
Dynasty Gold Continues to Intersect Mineralization Outside the Pelham Deposit at Thundercloud and Provides 2023 Year-end Review

Dynasty Gold Continues to Intersect Mineralization Outside the Pelham Deposit at Thundercloud and Provides 2023 Year-end Review

Dynasty Gold 繼續與雷雲佩勒姆礦牀外的礦化相交併提供 2023 年年終回顧
newsfile ·  2023/12/21 20:21

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - December 21, 2023) - Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (FSE: D5G1) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) ("Dynasty" or the "Company") is pleased to report on its continued intersection of mineralization outside the Pelham deposit at its Thundercloud project in the Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes Greenstone belt, 47 kilometers southeast of Dryden in northwestern Ontario.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2023年12月21日)——王朝黃金公司(TSXV:DYG)(FSE:D5G1)(場外交易粉紅:DGDCF)(“王朝” 或 “公司”)欣然報告說,其位於東南47公里處的Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes格林斯通帶的Thundercloud項目繼續在佩勒姆礦牀之外的礦化交匯點安大略省西北部的德萊頓。

The year of 2023 is one of transformation for the company. Its market capitalization has grown a remarkable 278% in the last twelve months. The last two drill programs have achieved tremendous success. In the spring, the Company attracted a diverse group of new investors in a financing including the Legendary mining entrepreneur, Mr. Rob McEwen. Mr. McEwen is the founder of Goldcorp, where he took the company from a market capitalization of $50 million to over $8 billion and was inducted to the Mining Hall of Fame in 2017. Mr. McEwen is currently the Chairman and Chief Owner of McEwen Mining Inc. and has now joined the Company as a significant shareholder.

2023 年是公司轉型的一年。在過去的十二個月中,其市值增長了278%。最後兩個鑽探計劃取得了巨大成功。春季,該公司吸引了包括傳奇礦業企業家羅布·麥克尤恩先生在內的各種各樣的新投資者。麥克尤恩先生是Goldcorp的創始人,他將公司的市值從5000萬美元提升到超過80億美元,並於2017年入選礦業名人堂。麥克尤恩先生目前是麥克尤恩礦業公司的董事長兼首席所有者,現已作爲大股東加入公司。

In 2023, the Company completed 3,670 meters drilling in two phases. Phase one drilling was to follow up on last year's discovery holes reported in January, 2023, including DP22-02: 5.98 g/t over 34.5 meters, including 115 g/t over 1.5 meters; DP22-03: 8.42 g/t over 73.5 meters, including 72.2 g/t over 6.5 meters; and DP22-04: 25.5 g/t over 1.5 meters. Phase one drilling completed in August intersected over 741 meters of mineralization in ten holes in the Pelham Zone. Most of the ten holes are within 200 meters of the surface. Hole DP-23-01 extended high-grade mineralization to the east of the discovery hole DP22-03 by 100 meters, and Hole DP-23-10 extended mineralization to the west of the discovery hole by 210 meters. The Pelham deposit continues to demonstrate strong high-grade continuity. Further drilling will target expansion of this east-west striking, steeply north-east dipping structure along strike and to depth which remains open in all directions.

2023年,該公司分兩個階段完成了3670米的鑽探。第一階段的鑽探是對去年2023年1月報告的發現孔進行後續鑽探,包括 DP22-02:在34.5米以上的鑽孔爲5.98克/噸,包括在1.5米以上的115克/噸;DP22-03:在73.5米以上的8.42克/噸,包括超過6.5米的72.2克/噸;以及DP22-04:在1.5米以上的25.5克/噸。8月份完成的第一階段鑽探在佩勒姆區的十個鑽孔中穿過了超過741米的礦化層。十個洞中的大多數都位於地表200米以內。DP-23-01 洞將高品位礦化向探索洞 DP22-03 以東延伸了 100 米,DP-23-10 洞將礦化向發現洞以西延伸了 210 米。佩勒姆礦牀繼續表現出強勁的高品位連續性 進一步的鑽探目標是沿着走向地向東北的這座東西向衝擊的陡峭向東北傾斜的結構進行擴展,其深度仍然向四面八方開放。

2023 Phase One Drilling Highlights:

2023 年第一階段鑽探亮點:

