
Andean Precious Metals Extends Life of San Bartolomé Operation to 4.6 Years Based on New 2P Mineral Reserve Estimate

Andean Precious Metals Extends Life of San Bartolomé Operation to 4.6 Years Based on New 2P Mineral Reserve Estimate

newsfile ·  2023/12/27 06:30

M+I mineral resources of 6.1 Mt grading 98 g/t silver, containing 19.0 million silver ounces, including

M+I 610 萬噸的礦產資源,白銀品位爲 98 克/噸,含有 1,900 萬盎司銀,包括

2P mineral reserves of 5.1 Mt at 93 g/t silver, with 11.95 million recoverable silver ounces

2P 礦產儲量爲510萬噸,含銀量爲93克/噸,其中1195萬盎司可開採白銀

(All amounts are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise stated)


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - December 27, 2023) - Andean Precious Metals Corp. (TSXV: APM) (OTCQX: ANPMF)("Andean" or the "Company") is pleased to announce an updated mineral reserve and resource estimate for the Company's San Bartolomé mine and mill operations, the largest commercial oxide processing facility in Bolivia.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.-2023 年 12 月 27 日)- 安第斯貴金屬公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:APM)(場外交易所股票代碼:ANPMF)(“安第斯” 或者”公司“)很高興地宣佈公司聖巴託洛梅礦山和磨機業務的最新礦產儲量和資源估算,這是玻利維亞最大的商業氧化物加工設施。

The 2023 mineral resource and reserve estimates herein ("2023 MR&RE") were prepared by SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc. ("SRK") and will be supported by a technical report prepared in compliance with National Instrument 43-101 - Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") that is expected to be filed by Andean within 45 days of this press release.

此處的 2023 年礦產資源和儲量估計(”2023 MR&RE“) 由 SRK Consulting(美國)編寫Inc. (”SRK“)並將得到根據國家儀器43-101編寫的技術報告的支持- 礦產項目披露標準 (”在 43-101“)預計將在本新聞發佈後的45天內由安第斯提交。

"The results reported today reflect the work undertaken to extend the life of our San Bartolomé processing facility and create value for our stakeholders. Our new mineral reserve and resource estimate excludes our low-grade and high cost "pallacos" for the areas of Antuco, Huacajchi and Santa Rita, and includes material from our fines deposit facility1, as well as other higher grade third-party contracted ore," stated Alberto Morales, Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Andean.

“今天報告的結果反映了爲延長聖巴託洛梅加工設施的使用壽命併爲我們的利益相關者創造價值所做的工作。我們新的礦產儲量和資源估算不包括我們在安圖科、瓦卡奇和聖麗塔地區開採的低品位和高成本的 “帕拉科斯”,也包括來自我們礦石儲存設施的材料1,以及其他更高品位的第三方合同礦石。” 安第斯執行董事長兼首席執行官阿爾貝託·莫拉萊斯說。

While Andean has been processing ore from both its internal pallacos and third-party contracted material, the percentage of the contracted material has steadily increased. As of the end of the third quarter, on a year-to-date basis, third-party material represented more than 60% of tonnes processed and nearly 70% of ounces produced. During the first nine months of 2023, only 30% of ounces produced came from the Company's low-grade and high cost pallacos.


"To feed our mill during this next phase of operations, we will completely transition away from pallacos and focus on processing higher margin third-party sourced ore and on our FDF material," added Mr. Morales. "During the course of 2023, we have successfully negotiated agreements for a significant amount of tonnage of higher-grade material to feed San Bartolomé, and we will continue to negotiate with COMIBOL and look for other third-party sources during the course of 2024."


2023 MR&RE Highlights

2023 年 MR&RE 亮點

  • 2023 MR&RE for San Bartolomé reports:

    • ̶ a contained M&I silver ("Ag") resource of 19.0 Moz at 98 grams per tonne ("g/t") Ag; and

    • ̶ a recoverable 2P reserve of 11.95 Moz with an average grade of 93 g/t Ag.

  • New sources of mill feed acquired - including high-grade silver oxides from Paca, Alta Vista and three deposits in the Tollojchi area - will augment FDF production.

  • Life of operations from 2P mineral reserves stands at 4.6 years.

  • Given the reprocessing of FDF tailings and an expanded portfolio of feed sources, operations at San Bartolomé are expected to extend into 2028, more than 8 years beyond the original 12-year life of mine, which was expected to end in 20202.

  • Potential opportunities remain to further expand the life of operations by upgrading portions of the high-grade inferred, which stands at 965 kt grading 167 g/t Ag.

  • The Company has an active program to identify and acquire new oxidized materials that would otherwise not be suitable for processing with typical flotation plants in the country.

  • 2023 年聖巴託洛梅的 MR&RE 報告:

    • a 含有 M&I 銀幣 (”Ag“) 資源爲 19.0 Moz,每噸 98 克 (”g/t“) Ag;以及

    • 可回收的 2P 儲量爲 11.95 Moz,平均品位爲 93 g/t Ag。

  • 收購的新工廠飼料來源,包括來自Paca、Alta Vista和託洛伊奇地區的三個礦牀的高品位氧化銀,將增加FDF的產量。

  • 2P礦產儲量的運營壽命爲4.6年。

  • 鑑於FDF尾礦的再處理和原料來源組合的擴大,聖巴託洛梅的運營預計將延長至2028年,比礦山最初的12年壽命(預計於2020年結束)還有8年以上2

  • 潛在的機會仍然是通過升級推斷出的部分高品位來進一步延長運營壽命的機會,該品位爲965千噸,銀品位爲167 g/t。

  • 該公司正在實施一項積極的計劃,旨在識別和收購新的氧化材料,否則這些材料不適合使用該國典型的浮選廠進行加工。

Mineral Resource Estimate Methodology - FDF


The estimates of mineral resources are effective as of December 1, 2023, and are presented in the Appendix - Table 1.

