
Mayo Lake Minerals Updates Merger With WestMountain Gold

Mayo Lake Minerals Updates Merger With WestMountain Gold

newsfile ·  2024/01/05 02:38

703,300 Ounces of High-Grade Gold; Greater than 2,000,000 Ounce Total Resource
Amends Terms of Private Placement Closing February

703,300 盎司高品位黃金;總資源超過 2,000,000 盎司

Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 4, 2024) - Mayo Lake Minerals Inc. (CSE: MLKM) (Mayo or Company) is pleased to confirm that Mayo and WestMountain Gold, Inc. (WestMountain) remain committed to complete their merger as described in Mayo's press release of August 17, 2023.

安大略省渥太華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 4 日)- 梅奧湖礦業公司(CSE:MLKM)(梅奧或公司) 很高興地證實,Mayo 和 WestMountain Gold, Inc. (西山) 仍然致力於按照梅奧2023年8月17日的新聞稿中所述完成合並。

The Letter of Intent (LOI) as described in the press release outlined the proposed terms and conditions of a transaction pursuant to which Mayo and WestMountain plan to effect a three-cornered amalgamation of a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mayo and WestMountain that would result in Mayo indirectly acquiring all of the outstanding share capital of WestMountain (Transaction). The amalgamated entity resulting from the Transaction will continue to carry on the combined operations of Mayo and WestMountain.


The Transaction, which is contemplated for completion in the first quarter of 2024, remains subject to Mayo and WestMountain entering into a definitive agreement (near completion) and the receipt of all regulatory and other approvals. Mayo will issue a comprehensive press release pursuant to the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange upon execution of a definitive agreement. To date, the companies have carried out extensive due diligence and are pleased with the progress to date.


Pursuant to the LOI, Mayo will issue WestMountain shareholders that number of common shares at a deemed value of $0.08 per share in the capital of Mayo equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the common shares issued and outstanding on a fully diluted basis at the time of closing. As additional consideration, Mayo will issue two (2) tranches of warrants on a pro-rata basis, each tranche equal to 10% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Mayo at the time of closing of the Transaction calculated on a fully diluted basis. Each warrant shall be exercisable for five (5) years from the date of issuance at the market price of Mayo's common shares at the time of closing of the Proposed Transaction.


Each tranche will be exercisable when the following thresholds are met: (a) delineation of a compliant gold resource consisting of a minimum of two million inferred or better ounces and (b) delineation of a compliant gold resource consisting of a minimum of three million, inferred or better ounces.

當滿足以下閾值時,每批黃金資源均可行使:(a) 劃定至少由兩百萬推斷或更優盎司組成的合規黃金資源;(b) 劃定至少由三百萬推斷或更優盎司組成的合規黃金資源。

Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, Mayo's board of directors will be reconstituted and consist of three directors nominated by current Mayo shareholders and two directors nominated by current WestMountain shareholders.


Mayo is expected to assume a principal amount of US $3 million of WestMountain secured notes and accrued interest maturing on February 7, 2025.


The completion of the Transaction is subject to the satisfaction of certain conditions precedent, including:


  1. receipt of all necessary consents, approvals and authorizations of any regulatory authorities, shareholders or third parties;

  2. Mayo having obtained such regulatory approvals as are necessary in connection with the completion of the Proposed Transaction, including but not limited to the approval of the Canadian Securities Exchange;

  3. all claims and leases comprising the Terra Gold Project's (Terra) being in good standing at closing with annual payments and other fees paid in full and all permits and approvals to conduct exploration and development at Terra being in good standing;

  4. WestMountain having converted approximately US$5 million of its total debt and related obligations into common shares on or before closing; and

  5. with the exception of the amount of the US $3 million secured notes of WestMountain to be assumed by Mayo, all other outstanding notes of WestMountain and any interest accrued shall have been discharged through payment of cash or share conversion prior to closing, or as otherwise agreed by the parties.

