
Impact Development Group Announces Operational Updates, Change to Board of Directors, and Board Approval of Debt Financing

Impact Development Group Announces Operational Updates, Change to Board of Directors, and Board Approval of Debt Financing

Impact Development Group宣佈運營最新情況、董事會變更以及債務融資的董事會批准
GlobeNewswire ·  2023/12/29 07:30

TORONTO, Dec. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Impact Development Group Inc. ("IDG" or the "Company") (TSXV: "IMPT"), a leading Panamanian developer of affordable housing solutions, is pleased to announce operational updates relating to its core business of building and delivering affordable homes, the approval of the issuance of secured debentures for proceeds up to USD$4,500,000 (the "Financing"), and changes to the Company's board of directors. Closing of the Financing is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSX-V").

多倫多,2023年12月29日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——巴拿馬領先的經濟適用住房解決方案開發商Impact Development Group Inc.(“IDG” 或 “公司”)(TSXV:“IMPT”)欣然宣佈與建造和交付經濟適用房的核心業務相關的運營最新情況,批准發行收益不超過450萬美元的有擔保債券(“融資”),以及公司董事會的變動。融資的完成須經多倫多證券交易所風險交易所(“TSX-V”)的批准。

Operational Updates:


1,067 Homes Delivered Since Inception:
In continuing its leadership in the development and delivery of affordable homes, IDG is pleased to announce that it has successfully delivered its 1,067th home across all phases at the completed Sona and in-progress Santiago projects. This marks a critical milestone for IDG in establishing a recognized brand with its growing base of affordable housing customers in Panama.

爲了繼續在經濟適用房的開發和交付方面保持領先地位,IDG很高興地宣佈,它已成功交付了1,067套第四 已完成的索納項目和正在進行的聖地亞哥項目的各個階段都位於家中。這標誌着IDG在巴拿馬建立知名品牌的關鍵里程碑,其經濟適用房客戶群不斷擴大。

Continued Home Delivery Progress at Santiago Project:
Despite home delivery and collection challenges associated with the protests related to the Cobre Panama mine dispute during the month of November, IDG has successfully maintained normal development operations and has resumed home deliveries beginning in December. As of the end of the November, a total of 285 homes have been delivered to customers, accounting for an approximate combined 57% of the Company's development inventory in Phases 4,5 Reserva Social and La Reserva ("Legacy Phases").

儘管11月份與科佈雷巴拿馬礦山爭端相關的抗議活動帶來了送貨上門和收貨方面的挑戰,但IDG還是成功地維持了正常的開發業務,並從12月開始恢復了送貨上門服務。截至11月底,共向客戶交付了285套住房,佔公司第4,5階段Reserva Social和La Reserva(“傳統階段”)開發庫存的總和約57%。

Reached 172 Pre-Sold Homes at Legacy Phases:
Reflecting strong market demand and customer confidence, IDG is pleased to report that 172 of the 211 homes in development at the Legacy Phases, representing 81% of remaining in-progress inventory, have been pre-sold for delivery in 2024. Including deliveries, the pre-sold homes bring the total sold homes to 457 at the Santiago project, representing 92% of the 496 Legacy Phase homes at various stages of construction and delivery.


Listing on TSX Venture Exchange
IDG is pleased to report the successful listing of the Company's common shares on the TSX-V. Marking another significant milestone of the Company, IDG's common shares began trading under the symbol "IMPT" on December 12, 2023.

IDG很高興地報告,該公司的普通股已成功在多倫多證券交易所上市。IDG的普通股於2023年12月12日開始交易,股票代碼爲 “IMPT”,這標誌着公司的又一個重要里程碑。

Tom Wenz, Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Company commented: "I am proud of the tremendous progress IDG has achieved in the past year, and I extend my deepest gratitude to our dedicated team. Their unwavering dedication has been evidenced in maintaining operations during a challenging environment posed by the Cobre Panama protests and successfully achieving new home delivery and pre-sales milestones. I look forward to our team's continued success as a publicly traded company on the TSX-V as we reinforce our commitment to transparency and accountability while opening new avenues for growth."