礦產資源估算自 2023 年 12 月 1 日起生效,列於 附錄-表 1

San Bartolomé mine processed the pallacos oxidized deposits formed from erosion of the world-class Cerro Rico hydrothermal deposit (high sulphidation-type) since its commissioning in 2008. The San Bartolomé processing plant screened out fine-grained material of less than 2.5 mm in size (-8 mesh), effectively upgrading the silver content of material. This untreated material contained silver and was stockpiled in the FDF at San Bartolomé.

自世界一流的塞羅里科熱液礦牀(高硫化度型)於 2008 年投產以來,聖巴託洛梅礦處理了因侵蝕而形成的帕拉科斯氧化礦牀。聖巴託洛梅加工廠篩選出了尺寸小於2.5毫米(-8目)的細顆粒材料,有效地提高了材料的銀含量。這種未經處理的材料含有銀,儲存在聖巴託洛梅的聯邦國防軍中。

The tails material was sampled for silver content before being stockpiled and based on that historical sampling data, the Company previously estimated the silver grade to be between 35 and 40 g/t.

在儲存之前,對尾部材料進行了銀含量採樣,根據歷史抽樣數據,該公司此前估計銀品位在35至40 g/t之間。

The FDF has been drilled extensively utilizing Sonic core drilling methods from a barge-mounted platform. Personnel from Empresa Minera Manquiri SA ("Manquiri"), the wholly owned, Bolivian subsidiary of Andean, logged and sampled the drill core and submitted the samples to ALS Global's ("ALS") sample preparation and analytical facilities in Oruro, Bolivia and Lima, Peru, respectively. ALS is a certified commercial analytical services company.

FDF 已在駁船安裝平台上使用聲波岩心鑽探方法進行了廣泛鑽探。來自 Empresa Minera Manquiri SA 的人員 (”Manquiri“)是安第斯公司的全資玻利維亞子公司,對鑽芯進行了記錄和採樣,並將樣本提交給ALS Global的(”也有“)分別位於玻利維亞奧魯羅和秘魯利馬的樣本製備和分析設施。ALS 是一家經過認證的商業分析服務公司。

SRK completed an analysis of the raw exploration data, analysis of outliers and defined capping levels where necessary and composited the samples to a 2 meter (m), consistent vertical length. Variogram analysis was completed to define the block size, search strategy used in the estimation. Silver grade estimates were made from the composited data into the block model, with a dimension of 20 m x 20 m x 5 m using ordinary kriging, inverse distance, and nearest neighbor methods, as appropriate. A bulk density of 1.52 g/cm3 was assigned to the block material. FDF mineral resources were categorized by SRK in a manner consistent with CIM Guidelines and considered spacing of drilling, numbers of composites, and geostatistical indicators of estimation quality as well as other factors.

SRK 完成了對原始勘探數據的分析、異常值的分析,並在必要時定義了上限水平,並將樣本合成了 2 米 (m)、一致的垂直長度。已完成變異函數分析,以定義區塊大小和估算中使用的搜索策略。根據方塊模型的綜合數據得出銀品位估算,視情況使用普通克里金法、反向距離和最近鄰法,尺寸爲 20 m x 20 m x 5 m。堆積密度爲 1.52 g/cm3 已分配給方塊材質。SRK按照CIM指南對FDF礦產資源進行了分類,並考慮了鑽探間隔、複合材料數量、估算質量的地質統計指標以及其他因素。

Mineral Resource Estimate Methodology - Contracted Material


Since 2015, Manquiri supplemented its pallacos plant feed with material purchased from Corporación Minera de Bolivia ("COMIBOL"), the Bolivian state mining company, and from other non-governmental sources.


Manquiri has performed drilling and rock sampling in the areas that are sources of contracted material.


Manquiri and SRK completed the geological model and the resource estimation for the oxidized material in the three areas of Tollojchi (Platera, Manto and Rosario), Alta Vista and Paca, and included the partially oxidized (transition) material in Paca. SRK completed an analysis of the raw exploration data for each project, including the analysis of outliers in each zone of the projects, defining capping levels where necessary and composited the samples to a 2.5 m in Paca and no compositing was applied to samples in Tollojchi and Alta Vista. Variogram analysis was completed to define the block size, search strategy used in the estimation. Silver grade estimates were made from the composited data into the block model for each domain where necessary. Parent block dimensions used are: 20 m x 20 m x 10 m in Paca, 10 m x 10 m x 10 m in Manto, 5 m x 5 m x 5 m x 5 m in Rosario and Platera, and 10 m x 10 m x 10 m in Alta Vista. The estimation methods included ordinary kriging, inverse distance, and nearest neighbor methods, as appropriate. The bulk density was assigned according to the geological domains in each area.