  1. 收到任何監管機構、股東或第三方的所有必要同意、批准和授權;

  2. 梅奧已獲得與完成擬議交易相關的必要監管批准,包括但不限於加拿大證券交易所的批准;

  3. 包括 Terra Gold 項目的所有索賠和租約 (泰拉) 在收盤時信譽良好,年度付款和其他費用已全額支付,在Terra進行勘探和開發的所有許可證和批准書信譽良好;

  4. WestMountain已在收盤時或收盤前將其總債務和相關債務中的約500萬美元轉換爲普通股;以及

  5. 除了由梅奧承擔的300萬美元WestMountain有擔保票據的金額外,WestMountain的所有其他未償還票據和任何應計利息均應在收盤前通過支付現金或股票轉換或雙方另行約定來清償。

Amendment to Terms of Private Placement - After due consultation between management and certain parties followed by a review with the board of directors, the Company has passed a resolution amending the terms of the common share unit (CS Unit) portion of its ongoing $1.4M private placement to include one whole warrant per CS Unit that is now exercisable at $0.09 for an extended period of four years as opposed to the previous three-year period. The planned closing date has now been rescheduled for on or about February 9, 2024. The revised Term Sheet has been attached hereto as Schedule A.

私募條款修正案 - 在管理層與某些各方進行了適當磋商,隨後與董事會進行了審查之後,公司通過了一項決議,對正在進行的140萬美元私募中普通股單位(CS單位)部分的條款進行了修改,將每個CS單位的一份完整認股權證包括在內,該認股權證現在可以以0.09美元的價格行使,爲期四年,而不是之前的三年。計劃的截止日期現已改期爲2024年2月9日左右。修訂後的條款表已作爲附表A附於此。

In the event of multiple closings, the day of the final closing will be the closing date of record. The securities issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to a statutory hold period in Canada of four (4) months and one day after the closing date. Finders that source investments in the Offering may earn a cash commission of up to 7% and warrants to purchase that number of common shares equal to 7% of the number of the respective type of units sold by the finder which are valid for four years.


The CS Unit proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes as well as certain exploration expenditures and the FT Unit proceeds will be used for eligible exploration expenditures, qualifying as "CEE" under the Income Tax Act (Canada) and applicable regulations, on Mayo's Anderson-Davidson, Carlin-Roop and Trail-Minto properties.

CS單位的收益將用於一般公司用途以及某些勘探支出,金融時報單位的收益將用於符合條件的勘探支出,符合條件的 “CEE” 所得稅法 (加拿大)以及有關梅奧安德森-戴維森、Carlin-Roop和Trail-Minto房產的適用法規。

Mayo also confirms that it has recently closed the first tranche of the above noted placement for a total of 1,975,001 CS Units totaling $118,500.06. The first tranche closing is subject to the recently amended terms.


Merger Financing Subsequent to the completion of Mayo's current financing, Mayo shall complete a second private placement financing prior to closing of the proposed Transaction for minimum gross proceeds of $1,400,000, and a maximum of $2,800,000, or such amount as mutually determined by Mayo and WestMountain.

合併融資 在梅奧當前的融資完成後,梅奧將在擬議交易完成之前完成第二筆私募融資,最低總收益爲140萬美元,最高爲2800,000美元,金額由梅奧和WestMountain共同確定。

Merger Synergy. Dr. Vern Rampton P. Eng., President & CEO of Mayo had previously stated, "The proposed Transaction would result in a well-diversified set of prospective gold properties within the Tintina Gold Province. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Mayo would hold an advanced-stage project with an attractive resource and prospective projects in the pipeline that are open to the discovery of upper-tier mineral deposits in the future. The significance of Terra's present delineation of high-grade veins with associated envelopes of low-grade mineralization cannot be overstated, as it provides a core to which successful drilling can rapidly increase the total gold resource.

