
Independence Gold Samples 17.00 Metres of 2.68 G/t Gold and 39.12 G/t Silver in Surface Trenching and Acquires an Additional 36.40 Km2 of Land at the 3Ts Project, BC

Independence Gold Samples 17.00 Metres of 2.68 G/t Gold and 39.12 G/t Silver in Surface Trenching and Acquires an Additional 36.40 Km2 of Land at the 3Ts Project, BC

Independence Gold 在地表挖溝中採樣 17.00 米的 2.68 克/噸金和 39.12 克/噸銀,並在不列顛哥倫比亞省 3Ts 項目額外收購了 36.40 Km2 的土地
newsfile ·  01/22 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - Independence Gold Corp. (TSXV: IGO) (OTCQB: IEGCF) (the "Company" or "Independence") is pleased to announce assay results from the fall trenching program at its 100% owned 3Ts Project (the "Project") as well as the staking of 36.40 square kilometres ("km2") of mineral tenure immediately adjacent to the southern boundary of the Project. The 3Ts Project is located approximately 185 kilometres ("km") southwest of Prince George, British Columbia and situated 16 km southwest of Artemis Gold Inc.'s Blackwater Project.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 22 日)- 獨立黃金公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:IGO)(場外交易代碼:IEGCF) (“公司” 或 “獨立公司”)很高興地宣佈其100%控股的3Ts項目(“項目”)秋季挖溝計劃的化驗結果,以及36.40平方千米(“km”)的質押2“) 緊鄰項目南部邊界的礦產使用權。3Ts項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省喬治王子城西南約185千米(“千米”)處,位於阿耳忒彌斯黃金公司西南16公里處。”s Blackwater 項目。

Trench Results
A series of five trenches were excavated at the 3Ts Project during the surface field program in 2023. These trenches were designed to test for mineralization in areas between the major vein systems or across geological "blind spots" where little geological or geochemical information is known. A total of 190 metres ("m") length comprises the five trenches, four of which (146m) focused adjacent to the Tommy Vein System and a further 44m at the newly discovered Ootsa copper-silver target (see news release dated October 4, 2023).

在2023年的地表場計劃中,在3Ts項目中挖掘了一系列五條戰壕。這些溝槽旨在測試主要礦脈系統之間的區域或地質 “盲點” 的礦化情況,這些區域對地質或地球化學信息知之甚少。總長度爲190米(“m”)的五條戰壕,其中四條(146米)聚焦在湯米靜脈系統附近,另外44米則聚焦在新發現的Ootsa銅銀目標(見2023年10月4日的新聞稿)。

The Tommy Vein Cliff Trench ("CVTR") crossed over the surface expression of the Tommy Vein System for a total of 36.0m where vein material including quartz, amethyst and fluorite are exposed on the surface, including 17.0m grading 2.68 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold and 39.12 g/t silver. A second trench located adjacent to the western shoulder at the Tommy Vein System ("TVTR") returned 12.0m grading 1.93 g/t gold and 22.58 g/t silver within mineralized quartz stockwork veins. The final trench in the Tommy area, the Tommy-Ian Infill Trench ("TITR"), tested the area between the Tommy Vein System westward to the Ian Vein System where narrow but high-grade veins were discovered during the Spring 2023 drill program. TITR returned a narrow 0.50m mineralized quartz vein grading 3.76 g/t gold.

Tommy Vein Cliff Trench(“CVTR”)穿過湯米靜脈系統的表面表情,總長度爲36.0米,包括石英、紫水晶和螢石在內的礦脈材料暴露在地表上,包括品位爲每噸2.68克(“g/t”)的170米金和39.12克/噸的銀。位於湯米礦脈系統(“TVTR”)西肩附近的第二條戰溝在礦化石英原料礦脈中返回了120萬英尺的金品位1.93克/噸和22.58克/噸的銀。湯米地區的最後一條戰壕,湯米-伊恩填充海溝(“TITR”),測試了湯米靜脈系統向西至伊恩靜脈系統之間的區域,該區域在2023年春季的鑽探計劃中發現了狹窄但高品位的礦脈。TITR 返回了一條狹窄的 0.50 米礦化石英礦脈,金品位爲 3.76 克/噸。

A 40 m-long trench was also excavated at the Copper Knob target ("CKTR") to systematically sample the new Tony Vein which was discovered earlier in 2023 (see news release dated September 27th, 2023) which returned 8.0m grading 3.97 g/t gold and 49.63 g/t silver, including 0.75 m grading 35.67 g/t gold and 393.33 g/t silver. An additional 40.33 m-long trench ("OTR") was excavated at the newly discovered Ootsa Target located one km northeast of the Mint Vein System and is geologically and geochemically distinct from the other known targets at the 3Ts Project. The trench exhibited malachite and azurite mineralization in volcanic host rocks, returning an interval of 2.88 m grading 0.2% copper and 11.81 g/t silver. Other samples in the trench individually returned anomalous grades up to 0.52% lead and 1.66% zinc indicating broader mineralization potential within the trench section.