Manquiri和SRK完成了託洛伊奇(普拉泰拉、曼託和羅薩里奧)、阿爾塔維斯塔和帕卡三個地區氧化物質的地質模型和資源估算,並將部分氧化(過渡)材料納入了帕卡。SRK完成了對每個項目原始勘探數據的分析,包括分析項目每個區域的異常值,必要時定義了上限水平,並在Paca中將樣本合成到2.5米,沒有對Tollojchi和Alta Vista的樣本進行合成。已完成變異函數分析,以定義區塊大小和估算中使用的搜索策略。必要時,根據每個域的分組模型中的綜合數據對白銀等級進行了估算。使用的母區塊尺寸爲:帕卡爲 20 m x 20 m x 10 m,Manto 爲 10 m x 10 m x 10 m,Rosario 和 Platera 爲 5 m x 5 m x 5 m,Alta Vista 爲 10 m x 10 m x 10 m。估計方法酌情包括普通克里金法、逆距離法和最近鄰法。堆積密度是根據每個區域的地質域分配的。

Mineral Reserves Estimate Methodology - All Material and Mining Methods


The estimates of mineral reserves are effective as of December 1, 2023, and are presented in the Appendix - Table 2. The prefeasibility study ("PFS") models an open pit mine with a proven and probable mineral reserve containing 15.19 Moz of contained silver. Measured and indicated resources were used for conversion to proven and probable reserves within the optimized PFS pit designs. The mineral reserve (in-pit) cut-off grades used were 70 g/t Ag for Antuco, Santa Rita, Huacajchi, Manto, Platera, Rosario; 50 g/t Ag for FDF material; 180 g/t Ag for Paca; and 250 g/t Ag for Alta Vista. The mineral reserves were calculated using a silver price of $23/oz.

礦產儲量估算自 2023 年 12 月 1 日起生效,顯示在 附錄-表 2。預可行性研究 (”PFS“) 對一個露天礦進行建模,該礦的礦產儲量已證實且可能含有 15.19 Moz 的含銀。在優化的 PFS 礦坑設計中,使用測量和指示的資源轉化爲已探明和可能的儲量。安圖科、聖麗塔、瓦卡奇、曼託、普拉泰拉、羅薩里奧使用的礦產儲量(礦內)截止品位爲70克/噸銀;FDF材料爲50克/噸銀;Paca爲180克/噸銀;Alta Vista爲250克/噸銀。礦產儲量是使用23美元/盎司的白銀價格計算得出的。

The reserves have 12.2 Mt of waste, and the life of mine stripping ratio is 1.26 (waste to in situ RoM ore).


The following process and modifying factors were followed to calculate the mineral reserves:


  • Selection of metal selling prices based on historical and projected prices.

  • Review of all modifying factors including metal prices, costs, dilution, mining recovery, processing recovery, sustaining capital, royalties, and mining methods.

  • Convert geological block models to mine models (addition of dilution to mine models).

  • Dilution studies.

  • Pit optimization using all modifying factors.

  • Selection of economical pit using Rev Factor 1.

  • Pit design following geotechnical recommendations.

  • Monthly mine schedules for the life of the project.

  • Cost model verification based on new mine schedule and inventory.

  • Generation of post-tax cash flow.

  • 根據歷史和預計價格選擇金屬銷售價格。

  • 審查所有修改因素,包括金屬價格、成本、稀釋、採礦回收、加工回收、維持資本、特許權使用費和採礦方法。

  • 將地質區塊模型轉換爲礦山模型(向礦山模型添加稀釋效果)。

  • 稀釋研究。

  • 使用所有修改因子進行礦坑優化。

  • 使用 Rev Factor 1 選擇經濟實惠的礦坑。

  • 根據岩土工程建議進行礦坑設計。

  • 項目生命週期的每月採礦計劃。

  • 根據新的礦山計劃和庫存進行成本模型驗證。

  • 產生稅後現金流。

Mining activities at the Manquiri operations will include removal of any growth medium (topsoil), free-digging, drilling, blasting, loading, hauling and mining support activities. Material within the pits will be generally blasted on a 2.5 m high bench. Saprolite material can be loaded directly with hydraulic excavators without the need for blasting. Lower-grade economic material will be placed in stockpiles, near to the primary crusher location. Higher-grade economic material will be sent directly to the primary crusher.

Manquiri業務的採礦活動將包括清除任何生長介質(表土)、自由挖掘、鑽探、爆破、裝載、拖運和採礦支持活動。礦坑內的材料通常會在 2.5 米高的長凳上進行爆炸。Saprolite 材料可以直接用液壓挖掘機裝載,無需爆破。較低等級的經濟材料將存放在靠近初級破碎機所在地的庫存中。更高等級的經濟材料將直接送到初級破碎機。

A conventional truck-shovel method was considered for the open pit portion of all the deposits except the FDF (tailings recovery) and Alta Vista (underground) deposit. The open pit analysis results in several distinct open pits coalescing into over 14 pits. Most pits are shallow due to the nature of mining only the oxide portion of the resources.

除FDF(尾礦回收)和Alta Vista(地下)礦牀外,所有礦牀的露天部分都考慮使用傳統的卡車鏟挖掘法。露天礦分析導致幾個不同的露天礦坑匯聚成超過14個礦坑。由於只開採資源的氧化物部分的性質,大多數礦坑都很淺。

For the underground portion of the PFS analysis the block model created in Datamine using 5 m x 5 m x 5 m parent cell and variable sub-celling was evaluated. The planned mining inventory provided the contents of the underground design including estimated mining dilution and mining recovery. The dilution and mining recovery was built in during the reblock (subblock) exercise applied to the original model. The planned mining from Alta Vista underground consists of evaluated tonnes and grade within Mineable Stope Optimizer (MSO) software shapes that met the cut-off grade. The planned mining from underground is near the surface and multiple access will be minimal.

