
K2 Gold Samples 208 G/t Gold and High-Grade Copper in Rocks Recovered at Mojave Project

K2 Gold Samples 208 G/t Gold and High-Grade Copper in Rocks Recovered at Mojave Project

K2 Gold 在 Mojave 項目回收的岩石中採樣 208 g/t 金和高品位銅
newsfile ·  01/17 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 17, 2024) - K2 Gold Corporation (TSXV: KTO) (OTCQB: KTGDF) (FSE: 23K) ("K2" or the "Company") today announced the results from rock grab and chip sampling at its Mojave Project, located in Inyo County, California.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 17 日)-K2 Gold Corporation(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:KTO)(場外交易代碼:KTGD)(FSE:23K)(”K2“或者”公司“)今天宣佈了其位於加利福尼亞州因約縣的莫哈韋項目的岩石採集和芯片採樣結果。



  • Sampling at the Gold Valley target located on the east side of the property returned grab samples of 208 g/t (6.7 oz/t) gold and 32.1 g/t gold from initial prospecting.
  • 在位於該物業東側的金谷目標處進行採樣返回了以下物品的採集樣本 208 克/噸6.7 盎司/噸) 黃金32.1 克/噸黃金 從最初的勘探開始。
  • Gold Valley is located 1.5km north-northwest along the same structure as the Dragonfly target, a high-grade gold zone which K2 successfully drilled in 2020 with a highlight result of 86.9m of 4.0 g/t gold from surface.
  • 金谷位於西北偏北 1.5 公里處,沿着與 Dragonfly 目標相同的結構,這是一個高品位的金礦區,K2 在 2020 年成功鑽探了該地帶,其亮點是 86.9 億4.0 克/噸 黃金 從表面上看。
  • The mineralized corridor from the Newmont, Dragonfly, and the Gold Valley targets now extends for over 4.5km.
  • 來自紐蒙特、蜻蜓和金谷目標的礦化走廊現已延伸超過4.5公里。
  • Sampling at the Soda Canyon target in the northwest of the Project area returned a sample grading 1.87% copper, and two additional samples with greater than 1% copper which are currently in the process of overlimit analysis.
  • 在項目區域西北部的蘇打峽谷目標處採樣返回了樣本分級 1.87% 銅, 另外兩個銅含量大於 1% 的樣品目前正在進行超限分析。

"The sample collected at Gold Valley is the highest-grade rock sample ever collected on the Mojave Project by a significant margin, the overlimit copper results at Soda Canyon are also very exciting to see. The expanse of high-grade near surface mineralization at Mojave displays the signature characteristics of a remarkable deposit. The combination of these recent samples and previous drill results expanding the strike length over 4.5km suggests significant scale and the possible continuity of high-grade gold far beyond our original expectations," stated Anthony Margarit, CEO of K2 Gold. "As we continue with the EIS permitting process, we look forward to generating more exciting results at these new extensions."

“在金谷採集的樣本是有史以來在莫哈韋沙漠項目中採集的最高等級的岩石樣本,蘇打峽谷的銅超限結果也非常令人興奮。莫哈韋沙漠的大片高品位近地表礦化顯示出非凡礦牀的特徵特徵。這些最近的樣本與先前的鑽探結果相結合,將探測長度擴大到4.5千米以上,這表明高品位金的規模巨大,可能的連續性遠遠超出了我們最初的預期。” K2 Gold首席執行官安東尼·瑪格麗特。“隨着我們繼續進行EIS許可程序,我們期待在這些新的擴展中取得更多令人興奮的結果。”

Rock Sampling Program


As K2 continues to progress favourably through the EIS permitting process, the decision was made to continue fundamental prospecting and sampling to continue to develop the knowledge and understanding of the extensive mineralization present on the property in preparation for future exploration.


A total of 119 rock and chip samples were collected at multiple targets over two campaigns, with a focus on the Gold Valley and Soda Canyon targets, and with minor sampling conducted at the Stega and Morning Star targets. Sampling returned values from trace to 208 g/t gold and trace to 4.11% copper.


Gold Valley - High Grade Gold at Surface

Gold Valley-表面有高品位的黃金

Initial results from prospecting at Gold Valley suggest the presence of high-grade Dragonfly-style sediment-hosted gold mineralization at surface in an area of the Property that has seen little to no modern exploration.