還在 Copper Knob 目標(“CKTR”)挖掘了一條長達 40 米的戰壕,對於 2023 年初發現的新託尼礦脈進行系統採樣(見9月27日的新聞稿)第四,2023),它返回了800萬個黃金品位3.97克/噸和49.63克/噸的銀,其中包括0.75米的黃金品位35.67克/噸和393.33克/噸的銀。在位於薄荷脈系統東北一公里處的新發現的Ootsa目標處又挖掘了一條長達40.33米的戰壕(“OTR”),該溝在地質和地球化學上與3Ts項目的其他已知目標截然不同。該海溝顯示出火山宿主巖中的孔雀石和藍銅礦礦化,返回的間隔爲2.88 m,銅品位爲 0.2%,銀品位爲11.81 g/t。溝槽中的其他樣本分別返回了異常品位,鉛含量高達0.52%,鋅含量爲1.66%,這表明溝槽部分的礦化潛力更大。

Please refer to the website for a map showing the veins and drill hole locations.


Trench Host Rock From

Post Recovery Gold Equivalent***
CKTR Quartz Veins, Rhyolite with stockwork 26.00 34.00 8.00 3.97 49.63 4.47
including 28.25 29.00 0.75 35.67 393.33 39.60
TVTR Quartz Veins 2.00 14.00 12.00 1.93 22.58 2.16
including 8.00 9.00 1.00 7.19 61.00 7.80
CVTR Quartz Veins, Rhyolite with stockwork 0.00 17.00 17.00 2.68 39.12 3.07
and 27.00 29.00 2.00 5.00 65.50 5.66
and 33.00 36.00 3.00 12.51 75.33 13.26
including 35.00 36.00 1.00 26.78 141.00 28.19
TITR Rhyolite with stockwork 21.50 22.00 0.50 3.76 I.S. 3.53
OTR Rhyolite breccia and Andesite 19.25 22.13 2.00 I.S. 11.81 See Note Below
戰壕 主搖滾 來自


(m) *

CKTR 石英脈,流紋岩和板材 26.00 34.00 8.00 3.97 49.63 4.47
包括 28.25 29.00 0.75 35.67 393.33 39.60
TVTR 石英脈 2.00 14.00 12.00 1.93 22.58 2.16
包括 8.00 9.00 1.00 7.19 61.00 7.80
CVTR 石英脈,流紋岩和板材 0.00 17.00 17.00 2.68 39.12 3.07
27.00 29.00 2.00 5.00 65.50 5.66
33.00 36.00 3.00 12.51 75.33 13.26
包括 35.00 36.00 1.00 26.78 141.00 28.19
TITR 帶有庫存的流紋岩 21.50 22.00 0.50 3.76 I.S。 3.53
OTR 流紋岩角礫岩和安山岩 19.25 22.13 2.00 I.S。 11.81 參見下面的註釋

*CKTR = Copper Knob Trench, TVTR = Tommy Vein Trench, CVTR = Tommy Cliff Vein Trench, TITR = Tommy-Ian Infill Trench, OTR = Ootsa Trench
**Using a cut-off grade of 0.4 g/t gold as per the resource estimate for "in-pit" grades
*** AuEq assumes Au $2,000 USD/Oz, Ag $20 $USD/Oz and utilizes formula AuEq = (Ag(g/t)*($Ag/$Au))+Au(g/t) and uses a metallurgical recovery of 93.9% for gold and 92.4% silver as determined from testing on composite materials from the Tommy Vein (see news release dated March 4th, 2021) which is the closest vein system to these samples. No recovery testing has been performed on Ootsa material and so readers are warned that calculations are based off 100% recovery.