合併協同作用。 梅奧總裁兼首席執行官維爾恩·蘭普頓·P.Eng博士此前曾表示, “擬議的交易將在丁蒂納黃金省內形成一系列多元化的潛在黃金地產。梅奧將通過其全資子公司舉辦一個具有吸引力資源的後期項目,並有前景的項目正在籌建中,這些項目有望在未來發現更高層次的礦牀。Terra目前描繪的高品位礦脈以及相關的低品位礦化包絡的重要性怎麼強調都不爲過,因爲它提供了一個岩心,成功的鑽探可以迅速增加總的黃金資源。

Dr. Rampton continued, "The Terra Gold Project brings with it a significant number of favourable characteristics including extensive historical data, well-defined drill targets, and particularly significantly, a planned improvement in infrastructure access. These factors bolster our confidence in Terra's potential to become a robust gold-producing asset. Upside blue-sky potential has also been identified in the relatively restricted part of Terra that has been evaluated to date."

蘭普頓博士繼續說:“Terra Gold 項目帶來了許多有利的特徵,包括大量的歷史數據、明確的鑽探目標,尤其是基礎設施准入方面的計劃改善。這些因素增強了我們對Terra成爲強勁黃金生產資產的潛力的信心。迄今爲止,在Terra相對有限的部分中,還發現了上行藍天潛力。”

Mr. Rick Bloom, President & CEO of WestMountain also commented, "We have been waiting to team up with the right partner for a number of years and only recently were introduced to Mayo, which we believe has the ideal professional group with an experienced professional understanding of regional mineralization, decades of working in a harsh environment and a strong commitment to environmental matters. Mayo's executives have a combined track record of successful exploration and development that underlines their capacity to unlock the full potential of the combined company's projects."

WestMountain總裁兼首席執行官裏克·布魯姆也評論說, “多年來,我們一直在等待與合適的合作伙伴合作,直到最近才加入梅奧,我們認爲梅奧擁有理想的專業團隊,他們對區域礦化有着豐富的專業理解,在惡劣的環境中工作了數十年,並且對環境事務有堅定的承諾。梅奧的高管們有着成功勘探和開發的綜合記錄,這凸顯了他們釋放合併後公司項目的全部潛力的能力。”

WestMountain Gold Reports 703,300 Ounces of High-Grade Gold: WGM brings in the Terra Gold Project () a new primary flagship property to the amalgamated company.

WestMountain Gold報告了703,300盎司的高品位黃金: WGM爲合併後的公司帶來了新的主要旗艦物業Terra Gold Project ()。

In 2020, R.J. (Jim) Robinson, B.Sc. P.Geo., (QP) reported to WestMountain 1 that Terra contains Indicated Resources ("IND"), 435,360 ounces gold at 12.08g Au/t and Inferred Resources ("INF"), 267,943 ounces gold at 10.59g Au/t with a 5.0g Au/t cut-off for a total of 703,303 ounces at 10.28g Au/t based on an under-ground ("UG") narrow vein mining model. Robinson also reported in an internal report to WestMountain that resources for a model with extraction by open pit at the Fish Zone) and bulk mining at the Ben Zone were IND, 1,422,330 ounces gold at 2.31g Au/t and INF, 588,789 ounces gold at 2.05g Au/t for a total of 2,011,119 ounces gold at 2.23g Au/t. For Mayo's purposes, these resources are deemed historical.

2020 年,R.J.(吉姆)羅賓遜獲得理學學士學位P.Geo.,(QP)向 WestMountain 彙報了 1 Terra 包含指定資源 (”查找“)、435,360 盎司黃金(每噸 12.08 克)和 Inferred Resources(”INF“),267,943盎司黃金,價格爲10.59克澳元/噸,根據地下數據,截止值爲5.0克澳元/噸,共703,303盎司,爲10.28克澳元/噸(”UG“) 窄礦脈採礦模型。魯濱遜還在向WestMountain提交的內部報告中報告說,採用露天礦開採(魚區)和本區批量開採的模型資源爲印度,1,422,330盎司黃金(2.31g Au/t)和INF,588,789盎司黃金,2.05克澳元/噸,共計2,011,119盎司黃金。就梅奧而言,這些資源被視爲歷史資源。

Thirty diamond drill holes (DDHs) were completed during drilling in 2018 and 2019. Of the thirty DDHs, twenty-five cored quartz veins assaying over 10g Au/t; with multiple veins being cored in fifteen DDH. The gold values ranged from 10g Au/t up to 246g Au/t with widths ranging from 0.2 to 1.5m in a total of sixty-four intercepts, averaging 36.3g Au/t.