公司首席執行官兼董事湯姆·溫茲評論說:“我爲IDG在過去一年中取得的巨大進展感到自豪,並對我們敬業的團隊表示最深切的感謝。他們堅定不移的奉獻精神體現在在 Cobre Panama 抗議活動帶來的艱難環境中維持運營以及成功實現新的送貨上門和預售里程碑上。我期待我們的團隊作爲一家在多倫多證券交易所上市的公司繼續取得成功,因爲我們將加強對透明度和問責制的承諾,同時開闢新的增長途徑。”

Debt Financing:


IDG is pleased to announce that it has approved a Financing by way of the issuance of a senior secured debenture for up to USD$4,500,000 with a Panamanian institutional investor to fund ongoing affordable home development activities and general working capital. The Financing will be funded in 9 monthly tranches ("Tranches"), with the final Tranche ending in July, 2024. Each Tranche will be equal to the projected capital requirements for continued development of the Legacy Phases. The Financing shall bear interest at a rate of 12% per annum, payable quarterly, with a scheduled maturity date of November 30, 2025. Interest payments shall be deferred and accrued with the first interest payment occurring on January 31, 2025. The Financing is subject to the approval of the TSX-V and no funds representing the Tranches will be advanced to IDG prior to approval by the TSX-V.


In connection with the Financing, the Company shall issue Warrants exercisable for the purchase of common shares upon receipt of each Tranche. The amount of Warrants issued by the Company in connection with each Tranche will be equal to the Canadian dollar value of the Tranche divided by the closing price of the Company's common shares on the funding date of each Tranche. The Warrants shall have an exercise price equal to a 10% premium to the 10-day volume weighted average trading price of IDG's common shares on the TSX-V on the 10 trading days prior to the funding date of each Tranche. The Warrants shall be exercisable for a period of three years from the date of issue, subject to accelerated expiry in accordance with the policies of the TSX-V.


Changes to Board of Directors


IDG announces the resignation of Raymond Harari as Director of the Company. The Company would like to thank Mr. Harari for his contributions during the public listing process.


About IHC and IHC Panama

關於 IHC 和 IHC 巴拿馬

Impact Development Group is a Panamanian based real estate developer that provides affordable housing solutions to Panama's growing middle-class supported by a longstanding subsidized government program. The vision of IHC Panama is effectuated by a vertically integrated model which coordinates all services necessary to develop high-quality residential and commercial buildings, including land acquisition, financing, architectural, engineering, off-site manufacturing, general contracting, property management, and administration.

Impact Development Group是一家總部位於巴拿馬的房地產開發商,在長期的補貼政府計劃的支持下,爲巴拿馬不斷壯大的中產階級提供經濟適用住房解決方案。IHC Panama的願景由垂直整合模型實現,該模型協調開發高質量住宅和商業建築所需的所有服務,包括土地徵用、融資、建築、工程、場外製造、總承包、物業管理和管理。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, please contact:


Tom Wenz, Chief Executive Officer and Director
Phone: + 1 (406) 370-2603

電話:+ 1 (406) 370-2603

Forward-Looking Information


The information in this news release includes certain information and statements about management's view of future events, expectations, plans and prospects that constitute forward-looking statements, including statements with respect to trading in the common shares of the Company.


Such statements and information reflect the current view of the Company. Risks and uncertainties exist that may cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated or implied in the forward-looking statements and information. Such factors include, among others: the limited business history of IHC; reliance on key management; risks related to IHC's growth strategy, including that previous and future acquisitions do not meet expectations or potential acquisitions cannot be completed; dependence on and availability of third party financing; the TSX-V may not approve the Financing; the business of IHC is subject to broader economic factors; disruptions or changes in the credit or security markets; financial results of IHC's operations; unanticipated costs and expenses; and general market and industry conditions.


The forward-looking statements, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently based upon assumptions that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the Financing will be approved by the TSX-V and the Company will be able to carry out its business plan as contemplated. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in forward-looking statements are reasonable, they can give no assurances that the expectations of any forward-looking statements will prove to be correct.


The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of the Company as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. While the Company may elect to, it does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.




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