*CKTR = Copper Knob Trench,TVTR = Tommy Vein Trench,CVTR = Tommy Cliff Vein Trench,TITR = Tommy-Ian Infill Trench,OTR = Ootsa Trench
**根據 “礦井” 等級的資源估算,使用0.4克/噸的金的臨界品位
*** AuEq假設澳元爲2,000美元/盎司,銀爲20美元/盎司,並使用公式 auEq =(Ag(g/t)*($Ag/$Au))+Au(g/t))+Au(g/t),根據對Tommy Vein複合材料的測試得出的冶金回收率爲93.9%,銀爲92.4%(見3月4日的新聞稿)第四,2021)這是最接近這些樣本的靜脈系統。尚未對Ootsa材料進行任何回收測試,因此警告讀者,計算是基於100%的回收率進行的。

Expansion of 3Ts Project Area
In the fourth quarter of 2023, Independence Gold staked an additional 36.40 km2 of tenure along the southern border of the 3Ts Project to explore for a possible continuation of the emerging northeast-southwest trends that extend from the Blackwater Project (currently being developed by Artemis Gold). Several arcuate features are observed in the topography which have been recognized as potential mineralizing centers during the 2023 field program. The newly acquired ground has seen very little historical prospecting, although one sample on the boundary collected in 2016 returned a quartz sample grading 1.26 g/t gold and 10 g/t silver. Exploration of the southern extension is planned for the second quarter of 2024 and proposed exploration will include prospecting and airborne geophysical surveys Ito test structural extensions into this ground.

擴大 3T 項目區域
2023 年第四季度,獨立黃金又下注了 36.40 千米2 在3Ts項目南部邊境沿線任職,探討從黑水項目(目前由Artemis Gold開發)延伸而來的新興東北-西南趨勢是否可能延續。在 2023 年的實地計劃中,在地形中觀察到一些弧形特徵,這些特徵已被視爲潛在的礦化中心。儘管2016年在邊界上採集的一個樣本返回了金品位爲1.26克/噸金和10克/噸銀的石英樣本,但新採集的土地歷史勘探很少。南部延伸部分的勘探計劃於2024年第二季度進行,擬議的勘探將包括探礦和航空地球物理調查,Ito測試該地面的結構擴展。

Update on the Exploration Program
The fall drill program was completed on November 15th, 2023, with a total of 1,805m of drilling carried out. Drilling primarily targeted the Mint Vein System with additional drill testing of the new Johnny and Ian Veins and "first-pass" exploration of the new Ootsa copper-silver target. Results are being released as they are received from the lab and may be out of sequential order due to varying submission dates after logging and sample preparation times. Planning is currently underway for an approximately 5,000m drill program to commence during the first quarter of 2024. This program will be designed to test the Ted-Mint and Tommy Vein Systems at depth and other targets outlined by previous geophysics and geological exploration.

秋季演習計劃已於11月15日完成第四,2023 年,共進行了1805米的鑽探。鑽探主要針對薄荷礦脈系統,對新的Johnny和Ian Veins進行了額外的鑽探測試,並對新的Ootsa銅銀目標進行 “首次通過” 勘探。結果是在從實驗室收到的結果時發佈的,由於記錄後的提交日期和樣本製備時間各不相同,可能會出現順序不一致的情況。目前正在計劃在2024年第一季度開始約5,000米的鑽探計劃。該計劃將設計用於在深度以及先前的地球物理學和地質勘探中概述的其他目標上測試Ted-Mint和Tommy Vein系統。

All drill holes completed to date have been sent to SGS lab in Vancouver for sample preparation and analysis. Robotic sample preparation is used to ensure reproducibility; samples are pulverized to greater than 85% passing 75 microns. All samples are submitted for four acid digest with an ICP finish. Gold grades are obtained by fire assay with AAS finish. Samples which return greater than 10 parts per million gold and 100 parts per million silver are resubmitted for fire assay with a gravimetric finish. Quality control procedures are followed for all samples submitted to the laboratory for assay, including strict Chain of Custody protocols. Quality control comprises of OREAS standards, blank materials and the field or preparation duplicate material for testing. Insertion rate is at a minimum of one quality control sample per sample but in sections of mineralized drill core a standard is inserted at the beginning of the section to establish calibration, a duplicate in the middle of the sequence to test repeatability (for field duplicates) or homogeneity (for preparation duplicates). Mineralized sections are then completed with the insertion of blank material to ensure equipment has been cleaned rigorously and no "smearing" or contamination of grade occurs. Quality control is monitored on each assay certificate as it arrives from the laboratory and then all data is compiled annually. Any discrepancies are immediately addressed accordingly.