金谷探礦的初步結果表明,該地產中幾乎沒有進行過現代勘探的區域,地表存在高品位的 Dragonfly 式沉積物承載的金礦化。

Highlight rock samples grading 208 g/t Au and 32.1 g/t Au are found along the projection of a mapped fault extending north-northwest from the Dragonfly target, where K2's drilling in 2020 returned 86.9m grading 4.0 g/t Au from surface (see News Release here). The results from Gold Valley expand the strike length of high-grade mineralization hosted by the Dragonfly-Newmont corridor an additional 1.5km, to a total extent of more than 4.5km.


Soda Canyon - Copper in the Western Regions


Prospecting was also completed at the Soda Canyon target located in the northwest of the Project area, 4km west of Gold Valley. Rock sampling returned three samples with Copper values greater than 1%, with one sample grading 1.87% Copper and the remaining two samples pending overlimit assay results.

位於項目區域西北部、金谷以西4公里處的蘇打峽谷目標的勘探工作也已完成。岩石採樣返回了三個銅值大於 1% 的樣本,其中一個樣本的銅含量爲 1.87%,其餘兩個樣本正在等待超限分析結果。

Soda Canyon is found at the northwestern end of a greater than 6km NNW-SSE trend of sediment-hosted copper mineralization beginning at the Stega target in the south, where K2 collected samples with results from trace to 14.2% Copper in 2021 (see News Release here). Very little exploration has been completed in the Soda Conyon target area, and to the knowledge of K2's Management team it has never been drilled.

蘇打峽谷位於NNW-SSE的6公里以上的沉積物承載銅礦化趨勢的西北端,該趨勢始於南部的Stega目標,K2在那裏收集了樣本,其結果爲2021年銅的痕量爲14.2%(見此處的新聞稿)。在Soda Conyon目標區域幾乎沒有完成任何勘探,據K2的管理團隊所知,它從未進行過鑽探。

Seven rock samples collected in the vicinity of the Stega copper zone returned trace to 0.741 g/t gold and trace to 0.23% Copper. A due diligence sample collected from the Morningstar target area 2.7km northwest of Soda Canyon returned 37.66 g/t silver, 4.11% copper, 1.57% lead, and 1.95% zinc. Follow-up prospecting, sampling, and geological mapping is planned for the 2024 season. More information on 2024 plans will be provided in the near future.

在斯特加銅區附近採集的七個岩石樣本返回了痕量爲0.741克/噸的金,回收了痕量爲0.23%的銅。從蘇打峽谷西北2.7公里處的晨星目標區域採集的盡職調查樣本返回了37.66克/噸的銀、4.11%的銅、1.57%的鉛和1.95%的鋅。計劃在 2024 年季節進行後續勘探、取樣和地質測繪。有關2024年計劃的更多信息將在不久的將來提供。

Another Milestone Soon to Be Surpassed in the EIS Process

EIS 流程即將超越另一個里程碑

K2's Plan of Operations for the Mojave Project was subject to a 60-day scoping and public comment period which closed on October 16, 2023. Since the closure of the scoping period, the BLM has been preparing a Draft EIS document which will incorporate public scoping comments and assess project alternatives.


The Draft EIS will be made available for a second round of public comment following the publication of a Notice of Availability ("NOA") in the Federal Register. K2 expects that the Draft EIS will be completed in early 2024.


What is an Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS")?


An EIS assesses the potential impact of actions that would significantly affect the quality of the human environment. This comprehensive document describes the current conditions of the environment in the affected area and identifies positive and negative effects from the proposed project. As well as identifying and assessing, it offers alternative actions, including inaction, in relation to the proposed project.


This requirement under the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA") does not prohibit harm to the environment, but rather requires that the project prevents unnecessary or undue degradation. An EIS represents the most comprehensive environmental review possible for a mineral exploration project under NEPA.


Qualified Person ("QP")


The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Eric Buitenhuis, M.Sc., P.Geo., K2's QP and Vice President of Exploration.

本新聞稿中的技術信息是根據NI 43-101中規定的加拿大監管要求編制的,並由Eric Buitenhuis、理學碩士、P.Geo.、K2的QP和勘探副總裁進行了審查和批准。

The analytical work for the rock sampling programs was performed by MSALABS in Langley, British Columbia and ALS Laboratories ("ALS") in Reno, Nevada and North Vancouver, British Columbia. Samples analyzed by MSALABS were prepared using procedure PRP-910 (dry, crush to 70% passing 2mm, riffle split off 250g, pulverize split to better than 85% passing 75 microns) and analyzed by method FAS-111 (30g fire assay with AAS finish) and IMS-130 (0.5g, aqua regia digestion and ICP-AES/MS analysis). Any samples containing >10g/t Au will be reanalyzed using method FAS-415 (30g Fire Assay with gravimetric finish). Samples containing >1% Cu, Pb, & Zn were reanalyzed using method ICF-6 (0.2g, 4-acid digest and ore grade ICP-AES analysis).

