
Surge Battery Metals Core Drilling Extends High-Grade Lithium 600 Meters West and at Depth With Samples Assaying up to 5,660 Ppm Lithium

Surge Battery Metals Core Drilling Extends High-Grade Lithium 600 Meters West and at Depth With Samples Assaying up to 5,660 Ppm Lithium

Surge Battery Metals 岩心鑽探向西和深度延伸 600 米的高品位鋰,樣品的鋰含量高達 5,660 Ppm
newsfile ·  01/09 08:00

West Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 9, 2024) - Surge Battery Metals Inc. (TSXV: NILI) (OTCQX: NILIF) (FSE: DJ5) (the "Company" or "Surge") is pleased to announce that the remaining certified assays from the 2023 core drilling phase on its high-grade lithium (Li) clay discovery at Nevada North (NNLP) have intersected high-grade lithium mineralization 600 meters (about 2,000 ft) west of 2022 hole NN2203. Additionally, mineralization has been extended to depth in hole NN2311 and a narrow band of mineralization was intersected starting from surface in the northernmost hole, NN2312.

不列顛哥倫比亞省西溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月9日)——Surge Battery Metals Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NILI)(場外交易所股票代碼:NILI)(FSE:DJ5)(the”公司“或”激增“)很高興地宣佈,其在內華達州北部(NNLP)發現的高品位鋰(Li)粘土2023年岩心鑽探階段的剩餘認證化驗已在2022年 NN2203 孔以西 600 米(約 2,000 英尺)處與高品位鋰礦化區相交。此外,礦化已擴展到 NN2311 孔的深度,並且從最北端的孔 NN2312 的地表開始穿過一條狹窄的礦化帶。

Two holes (NN2307 and NN2310) drilled from the same pad show the mineralized horizons extend at least 600 meters (about 2,000 ft) west of hole NN2203 drilled in 2022. Hole NN2307 was drilled vertically, and NN2310 was drilled at a 50-degree dip due east. Hole NN2307 cut a total of 50.3 meters averaging 2533 ppm Li and NN2310 cut 47.7 meters averaging 3220 ppm Li.

在同一個巖盤上鑽出的兩個孔(NN2307 和 NN2310)顯示,礦化地平線在 2022 年鑽的 NN2203 孔以西至少 600 米(約 2,000 英尺)處延伸。NN2307 孔是垂直鑽的,NN2310 是在向東傾斜的 50 度處鑽的。NN2307 洞總共挖出 50.3 米的平均鋰離子含量 2533 ppm,NN2310 鑽孔平均切出 47.7 米的鋰 3220 ppm。

Hole NN2311 was drilled from the same pad as sonic core hole NN2302 to compare sonic and diamond core results and to extend the hole in search of deeper clay horizons. The hole adds 7 meters (23 feet) of mineralized clay to the sequence thickness at this location, and core assays align well with sonic assays. NN2311 cut a total of 39.5 meters at an average grade of 3550 ppm Li in the upper zone and 7 meters of 2732 ppm Li in the newly identified deeper zone.

NN2311 洞是在與聲波核心孔 NN2302 相同的墊層上鑽出的,目的是比較聲波和鑽石岩心結果並擴展該洞以尋找更深的粘土地平線。該孔使該位置的序列厚度增加了7米(23英尺)的礦化粘土,並且核心分析與聲波分析非常吻合。NN2311 在上部區域總共切割了 39.5 米,平均品位爲 3550 ppm Li,在新發現的更深區域切割了 7 米 2732 ppm 的鋰。

Hole NN2312 was drilled north of hole NN2303 to test for further extension of mineralized clays. The hole intersected 3.6 meters at surface of mineralized clay averaging 1,480 Li ppm. Evidence from core and geophysics have led to the interpretation of a new fault (Figure 2, section 2) that suggests the main part of the basin to the south is a down-dropped block. Interestingly, low-resistivity horizons observed in the geophysics data plunge below the surface to the north of hole NN2312, suggesting there may be additional lithium mineralization to the north of this hole.