迄今爲止完成的所有鑽孔都已送往溫哥華的SGS實驗室進行樣品製備和分析。機器人樣品製備用於確保可重複性;樣品通過75微米粉碎至85%以上。所有樣品均提交四份經過ICP處理的酸性摘要。金牌等級是通過火焰分析和 AAS 表面處理獲得的。回收率超過百萬分之十的黃金和百萬分之100的銀的樣本將重新提交進行重量法的火焰檢驗。提交實驗室進行化驗的所有樣品都遵循質量控制程序,包括嚴格的產銷監管鏈協議。質量控制包括OREAS標準、空白材料以及用於測試的現場或準備副本材料。插入速率爲每個樣品至少一個質量控制樣本,但在礦化鑽芯的各個部分中,會在部分的開頭插入一個標準以建立校準,在序列中間插入一個副本以測試可重複性(對於現場重複)或同質性(用於製備副本)。然後,通過插入空白材料來完成礦化部分,以確保設備經過嚴格清潔,不會出現 “塗抹” 或品位污染。實驗室出具的每份化驗證書都要對質量控制進行監測,然後每年彙編所有數據。任何差異都將立即得到相應解決。

The 3Ts Project is comprised of seventeen mineral claims covering approximately 8,840 hectares in the Nechako Plateau region of central British Columbia. The 3Ts Project covers a low-sulphidation epithermal quartz- carbonate vein district within which more than a dozen individual mineralized veins, ranging from 50 m to more than 1,100 m and true widths up to 25m, have been identified.


AME Roundup 2024
Independence Gold is pleased to announce that they will be exhibiting core from the 3Ts Project at the 2024 AME Roundup Conference, held in Vancouver, BC. The Company can be found in the Core Shack at booth number 927 on Monday and Tuesday January 22 and 23rd, 2024.

2024 年 AME 綜述
Independence Gold很高興地宣佈,他們將在不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華舉行的2024年AME綜述會議上展出3Ts項目的核心。該公司將於1月22日星期一和23日星期二在Core Shack的927號展位上找到第三方,2024。

About Independence
Independence Gold Corp. is a well-financed mineral exploration company with holdings ranging from early-stage grassroots exploration to advanced-stage resource expansion in British Columbia and Yukon. The Company is positioned to add shareholder value through systematic project advancement, while management continues to evaluate additional gold and silver projects for possible acquisition. For additional information, visit the Company's website .

Independence Gold Corp. 是一家資金充足的礦產勘探公司,其持股範圍從早期的基層勘探到不列顛哥倫比亞省和育空地區的後期資源擴張。公司有望通過系統的項目推進增加股東價值,同時管理層將繼續評估其他黃金和白銀項目以進行可能的收購。欲了解更多信息,請訪問公司的網站。

Andy Randell, P.Geo., the Company's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

根據美國國家儀器43-101的定義,P.Geo. 的安迪·蘭德爾已審查並批准了本新聞稿中的技術信息。



"Randy Turner"


Randy Turner, President and CEO


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Suite 580 – 625 Howe, Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 2T6
Telephone: 604-687-3959
Facsimile: 604-687-1448

580 套房 — 625 Howe,溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省 V6C 2T6

All statements in this press release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking information" with respect to Independence within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements with respect to the Company's planned drilling and exploration activities. The Company provides forward-looking statements for the purpose of conveying information about current expectations and plans relating to the future and readers are cautioned that such statements may not be appropriate for other purposes. By its nature, this information is subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that may be general or specific and which give rise to the possibility that expectations, forecasts, predictions, projections or conclusions will not prove to be accurate, that assumptions may not be correct and that objectives, strategic goals and priorities will not be achieved. These risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to those identified and reported in Independence's public filings under Independence Gold Corp.'s SEDAR profile at . Although Independence has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Independence disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise unless required by law.

本新聞稿中的所有陳述,除歷史事實陳述外,均爲適用證券法所指的與獨立性有關的 “前瞻性信息”,包括與公司計劃中的鑽探和勘探活動有關的陳述。公司提供前瞻性陳述的目的是傳達有關當前預期和未來計劃的信息,並提醒讀者,此類陳述可能不適合用於其他目的。就其性質而言,這些信息面臨固有的風險和不確定性,這些風險和不確定性可能是一般性的,也可能是具體的,這些風險和不確定性可能導致預期、預測、預測或結論不準確,假設可能不正確,目標、戰略目標和優先事項可能無法實現。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於獨立黃金公司向獨立黃金公司提交的公開文件中發現和報告的風險和不確定性。”s SEDAR 的個人資料位於 儘管Independence試圖確定可能導致實際行動、事件或結果與前瞻性信息中描述的重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致行動、事件或結果與預期、估計或預期不符。無法保證此類信息會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。除非法律要求,否則獨立性聲明不存在任何更新或修改任何前瞻性信息的意圖或義務,無論這些信息是由於新信息、未來事件還是其他原因造成的。

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