
PC Connection Insiders Sell US$5.7m Of Stock, Possibly Signalling Caution

PC Connection Insiders Sell US$5.7m Of Stock, Possibly Signalling Caution

PC Connection內部人士出售了570萬美元的股票,這可能表明謹慎行事
Simply Wall St ·  01/03 06:38

In the last year, many PC Connection, Inc. (NASDAQ:CNXN) insiders sold a substantial stake in the company which may have sparked shareholders' attention. When evaluating insider transactions, knowing whether insiders are buying versus if they selling is usually more beneficial, as the latter can be open to many interpretations. However, if numerous insiders are selling, shareholders should investigate more.

去年,許多PC Connection, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:CNXN)內部人士出售了該公司的大量股份,這可能引起了股東的關注。在評估內幕交易時,了解內部人士是買入還是賣出通常更有利,因爲後者可能有多種解釋。但是,如果有許多內部人士出售,股東應該進行更多調查。

While we would never suggest that investors should base their decisions solely on what the directors of a company have been doing, we do think it is perfectly logical to keep tabs on what insiders are doing.


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PC Connection Insider Transactions Over The Last Year

去年 PC Connection 內幕交易

In the last twelve months, the biggest single sale by an insider was when the President & CEO, Timothy McGrath, sold US$1.9m worth of shares at a price of US$53.30 per share. So it's clear an insider wanted to take some cash off the table, even below the current price of US$65.50. As a general rule we consider it to be discouraging when insiders are selling below the current price, because it suggests they were happy with a lower valuation. However, while insider selling is sometimes discouraging, it's only a weak signal. This single sale was just 11% of Timothy McGrath's stake.


PC Connection insiders didn't buy any shares over the last year. The chart below shows insider transactions (by companies and individuals) over the last year. By clicking on the graph below, you can see the precise details of each insider transaction!

去年,PC Connection內部人士沒有購買任何股票。下圖顯示了去年的內幕交易(公司和個人)。通過點擊下面的圖表,你可以看到每筆內幕交易的確切細節!

NasdaqGS:CNXN Insider Trading Volume January 3rd 2024
納斯達克股票代碼:CNXN 內幕交易量 2024 年 1 月 3 日

If you are like me, then you will not want to miss this free list of growing companies that insiders are buying.


PC Connection Insiders Are Selling The Stock

PC Connection內部人士正在出售股票

The last three months saw significant insider selling at PC Connection. Specifically, insiders ditched US$2.2m worth of shares in that time, and we didn't record any purchases whatsoever. Overall this makes us a bit cautious, but it's not the be all and end all.

在過去的三個月中,PC Connection出現了大量的內幕銷售。具體而言,內部人士在那段時間拋售了價值220萬美元的股票,我們沒有記錄任何購買記錄。總的來說,這使我們有點謹慎,但這並不是萬能的。

Does PC Connection Boast High Insider Ownership?

PC Connection 是否擁有很高的內部所有權?

Another way to test the alignment between the leaders of a company and other shareholders is to look at how many shares they own. Usually, the higher the insider ownership, the more likely it is that insiders will be incentivised to build the company for the long term. PC Connection insiders own about US$964m worth of shares (which is 56% of the company). Most shareholders would be happy to see this sort of insider ownership, since it suggests that management incentives are well aligned with other shareholders.

測試公司領導者與其他股東之間一致性的另一種方法是查看他們擁有多少股份。通常,內部人士的所有權越高,內部人士長期建立公司的可能性就越大。PC Connection內部人士擁有價值約9.64億美元的股份(佔該公司的56%)。大多數股東會很高興看到這種內部所有權,因爲這表明管理層的激勵措施與其他股東非常一致。

So What Do The PC Connection Insider Transactions Indicate?

那麼 PC Connection Insider 交易意味着什麼?

Insiders sold stock recently, but they haven't been buying. And even if we look at the last year, we didn't see any purchases. While insiders do own a lot of shares in the company (which is good), our analysis of their transactions doesn't make us feel confident about the company. So these insider transactions can help us build a thesis about the stock, but it's also worthwhile knowing the risks facing this company. While conducting our analysis, we found that PC Connection has 1 warning sign and it would be unwise to ignore it.

內部人士最近出售了股票,但他們一直沒有買入。而且,即使我們看看去年,我們也沒有看到任何購買。儘管內部人士確實擁有該公司的大量股份(這很好),但我們對他們交易的分析並不能使我們對公司充滿信心。因此,這些內幕交易可以幫助我們建立有關股票的論點,但也值得了解這家公司面臨的風險。在進行分析時,我們發現 PC Connection 有 1 個警告信號,因此忽略它是不明智的。

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For the purposes of this article, insiders are those individuals who report their transactions to the relevant regulatory body. We currently account for open market transactions and private dispositions of direct interests only, but not derivative transactions or indirect interests.


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