
Sun Summit Provides Corporate Summary and 2023 Year End Review

Sun Summit Provides Corporate Summary and 2023 Year End Review

Sun Summit 提供公司摘要和 2023 年年終回顧
newsfile ·  2023/12/19 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 19, 2023) - Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is pleased to provide a corporate update and year end review of 2023.

溫哥華,卑詩省——(新聞稿——2023 年 12 月 19 日)—— Sun Summit Minerals Corp.(TSXV:SMN)(OTCQB:SMREF)很高興提供企業更新和 2023 年年終回顧。

Highlights from 2023:


  • Option to acquire the JD Project in the Toodoggone District: The Company signed a letter of intent to option a 100% interest in the JD Project in the Toodoggone gold-copper district in north-central B.C. (see November 9, 2023 news release). The project provides a unique opportunity to explore for high-grade epithermal-related gold-silver mineralization as well as porphyry-related copper-gold systems.

  • Initial Mineral Resource Estimate at Buck Main: Commencement of an initial Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) was announced on the Buck Main epithermal-related gold-silver-zinc system (see October 24, 2023 news release) with expected completion in the first quarter of 2024.

  • Completed 5,700 metres of drilling at multiple zones across the Buck project: Successfully expanded the extent of the known mineralized footprint of the Buck Main zone while testing additional high-priority target areas for potential discovery (see June 20, 2023 and November 16, 2023, news releases).

  • Acquisition of the CR Project: The Company expanded its land position at the Buck Project with the acquisition of the CR Project from Teck Resources (see June 1, 2023 news release), a drill-ready porphyry copper-molybdenum project contiguous with the Buck Project.

  • Closed oversubscribed financing: The Company closed an oversubscribed non-brokered financing of $2.89 million (see May 11, 2023, news release), which allowed for continued exploration at Buck Main as well as advancing additional exploration targets across the Buck Project.

  • Appointment of Executive Chairman: Director Brian Lock was appointed Executive Chairman of the Board (see May 17, 2023 news release).

  • 獲取 Toodoggone 地區 JD 項目的選擇權:公司已簽署意向書,在卑詩省中北部的 Toodoggone 金銅區獲得 JD 項目 100%的權益(請參見 2023 年 11 月 9 日新聞稿)。該項目提供了一種獨特的機會,探索高品位的與淺成低溫熱液有關的金銀礦化和斑岩有關的銅金系統。

  • Buck Main 的初始礦產資源評估:以 Buck Main 的淺成低溫熱液相關型黃金-銀-鋅系統爲對象,宣佈開始進行初始礦產資源估算(MRE)(請參見 2023 年 10 月 24 日新聞稿),預計將於 2024 年第一季度完成。

  • 在Buck項目的多個區域完成了5,700米的鑽探:在測試潛在探礦目標的同時,成功擴大了 Buck Main 地區已知礦化範圍的增量(請參見 2023 年 6 月 20 日和 2023 年 11 月 16 日新聞稿)。

  • CR 項目的收購:公司通過從 Teck Resources 收購 CR 項目(請參見 2023 年 6 月 1 日新聞稿),在 Buck 項目擴展了其土地地位,這是一個就緒的斑岩銅鉬項目,與 Buck 項目連續。

  • 完成認購超額融資:完成認購額超額的非經紀人融資 289 萬美元,使 Buck Main 的勘探和推進 Buck 項目的其他勘探目標繼續的融資得以實現(請參見 2023 年 5 月 11 日新聞稿)。

  • 任命執行主席:Brian Lock 董事被任命爲執行主席(請參見 2023 年 5 月 17 日新聞稿)。

"This past year has been transformative for Sun Summit," stated Sharyn Alexander, Sun Summit's President. "We saw the expansion of the Buck Project through ground staking and a project acquisition. Our continued exploration efforts have led to the initiation of a Mineral Resource Estimate on Buck Main zone, which is a significant step in adding substantial value to the project and leverage to the Company. The Company has also expanded its project portfolio with the addition of the JD Project in the prolific Toodoggone region of B.C., which is characterized by high-grade gold and silver mineralization in an emerging and historic mining district. With 2024 fast approaching, the team at Sun Summit will be focusing on substantial value creation while exploring and advancing our exploration targets. We thank our shareholders for their loyalty and support and look forward to providing additional updates as our work progresses in the new year."