對於 PFS 分析的地下部分,對在 Datamine 中使用 5 m x 5 m x 5 m 母細胞和可變子單元格創建的區塊模型進行了評估。計劃中的採礦清單提供了地下設計的內容,包括估計的採礦稀釋和採礦回收率。稀釋和採礦回收是在應用於原始模型的重新區塊(子區塊)練習期間內置的。計劃在Alta Vista地下采礦包括經過評估的噸位和品位以及符合臨界等級的可開採採場地優化器(MSO)軟件形狀。計劃的地下采礦位於地表附近,多次開採將減少到最低限度。

The FDF tailings will be reprocessed using submersible pumps on a barge and slurried for classification and thickening with the undersized material going directly into the dry stack facility ("DSF") with the coarse material pumped into the ball mill. The barge loops systematically over cells at depth of 2.5 m to hydraulically mine horizontal layers considering the original topography of the FDF. The grades of the blocks were modelled from barge-supported sonic drilling. Low grade material is also passed into the DSF. The block model was created in Datamine and reblocked using 20 m x 20 m x 5 m with a dilution of approximately 5%.

FDF 尾礦將使用駁船上的潛水泵進行再處理,然後用泥漿進行分類和增稠,尺寸過小的材料將直接進入幹堆設施(”DSF“)將粗糙的材料泵入球磨機。考慮到FDF的原始地形,駁船系統地在深度爲2.5米的單元格上方循環,對水平層進行水力開採。這些區塊的等級是根據駁船支撐的聲波鑽探建模而成的。低等級材料也被傳送到 DSF 中。方塊模型是在 Datamine 中創建的,使用 20 m x 20 m x 5 m 進行重新封鎖,稀釋度約爲 5%。

A monthly production schedule and cash flow were prepared to verify the economic feasibility of the estimated mineral reserves. Production is based on a maximum mine movement of roughly 38,000 tonnes per day, ore and waste, and the processing rate of about 4,500 tonnes per day.


Cost estimates were prepared based on site-specific recent historic data and covered the mining, processing, and G&A operating costs. Cost estimates related to the sustaining capital of the operation include the installation of a hydraulic mining operation for the reclaim of the FDF and a pre-concentration circuit, maintenance capital to sustain the fixed assets and an estimate of closure costs.


Revenue projections by the cash flow are based on reviewed contracts in place for the sale of doré bars containing silver and the related costs include shipping, assaying, and refining associated with a refining recovery. Private and governmental royalties were included in the cash flow, the former being 4% and the latter 6% of sales revenue net of all selling costs.


Qualified Persons


The scientific and technical content disclosed in this press release was reviewed and approved by:


Giovanny Ortiz, BSc, FAusIMM, SEG, Principal Resource Geologist of SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc. Mr. Ortiz has sufficient experience which is relevant to the type of material under consideration including mineral resources and to the activities being undertaken to qualify as a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. The most recent site visit occurred in May 2022 and included: review and verification of the exploration procedures, sampling, analytical analysis, and the geological interpretations of all the deposit areas.

Giovanny Ortiz,理學學士,FausimM,SEG,SRK Consulting(美國)首席資源地質學家Inc. Ortiz先生擁有足夠的經驗,這與所考慮的材料類型(包括礦產資源)以及爲獲得NI 43-101定義的合格人員資格而開展的活動有關。最近的實地考察發生在2022年5月,包括:審查和驗證勘探程序、取樣、分析分析以及所有礦牀區域的地質解釋。

Fernando Rodrigues, BS Mining, MBA, MAusIMM, MMSAQP, Practice Leader/Principal Consultant (Mining) of SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc. Mr. Rodrigues has sufficient experience which is relevant to the type of material under consideration including Mineral Reserves and to the activities being undertaken to qualify as a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Rodrigues visited the site in July 2023 and reviewed active pallacos mining areas, the FDF tailings area, and the contracted material stockpiles.

費爾南多·羅德里格斯,礦業學士,工商管理碩士,MauSIMM,MMSAQP,SRK Consulting(美國)業務主管/首席顧問(礦業)Inc. Rodrigues先生擁有足夠的經驗,這與所考慮的材料類型(包括礦產儲量)以及爲獲得NI 43-101定義的合格人員資格而開展的活動有關。羅德里格斯先生於2023年7月訪問了該地點,並審查了活躍的帕拉科斯礦區、FDF尾礦區和合同材料庫存。

Donald J. Birak, Independent Consulting Geologist to the Company, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, Registered Member, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME) and Fellow, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM). During his periodic site visits, he inspected the geology and mineralization of all the deposit areas referenced herein. Mr. Birak also verified Sonic sample quality and assay data and QAQC used to prepare the FDF mineral resource estimates.

唐納德·比拉克,公司獨立諮詢地質學家,NI 43-101定義爲合格人士,礦業、冶金和勘探協會(SME)註冊會員,澳大利亞礦業和冶金學會(AuSIMM)會員。在定期實地訪問期間,他視察了此處提及的所有礦牀區域的地質和礦化情況。比拉克先生還驗證了索尼克樣本質量和分析數據,以及用於編制FDF礦產資源估算值的QAQC。

About Andean Precious Metals


Andean is a growth-focused precious metals producer that owns and operates the San Bartolomé project located in the department of Potosí, Bolivia. San Bartolomé has been operating continuously since 2008, producing an average of 5 million oz of silver equivalent per year. The Company is seeking accretive growth opportunities in Bolivia and the Americas. Andean is committed to fostering safe, sustainable and responsible operations.


For more information, please contact:


Trish Moran
VP Investor Relations
T: +1 416 564 4290

Trish Moran
T: +1 416 564 4290

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TSX Venture Exchange, Inc. 及其監管服務提供商(該術語在多倫多證券交易所的政策中定義)均不對本新聞稿的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

Caution Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements and information in this release constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable U.S. securities laws and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws, which we refer to collectively as "forward-looking statements". Forward-looking statements are statements and information regarding possible events, conditions or results of operations that are based upon assumptions about future economic conditions and courses of action. All statements and information other than statements of historical fact may be forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "seek", "expect", "anticipate", "budget", "plan", "estimate", "continue", "forecast", "intend", "believe", "predict", "potential", "target", "may", "could", "would", "might", "will" and similar words or phrases (including negative variations) suggesting future outcomes or statements regarding an outlook.