NN2312 洞是在 NN2303 孔以北鑽探的,目的是測試礦化粘土的進一步延伸。該孔在礦化粘土表面相交3.6米,平均爲1,480 Li ppm。來自岩心和地球物理學的證據促成了對新斷層的解釋(圖 2,第 2 部分),該斷層表明盆地向南的主要部分是一個下沉的區塊塊。有趣的是,在地球物理數據中觀測到的低電阻率視野跌至 NN2312 孔以北的地表以下,這表明該洞以北可能還有額外的鋰礦化。

Mr. Greg Reimer, Chief Executive Officer, and Director commented, "Today's results mark the end of a successful 2023 exploration program at the NNLP. Our geophysics and drilling programs have greatly expanded the 2022 mineralized footprint and have continually produced near-surface composite grades of >3,000ppm Li. The deeper drilling has validated our interpretations and has generated additional near-surface targets to the east. We are now in the process of reviewing our geological model before handing it over to the resource estimators. We look forward to publishing our maiden Mineral Resource Estimate later in Q1."

Greg Reimer 先生,首席執行官兼董事 評論說:“今天的結果標誌着NNLP成功的2023年勘探計劃的結束。我們的地球物理學和鑽探計劃極大地擴大了2022年的礦化足跡,並持續生產了>3,000ppm Li的近地表複合材料。更深的鑽探證實了我們的解釋,並在東部產生了更多的近地表目標。在將其移交給資源估算師之前,我們正在審查我們的地質模型。我們期待在第一季度晚些時候發佈我們的第一份礦產資源估算。”



Drilled to a total depth of 235.31m (772 ft), hole NN2307 tested for the extension of mineralization to the west of the 2022 drilling. Westward, towards the suspected basin center, the upper mineralized horizon was expected to reside deeper below surface. This diamond core step-out hole confirmed the lateral continuity of the high-grade mineralized horizons. NN2307 returned positive sample results ranging between 1060 ppm Li to 4,390 ppm Li. These results include four contiguous mineralized horizons averaging 1410ppm Li over 7.6m, 3268 ppm Li over 21.3m, 1230ppm Li over 3.1m, and 2361ppm Li over 18.3m. The upper 7.6m-thick horizon was an unexpected intercept and appears to correlate to the upper horizon at the top of NN2303, 1500m to the north.

NN2307 鑽孔的總深度爲 235.31 米(772 英尺),測試了將礦化範圍擴展到 2022 年鑽探以西。向西,朝向疑似盆地中心,預計上層礦化地層將位於地表之下更深處。這個金剛石岩心階出孔證實了高品位礦化地平線的橫向連續性。NN2307 返回的陽性樣本結果介於 1060 ppm Li 到 4,390 ppm Li 之間。這些結果包括四個連續的礦化地平層,平均鋰含量超過760萬分之1410ppm,鋰含量超過213m的3268 ppm,超過310萬的鋰含量爲1230ppm,超過183萬的鋰含量爲2361ppm。7.6 米厚的上層地平線是一個意想不到的截距,似乎與 NN2303 頂部、向北 1500 米處的上方地平線相關。

Composite lithium values for the mineralized horizons, using a 1,000ppm cutoff with no internal dilution, are shown in the following table:

下表顯示了採用 1,000ppm 截止值且未進行內部稀釋的礦化地平線的複合鋰值:

Hole ID From (ft) To (ft) Thickness (ft) From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Li (ppm)
NN2307 62 87 25 18.9 26.5 7.6 1410
NN2307 352 422 70 107.3 128.6 21.3 3268
NN2307 497 507 10 151.5 154.6 3.1 1230
NN2307 647 707 60 197.2 215.5 18.3 2361
Sequence Total 165 50.3 2533
洞 ID 從(英尺) 到(英尺) 厚度(英尺) 從 (m) 到 (m) 厚度 (m) 李 (ppm)
NN2307 62 87 25 18.9 26.5 7.6 1410
NN2307 352 422 70 107.3 128.6 21.3 3268
NN2307 497 507 10 151.5 154.6 3.1 1230
NN2307 647 707 60 197.2 215.5 18.3 2361
序列總數 165 50.3 2533



Drilled to a total depth of 303.89m (997 ft), hole NN2310 was collared at the same pad as NN2307 but angled at 50 degrees to the east. This diamond core hole was designed as a 100m (about 330 ft) step-out to the east of NN2307 and to better define the geometry of the shallow dipping mineralized horizons. NN2310 returned positive sample results up to 5,660 ppm Li. These results include three contiguous mineralized horizons averaging 1479 ppm Li over 7.6m, 4084ppm Li over 30.9m, and 1749ppm Li over 9.1m. The thick and high-grade middle horizon averaging >4000ppm Li correlates to intercepts in 2022 and 2023 holes positioned between 550 to 1,550 meters away. A structure is interpreted from geophysics to have faulted out the lowest horizon encountered in NN2307 (See Figure 2, section 1).

NN2310 鑽孔的總深度爲 303.89 米(997 英尺),鑽孔與 NN2307 位於同一個墊層上,但向東傾斜了 50 度。這個鑽石岩心孔被設計爲 NN2307 以東 100 米(大約 330 英尺)的臺階,旨在更好地定義淺層傾斜礦化地平線的幾何形狀。NN2310 返回了高達 5,660 ppm Li 的陽性樣本結果。這些結果包括三個連續的礦化地平層,平均鋰含量超過760萬分之1479 ppm,鋰含量超過3090萬分之4084ppm,鋰含量超過910萬分之1749ppm。平均值>4000ppm Li的中層厚度和高品位與2022年和2023年位於550至1,550米外的洞的截距相關。根據地球物理學,一種結構被解釋爲斷裂了 NN2307 中遇到的最低地平線(參見圖 2,第 1 節)。

Composite lithium values for the mineralized horizons, using a 1,000ppm cutoff with no internal dilution, are shown in the following table. Note that the thicknesses reported here are from an angled hole, and the true thickness is estimated at 77% of the apparent thickness shown:

下表顯示了採用 1,000ppm 截止值且未進行內部稀釋的礦化地平線的複合鋰值。請注意,此處報告的厚度來自有角度的孔,實際厚度估計爲所示表觀厚度的77%:

Hole ID From (ft) To (ft) Thickness (ft) From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Li (ppm)
NN2310 72 97 25 21.9 29.6 7.7 1479
NN2310 362 463.5 101.5 110.4 141.3 30.9 4084
NN2310 532 562 30 162.2 171.3 9.1 1749
Sequence Total 156.5 47.7 3220
洞 ID 從(英尺) 到(英尺) 厚度(英尺) 從 (m) 到 (m) 厚度 (m) 李 (ppm)
NN2310 72 97 25 21.9 29.6 7.7 1479
NN2310 362 463.5 101.5 110.4 141.3 30.9 4084
NN2310 532 562 30 162.2 171.3 9.1 1749
序列總數 156.5 47.7 3220



Drilled to a total depth of 207.87m (682 ft), hole NN2311 was designed to investigate deeper mineralization beneath this year's sonic hole NN2302 and to compare results obtained in the sonic vs. diamond core drilling. This diamond core hole confirmed grades observed in sonic drilling with results including high grades up to 5200ppm Li and horizons averaging 3722 ppm Li over 34.9m, 2237 ppm Li over 4.6m, 2825 ppm Li over 3m, and 2660 ppm Li over 4m. The deeper drilling adds 7m of 2732 ppm Li mineralization to the mineralized sequence thickness at this location. Evidence from core photos, geophysics, and the offset of lithium clay horizons between the 6-meter high-grade bed at 61.4-65.9m and comparable bed from NN2302 suggests a fault runs directly through these two holes (Figure 2, section 2).