Sun Summit 的總裁 Sharyn Alexander 表示:“過去的一年對Sun Summit來說是變革性的。我們通過土地包括併購擴大了 Buck 項目的規模。我們持續的勘探措施導致了在 Buck Main 地區啓動的礦產資源評估,這是爲項目增加實質價值和公司槓桿能力邁出的重要一步。公司還通過在卑詩省的 Toodoggone 地區新增JD項目擴展了其項目組合,這裏的高品位黃金和銀礦化是一個新興和歷史悠久的礦區。隨着2024年的快速到來,Sun Summit的團隊將專注於在勘探和推進勘探目標的同時創造實質性的價值。感謝我們的股東忠誠和支持,我們期待在新的一年裏提供更多的更新。"

2024 Exploration Plans


Exploration planning for both the Buck and JD Projects has commenced and will include detailed data compilation and target refinement followed by field exploration and systematic follow-up of high-priority drill targets at known prospects.

Buck 和 JD 項目的勘探規劃已經開始,其中包括詳細的數據彙編和目標細化,隨後是現場勘探和針對已知前景高優先級鑽探目標的系統跟進。

The JD Project is characterized by epithermal-related systems which are poorly explored and represent high-grade gold and silver mineralization potential (see November 9, 2023 news release). In addition, numerous underexplored porphyry-related copper-gold targets warrant considerable exploration efforts. The project area hosts broad zones of multi-element geochemical surface anomalies, highlighting strong discovery potential across several targets at the JD Project. Future work will include a robust data compilation and review to define and rank high-priority targets for initial ground work.

JD 項目的特點是淺成低溫熱液相關係統,這些系統尚未得到充分開發,有高品位的黃金和銀礦化潛力(請參見 2023 年 11 月 9 日新聞稿)。此外,還存在許多未經充分開發的斑岩相關的銅金目標,這些目標值得進行大量的勘探工作。該項目區域擁有廣泛的多元素地球化學表面異常帶,強調 JD 項目多個目標具有很強的發現潛力。未來的工作將包括強大的數據彙編和審查,以定義和排名高優先級目標進行初步的地面工作。

The initial Mineral Resource Estimate at Buck Main is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2024 (see October 24, 2023 news release). Recent drill results at Buck Main also indicate strong continuity of broad, near-surface, bulk tonnage-style disseminated gold-silver-zinc mineralization along strike and at depth beyond the limits of previous drilling (see November 16, 2023 news release). The system remains open laterally and at depth, and successful delineation of additional mineralization outside of the known mineralized footprint could trigger a future update or expansion of the initial MRE.

Buck Main 的初始礦產資源評估預計將於 2024 年第一季度完成(請參見 2023 年 10 月 24 日新聞稿)。Buck Main 的最近鑽探結果也表明,在之前鑽探的限制之外,有廣闊的、接近地表、大體積的彌散性金銀鋅礦化不斷延伸(請參見 2023 年 11 月 16 日新聞稿)。該系統仍然在橫向和深度上保持開放,成功勾畫出已知礦化範圍之外的附加礦化物,可能會觸發未來的更新或擴大初步 MRE。

Recent field programs the CR and Mount Morice targets, west of the Buck Main zone, resulted in the discovery of a new zone of copper mineralization and the potential for epithermal gold-silver-zinc mineralization (see September 19, 2023 news release). These high-priority targets warrant detailed systematic follow-up and provide strong evidence of the area's potential for target expansion and discovery. Additional field work in this area will facilitate continued definition of these targets and advance many to drill-ready stage.