本新聞稿中的某些陳述和信息構成適用的美國證券法所指的 “前瞻性陳述”,以及適用的加拿大證券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”,我們將其統稱爲 “前瞻性陳述”。前瞻性陳述是基於對未來經濟狀況和行動方針的假設,有關可能的事件、狀況或經營結果的陳述和信息。除歷史事實陳述以外的所有陳述和信息都可能是前瞻性陳述。在某些情況下,可以通過使用 “尋找”、“預期”、“預期”、“計劃”、“估計”、“繼續”、“預測”、“打算”、“相信”、“預測”、“潛力”、“目標”、“可能”、“會”、“可能”、“可能”、“將” 等詞語以及類似的詞語或短語(包括否定的)來識別前瞻性陳述變體)建議未來結果或有關前景的陳述。

Forward-looking statements in this release include, but are not limited to, statements and information regarding timing to file the technical report supporting the 2023 MR&RE, the expected sources of the Company's mill feed in the upcoming year, the ability of the Company to extend San Bartolomé life of mine, and the Company's plans for growth through exploration activities, acquisitions or otherwise. Such forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions, including, but not limited to: the Company's ability to carry on exploration and development activities; the Company's ability to secure and to meet obligations under property and option agreements and other material agreements; the timely receipt of required approvals and permits; that there is no material adverse change affecting the Company or its properties; that contracted parties provide goods or services in a timely manner; that no unusual geological or technical problems occur; that plant and equipment function as anticipated and that there is no material adverse change in the price of silver, costs associated with production or recovery. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause actual results, performance or achievements, or industry results, to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. The Company believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, but no assurance can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct, and you are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements contained herein.


Some of the risks and other factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements contained in this release include, but are not limited to: risks and uncertainties relating to the interpretation of drill results, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits and conclusions of economic evaluations; results of initial feasibility, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, and the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations; risks relating to possible variations in reserves, resources, grade, planned mining dilution and ore loss, or recovery rates and changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; mining and development risks, including risks related to accidents, equipment breakdowns, labour disputes (including work stoppages and strikes) or other unanticipated difficulties with or interruptions in exploration and development; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities or the completion of feasibility studies; risks related to the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses; risks related to commodity price and foreign exchange rate fluctuations; the uncertainty of profitability based upon the cyclical nature of the industry in which the Company operates; risks related to failure to obtain adequate financing on a timely basis and on acceptable terms or delays in obtaining governmental or local community approvals or in the completion of development or construction activities; risks related to environmental regulation and liability; political and regulatory risks associated with mining and exploration; risks related to the uncertain global economic environment; and other factors contained in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in the MD&A and the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis dated November 29, 2023.

可能導致實際結果與本新聞稿中前瞻性陳述中表達的結果存在重大差異的一些風險和其他因素包括但不限於:與鑽探結果解釋、礦牀的地質、品位和連續性以及經濟評估結論相關的風險和不確定性;初步可行性、預可行性和可行性研究的結果,以及未來的勘探、開發或採礦結果與公司的勘探、開發或採礦結果不一致的可能性預期;與儲量、資源、品位、計劃開採稀釋和礦石流失的可能變化或計劃不斷完善後項目參數的變化相關的風險;採礦和開發風險,包括與事故、設備故障、勞資糾紛(包括停工和罷工)或勘探和開發中斷的其他意外困難或中斷相關的風險;勘探或開發活動或可行性研究完成可能出現延誤的風險;與之相關的風險那個生產和成本估算的固有不確定性以及可能出現意想不到的成本和支出;與大宗商品價格和外匯匯率波動相關的風險;基於公司經營行業週期性質的盈利能力的不確定性;與未能按可接受的條件及時獲得充足的融資或延遲獲得政府或當地社區批准或完成開發或建設活動相關的風險;與環境監管相關的風險以及責任;與採礦和勘探相關的政治和監管風險;與不確定的全球經濟環境相關的風險;以及2023年11月29日MD&A和公司管理層討論與分析中題爲 “風險因素” 的部分中包含的其他因素。

Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements, you are cautioned that this list is not exhaustive and there may be other factors that the Company has not identified. Furthermore, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements included in this release if these beliefs, estimates and opinions or other circumstances should change, except as otherwise required by applicable law.




Table 1: Updated Mineral Resources - San Bartolomé Operation as of December 1, 2023

表 1:最新礦產資源——截至 2023 年 12 月 1 日的聖巴託洛梅運營情況

Area Category Tonnes(1)
Ave. Silver Grade
San Bartolomé Tailings FDF (2) Measured - - -
Indicated 3,813 56 6.90
M+I 3,813 56 6.90
Inferred 92 52 0.15
Tollojchi Area - Contracted Manto (3) Measured - - -
Indicated 773 127 3.15
M+I 773 127 3.15
Inferred 35 131 0.15
Platera (3) Measured - - -
Indicated 636 160 3.28
M+I 636 160 3.28
Inferred 445 145 2.07
Rosario (3) Measured - - -
Indicated 183 148 0.87
M+I 183 148 0.87
Inferred 115 136 0.50
Other Areas - Contracted Alta Vista (4) Measured - - -
Indicated 34 354 0.39
M+I 34 354 0.39
Inferred 55 371 0.66
Paca (5) Measured - - -
Indicated 666 223 4.78
M+I 666 223 4.78
Inferred 223 230 1.65
Owner +
Totals Measured 0 0 0
Indicated 6,105 98 19
M+I 6,105 98 19
Inferred 965 167 5
區域 類別 (1)