NN2311 鑽孔的總深度爲 207.87 米(682 英尺),旨在調查今年 NN2302 聲孔下方的更深層礦化,並比較聲波與金剛石岩心鑽探獲得的結果。這個金剛石岩心孔證實了在聲波鑽探中觀察到的品位,其結果包括高達5200ppm Li的高品位和超過34.9m的水平平均水平爲3722 ppm,超過4.6m的Li爲2237 ppm,超過3m的Li爲2825 ppm,超過4m的Li爲2660 ppm。更深的鑽探使該地點的礦化層序厚度增加了7米的2732 ppm鋰礦化。來自核心照片、地球物理學以及位於 61.4-65.9 米的 6 米高等級牀層與 NN2302 的同類牀層之間的鋰粘土地平線偏移的證據表明,斷層直接穿過這兩個洞(圖 2,第 2 部分)。

Composite lithium values for the mineralized horizons, using a 1,000ppm cutoff with no internal dilution, are shown in the following table:

下表顯示了採用 1,000ppm 截止值且未進行內部稀釋的礦化地平線的複合鋰值:

Hole ID From (ft) To (ft) Thickness (ft) From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Li (ppm)
NN2311 62 177 115 18.9 53.9 35.0 3722
NN2311 202 217 15 61.6 66.2 4.6 2237
NN2311 637 647 10 193.6 196.6 3.0 2825
NN2311 667 680 12 203.3 207.3 4.0 2660
Sequence Total 153 46.6 3427
洞 ID 從(英尺) 到(英尺) 厚度(英尺) 從 (m) 到 (m) 厚度 (m) 李 (ppm)
NN2311 62 177 115 18.9 53.9 35.0 3722
NN2311 202 217 15 61.6 66.2 4.6 2237
NN2311 637 647 10 193.6 196.6 3.0 2825
NN2311 667 680 12 203.3 207.3 4.0 2660
序列總數 153 46.6 3427



Drilled to a total depth of 199.03m (653 ft), hole NN2312 defines the limits of high-grade mineralization to the northwest at this time. This diamond core hole intercepted a mineralized horizon at surface averaging 1480 ppm Li over 3.7m. The Surge team has observed evidence of displacement by structures in the core and geophysics data. The current interpretation suggests this location is an uplifted horst block where mineralized sediments have been eroded off. Additionally, a large tongue of volcanic tuff was deposited directly into a lake environment in this location, which could have functioned as a source of Li in the lake and enhanced Li concentrations in the deeper parts of the basin. The 2023 geophysical surveys indicate a low resistivity layer that aligns with the upper section in NN2312 dips below the surface to the north. One additional low resistivity horizon is also observable at depth to the north of hole NN2312.

NN2312 鑽孔的總深度爲 199.03 米(653 英尺),定義了目前西北地區高品位礦化的極限。這個鑽石岩心孔在地表截獲了一個礦化地平層,平均爲1480 ppm Li,超過3.7米。Surge團隊在覈心和地球物理數據中觀察到結構位移的證據。目前的解釋表明,這個位置是一個隆起的霍斯特地塊,那裏的礦化沉積物已被侵蝕。此外,大量的火山凝灰岩被直接沉積到該地區的湖泊環境中,這本可以充當湖中鋰的來源,並提高盆地深處的鋰濃度。2023 年的地球物理調查表明,在地表以下向北傾斜的 NN2312 中,低電阻率層與上部對齊。在 NN2312 孔以北的深度還可以觀測到另外一個低電阻率地平線。

Composite lithium values for the mineralized horizon, using a 1,000ppm cutoff with no internal dilution, are shown in the following table:

下表顯示了使用 1,000ppm 截止值且未進行內部稀釋的礦化地平線的複合鋰值:

Hole ID From (ft) To (ft) Thickness (ft) From (m) To (m) Thickness (m) Li (ppm)
NN2312 0 12 12 0.0 3.7 3.7 1480
洞 ID 從(英尺) 到(英尺) 厚度(英尺) 從 (m) 到 (m) 厚度 (m) 李 (ppm)
NN2312 0 12 12 0.0 3.7 3.7 1480



Drilling these four diamond core holes, NN2307, NN2310, NN2311, and NN2312, has achieved six significant goals:

鑽探這四個金剛石岩心孔,即 NN2307、NN2310、NN2311 和 NN2312,已經實現了六個重要目標:

  • Confirmed additional extension of the known deposit to the west of the 2022 discovery drilling, resulting in an increased footprint of the mineralized zone.
  • Confirmed the consistency in mineralization and associated Li grades in sonic drilling, thereby continuing to bolster confidence in existing data while providing opportunities to utilize multiple methods of borehole exploration.
  • Confirmed the lateral continuity of the mineralized layers, continuing to increase confidence in interpretations of data showing continuous stratiform Li clay layers, the boundaries of which remain open in most directions.
  • Confirmed the existence of deeper mineralized zones that are anticipated to shallow to the east, creating additional near-surface exploration targets.
  • Identified potential structural complexities and basin geomorphology, advancing our understanding of the project geology. This data is critical for developing future exploration and mine plans and will be used to guide activities moving forward.
  • 已確認將已知礦牀進一步擴展到2022年發現鑽探以西,從而增加了礦化帶的佔地面積。
  • 證實了聲波鑽探中礦化作用和相關鋰等級的一致性,從而繼續增強了對現有數據的信心,同時爲利用多種鑽孔勘探方法提供了機會。
  • 證實了礦化層的橫向連續性,這繼續增強了對顯示連續層狀鋰粘土層的數據的解釋信心,這些地層的邊界在大多數方向上仍然是開放的。
  • 證實了更深的礦化帶的存在,這些區域預計將向東淺層,從而創造了更多的近地表勘探目標。
  • 確定了潛在的結構複雜性和盆地地貌,增進了我們對項目地質學的理解。這些數據對於制定未來的勘探和採礦計劃至關重要,將用於指導未來的活動。



Core samples from the diamond drilling were placed in standard waxed cardboard core boxes by the drillers who delivered the core to the Surge field office. The core samples were logged at the camp and sample intervals marked with the sample number tags. The core was then driven by Surge workers to a locked warehouse in Elko, Nevada where they were stored for splitting. At the warehouse, the core samples were split or sawn, depending on the rock composition and half of the core samples were placed in cloth bags. Samples were then submitted to the ALS facility in Elko, Nevada for analysis. ALS is independent of the Company. The sample batches included 6% insertion of QA/QC samples, including blanks, duplicates, and commercially obtained standards. Most standards ran within 5 percent of the known and duplicated values, with the blanks reporting no greater than 20 parts per million lithium.

鑽探人員將鑽石鑽探的岩心樣品放在標準的打蠟紙板芯盒中,然後將岩心運送到Surge現場辦事處。核心樣本是在營地記錄的,採樣間隔用樣本號標籤標記。然後,Surge的工作人員將岩心運送到內華達州埃爾科的一個上鎖倉庫,在那裏存放並進行拆分。在倉庫中,根據岩石成分,岩心樣本被分割或鋸開,一半的岩心樣本放在布袋中。然後,樣本被提交到內華達州埃爾科的ALS設施進行分析。ALS 獨立於公司。樣本批次包括6%的質量保證/質量控制樣本,包括空白、副本和商業上獲得的標準。大多數標準在已知和重複值的5%以內,空白處報告的鋰含量不超過百萬分之20。

Qualified Person as Defined Under National Instrument 43-101

國家文書 43-101 所定義的合格人員

Alan J. Morris, MSc, CPG of Spring Creek, Nevada, a Qualified Person as defined under National Instrument 43-101 has reviewed and approved the technical aspects of this news release.