在2018年和2019年的鑽探過程中,完成了三十個金剛石鑽孔(DDH)。在三十個 DDH 中,有二十五條有芯石英脈的測定值超過 10g Au/t;在十五個 DDH 中對多條礦脈進行取芯。黃金價值從10克金/噸到246克金/噸不等,寬度從0.2到150米不等,共有六十四個截距,平均爲36.3克金/噸。

As of August, 2023, 4,500 ounces of gold have been extracted from ~ 3,000 tonnes of excavated ore; this equated to a gold grade of ~ 46g Au/t. On-site pilot studies determined that the gold and silver (partially) could be extracted by crushing and pulverizing followed by gravity separation without the use of chemicals.

截至2023年8月,已經從約3,000噸挖掘的礦石中提取了4500盎司的黃金;這相當於黃金品位約爲46g Au/t。現場試點研究確定,金和銀(部分)可以通過破碎和粉碎,然後進行重力分離來提取,而無需使用化學物質。

The Ben and Fish zones lie within a 2.5 km N-S trending, mineralized corridor. The two zones contain numerous multi-phased high-grade veins up to 1m in width and of various strike lengths. These veins parallel the primary vein within each zone.

Ben 和 Fish 區域位於一條長達 2.5 千米的南北向礦化走廊內。這兩個區域包含許多多相位的高級礦脈,寬度可達 1m,打擊長度各不相同。這些靜脈與每個區域內的主靜脈平行。

The high-grade veins are commonly within an envelope of stringers and stockwork silification, increasing the width of the mineralization adjacent to the main vein widths to anywhere up to 10m; a configuration that could lead to a reduction of costs in underground mining.

高品位礦脈通常位於縱梁和堆石化層的包圍範圍內,這會將主礦脈寬度附近的礦化寬度增加到最多 10 米;這種配置可以降低地下采礦的成本。

Both zones are open along strike and at depth, being only tested to approximately 250m below ground surface. Parallel high-grade veins and adjacent low grades enveloping the veins offer the opportunity for a rapid upgrade in resource quantity and quality with strategically located drill holes.

這兩個區域在走向和深度上都是開放的,僅在地表以下大約 250 米處進行測試。平行的高品位礦脈和環繞礦脈的相鄰低品位礦脈爲利用戰略位置的鑽孔快速提升資源數量和質量提供了機會。

1 Revised N.I. 43-101 Technical Report on the Geophysical Surveying, Diamond Drilling, Soil and Rock Sampling, and Resource Estimates of the Terra Property, Lime Hills Quadrangle, McGrath Mining District, Mt. McKinley Recording District, Alaska, USA; June 20, 2020. Report prepared by Mr. Ronald James (Jim) Robinson, B.Sc., P. Geo. Of Aurora Geoscience Ltd., 1901 Davis Ave. Unit B1, Juneau, AK99801, USA for Westmountain Gold Inc. 1001-A East Harmony Road, Suite 340, FT Collins, CO80525, USA.