聖巴託洛梅尾礦 FDF (2) 已測量 - - -
已指明 3,813 56 6.90
M+I 3,813 56 6.90
推斷 92 52 0.15
託洛伊奇地區-已簽約 曼託 (3) 已測量 - - -
已指明 773 127 3.15
M+I 773 127 3.15
推斷 35 131 0.15
普拉泰拉 (3) 已測量 - - -
已指明 636 160 3.28
M+I 636 160 3.28
推斷 445 145 2.07
羅薩里奧 (3) 已測量 - - -
已指明 183 148 0.87
M+I 183 148 0.87
推斷 115 136 0.50
其他區域-已簽約 阿爾塔維斯塔 (4) 已測量 - - -
已指明 34 354 0.39
M+I 34 354 0.39
推斷 55 371 0.66
Paca (5) 已測量 - - -
已指明 666 223 4.78
M+I 666 223 4.78
推斷 223 230 1.65
所有者 +
總計 已測量 0 0 0
已指明 6,105 98 19
M+I 6,105 98 19
推斷 965 167 5

Notes to Table 1

表 1 的註釋

1. Mineral resources are effective as of December 1, 2023, and inclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves have not demonstrated economic viability. There is no certainty that all or any part of those mineral resources will be converted into mineral reserves estimate. Mineral resource tonnage and contained metal have been rounded to reflect the accuracy of the estimate, any apparent errors are insignificant. Silver assays were capped where appropriate. Given the historical production and knowledge of the projects, it is the Company's opinion that all the silver grades included in the calculations have a reasonable potential to be recovered and sold.


2. The following assumptions are considered for the FDF mineral resources:

2。對於 FDF 礦產資源,考慮了以下假設:

a) Assumed silver price of $25/oz and metallurgical recovery of 78%.

a) 假設白銀價格爲25美元/盎司,冶金回收率爲78%。

b) Mineral resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 47 g/t Ag, grade of material above mesh #14. This cut-off considers, on a per tonne basis: mining cost: $1.42/t; processing costs: $17.89/t; general & administrative and indirect costs: $6.1/t; capital: $0.63/t; refining, shipping, and laboratory costs: $0.65/t. Other costs considered are the COMIBOL royalty of 4% and the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%.

b) 據報道,礦產資源的原位臨界值爲47 g/t Ag,材料等級高於網格 #14。該截止值按每噸計算:採礦成本:1.42美元/噸;加工成本:17.89美元/噸;一般和管理及間接成本:6.1美元/噸;資本:0.63美元/噸;煉油、運輸和實驗室成本:0.65美元/噸。考慮的其他成本包括4%的COMIBOL特許權使用費和6%的玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費。

c) 100% mining recovery.

c) 100% 的採礦回收率。

3. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral resources deriving Manto, Platera and Rosario:


a) The mineral resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 64.3 g/t Ag.

a) 據報告,礦產資源的原位臨界值爲64.3 g/t Ag。

b) Mineral resources are reported within a constraining pit shell. Assumed silver price of $25/oz; assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 80%; mining and transport: $6.49/t; process costs: $22.98/t; G&A and other indirect costs: $3.67/t; administrative costs: $2.74/t; capital expenditures: $2.65/t. Other costs are the COMIBOL royalty of 4%, the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%, and refining and shipping and laboratory costs of $0.66/t.

b) 據報告,礦產資源位於限制性礦殼內。假設白銀價格爲25美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:80%;採礦和運輸:6.49美元/噸;工藝成本:22.98美元/噸;併購和其他間接成本:3.67美元/噸;管理成本:2.74美元/噸;資本支出:2.65美元/噸。其他成本包括COMIBOL特許權使用費4%,玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費6%,煉油、運輸和實驗室成本0.66美元。

c) Material from Manto, Platera and Rosario transportation costs of $18.50/t has been applied to the economic analysis. SRK is using an incremental cutoff to define if the material is considered as mineral resources.

c) 來自曼託、普拉特拉和羅薩里奧的材料運輸成本爲每噸18.50美元,已應用於經濟分析。SRK 使用增量臨界值來定義該材料是否被視爲礦產資源。

d) 100% mining recovery.

d) 100% 的採礦回收率。

4. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral resources deriving from Alta Vista:

4。對於來自Alta Vista的礦產資源,考慮了以下假設:

a) The mineral resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 247 g/t Ag, considering underground mining methods.

a) 考慮到地下采礦方法,據報告,礦產資源的原位臨界值爲247 g/t Ag。

b) Assumed silver price of $25/oz; Assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 70%; transport: $29.58/t; mining: $63,8/t; process costs: $24.69/t; G&A and other indirect costs: $3.8/t; administrative costs: $4.57/t; capital expenditures: $0.41/t. Other costs are the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%, and refining and shipping and laboratory costs of $0.66/t.

b) 假設白銀價格爲25美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:70%;運輸:29.58美元/噸;採礦:63,8美元/噸;工藝成本:24.69美元/噸;管理成本:4.57美元/噸;資本支出:0.41美元/噸。其他成本是玻利維亞6%的白銀特許權使用費以及0.66美元/噸的煉油、運輸和實驗室成本。

c) 100% mining recovery.

c) 100% 的採礦回收率。

5. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral resources deriving from Paca:


a) The mineral resources are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 172 g/t Ag.

a) 據報道,礦產資源的原位截止值爲172克/噸銀。

b) Oxidized and transitional (partially oxidized) materials are reported.