Hole ID From (m) To
Interval (m) G/T
DP-23-01 134.7 187.5 52.8 2.7
Incl. 162.0 165.0 3.0 19.3
And incl. 184.5 187.5 3.0 18.3
DP-23-02 109.5 160.5 51.0 1.40
Incl. 151.5 154.5 3.0 5.91
DP-23-03 99.0 154.3 55.3 3.4
Incl. 139.5 154.3 14.8 7.1
And incl. 147.0 153.0 6.0 10.4
DP-23-04 93.0 163.5 70.5 3.2
Incl. 109.5 121.5 12.0 11.0
And incl. 112.5 114.0 1.5 62.5
DP-23-05 104.5 154.5 50.0 3.1
Incl. 148.5 151.5 3.0 8.3
DP-23-06 100.5 231.0 130.5 1.2
Incl. 100.5 157.5 57.0 2.30
DP-23-07 99.0 160.5 61.5 1.08
Incl. 106.5 141.0 34.5 1.58
DP-23-08 73.5 130.5 57.0 1.42
Incl. 99.0 103.5 4.5 4.43
DP-23-09 58.0 106.5 48.5 1.01
Incl. 90.0 91.5 1.5 8.13
DP-23-10 33.0 196.5 163.5 1.0
Incl. 67.5 75.0 7.5 8.8
And incl. 52.5 55.5 3.0 11.2
洞 ID 從 (m)
間隔 (m) G/T
DP-23-01 134.7 187.5 52.8 2.7
包括。 162.0 165.0 3.0 19.3
而且包括 184.5 187.5 3.0 18.3
DP-23-02 109.5 160.5 51.0 1.40
包括。 151.5 154.5 3.0 5.91
DP-23-03 99.0 154.3 55.3 3.4
包括。 139.5 154.3 14.8 7.1
而且包括 147.0 153.0 6.0 10.4
DP-23-04 93.0 163.5 70.5 3.2
包括。 109.5 121.5 12.0 11.0
而且包括 112.5 114.0 1.5 62.5
DP-23-05 104.5 154.5 50.0 3.1
包括。 148.5 151.5 3.0 8.3
DP-23-06 100.5 231.0 130.5 1.2
包括。 100.5 157.5 57.0 2.30
DP-23-07 99.0 160.5 61.5 1.08
包括。 106.5 141.0 34.5 1.58
DP-23-08 73.5 130.5 57.0 1.42
包括。 99.0 103.5 4.5 4.43
DP-23-09 58.0 106.5 48.5 1.01
包括。 90.0 91.5 1.5 8.13
DP-23-10 33.0 196.5 163.5 1.0
包括。 67.5 75.0 7.5 8.8
而且包括 52.5 55.5 3.0 11.2

These high-grade, broad mineralized intercepts enabled the Company to re-model the NI 43-101 inferred resource of 182,000 oz at 1.37 g/t published in January 2022. The internally generated 3-D resource model demonstrates a substantial increase in tonnage and grade. NI 43-101 resource estimate will be updated at an appropriate time in the future.

這些高品位、寬礦化截距使該公司能夠對2022年1月發佈的北愛爾蘭43-101推斷資源量18.2萬盎司的1.37克/噸進行重新建模。內部生成的三維資源模型顯示噸位和等級大幅提高。NI 43-101 資源估算值將在未來的適當時候更新。

Following the success of phase one drilling, in October of 2023, the Company made a bold move stepping out 75 meters to the north and 175 meters to the south of the Pelham deposit where there is no previous drilling and drilled five wildcat holes for a total of 1320 meters. These drill holes were a start to explore for additional resource similar to the Pelham deposit at Thundercloud. The drill program was guided by Induced Polarization (IP) anomalies and fault structures identified by a Lidar survey. Four holes intersected low-grade mineralization. Seventy-five meters to the north of Pelham deposit, Hole DP23-12 returned 12 meters of 0.3 g/t from 174 meters to 186 meters, DP23-14 returned 7.5 meters of 0.3 g/t from 168 meters to 175.5 meters, and DP23-P22 intersected 6 meters of 0.3 g/t from 51 meters to 57 meters, 175 meters from the Pelham deposit. DP23-R was drilled to the Footwall Zone of DP22-02 returned 81 meters of 0.8 g/ from 123 meters to 204 meters, including 1.5 meters of 10 g/t gold from 150 meters to 151.5 meters. See Figure 1 below. These drill results suggest mineralization extended across the property well beyond the Pelham deposit. Prior sampling work also suggests a 1.5 kilometers by 12 kilometers north-south mineralized corridor. More drilling is required to gain a better understanding of structural control and geometry of the mineralized corridor.

繼第一階段鑽探成功之後,該公司於 2023 年 10 月採取了大膽的舉措,向北 75 米,向南 175 米,向南 175 米,此前沒有鑽探,並鑽了五個野貓洞,總長度爲 1320 米。這些鑽孔是探索更多資源的開始,類似於雷雲的佩勒姆礦牀。鑽探計劃以激光雷達調查確定的感應極化 (IP) 異常和斷層結構爲指導。四個洞與低品位礦化區相交。在佩勒姆礦牀以北 75 米處,DP23-12 洞從 174 米到 186 米返回了 12 米,重量爲 0.3 g/t,DP23-14 從 168 米到 175.5 米返回 7.5 米,從 51 米到 175.5 米,返回 0.3 g/t 的 6 米,從 51 米到 57 米,距離佩勒姆礦牀 175 米。DP23-P22DP23-R 鑽探到 DP22-02 的足跡區,從 123 米到 204 米返回了 81 米,重量爲 0.8 g/,包括從 150 米到 151.5 米處返回 1.5 米 10 g/t 的黃金。請參見下面的圖 1。這些鑽探結果表明,礦化範圍遠遠超出了佩勒姆礦牀。先前的採樣工作還表明,有一條1.5千米乘12千米的南北礦化走廊。要更好地了解礦化走廊的結構控制和幾何形狀,需要進行更多的鑽探。

