
Global Hemp Group Announces Execution of Exclusive Option Agreement to Acquire Serres Theriault (2021) Inc. ("STI"), a Multi-Facetted, Vertically Integrated Cannabis Operator in New Brunswick and Announces Private Placement

Global Hemp Group Announces Execution of Exclusive Option Agreement to Acquire Serres Theriault (2021) Inc. ("STI"), a Multi-Facetted, Vertically Integrated Cannabis Operator in New Brunswick and Announces Private Placement

全球大麻集團宣佈執行獨家期權協議,以收購位於新不倫瑞克省的多方面、垂直整合的大麻運營商Serres Theriault(2021)Inc.(“STI”),並宣佈私募配售
newsfile ·  01/15 11:50

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 15, 2024) - GLOBAL HEMP GROUP INC. (CSE: GHG) (OTC Pink: GBHPF) (FSE: GHG0) ("GHG" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has executed an Exclusive Option Agreement (the "Agreement") to acquire Serres Thériault (2021) Inc. ("STI"), a multi-facetted vertically integrated cannabis operator in News Brunswick.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 15 日)- 全球大麻集團公司 (CSE:GHG)(場外交易鏈接:GBHPF)(FSE:GHG0) (“溫室氣體” 或 “公司”) 很高興地宣佈,它已經簽署了一項獨家期權協議(“協議”),以收購位於新不倫瑞克省的多方面垂直整合大麻運營商Serres The'riault(2021)Inc.(“STI”)。

This transaction provides the Company a clear pathway to further diversify its activities in the industry and importantly, access to licenses from Health Canada. This will be an important step in furthering the Company's R&D ambitions for its Health and Wellness division, which initial foundation encompasses the Exclusive Licenses relating to key patents and IP acquired from Apollon Formularies plc in 2023.

該交易爲公司提供了進一步多元化其行業活動的明確途徑,更重要的是,爲公司獲得加拿大衛生部的許可提供了途徑。這將是推進公司健康與保健部門研發目標的重要一步,該部門的初始基礎包括與2023年從Apollon Formularies plc獲得的關鍵專利和知識產權相關的獨家許可。

About STI and its Holdings

關於 STI 及其持股

Company representatives toured the STI New Brunswick facility last week and met with its principals and team members who are responsible for operating the facility. The facility is currently licensed for Cannabis Micro Processing, a Farmgate Retail Store (opening April 2024), Research & Development. The Agreement covers the acquisition of the 8.6-acre compound and its five buildings for production and sales, along with property a 6,000 sq feet of Greenhouse, equipment, inventory, genetics, Intellectual Property, an onsite retail location, and one offsite retail location.


In November 2023, STI's wholly owned and operated offsite retail store located in St. Quentin, New Brunswick, opened its doors to the public. This is one of only eight exclusive private retail outlets located in the province of New Brunswick. STI advises that sales at this retail location have exceeded expectations to date and has already reached profitability.

2023 年 11 月,STI 位於新不倫瑞克省聖昆汀的全資擁有和經營的場外零售商店向公衆開放。這是位於新不倫瑞克省的僅有的八家專屬私人零售店之一。STI表示,迄今爲止,該零售地點的銷售額已超出預期,並且已經實現盈利。

Pinnacle Farms, a second retail operation owned by STI is slated to open in April 2024. This store will be licensed as a Farmgate retail model operation in New Brunswick with exclusive distribution of products manufactured by STI. This retail outlet is located within the existing compound.

STI旗下的第二家零售企業Pinnacle Farms計劃於2024年4月開業。這家商店將在新不倫瑞克省獲得Farmgate零售模式的許可,獨家分銷STI生產的產品。該零售店位於現有大院內。

STI's current micro processing license gives it authorization to sell dry cannabis products to provincial authorities and other licensed producers across Canada. The site is currently authorized to sell seven approved products, with seven additional products having been submitted and are pending approval. STI advises that preparations are underway for expansion of the current packaging area, including the addition of authorized activities for processing and transformation, which are pending approval by Health Canada. This addition of activities will allow for sale of cannabis extracts, cannabis topicals and cannabis edibles, with four new cannabis products in these categories ready for submission.