內華達州斯普林克裏克市CPG理學碩士艾倫·莫里斯是National Instrument 43-101所定義的合格人士,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿的技術方面。

About Surge Battery Metals Inc.

關於 Surge 電池金屬公司

The Company is a Canadian-based mineral exploration company active in the exploration for lithium in Nevada whose primary listing is on the TSX Venture Exchange in Canada and the OTCQX Market in the US. The Company maintains a focus on exploration for high value battery metals required for the electric vehicle (EV) market.


About the Nevada North Lithium Project


The Company owns the Nevada North Lithium Project located in the Granite Range southeast of Jackpot, Nevada about 73 km north-northeast of Wells, Elko County, Nevada. The first round of drilling, completed in October 2022, identified a strongly mineralized zone of lithium bearing clays occupying a strike length of almost 1,620 meters. Widths of the mineralized horizons are at least 400 meters, supported by highly anomalous soil values indicating potential for the clay horizons to be much greater in extent. The potential for a significant lithium deposit can be illustrated by the average lithium content within all near surface clay zones intersected in 2022 drilling, applying a 1000 ppm cut-off, was 3254 ppm.

該公司擁有內華達州北部鋰礦項目,該項目位於內華達州傑克波特東南部的花崗岩山脈,位於內華達州埃爾科縣韋爾斯東北偏北約73公里處。第一輪鑽探於 2022 年 10 月完成,確定了一個由含鋰粘土構成的強礦化帶,走向長度將近 1,620 米。礦化地平線的寬度至少爲400米,由高度異常的土壤值支持,這表明粘土層的範圍有可能更大。2022年鑽探中所有相交的近地表粘土區的平均鋰含量爲3254 ppm,可以說明存在大量鋰礦牀的潛力,截止值爲1000 ppm。

Initial assay results from the first hole of the 2023 season (NN2301) had a high of 8070 ppm lithium with an average of 4,067 ppm lithium at a 1,000-ppm cut-off (See news release September 12, 2023). The 2023 drill program expanded the known lithium-rich clay from the current 1,620 meters strike length to more than 3,500 meters and the known width of the mineralization to 950 meters from the previously drill-indicated 400 meters. The 2023 drill program is now completed with all assays received. We will use the winter season to produce a maiden Mineral Resource Estimate, complete additional metallurgical studies, and prepare for additional exploration of the property in the spring.

2023 賽季第一個洞 (NN2301) 的初步化驗結果顯示,鋰含量高達 8070 ppm,在臨界值爲 1,000 ppm 時,鋰含量平均爲 4,067 ppm(參見 2023 年 9 月 12 日的新聞稿)。2023年的鑽探計劃將已知的富鋰粘土從目前的1,620米的走向長度擴大到3500米以上,並將已知的礦化寬度從先前鑽探指示的400米擴大到950米。2023 年的鑽探計劃現已完成,所有化驗結果均已收到。我們將利用冬季進行首次礦產資源估算,完成額外的冶金研究,併爲春季對該物業的進一步勘探做準備。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


"Greg Reimer"