1 修訂後的 N.I. 43-101《關於地球物理測量、鑽石鑽探、土壤和岩石採樣及資源估算的技術報告》,位於山州麥格拉思礦區 Lime Hills Quadrangle。美國阿拉斯加州麥金萊唱片區;2020年6月20日。報告由羅納德·詹姆斯(吉姆)羅賓遜先生編寫,理學學士,P. Geo。位於戴維斯大道 1901 號的奧羅拉地球科學有限公司旗下美國 AK99801 朱諾市 B1 單元,適用於 Westmountain Gold Inc. East Harmony Road 1001-A,340 號套房,FT Collins,CO80525,美國。

Terra has infrastructure and facilities at the site including: a 25-person camp facility with a mess tent, showers, water wells, laundry facilities, and privies, plus an office, core shack, storage area, a mill building, a storage shed, fuel depot, bulldozers and vehicle equipment, a road network and a 1,463m airstrip.


Services are available at Anchorage some 210 km to the southeast. A winter road from the Alaska Highway Network presently ends within 65 km of Terra and an all-weather road is planned by the state to replace the winter road in the near future. WestMountain has stated that there are no significant fish, wildlife, wetlands or environmental issues, no indigenous land claims and no Federal mining permits required.


For more information on WestMountain's properties, please visit:

有關 WestMountain 房產的更多信息,請訪問:

Mayo holds pipeline of drill-ready projects in the Yukon: Mayo controls 5 properties covering 244 square kilometres where it has completed extensive exploration over the last 12 years. Independent of any activities proposed for Terra, Mayo plans to drill prospective gold targets within the Anderson Gold Belt and to trench its Carlin West and AJ targets at its Carlin-Roop property in 2024. Mayo's Trail-Minto property, which may well host similar mineralization to that at Banyan Gold's AurMac or Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine (intrusion related with sheeted veining), will be the subject of additional groundwork before planned drilling in 2024.

梅奧在育空地區擁有一系列準備鑽探的項目: 梅奧控制着佔地244平方千米的5處房產,在過去的12年中,它已經完成了大規模的勘探 與Terra的任何擬議活動無關,梅奧計劃在安德森金帶內鑽探潛在的黃金目標,並在2024年在其Carlin-Roop地產挖掘其Carlin West和AJ的目標。梅奧的Trail-Minto地產很可能與悅榕金的AurMac或維多利亞黃金的鷹礦相似(與板狀礦脈相關的入侵),在計劃於2024年進行鑽探之前,將進行額外的基礎工作。

The reader can access a number of maps and Mayo's history in addition to property news and descriptions and the current private placement Term Sheet that it has in place in order to complete this exploration at .


Qualified Person. The technical and scientific information contained within this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Vern Rampton, P.Eng., a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standard of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101). Rampton, in addition to data reported on relied on a technical report, dated June 20, 2020 (see footnote 1) and an internal report (2023) prepared for WestMountain and authored by Jim Robinson, B.SC., P.Geo. (QP). Rampton accepts responsibility for any interpretations or projections based on the information contained within the two reports. The information contained in these documents provides an indication of the exploration potential of Terra as interpreted by Rampton, but he cannot certify that the reported projections will result in development and mining

合格人士。 本新聞稿中包含的技術和科學信息已獲得 P.Eng. Vern Rampton 博士的審查和批准,他是 National Instrument 43-101 定義的合格人員 礦業項目披露標準 (“在 43-101 中)。蘭普頓除了依賴於2020年6月20日的技術報告(見腳註1)和爲WestMountain編寫、由P.Geo理學學士吉姆·羅賓遜撰寫的內部報告(2023年)上報的數據外。(QP)。蘭普頓對基於兩份報告中所載信息的任何解釋或預測承擔責任。正如蘭普頓所解釋的那樣,這些文件中包含的信息表明了Terra的勘探潛力,但他無法證實報告的預測將導致開發和採礦

About Mayo Lake Minerals Inc.:


Mayo is actively engaged in the exploration and development of five precious metal projects in the Tombstone Gold (Plutonic) Belt of the Tintina Gold Province. The properties cover 244 square kilometres in the Yukon's Mayo Mining District and lie within the traditional territory of the Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation. Mayo is presently focusing on its two flagship properties; the Carlin-Roop Silver Project lying within the Keno Hill Silver District and the promising Anderson-Davidson gold property. Two active mines; Victoria Gold's Eagle Gold Mine and Hecla Mining's Keno Silver mines are nearby.