STI is focused on using craft quality cannabis at an attractive price point. In addition, an exclusive deal with a Cannabis Research License located onsite, allows STI to develop exciting new strains, recipes and proprietary products that it will introduce on a national level to first time cannabis consumers, cannabis enthusiasts, and connoisseurs alike. Part of STI's growth strategy entails expansion of its R&D efforts.


Product distribution from Pinnacle Farms, STI's onsite retail store, is expected to begin April. STI is in discussion with a Quebec partner to increase its distribution channels into the provinces of Quebec and Ontario. In addition, STI will upgrade to a Standard Processing, Packing and Sales License, with further upgrades to include a Cultivation License for a one-acre outdoor cultivation site. The compound will encompass every permitted activity in the Canadian Cannabis Industry. Construction for the planned upgrades has already been completed.

STI的現場零售商店Pinnacle Farms的產品預計將於4月開始分發。STI正在與魁北克的一家合作伙伴討論擴大其進入魁北克省和安大略省的分銷渠道。此外,STI將升級爲標準加工、包裝和銷售許可證,並進一步升級,包括一英畝戶外種植場地的種植許可證。該化合物將涵蓋加拿大大麻行業的所有允許活動。計劃升級的施工已經完成。

STI also has an exclusive agreement with a hemp producer in New Brunswick that will be focusing on production of 500 acres of hemp for cannabinoid extraction of a highly sought after CBG strain for the 2024 cultivation season.


We are pleased with our visit to the STI facilities in New Brunswick. Experience has shown that this industry is very much about the people, and we are confident that we have found a group that we can work with to build a successful business and create shareholder value going forward.


Acquisition of the Option


  • The term of the option (the "Option") shall commence on the date of the signing of the Agreement (the "Effective Date") and shall expire upon the earlier of:
    1. the twenty-four (24) months anniversary of the Effective Date (the "Option Term");
    2. the payment of the amount of $1,500,000, ranging from $1,450,000 to $1,600,000 as more fully detailed below; or
    3. the early termination of the Agreement pursuant to Termination below.
  • 期權(“期權”)的期限應從協議簽署之日(“生效日期”)開始,並在以下日期中以較早者爲準:
    1. 生效日期二十四 (24) 個月的週年紀念日(“期權期限”);
    2. 支付的金額爲1,500,000美元,從1,450,000美元到1,600,000美元不等,詳情見下文;或
    3. 根據下文《終止協議》提前終止協議。
  • To acquire the option, the Company will issue a total of 2,000,000 restricted common shares (the "Common Shares") to STI, and its nominees on the Effective Date. These Common Shares which will carry three separate trading restriction release dates as listed below, will be issued at a deemed price of $0.055 and in accordance with securities regulations that are applicable:
    • 1,000,000 Common Shares that will have the applicable 4 months plus one day regulatory hold period.
    • 500,000 Common Shares to be released on the eight-month anniversary of the Effective Date.
    • 500,000 Common Shares to be released on the twelve-month anniversary of the Effective Date.
  • 爲了收購該期權,公司將在生效之日向STI及其被提名人共發行2,000,000股限制性普通股(“普通股”)。這些普通股將有三個不同的交易限制發佈日期,如下所列,將根據適用的證券法規以0.055美元的認定價格發行:
    • 1,000,000股普通股,適用期爲4個月,外加一天的監管持有期。
    • 50萬股普通股將在生效日八個月週年之際發行。
    • 50萬股普通股將在生效日期十二個月週年之際發行。
  • Assumption of the monthly mortgage payment of STI's cannabis compound (the "Mortgage Payments") starting the Effective Date, in the amount of $5,850.00.
  • 假設從生效之日起,STI的大麻化合物(“抵押貸款”)每月按揭還款額爲5,850.00美元。

Assets to be Acquired


The 8.6-acre cannabis compound in New Brunswick includes:


  • Land, Property and Equipment, which includes five buildings

  • Licenses for Cannabis Micro Processing, Packaging and Sales

  • 6,000 sq feet of Greenhouse;

  • One of only eight exclusive private New Brunswick retail outlets

  • Exclusive partnership deal with Hemp License holder

  • Exclusive partnership deal with Cannabis Research License holder

  • Intellectual Property associated to 12 cannabis recipes poised for near future distribution

  • Partnerships with strain developers of Genetics including strains with high value CBD, CBG, CBN, THVC

  • 土地、財產和設備,包括五棟建築物

  • 大麻微加工、包裝和銷售許可證

  • 6,000 平方英尺的溫室;

  • 新不倫瑞克省僅有的八家專屬私人零售店之一

  • 與大麻許可證持有者達成獨家合作協議

  • 與大麻研究許可證持有者達成的獨家合作協議

  • 與12種大麻配方相關的知識產權有望在不久的將來分發

  • 與遺傳學菌株開發商的合作伙伴關係,包括具有高價值 CBD、CBG、CBN、THVC 的菌株

Purchase Price for the Assets of STI

STI 資產的購買價格

  • Cash Payments
    • $50,000 to be paid on the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth month following the Effective Date (the "First Year Payments").
    • The balance of $250,000 to be paid by the closing date upon exercise of the Option (the "Closing Date") if GHG exercises the Option within a year from the Effective Date, with applicable deductions made from the Mortgage Payment.
    • If GHG does not exercise the Option within the first year and the First Year Payments are not paid, GHG will pay a lump sum amount of $600,000 on the Closing Date, with deductions made from any First Year Payment and Mortgage Payments.
  • 現金支付
    • 50,000 美元將在生效日期後的第一、第四、第七和第十個月支付(“第一年付款”)。
    • 如果GHG在自生效日起一年內行使期權,則25萬美元的餘額將在行使期權後的截止日期(“截止日期”)之前支付,並從抵押貸款付款中扣除相應的款項。
    • 如果GHG在第一年內未行使期權且第一年付款未支付,則GHG將在截止日期一次性支付600,000美元,並從任何第一年還款和抵押貸款付款中扣除。
  • Non-convertible note of $1,000,000 bearing an interest rate of 8% per annum and matures twenty-four (24) months from the Closing Date
  • 1,000,000美元的不可轉換票據,年利率爲8%,自截止日期起二十四(24)個月到期
  • 2,000,000 Common Shares will be issued to STI or its nominees which will carry three separate trading restriction release dates as listed below, and will be issued at a deemed price that will be based on the closing market price of the Common Shares on the CSE on the trading day prior to the Closing Date and in accordance with securities regulations that are applicable:
    • 1,000,000 Common Shares that will have the applicable 4 months plus one day regulatory hold period
    • 500,000 Common Shares to be released on the eight-month anniversary of the Closing Date.
    • 500,000 Common Shares to be released on the twelve-month anniversary of the Closing Date.
  • 將向STI或其提名人發行2,000,000股普通股,這些普通股將有三個不同的交易限制發佈日期,如下所示,並將按認定價格發行,該價格將基於收盤日前交易日CSE普通股的收盤市場價格以及適用的證券法規:
    • 1,000,000 股普通股,適用的 4 個月外加一天的監管持有期
    • 50萬股普通股將在截止日期八個月週年之際發行。
    • 50萬股普通股將在截止日期十二個月週年之際發行。

Assumption of Liabilities


  • GHG may elect to assume a debt, an obligation, and liability (each, a "Debt") owed by STI of every kind or nature during the term of the Option.

  • In the event GHG does not exercise the Option, the Debts will be treated as a loan which will bear an interest rate of 8% and a term of twelve (12) months from the date GHG provided to STI a notice to not exercise the Option.

  • In the event that GHG exercises the Option, GHG will assume all Debts and liabilities of the STI which currently totals $1.34 million.