岩石取樣計劃的分析工作由不列顛哥倫比亞省蘭利的MSALABS和內華達州里諾和不列顛哥倫比亞省北溫哥華的ALS實驗室(“ALS”)進行。MSALABS 分析的樣品採用 PRP-910 程序(乾燥,通過 2 毫米壓碎至 70%,裂紋分離 250 克,粉碎分裂至 85% 以上,通過 75 微米)製備,並通過 FAS-111(AAS 完成 30 克火試驗)和 IMS-130(0.5 克,王水消化和 ICP-AES/MS 分析)進行分析。任何含金量大於 10g/t 的樣品都將使用 FAS-415 方法(30g 火焰試驗,採用重量法完成)進行重新分析。使用 ICF-6 方法(0.2g、4 酸消解和礦石級 ICP-AES 分析)對含有 > 1% 的銅、鉛和鋅的樣品進行了重新分析。

Samples analyzed by ALS were submitted to ALS's Reno, Nevada facility where they were prepared using procedure PREP-31 (crush, split, and pulverize 250g to better than 85% passing 75 microns). Pulp samples were then analysed for gold by method Au-AA23, a 30-gram Fire Assay fusion with an atomic absorption finish (AAS). A 0.5g pulp was analysed by aqua-regia acid digestion and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) for 35 elements using method ME-ICP41. An additional 0.5g pulp was then analysed by ICP-mass spectrometry (MS) for mercury. Samples containing >1% Cu were reanalyzed by method Cu-OG62, a 4-acid digest and ore grade ICP finish.

ALS 分析的樣本被提交到 ALS 位於內華達州里諾的工廠,在那裏採用 PREP-31 程序(壓碎、分裂和粉碎 250 克至超過 85%,超過 75 微米)進行製備。然後,通過Au-AA23方法對紙漿樣品進行金分析,這是一種30克的具有原子吸收表面處理(AAS)的火焰試驗融合。使用 ME-ICP41 方法,通過 aqua-regia 酸消解和電感耦合等離子體原子發射光譜法 (ICP-AES) 對 35 種元素對 0.5 克紙漿進行了分析。然後,通過ICP質譜法(MS)對另外0.5g紙漿的汞含量進行了分析。通過Cu-OG62方法、四酸摘要和礦石級ICP表面處理,對含銅量大於 1% 的樣品進行了重新分析。

About K2 Gold

關於 K2 Gold

K2 is a proud member of Discovery Group and currently has three projects in Southwest USA and the Yukon.


The Wels Project lies approximately 40km east of the community of Beaver Creek and 60km south of Newmont Goldcorp's Coffee deposit discovered by Kaminak Gold Corporation (formerly a Discovery Group company prior to its acquisition by Goldcorp-Newmont). Both the Coffee project and the Wels project lie within the Tintina Gold Belt, share similar characteristics, and are host to structurally controlled gold mineralization within intrusive rocks exhibiting multiple trends of mineralization.

這個 韋爾斯項目 位於比弗溪社區以東約40公里處,位於卡米納克黃金公司(在被Goldcorp-Newmont收購之前曾是一家探索集團公司)發現的紐蒙特金科普咖啡礦牀以南60公里處。Coffee項目和Wels項目都位於丁蒂納金帶內,具有相似的特徵,並且在侵入性岩石中存在結構控制的金礦化,呈現出多種礦化趨勢。

K2's 2023 Reverse Circulation drilling program at the Wels Project intersected gold in every drill hole, including the discovery of a new mineralized corridor at the Saddle South target. The Wels land position consists of 350 contiguous quartz claims covering 7,200 hectares and lies within the traditional territory of White River First Nation.