梅奧積極參與丁蒂納黃金省墓碑金(Plutonic)地帶五個貴金屬項目的勘探和開發。這些房產佔地244平方公里,位於育空地區的梅奧礦區,位於Na-Cho Nyak Dun原住民的傳統領土內。梅奧目前正專注於其兩處旗艦物業:位於基諾山銀區內的卡林-魯普白銀項目和前景光明的安德森-戴維森黃金地產。附近有兩個活躍的礦山:維多利亞金礦的鷹金礦和赫克拉礦業的基諾銀礦。

For additional information, please contact:


Vern Rampton, Ph.D., P.Eng. President & CEO; Tel. 613-836-2594
Tyrell Sutherland, M.Sc., P. Geo., VP Exploration;
Darrell Munro, BB.A, LL.B Corporate Administrator; Tel. 613-836-2594

維爾恩·蘭普頓,博士,工程學碩士總裁兼首席執行官; 電話 613-836-2594

About WestMountain Gold, Inc.:

關於 WestMountain Gold, Inc.:

WestMountain is a junior mineral exploration and development company that is seeking to explore and develop its current prospective advanced-stage Terra Gold Project in Alaska, consisting of 339 unpatented lode mining claims and 5 leased unpatented lode mining claims.

WestMountain是一家初級礦產勘探和開發公司,正在尋求勘探和開發其目前在阿拉斯加前景的後期Terra Gold項目,該項目包括339項未獲專利的礦脈開採索賠和5項已租賃的未專利礦脈採礦索賠。

For additional information on WMG please contact: Rick Bloom, President & CEO:

有關 WMG 的更多信息,請聯繫: 總裁兼首席執行官裏克·布魯姆

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward‐looking statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. These statements relate to future events or future performance. All statements other than statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or information. The forward‐looking statements and information are based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by management of Mayo and WestMountain. Although management of Mayo and WestMountain believe that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward‐looking statements and information since no assurance can be given that they will prove to be correct.


Forward-looking statements and information are provided for the purpose of providing information about the current expectations and plans of management of Mayo and WestMountain relating to the future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as making investment decisions. Since forwardlooking statements and information address future events and conditions, by their very nature, they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forwardlooking statements and information contained in this news release. BECAUSE MAYO AND WESTMOUNTAIN HAVE ENTERED INTO A NON-BINDING LETTER OF INTENT, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE WHATSOEVER THAT THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION WILL OCCUR. FURTHER, THERE IS NO ASSURANCE THAT MAYO WILL BE ABLE TO RAISE THE NECESSARY CAPITAL TO PROCEED WITH THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION. BOTH MAYO AND WESTMOUNTAIN HAVE LIMITED CAPITAL.


The forwardlooking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given to update publicly or revise any forwardlooking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the Canadian Securities Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.



日程安排 “A”

TERM SHEET (Rev. December 31, 2023)

條款表 (2023 年 12 月 31 日修訂版)