Greg Reimer,
President & CEO


Contact Information
Phone: 604-662-8184


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This document may contain certain "Forward-Looking Statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. When used in this news release, the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "target, "plan" or "planned", "possible", "potential", "forecast", "intend", "may", "schedule" and similar words or expressions identify forward-looking statements or information. These forward-looking statements or information may relate to future prices of commodities including lithium and nickel, the accuracy of mineral or resource exploration activity, reserves or resources, regulatory or government requirements or approvals including approvals of title and mining rights or licenses and environmental, local community or indigenous community approvals, the reliability of third party information, continued access to mineral properties or infrastructure or water, changes in laws, rules and regulations including in the United States, Nevada or California or any other jurisdiction which may impact upon the Company or its properties or the commercial exploitation of those properties, currency risks including the exchange rate of USD$ for Cdn$ or other currencies, fluctuations in the market for lithium related products, changes in exploration costs and government royalties, export policies or taxes in the United States or any other jurisdiction and other factors or information. The Company's current plans, expectations, and intentions with respect to development of its business and of its Nevada properties may be impacted by economic uncertainties arising out of any pandemic or by the impact of current financial and other market conditions (including US government subsidies or incentives) on its ability to secure further financing or funding of its Nevada properties. Such statements represent the Company's current views with respect to future events and are necessarily based upon several assumptions and estimates that, while considered reasonable by the Company, are inherently subject to significant business, economic, competitive, political, environmental (including endangered species, habitat preservation and water related risks) and social risks, contingencies, and uncertainties. Many factors, both known and unknown, could cause results, performance, or achievements to be materially different from the results, performance or achievements that are or may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The Company does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update these forward-looking statements or information to reflect changes in assumptions or changes in circumstances or any other events affecting such statements and information other than as required by applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

本文件可能包含1995年《美國私人證券訴訟改革法》和適用的加拿大證券法所指的某些 “前瞻性陳述”。在本新聞稿中使用時,“預期”、“相信”、“估計”、“預期”、“目標”、“計劃” 或 “計劃”、“可能”、“潛在”、“預測”、“打算”、“可能”、“時間表” 等詞語或表達方式表示前瞻性陳述或信息。這些前瞻性陳述或信息可能與包括鋰和鎳在內的大宗商品的未來價格、礦產或資源勘探活動的準確性、儲量或資源、包括所有權和採礦權或許可證的批准以及環境的批准在內的監管或政府要求或批准、當地社區或土著社區的批准、第三方信息的可靠性、礦產或基礎設施或水的持續獲取、包括美國、內華達州在內的法律、規章和法規的變化有關或加利福尼亞州或任何其他可能影響公司或其財產或這些財產的商業開發的司法管轄區、貨幣風險,包括美元兌加元或其他貨幣的匯率、鋰相關產品市場的波動、勘探成本和政府特許權使用費的變化、美國或任何其他司法管轄區的出口政策或稅收以及其他因素或信息。公司目前在業務和內華達州物業發展方面的計劃、預期和意圖可能會受到任何疫情引起的經濟不確定性的影響,也可能受到當前財務和其他市場狀況(包括美國政府補貼或激勵措施)對其內華達州物業獲得進一步融資或融資的能力的影響。此類陳述代表了公司當前對未來事件的看法,必然基於多種假設和估計,儘管公司認爲這些假設和估計是合理的,但本質上會受到重大的商業、經濟、競爭、政治、環境(包括瀕危物種、棲息地保護和水相關風險)以及社會風險、突發事件和不確定性的影響。許多因素,包括已知和未知因素,都可能導致業績、業績或成就與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的業績、業績或成就存在重大差異。除非適用法律、法規和法規的要求,否則公司無意更新這些前瞻性陳述或信息以反映假設的變化或情況變化或影響此類陳述和信息的任何其他事件,也不承擔任何義務。

Figure 1: Plan View showing the location of 2022 and 2023 drilling. Two section lines indicate the location of the cross sections below.

圖 1:顯示了 2022 年和 2023 年鑽探位置的平面圖。兩條截面線表示下方橫截面的位置。

Figure 2: Cross section 1 and 2 showing 2023 diamond and sonic holes including 2022 RC holes coloured by assay with a working geological interpretation. Normal faults are interpreted with some uncertainty by dashed lines.

圖 2:橫截面 1 和 2 顯示了 2023 年的鑽石孔和聲波洞,包括 2022 個 RC 洞,這些洞是通過分析和有效的地質解釋進行着色的。虛線會以一定的不確定性解釋正常故障。

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