The recent drilling north and south of the Pelham deposit continues to demonstrate all of the characteristics of an Archean, orogenic, hydrothermal deposit that is open at depth and may be subject to repetition parallel to and along other untested trends. The structures and alteration associated with the gold mineralization occur within the mixed volcanic rocks within the regionally defined East-West deformation zone are all key to ore body formation. Mineralization occurs as blebs and stringers with some coarser veins in metasomatically altered silicified, locally sheared, fine- to medium-grained, Archean, bi-modal, mafic volcanics. The gold is primarily associated with disseminated to laminated to semi-massive bands of pyrite and lesser pyrrhotite, quartz, carbonate, chlorite and biotite.


"2023 has been an exhilarating year for the Company. We are pleased with the success of continually intersecting rich mineralization in the Pelham Zone and are excited by the discovery of new mineralization outside the Pelham deposit. To grow the deposit, it is pivotal to step-out to new areas. These new test drilling data provide valuable information and direction for next year's drill program," commented President and CEO Ivy Chong. "With $3.5 million in the treasury and no debt, we are fully funded for the 2024 drilling."

“2023年對公司來說是令人振奮的一年。我們對佩勒姆區不斷成功地穿越豐富的礦化區感到高興,並對在佩勒姆礦牀外發現新的礦化感到興奮。爲了增加礦牀,進入新領域至關重要。這些新的試鑽數據爲明年的鑽探計劃提供了寶貴的信息和方向。” 總裁兼首席執行官Ivy Chong評論道。“由於國庫中有350萬美元,沒有債務,我們爲2024年的鑽探提供了充足的資金。”

2024 Exploration Plan

2024 年勘探計劃

Planning for 2024 exploration is underway. Based on the drilling, geophysics and a newly completed Lidar survey, we now have a better understanding of the geological, structural and alteration patterns. Drill data from 2023 will be studied and compiled followed by on the ground mapping and drilling. Stripping of the outcrop above the high-grade core of the deposit outlined in 2022 and 2023 will be a priority with the goal of detailed mapping and channel sampling that will expand the resource to surface and improve our understanding of the local and regional potential. Drill targeting will continue to follow-up and expand on high grade results with a large part of the program focused on step out drilling within the 1.5 kilometers by 12 kilometers mineralized corridor. Follow up on the West Contact zone trench that sampled 39 meters of 8.02 g/t gold will be part of this program. The structural frameworks combined with all of the geophysical data strongly suggest the presence of multiple near surface deposits in this area. The program will focus on shallow potential and will utilize -30-degree holes to maximize horizontal coverage to explore for steeply dipping structures.


The Company would like to acknowledge the contribution of the team working on the ground this year including our contractors, and the support from the Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation (WLON) community as well as the Ministry of Mines (MINES) of Ontario, to the success of this year's drill program.


The technical information in this release has been reviewed by James Rogers, P.Geo, an independent consultant and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

本新聞稿中的技術信息已由獨立顧問兼NI 43-101定義的合格人員詹姆斯·羅傑斯審閱。

About Dynasty Gold Corp.


Dynasty Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company currently focused on gold exploration in North America with projects located in the Manitou-Stormy Lake greenstone belt in Ontario and in the Midas gold camp in Nevada. The Company is currently advancing its Thundercloud gold resource in northwest Ontario. A NI 43-101 Independent Technical Report, dated September 27, 2021 can be found on the Company's and SEDAR websites. The 100% owned Golden Repeat gold project in the Midas gold camp in Elko County, Nevada, is surrounded by a number of large-scale operating mines. For more information, please visit the Company's website .

Dynasty Gold Corp. 是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,目前專注於北美的黃金勘探,其項目位於安大略省的馬尼圖-斯托米湖綠巖帶和內華達州的邁達斯金礦區。該公司目前正在開發其位於安大略省西北部的Thundercloud黃金資源。2021年9月27日的NI 43-101獨立技術報告可在該公司和SEDAR的網站上找到。位於內華達州埃爾科縣邁達斯金礦營的 100% 持股的Golden Repeat黃金項目周圍環繞着許多正在運營的大型礦山。欲了解更多信息,請訪問公司的網站。



"Ivy Chong"
Ivy Chong, President & CEO


For additional information please contact:
Vancouver Office:
Ivy Chong
Phone: 604.633.2100. Email:


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本新聞稿包含某些 “前瞻性陳述”,涉及許多風險和不確定性。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,實際結果和未來事件可能與此類聲明中的預期有重大差異。多倫多證券交易所風險交易所未對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性進行審查,也不承擔任何責任。

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