Offering Any combination of Common Share Units and Flow Through Share Units up to $1,400,000.
Closing Date: On or about February 9, 2024 or such other date determined by the Corporation.
Unit Offering The Company shall offer Units (the "CS Units") at a price of $0.06 per Unit (the "CS Unit Offering"). Each CS Unit will be comprised of one common share (a "Common Share") and one (1) Common Share purchase warrant ("CS Warrant"). Each CS Warrant is exercisable into one (1) Common Share at a price of $0.09 per Common Share for a period of 48 months from the closing date. In the event of multiple closings, the day of the final closing will be the Closing Date of record.
Flow-Through Offering The Company shall offer Flow-Through Units ("FT Units") at a price of $0.08 per FT Unit (the "FT Unit Offering"). Each FT Unit will be comprised of one flow-through share in the capital of the Company (a "FT Share") and one purchase warrant ("Warrant"). Each Warrant is exercisable into one Common Share at a price of $0.12 for a period of 48 months from the closing date. Each FT Share will be issued as a "flow-through share" within the meaning of the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the "Tax Act").
Use of Proceeds: The net proceeds received by the Corporation from the sale will generally be applied as follows:
  1. CS Unit funds will be primarily used to cover working capital, property Acquisitions and general operating costs;
  2. Flow Through Unit funds will be used for eligible exploration expenditures qualifying as "CEE" under the Tax Act and applicable regulations, on the Company's exploration properties in the Yukon.
Finders Fees Finders that source investment in the Offerings may earn a cash commission of up to 7% of the gross proceeds raised by such Finder and warrants ("Finder Warrants") valid for three years entitling the Finder to purchase that number of Common Shares equal to 7% of the number of Units or FT Units at sold by such Finder at $0.06 and $0.08 respectively.
The securities issued pursuant to the Offering will be subject to a statutory hold period in Canada of four (4) months and one day after the Closing Date. Purchasers should consult their legal advisors in this regard. Securities held by residents in the United States will bear a legend regarding re-sale into the United States, which will be removed on request to the Corporation.
Offering Jurisdictions: The Common Share Units will be offered for sale to purchasers in: (i) all of the provinces and territories of Canada pursuant to available prospectus exemptions; (ii) the United States on a private placement basis only under Regulation D, Rule 144A or other available U.S. registration exemptions and (iii) jurisdictions outside of Canada and the United States, in accordance with all applicable laws provided that no prospectus, registration statement or similar document is required to be filed in such jurisdiction and the Corporation does not thereafter become subject to continuous disclosure obligations in such jurisdictions.
提供 普通股單位和流通股單位的任意組合,最高可達 1,400,000 美元。
截止日期: 2024年2月9日左右或公司確定的其他日期。
單位發行 公司應提供單位(“CS”) 單位“) 每件商品的價格爲 0.06 美元(“CS 單位發行“)。每個CS單位將由一股普通股組成(a”普通股“) 和一 (1) 份普通股購買證 (”CS 逮捕令“)。每份 CS 認股權證均可行使 (1) 普通股,每股普通股價格爲0.09美元,自截止日期起48個月。如果有多次收盤,則最後收盤日將是記錄的截止日期。
直通式發行 公司應提供流通裝置(”英尺單位“) 價格爲每英尺單位 0.08 美元(”金融時報單位發行“)。每個英國《金融時報》單位將由公司資本中的一股流通股組成(a”金融時報股票“) 和一份購買權證 (”搜查令“)。每份認股權證可行使爲一股普通股,價格爲0.12美元,期限爲 48 自截止日期起的幾個月。每股英國《金融時報》股票將作爲 “流通股” 發行 所得稅法 (加拿大)(”《稅法》“)。
所得款項的用途: 公司從出售中獲得的淨收益通常將按以下方式計算:
  1. CS單位的資金將主要用於支付營運資金、財產收購和一般運營成本;
  2. Flow Through Unit資金將用於支付根據稅法和適用法規符合公司在育空地區勘探物業的 “CEE” 資格的合格勘探支出。
發現者費用 對本次發行進行投資的發現者可能獲得的現金佣金最多爲此類發現者和認股權證籌集的總收益的7%(”發現者認股證“)有效期爲三年,使發現者有權分別以0.06美元和0.08美元的價格購買該數量的普通股,相當於該Finder出售的單位或FT單位數量的7%。
提供司法管轄區: 普通股單位將根據可用的招股說明書豁免在以下情況下向加拿大所有省份和地區的買方出售;(ii)美國僅在D條例、第144A條或其他可用的美國註冊豁免下以私募方式出售;(iii)根據所有適用法律,加拿大和美國以外的司法管轄區出售普通股單位,前提是無需提交招股說明書、註冊聲明或類似文件這樣的司法管轄權,公司此後就不會成爲但須遵守這些司法管轄區的持續披露義務。



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