  • GHG可以選擇在期權期限內承擔STI所欠的各種類型或性質的債務、義務和負債(均爲 “債務”)。

  • 如果GHG不行使期權,債務將被視爲貸款,利率爲8%,期限爲自GHG向STI發出不行使期權的通知之日起十二(12)個月。

  • 如果溫室氣體行使期權,GHG將承擔STI的所有債務和負債,目前總額爲134萬美元。

Board Appointment


GHG granted STI the right to appoint one of its members to the board of directors of GHG, subject to corporate and securities laws compliance by the nominee.


No Shop Clause


During the term of the Option, STI and its affiliates and their directors, officers and similar agents shall not solicit, initiate or encourage the submission of any proposal or offer from any person relating to the acquisition of the Business or any portion of its Assets. In the event of any breach of this clause, STI shall pay a break-up fee of CDN$500,000 to GHG.




The Option Agreement may be terminated, and the transactions contemplated may be abandoned at any time prior to Closing:


  • by mutual written consent of GHG and STI;

  • by GHG or STI if the Closing shall not have occurred on or before the two-year anniversary of this Agreement; provided that the right to terminate the Agreement shall not be available to any party whose failure to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement has been the cause of, or resulted in, the failure of the Closing to occur on or before such date; and

  • by GHG at any time upon ninety (90) days' prior written notice to STI.

  • 經溫室氣體和科技創新雙方書面同意;

  • 如果在本協議簽署兩週年之日當天或之前沒有成交,則由溫室氣體或STI簽署;前提是任何未能履行本協議規定的任何義務是導致或導致未能在該日期或之前完成交易的任何一方均不得行使終止協議的權利;以及

  • 在提前九十 (90) 天書面通知STI後,GHG可隨時通過。

Debt Restructuring and Settlement


Further to the company's news release of September 19, 2023, the Company has settled $150,000 of its outstanding long term unsecured debt (due March 8, 2025) for units at $0.05 per unit. Each Unit is comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company (each a "Common Share") and one non-transferable Common Share purchase warrant (each a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at a price of $0.10 per share, exercisable until January 15, 2027. The remaining balance of $300,000 plus accrued interest at 12% per annum, will continue to accrue interest until maturity on March 8, 2025, if not converted prior to maturity into units with the same terms and conditions as the above referenced initial debt settlement amount.

繼該公司於2023年9月19日發佈新聞稿之後,該公司已以每單位0.05美元的價格清償了15萬美元的未償長期無抵押債務(2025年3月8日到期)。每個單位由公司資本中的一股普通股(每股均爲 “普通股”)和一份不可轉讓的普通股購買權證(均爲 “認股權證”)組成。每份認股權證使持有人有權以每股0.10美元的價格收購一股普通股,行使期至2027年1月15日。如果未在到期前轉換爲與上述初始債務清算金額具有相同條款和條件的單位,則30萬美元的剩餘餘額加上每年12%的應計利息,將繼續累積利息直到2025年3月8日到期。

The Company also wishes to announce that it intends to complete a non-brokered private placement of up to 15,000,000 units (each a "Unit") at $0.05 per Unit for gross proceeds of up to $750,000 (the "Offering"). Each Unit is comprised of one common share in the capital of the Company (each a "Common Share") and one non-transferable Common Share purchase warrant (each a "Warrant"). Each Warrant entitles the holder to acquire one Common Share at a price of $0.10 per share, exercisable until January 15, 2027. The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering for general working capital purposes. It is anticipated that this placement will close in multiple tranches, with the first tranche of $67,500 for 1,350,000 units expected to close in one week.