b) 報告了氧化和過渡(部分氧化)材料。

c) The mineral resources are reported within a constraining pit shell. Assumed silver price of $25/oz; assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 80%; mining and haulage costs: $30.86/t; transport: $18.0/t; process costs: $20.29/t; ore purchase costs: $11.90/t. refining, shipping, and laboratory costs: $0.45/oz Ag. Other costs are the COMIBOL royalty of 4%, the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%.

c) 據報告,礦產資源位於限制性礦殼內。假設白銀價格爲25美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:80%;採礦和運輸成本:30.86美元/噸;運輸:18.0美元/噸;工藝成本:20.29美元/噸;礦石購買成本:11.90美元/噸。提煉、運輸和實驗室成本:0.45美元/盎司銀。其他成本包括4%的COMIBOL特許權使用費,6%的玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費。

d) 100% mining recovery.

d) 100% 的採礦回收率。

Table 2: Updated Mineral Reserves - San Bartolomé Mine as of December 1, 2023

表 2:截至 2023 年 12 月 1 日的最新礦產儲量——聖巴託洛梅礦

Material Source Area Ag
Cutoff (g/t)
Category Ore
San Bartolomé
FDF (2) 50Proven - - - -
Probable 3.27 58 6.09 4.75
P+P 3.27 58 6.09 4.75
Tollojchi Area
Manto (3) 70Proven - - - -
Probable 0.76 126 3.07 2.46
P+P 0.76 126 3.07 2.46
Platera (3) 70Proven - - - -
Probable 0.58 157 2.92 2.34
P+P 0.58 157 2.92 2.34
Rosario (3) 70Proven - - - -
Probable 0.18 143 0.81 0.65
P+P 0.18 143 0.81 0.65
Other Areas Contracted Alta Vista (4) 250Proven - - - -
Probable 0.03 357 0.39 0.27
P+P 0.03 357 0.39 0.27
Paca (5) 180Proven - - - -
Probable 0.26 228 1.91 1.53
P+P 0.26 228 1.91 1.53
Owner +
Totals VariableProven - - - -
Probable 5.08 93 15.19 11.95
P+P 5.08 93 15.19 11.95
材料來源 區域 Ag
截止值 (g/t)
類別 礦石
FDF (2) 50已驗證 - - - -
很可能 3.27 58 6.09 4.75
P+P 3.27 58 6.09 4.75
曼託 (3) 70已驗證 - - - -
很可能 0.76 126 3.07 2.46
P+P 0.76 126 3.07 2.46
普拉泰拉 (3) 70已驗證 - - - -
很可能 0.58 157 2.92 2.34
P+P 0.58 157 2.92 2.34
羅薩里奧 (3) 70已驗證 - - - -
很可能 0.18 143 0.81 0.65
P+P 0.18 143 0.81 0.65
其他簽約區域 阿爾塔維斯塔 (4) 250 已驗證 - - - -
很可能 0.03 357 0.39 0.27
P+P 0.03 357 0.39 0.27
Paca (5) 180 已驗證 - - - -
很可能 0.26 228 1.91 1.53
P+P 0.26 228 1.91 1.53
所有者 +
總計 變量已驗證 - - - -
很可能 5.08 93 15.19 11.95
P+P 5.08 93 15.19 11.95

Notes to Table 2

表 2 的註釋

* The costs used in the cash flow have minor differences when compared to costs used in the cut-off grade calculation, however, these are not considered material.
* Waste tonnes within pit is 12.2 Mt at a strip ratio of 1.26:1 (waste to in situ RoM ore).
* Open pit reserves are diluted (further to dilution inherent in the resource model and assumes selective mining unit of 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m).
* Open pit reserves assume complete mine recovery.
* Metallurgical recoveries are 80% except for FDF at 78% and Alta Vista at 70%.
* Mining type is all open pit except for FDF tailings reprocessing and Alta Vista underground.

* 與截止等級計算中使用的成本相比,現金流中使用的成本略有差異,但是,這些成本不被視爲實質性成本。
* 礦坑內的廢棄物噸數爲12.2萬噸,條帶比爲1. 26:1(廢物與原地羅姆礦石)。
* 露天礦儲量被稀釋(進一步稀釋了資源模型中固有的稀釋量,假設選擇性採礦單位爲 2.5 m x 2.5 m x 2.5 m)。
* 露天礦儲量假設礦山已完全恢復。
* 冶金回收率爲80%,FDF爲78%,Alta Vista爲70%。
* 除了 FDF 尾礦再處理和 Alta Vista 地下采礦外,所有采礦類型均爲露天礦場。

1. Mineral reserves are effective as of December 1, 2023, and inclusive of mineral reserves. Mineral reserves tonnage and contained metal have been rounded to reflect the accuracy of the estimate. Any apparent errors are insignificant. Given the historical production and knowledge of the projects, it is the company's opinion that all the silver grades included in the calculations have a reasonable potential to be recovered and sold.


