of the 2006 VTEM survey with an historical Aerodat regional airborne EM and Mag survey (OGS 1991), has indicated that a VTEM survey covering the east side of the claim group is recommended. This survey will provide the most up to date geophysical data upon which to base subsequent exploration work.

2006年,對伯切爾索賠組的西部進行了VTEM機載電磁(EM)和磁力(Mag)調查。2017年,一份北卡羅來納州43-101房地產報告完成了(NI 43-101關於伯切爾湖地產的技術報告,安大略省西北部桑德貝礦區NTS表52B/10SE,由理學碩士、P.Geo. Ike A. Osmani編寫)。最近對2006年VTEM調查與Aerodat歷史區域空中電磁和磁場調查(OGS 1991)的解釋和比較表明,建議對索賠組東側進行一次VTEM調查。該調查將提供最新的地球物理數據,作爲後續勘探工作的基礎。

A prospecting and sampling program was carried out in September of this year (2023). A bedrock grab sample collected within a magnetic-high area along the main access road in the south-central portion of the property, returned 0.11% Cu and 0.15% Ni. A number of samples are pending receipt. Several locations were recommended for potential stripping and sampling. This work also provided valuable knowledge concerning the property geology.

今年9月(2023年)進行了勘探和取樣計劃。在該物業中南部主要通道沿線的磁高區域內採集的基岩採集樣本返回了 0.11% 的銅和 0.15% 的鎳。一些樣品正在等待收貨。建議在多個地點進行可能的剝離和取樣。這項工作還提供了有關財產地質學的寶貴知識。

Koper Lake Project in the Ring of Fire


In September of 2022 Bold's JV partner at the Koper Lake Project, Canada Chrome Corporation, acquired a 50% interest in the Koper Lake claim group from Fancamp Exploration for $34.5M via a secured convertible promissory note in the principal amount of C$34.5 million (for complete terms of the transaction see KWG press release dated September 1, 2022).

2022年9月,Bold在科佩湖項目的合資合作伙伴加拿大Chrome公司通過本金爲3,450萬加元的有擔保可轉換本票從Fancamp Exploration手中收購了科珀湖索賠集團50%的權益(交易的完整條款見KWG於2022年9月1日發佈的新聞稿)。

Bold has vested a 10% carried interest (to production) in the Black Horse Chromite NI 43-101 Inferred resource of 85.9 M tonnes of 34.5% Cr2O3 at a cutoff grade of 20% (KWG Website 2023). Bold also has a 40% working interest in all other metals found within the claims. Bold also has a Right of First Refusal on a 1% Net Smelter Return Royalty covering all metals produced from the property

Bold 已將 10% 的附帶權益(用於生產)歸屬於 Black Horse Chromite NI 43-101 推斷資源爲 8,590 萬噸 34.5% Cr2O3 截止等級爲 20%(KWG 網站 2023)。Bold還對索賠中發現的所有其他金屬擁有40%的營運權益。Bold還擁有優先拒絕權,可獲得1%的冶煉廠淨回報特許權使用費,該特許權使用費涵蓋該物業生產的所有金屬

The Ring of Fire access and infrastructure development continues within the environmental permitting process. The two closest First Nations are acting as proponents for the all-weather access and supply roads. Information about Bold's Ring of Fire projects, the Ring of Fire infrastructure development and various critical mineral articles can be accessed on the Bold Critical and Battery Minerals page.

在環境許可程序中,“火環” 的出入和基礎設施的開發仍在繼續。兩個距離最近的原住民支持全天候通道和補給道路。有關Bold的Ring of Fire項目、Ring of Fire基礎設施開發以及各種重要礦物文章的信息,可以在Bold Critical and Battery Minerals頁面上訪問。

The technical and scientific disclosures in this news release have been reviewed and approved by Gerald D. White, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person (QP) under National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術和科學披露已由Gerald D. White理學士、P.Geo.(美國國家儀器43-101的合格人士(QP)審查和批准。

Bold Ventures management believes our suite of Battery, Critical and Precious Metals exploration projects are an ideal combination of exploration potential meeting future demand. Our target commodities are comprised of: Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), Gold (Au), Silver (Ag), Platinum (Pt), Palladium (Pd) and Chromium (Cr).

Bold Ventures管理層認爲,我們的電池、關鍵金屬和貴金屬勘探項目套件是滿足未來需求的勘探潛力的理想組合。我們的目標商品包括:銅(Cu)、鎳(Ni)、鉛(Pb)、鋅(Zn)、金(Au)、銀(Ag)、鉑(Pt)、鈀(Pd)和鉻(Cr)。

About Bold Ventures Inc.


The Company explores for Battery, Critical and Precious Metals in Canada. Bold is exploring properties located in active gold and battery metals camps in the Thunder Bay and Wawa areas of northwestern Ontario. Bold also holds significant assets located within and around the emerging multi-metals district dubbed the Ring of Fire region, located in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario.


For additional information about Bold Ventures and our projects please visit or contact us at 416-864-1456 or email us at

有關 Bold Ventures 和我們項目的更多信息,請訪問 或致電 416-864-1456 聯繫我們或發送電子郵件至。

"David B Graham"
David Graham
President and CEO

“大衛 B 格雷厄姆”

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This Press Release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words "may", "would", "could", "will", "intend", "plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including those factors discussed in filings made by us with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, such actual results of current exploration programs, the general risks associated with the mining industry, the price of gold and other metals, currency and interest rate fluctuations, increased competition and general economic and market factors, occur or should assumptions underlying the forward looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law. Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

關於前瞻性陳述的警示性說明:本新聞稿包含涉及風險和不確定性的前瞻性陳述,這可能導致實際結果與所作陳述存在重大差異。在本文檔中使用時,“可能”、“將”、“可以”、“將”、“打算”、“計劃”、“預期”、“相信”、“估計”、“期望” 等詞語旨在識別前瞻性陳述。此類陳述反映了我們目前對未來事件的看法,並受到此類風險和不確定性的影響。許多因素可能導致我們的實際業績與所發表的聲明存在重大差異,包括我們在向加拿大證券監管機構提交的文件中討論的因素。如果出現其中一種或多種風險和不確定性,例如當前勘探計劃的實際結果、與採礦業相關的一般風險、黃金和其他金屬的價格、貨幣和利率波動、競爭加劇以及一般經濟和市場因素,或者如果前瞻性陳述所依據的假設被證明不正確,則實際結果可能與本文描述的預期、計劃、預期或預期的結果存在重大差異。除非法律要求,否則我們不打算也不承擔任何義務更新這些前瞻性陳述。提醒股東不要過分依賴此類前瞻性陳述。

SOURCE: Bold Ventures Inc.

來源:Bold Ventures Inc.

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