CR 和 Mount Morice 目標的最近場地項目,位於 Buck Main 地區以西,發現了一種新的銅礦化帶和淺成低溫熱液黃金-銀-鋅礦化潛力(請參見 2023 年 9 月 19 日新聞稿)。這些高優先級目標需要進行詳細系統的跟進,並提供充分的證據表明該地區在增加索引和發現新目標方面具有潛力。該地區的進一步勘探工作將有助於持續定義這些目標,並將許多目標推進到鑽探準備階段。

National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure


This news release has been approved by Sun Summit's Vice President Exploration, Ken MacDonald, P. Geo., a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He responsible for the technical information contained in this news release.

此新聞發佈已獲得Sun Summit勘探副總裁Ken MacDonald, P. Geo.審定,他是加拿大證券管理員規定的“合格人士”之一,礦產項目披露標準負責此新聞發佈中所包含的技術信息。

Community Engagement

關於JD項目:JD項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone採礦區,這是一個非常有前途的含礦牀礦產趨勢。該項目涵蓋了一個超過15,000公頃的區域,並且靠近正在進行的勘探和開發項目,例如Thesis Gold的律政與牧場項目,TDG Gold的貝克-莎斯塔項目,Centerra Gold的Kemess East(金)和地下項目,以及 Kemess開放式銅金礦的地方礦。該項目位於距離Prince George市450公里以北,並且靠近斯特迪機場以北25公里處。它接近現有的基礎設施,可支持 Kemess礦山的開採,包括道路和一條水電線路。JD項目位於有利的地質環境中,表現爲高品位淺成因金銀礦化和斑岩型銅金礦化。該物業上已經開展了一些歷史勘探活動,包括鑽探、地球化學和地球物理學等活動,但該項目區域在很大程度上尚未得到充分勘探。

Sun Summit is engaging with First Nations on whose territory our projects are located and is discussing their interests and identifying contract and work opportunities, as well as opportunities to support community initiatives. The Company looks forward to continuing to work with local and regional First Nations with ongoing exploration.

關於Sun Summit:Sun Summit Minerals Corp.定位爲探索性的礦產勘探和開發公司,專注於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的富有潛力的礦產區域的探索,其股票在加拿大證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲SMN。

About the Buck Project


The Buck Project is situated in a historic mining district near Houston, B.C., with excellent nearby infrastructure that allows for year-round, road-accessible exploration. The project is 60 kilometres southeast of Smithers and is located west of the past producing Equity Silver Mine (Newmont) and north of the Huckleberry copper mine (Imperial Metals).

Buck 項目位於Houston億.C.附近的歷史礦區,附近有出色的基礎設施,可進行全年、可通行的勘探。該項目距Smithers東南60公里,位於過去的Equity白銀礦(Newmont)西側和Huckleberry銅礦(Imperial Metals)北側。

The project is host to the Buck Main intermediate-sulfidation, epithermal-related, gold-silver-zinc system characterized by continuous zones of disseminated and breccia-hosted, bulk tonnage-style mineralization. Vein-hosted, high-grade mineralization has also been intersected near the center of Buck Main.

該項目是Buck Main中硫化物和淺成脈熱型金銀鋅礦牀,具有連續分佈的散佈和角礫岩控的大體積礦化,中央部分也已出現脈狀富礦化。

Exploration at the Buck Project is focused on investigating the lateral and vertical extent of gold-silver-zinc mineralization at the Buck Main system, and also defining additional drill targets across the entire land package through systematic exploration programs.