2. The following assumptions are considered for the FDF mineral reserves:

2。對於 FDF 的礦產儲量,考慮了以下假設:

a) Assumed silver price of $23/oz. Metallurgical recovery is estimated to be in the range of 76% to 78%. Assume metallurgical recovery of 78%.

a) 假設白銀價格爲23美元/盎司。冶金回收率估計在76%至78%之間。假設冶金回收率爲 78%。

b) Mineral reserves are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 50 g/t Ag, grade of material above mesh #14, has been used for reporting the mineral reserves at the FDF. This cut-off considers, on a per tonne basis, $1.42 mining cost, $17.89 processing costs, $6.1 G&A and indirect costs, $0.63 capital, $0.65 refining, shipping, and laboratory costs. Other costs considered are the COMIBOL royalty of 4% and the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%.

b) 據報道,礦產儲量的原位截止值爲50 g/t Ag,金屬等級高於 #14 的材料已被用來報告FDF的礦產儲量。按每噸計算,該截止日期考慮了1.42美元的採礦成本、17.89美元的加工成本、6.1美元的併購和間接成本、0.63美元的資本、0.65美元的煉油、運輸和實驗室成本。考慮的其他成本包括4%的COMIBOL特許權使用費和6%的玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費。

c) 100% mining recovery and dilution of approximately 5%.

c) 採礦回收率爲 100%,稀釋量約爲 5%。

3. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral reserves deriving Manto, Platera, and Rosario:


a) The mineral reserves are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 70 g/t Ag.

a) 據報道,礦產儲量的原位截止值爲70 g/t Ag。

b) The mineral reserves are reported within a constraining pit shell. Assumed silver price of $23/oz; assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 80%; mining and transport: $6.49/t; process costs: $22.98/t; G&A and other indirect costs: $3.67/t. Other costs considered included smelting; administrative costs: $2.74; capital expenditures: $2.65/t. Other costs are the COMIBOL royalty of 4%, the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%, and refining and shipping and laboratory costs of $0.66/t.

b) 礦產儲量是在限制性礦殼內報告的。假設白銀價格爲23美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:80%;採礦和運輸:6.49美元/噸;工藝成本:22.98美元/噸;併購和其他間接成本:3.67美元/噸。考慮的其他成本包括冶煉;管理成本:2.74美元;資本支出:2.65美元/噸。其他成本包括4%的COMIBOL特許權使用費、6%的玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費以及煉油和運輸及實驗室成本爲 0.66 美元/噸。

c) 100% mining recovery and dilution of approximately 5%.

c) 採礦回收率爲 100%,稀釋量約爲 5%。

4. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral reserves deriving from Alta Vista:

4。對於來自Alta Vista的礦產儲量,考慮了以下假設:

a) The mineral reserves are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 250 g/t Ag, considering underground mining methods.

a) 考慮到地下采礦方法,據報道,礦產儲量的原位截止值爲250 g/t Ag。

b) Oxidized and transitional (partially oxidized) materials are reported.

b) 報告了氧化和過渡(部分氧化)材料。

c) Assumed silver price of $23/oz; assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 70%; transport: $29.58/t; mining: $63,8/t; process costs: $24.69/t; G&A and other indirect costs: $3.8/t; administrative costs: $4.57/t; capital expenditures: $0.41/t. Other costs are the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%, and refining and shipping and laboratory costs of $0.66/t.

c) 假設白銀價格爲23美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:70%;運輸:29.58美元/噸;採礦:63,8美元/噸;工藝成本:24.69美元/噸;管理成本:4.57美元/噸;資本支出:0.41美元/噸。其他成本是玻利維亞6%的白銀特許權使用費以及0.66美元/噸的煉油、運輸和實驗室成本。

d) 100% mining recovery and dilution of approximately 20%.

d) 採礦回收率爲 100%,稀釋量約爲 20%。

5. The following assumptions are considered for the mineral reserves deriving from Paca:


a) The mineral reserves are reported at an in-situ cut-off of 180 g/t Ag.

a) 據報道,礦產儲量的原位截止值爲180 g/t Ag。

b) Oxidized and transitional (partially oxidized) materials are reported.

b) 報告了氧化和過渡(部分氧化)材料。

c) Mineral reserves are reported within a constrained pit shell. Assumed silver price of $23/oz; assumed metallurgical silver recovery: 80%; ore purchase, mining and haulage costs: $60.80/t; process costs: $20.29/t; refining, shipping, and laboratory costs: $0.45/oz Ag. Other costs are the COMIBOL royalty of 4%, the silver Bolivian royalty of 6%.

c) 據報告,礦產儲量位於受限的礦殼內。假設白銀價格爲23美元/盎司;假設冶金銀回收率:80%;礦石採購、開採和運輸成本:60.80美元/噸;工藝成本:20.29美元/噸;提煉、運輸和實驗室成本:0.45美元/盎司Ag。其他成本包括4%的COMIBOL特許權使用費,6%的玻利維亞白銀特許權使用費。

d) 100% mining recovery and dilution of approximately 5%.

d) 採礦回收率爲 100%,稀釋量約爲 5%。

Mining plan assumes use of Paca instead of other contracted material.


* The mineral reserve estimate for the project was calculated by Fernando P. Rodrigues, BSc, MBA MMSAQP #01405QP of SRK Consulting (U.S.) Inc. in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators NI 43-101 and generally accepted CIM Guidelines.

* 該項目的礦產儲量估算由 SRK Consulting(美國)理學學士、工商管理碩士 MMSAQP #01405QP 計算得出Inc. 根據加拿大證券管理局的NI 43-101和普遍接受的CIM指南。



1 The estimate includes the resources in our Fines Deposit Facility ("FDF") which contains untreated fine-grained plant feed from the oxide reserves previously mined as well as third party contracted high-grade oxide material.
2 *Coeur d'Alene Mine, San Bartolomé Technical Report, January 1, 2009, p.111. The San Bartolomé operation started up in 2008 with an estimated end of mine of 2020.

1 估算值包括我們的罰款儲存設施(“FDF”)中的資源,該設施包含來自先前開採的氧化物儲量的未經處理的細顆粒植物飼料以及第三方簽約的高品位氧化物材料。
2 *Coeur d'Alene 礦山,《聖巴託洛梅技術報告》,2009 年 1 月 1 日,第 111 頁。聖巴託洛梅的礦山始於2008年,預計礦山將於2020年結束。

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