該公司還希望宣佈,它打算以每單位0.05美元的價格完成一項不超過15,000,000個單位(每個 “單位”)的非經紀私募配售,總收益高達75萬美元(“發行”)。每個單位由公司資本中的一股普通股(每股均爲 “普通股”)和一份不可轉讓的普通股購買權證(均爲 “認股權證”)組成。每份認股權證使持有人有權以每股0.10美元的價格收購一股普通股,行使期至2027年1月15日。公司打算將本次發行的淨收益用於一般營運資金用途。預計此次配售將分批完成,1350,000套住宅的第一批67,500美元預計將在一週內完成。

All securities issued under the Offering, including securities issuable on exercise thereof, will be subject to a hold period expiring 4 months and one day after issuance, in accordance with the rules and policies of the Exchange and applicable Canadian securities laws. In connection with the Offering, the Company may pay certain eligible finder's a fee equal to 8% of the gross proceeds from the Offering and issue Warrants, equal to 8% of the total number of Units sold.


About Global Hemp Group Inc.


Global Hemp Group Inc. (CSE: GHG) (OTC Pink: GBHPF) (FSE: GHG0) is a dynamic company currently focused on two key business segments - Industrial Hemp and Biopharma.


The Industrial Hemp division's primary focus lies in the environmental uses of hemp for construction and hemp for sustainable bio-energy sources, both contributing to a carbon-negative footprint. Our R&D team is engaged in developing Intellectual Property that can be patented and implemented within our projects and beyond.


The Health and Wellness Division is focused on the acquisition of exclusive patents and IP through licensing agreements. The Company acquired exclusive rights to key patents and IP of Apollon Formularies plc., a UK-based international pharmaceutical company whose formulations and patents specialize in developing cancer treatments from natural biologics, including cannabinoids and functional mushrooms. More recently, the Company has signed a Letter of Intent with B-Organic R&D Corp. relating to the use of their Bioactive Lipid Agents ("BLA") technology with cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids and mushroom extracts. BLA enhances the solubility and bioavailability of various "poorly soluble pharma ingredients".

健康與保健部專注於通過許可協議獲得獨家專利和知識產權。該公司獲得了Apollon Formularies plc. 的關鍵專利和知識產權的專有權。Apollon Formularies plc. 是一家總部位於英國的國際製藥公司,其配方和專利專門利用包括大麻素和功能性蘑菇在內的天然生物製劑開發癌症治療方法。最近,該公司與B-Organic R&D Corp. 簽署了一份意向書,內容涉及將生物活性脂質製劑(“BLA”)技術與大麻素、萜烯、類黃酮和蘑菇提取物一起使用。BLA提高了各種 “難溶性藥物成分” 的溶解度和生物利用度。

These strategic alliances form the basis for the commercialization of promising independently pre-clinically tested formulations, underscoring our commitment to cutting-edge innovation in the commercial biopharma sector.


For Further Information Contact Global Hemp Group
Investor Relations
Tel: 778-726-2900


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information set forth in this news release may contain forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, certain of which are beyond the control of Global Hemp Group Inc., including, but not limited to the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, dependence upon regulatory approvals, the availability of future financing and exploration risk, the legality of cannabis and hemp. Readers are cautioned that the assumptions used in the preparation of such information, although considered reasonable at the time of preparation, may prove to be imprecise and, as such, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, Global Hemp Group Inc. disclaims any intention and assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward looking statements to reflect actual results, whether as a result of new information, future events, changes in assumptions, changes in factors affecting such forward-looking statements or otherwise.

本新聞稿中列出的某些信息可能包含前瞻性陳述,涉及大量已知和未知的風險和不確定性。這些前瞻性陳述受到許多風險和不確定性的影響,其中某些風險和不確定性是Global Hemp Group Inc.無法控制的,包括但不限於總體經濟狀況、行業狀況、大宗商品價格波動、貨幣波動、對監管批准的依賴、未來融資和勘探風險的可得性、大麻和大麻的合法性的影響。請讀者注意,在準備此類信息時使用的假設雖然在準備時被認爲是合理的,但可能被證明是不準確的,因此,不應過度依賴前瞻性陳述。除非法律要求,否則Global Hemp Group Inc.不打算更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述以反映實際業績,無論是由於新信息、未來事件、假設變化、影響此類前瞻性陳述的因素的變化還是其他原因,也沒有義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述。

The CSE has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

CSE 尚未審查本新聞稿的充分性或準確性,也不承擔任何責任。

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