Buck 項目的勘探重點是調查Buck Main 系統金銀鋅礦化的橫向和縱向範圍,並通過系統的勘探計劃界定整個土地包的額外鑽探目標。

About the JD Project

JD Project簡介:JD Project位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone採礦區,被認爲是具有前途的銅、金、銀礦化趨勢。該項目涵蓋了一個超過15,000公頃的區域,並且靠近正在進行的勘探和開發項目,例如Thesis Gold的律政與牧場項目,TDG Gold的貝克-莎斯塔項目,Centerra Gold的Kemess East(金)和地下項目,以及 Kemess開放式銅金礦的地方礦。

The JD Project is located in the Toodoggone gold-copper district in north-central British Columbia, a highly prospective deposit-rich mineral trend. The project covers an area of over 15,000 hectares and is in close proximity to active exploration and development projects, such as Thesis Gold's Lawyers and Ranch projects, TDG Gold's Baker-Sable projects, Centerra's Gold's Kemess East and Underground projects, as well as the past-producing Kemess South open pit copper-gold mine.

JD 項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone金銅礦區,是一個高度有前途的富礦牀礦產帶。該項目佔地超過15,000公頃,毗鄰活躍的勘探和開發項目,如Thesis Gold的Lawyers和Ranch項目,TDG Gold的Baker-Sable項目,Centerra Gold的Kemess East和Underground項目,以及過去的Kemess South露天銅金礦。

The project is 450 kilometres northwest of the city of Prince George, and 25 kilometres north of the Sturdee airstrip. It is proximal to existing infrastructure in place to support the past-producing Kemess mine, including roads and a hydroelectric power line.


The JD Project is in a favourable geological environment characterized by both high-grade epithermal gold and silver mineralization, as well as porphyry-related copper and gold mineralization. Some historic exploration, including drilling, geochemistry and geophysics, has been carried out on the property, however the project area is largely underexplored.


About Sun Summit

關於Sun Summit Minerals Corp.:Sun Summit Minerals Corp.是一家定位爲礦產勘探和開發的探索公司,其專注於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省內的高潛力礦產區域的勘探。

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is a mineral exploration company focused on expansion and discovery of district scale gold and copper assets in British Columbia. The Company's diverse portfolio includes the Buck Project in central B.C, and the JD Project in the Toodoggone region of north-central B.C.

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) 是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於在英屬哥倫比亞省擴大和發現區域規模的黃金和銅類資產。該公司擁有各種投資組合,其中包括位於中部不列顛哥倫比亞省的Buck項目和位於英屬哥倫比亞省中北部Toodoggone地區的JD項目。

Sun Summit is committed to environmental and social responsibility, with a focus on accountable development and building respectful and beneficial relationships with Indigenous and local communities.

Sun Summit致力於環境和社會責任,專注於負責任的發展,並與土著和當地社區建立尊重和互利的關係。

Further details are available at .


For further information, contact:


Sharyn Alexander


Matthew Benedetto
Simone Capital

Simone Capital

Tel. 416-817-1226


Forward-Looking Information


Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause such differences, without limiting the generality of the following, include: risks inherent in exploration activities; the impact of exploration competition; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; changes in government regulations and policies, including trade laws and policies; failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; volatility and sensitivity to market prices; volatility and sensitivity to capital market fluctuations; the ability to raise funds through private or public equity financings; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens; weather and other natural phenomena; and other exploration, development, operating, financial market and regulatory risks. Except as required by applicable securities laws and regulation, Sun Summit disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

本新聞發佈中包含的非歷史事實的聲明可能是前瞻性聲明,其中涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果與此類前瞻性聲明所表達或暗示的結果有所不同。上述只是其一般性,其中可能還有:勘探活動的固有風險;勘探競爭的影響;出人意料的地質或水文條件;政府法規和政策的變更,包括貿易法規和政策;未能獲得政府有關部門的必要許可和批准;市場價格的波動幅度和靈敏性;資本市場波動幅度和靈敏性;通過私募或公募股權融資籌集資金的能力;環境和安全風險,包括日益增加的監管負擔;天氣和其他自然現象;及其他勘探、開發、經營、金融市場和監管風險。除適用的證券法規和監管規定外,Sun Summit不保證未來在任何時候更新或修訂其前瞻性聲明,無論是否出現新信息、未來事件或其他原因,Sun Summit均不承擔更新或修訂其前瞻性聲明的任何意圖或義務。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


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