K2在韋爾斯項目實施的2023年反循環鑽探計劃在每個鑽孔中都與金相交,包括在Saddle South目標處發現了一條新的礦化走廊。韋爾斯的土地位置包括350個連續的石英地塊,佔地7,200公頃,位於懷特河原住民的傳統領土內。

The Si2 Gold Project is located in Esmeralda County, approximately 60km northwest of Tonopah, Nevada, and 20km northwest of Allegiant Gold's Eastside deposit (1.4Moz Au, 8.8 Moz Ag). The project is road accessible and consists of 118 BLM lode claims covering 986 Ha, 65 of which are under option from Orogen Royalties Inc. (TSXV: OGN). The claims cover an 8 km2 area of steam heated alunite-kaolinite-buddingtonite alteration within a sequence of felsic to intermediate volcanic rocks displaying brecciation and strongly anomalous mercury.

這個 Si2 黃金項目 位於埃斯梅拉達縣,位於內華達州託諾帕西北約60公里處,Allegiant Gold東區礦牀(1.4Moz Au,8.8 Moz Ag)西北 20 公里處。該項目是道路通行的,包括118份BLM地塊索賠,佔地986公頃,其中65份由Orogen Troyalties Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:OGN)進行選擇。索賠涵蓋8公里2 蒸汽加熱的明礬土-高嶺石-芽丁頓石在一系列長英質至中間火山岩中呈現角礫岩和強烈異常汞的變化區域。

K2's 2023 diamond drill program at the Si2 Project confirmed that the system is gold bearing. The project was initially identified using the same methods, and by the same exploration team that identified AngloGold Ashanti's 4.22 Moz gold Silicon project1 near Beatty, Nevada, and was staked based on its strong geological similarities to Silicon.

K2 在 Si2 項目的 2023 年金剛石鑽探計劃證實該系統是含金的。該項目最初是使用相同的方法確定的,也是由確定AngloGold Ashanti的4.22 Moz金硅項目的同一個勘探小組確定的1 位於內華達州比蒂附近,並因其與硅的強烈地質相似性而受到質押。

K2 is committed to transparency, accountability, environmental stewardship, safety, diversity, inclusion, and community and indigenous engagement.

K2 致力於透明度、問責制、環境管理、安全、多元化、包容性以及社區和土著人的參與

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Anthony Margarit
President and CEO


For further information about K2 Gold Corporation or this news release, please visit our website at, contact our office at 778-266-1456, or by email at

有關K2 Gold Corporation或本新聞稿的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站,致電 778-266-1456 聯繫我們的辦公室,或發送電子郵件至。

K2 Gold Corporation is a member of Discovery Group based in Vancouver, Canada. For more information please visit:

K2 Gold Corporation是總部位於加拿大溫哥華的探索集團的成員。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains forward-looking statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results, performance, prospects, and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, including statements regarding the exploration program at Si2, Wels, and Mojave, including results of drilling, and future exploration plans at Si2, Wels, and Mojave. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, the Company's inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its planned activities, and the Company's inability to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies. The reader is referred to the Company's public disclosure record which is available on SEDAR (). Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on these statements, which only apply as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. Except as required by securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange, the Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新聞稿包含非歷史事實的前瞻性陳述。前瞻性陳述涉及風險、不確定性和其他因素,這些因素可能導致實際結果、業績、前景和機會與此類前瞻性陳述(包括有關Si2、Wels和Mojave勘探計劃的陳述,包括鑽探結果以及Si2、Wels和Mojave的未來勘探計劃)所表達或暗示的重大差異。可能導致實際業績與這些前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的因素包括但不限於可能發現的任何礦牀的性質、質量和數量的變化,公司無法獲得其計劃活動所需的任何必要許可、同意或授權,以及公司無法籌集必要的資金或完全能夠實施其業務戰略。請讀者參閱公司的公開披露記錄,該記錄可在SEDAR () 上查閱。儘管公司認爲編制前瞻性陳述時使用的假設和因素是合理的,但不應過分依賴這些陳述,這些陳述僅適用於本新聞發佈之日,也無法保證此類事件將在披露的時間範圍內發生或根本無法保證。除非證券法和多倫多證券交易所風險交易所的政策有要求,否則本公司不打算或義務更新或修改任何前瞻性陳述,無論是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因。

This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy, nor shall there be any sale of any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful, including any of the securities in the United States of America. No securities of the Company have been or will, in the foreseeable future, be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the "1933 Act") or any state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for account or benefit of, U.S. Persons (as defined in Regulation S under the 1933 Act) unless registered under the 1933 Act and applicable state securities laws, or an exemption from such registration requirements is available.




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