
Lion Rock Enters Into Letter Of Intent to Acquire Volney Lithium Project in the Black Hills

Lion Rock Enters Into Letter Of Intent to Acquire Volney Lithium Project in the Black Hills

Lion Rock 簽訂了收購位於黑山的 Volney 鋰項目的意向書
newsfile ·  2024/01/31 06:01

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 30, 2024) - Lion Rock Resources Inc. (TSXV: ROAR) (FSE: KGB) (the "Company" or "Lion Rock") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (the "LOI") with Tinton Partners, LLC (the "Tinton Partners") to acquire the Volney Lithium Project, strategically located in the northern Black Hills of South Dakota (Figure 1). The Volney Lithium Project is comprised of 114 private land claims extending over 510 ha which is host to the historic Giant Volney pegmatite.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月30日)-Lion Rock Resources Inc (TSXV: ROAR) (FSE: KGB) (那個”公司“或”獅子巖“)很高興地宣佈,它已經簽訂了一份不具約束力的意向書(”LOI“) 與 Tinton Partners, LLC(”丁頓合作伙伴“)收購位於南達科他州黑山北部的戰略位置的沃爾尼鋰項目(圖1)。沃爾尼鋰項目由114塊私人土地主張組成,佔地超過510公頃,是歷史悠久的巨型沃爾尼偉晶岩的所在地。

Figure 1. Lion Rock Resources' Volney Lithium Project map in the Black Hills, South Dakota.

圖 1。 Lion Rock Resources在南達科他州黑山的沃爾尼鋰項目地圖。

Project Highlights


  • The Volney Lithium Property (the "Property"). The Property is 510 ha in the Northwestern district of the Black Hills known as Tinton. Historic pegmatites on the property comprise of seven discrete pegmatite bodies ranging from 10 to 23 m wide, converging to the south to form a single large lithium-rich pegmatite, the Giant Volney, over a known strike length of 635 m at surface (Figure 2).[1] None of the known pegmatites have been drilled below a depth of 50 m. There are 9 claims within the traditional boundaries of the Property which are excluded from the Property (the "Carve Out Property").
  • 沃爾尼鋰業財產(“財產”)。 該物業佔地510公頃,位於被稱爲廷頓的黑山西北地區。該地塊上的歷史偉晶岩由七個離散的偉晶岩體組成,寬度從 10 到 23 m 不等,向南匯聚形成一塊富鋰的大型偉晶岩 Giant Volney,其表面已知走向長度爲 635 m(圖 2)。[1] 所有已知的偉晶岩都沒有鑽探到深度低於50 m的地方。在該財產的傳統邊界內有9項索賠不屬於該財產(”開拓財產“)。
  • Property Geology. Tinton pegmatite camp in the northern Black Hills is underlain by a domal inlier exposing a late Neoarchean greenstone-supracrustal belt heavily invaded by a swarm of 2.61 to 2.48 Ga rare metal pegmatites. The pegmatites at Tinton belong to the same global superswarm of major lithium pegmatites formed at the end of the Archean.[2] The pegmatites were historically mined for Tin with limited investigation into the LCT pegmatite potential.
  • 房地產地質學。 位於黑山北部的丁頓偉晶岩營地的下層是一個洞穴內層,露出新太古代晚期的綠石上結晶帶,被2.61至2.48 Ga的稀有金屬偉晶岩群嚴重入侵。廷頓的偉晶岩屬於太古時代末期形成的主要鋰偉晶岩的同一個全球超級群。[2] 這些偉晶岩歷來是開採錫的,對LCT偉晶岩潛力的研究有限。

Figure 2. Lion Rock Resources' Volney Lithium Project map showing documented pegmatite location from Nellis, 1973.

圖 2。 Lion Rock Resources 的 Volney Lithium Project 地圖顯示了 1973 年來自內利斯的有記錄的偉晶岩位置。

Terms of Option


The LOI provides for the parties to enter into a formal option agreement (the "Option Agreement") under which the Company will be granted the sole and exclusive right and option (the "Option") to acquire the Volney Lithium Project by completing the following cash payments, share issuances and work program expenditures ("Expenditures"), and will be subject to the two royalties described below.

意向書規定雙方簽訂正式的期權協議(”期權協議“) 根據該協議,公司將被授予唯一和排他性的權利和期權(”選項“)通過完成以下現金支付、股票發行和工作計劃支出來收購沃爾尼鋰項目(”支出“),並將繳納下述兩項特許權使用費。

  • Lion Rock shall pay the Tinton Partners US$25,000 upon execution of the LOI (paid);
  • Lion Rock shall pay the Tinton Partners US$475,000 cash within 5 business days of TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") approval ("TSXV Approval") of the Option Agreement;
  • Lion Rock will issue within 5 business days from TSXV Approval such number of common shares in the capital of Lion Rock (the "Shares") to the Tinton Partners in such denominations and names as directed the Partners, as is equal to 9.9% of the issued and outstanding shares of Lion Rock ("Lion Rock Shares") on an undiluted, post-transaction basis and post financing basis to the extent that Lion Rock undertakes financing in connection with the LOI or the Option Agreement;
  • On or before the first anniversary of the TSXV Approval (the "First Anniversary Date"), Lion Rock shall incur a total of US$1,800,000 of exploration expenditures ("Expenditures") on the Property, all of which shall be filed as assessment work with the applicable government registry to maintain the Property in good standing;
  • Within 10 business days of the First Anniversary Date, Lion Rock shall pay US$1,250,000 cash, and issue such additional number of Lion Rock Shares, issued at a price based on the 20 day VWAP immediately prior to the First Anniversary Date, as is equal to the greater of (i) that number of Lion Rock Shares required to maintain the Tinton Partner's shareholdings at an amount equal to 9.9% of the then issued and outstanding Lion Rock Shares calculated as of the First Anniversary Date on an undiluted basis, or (ii) the number of Lion Rock Shares equal to a value of US$500,000 (converted to Canadian dollars using the Bank of Canada exchange rate on the First Anniversary Date);
  • On or before the second anniversary of the TSXV Approval (the "Second Anniversary Date"), Lion Rock shall incur a total of US$3,500,000 of Expenditures on the Property, all of which shall be filed as assessment work with the applicable government registry to maintain the Property in good standing;
  • Within 10 business days following the Second Anniversary Date, Lion Rock shall pay the Tinton Partners US$2,250,000 cash, and issue such additional number of Lion Rock Shares, issued at a price based on the 20 day VWAP immediately prior to the Second Anniversary Date as is equal to the greater of (i) that number of Lion Rock Shares required to maintain The Tinto Partner's shareholdings at an amount equal to 9.9% of the then issued and outstanding Lion Rock Shares calculated as of the Second Anniversary Date on an undiluted basis, or (ii) the number of Lion Rock Shares equal to a value of US$750,000 (converted to Canadian dollars using the Bank of Canada exchange rate on the Second Anniversary Date);
  • Expenditures incurred by any date in excess of the amount of Expenditures required to be incurred by such date shall be carried forward to the succeeding period and qualify as Expenditures for the succeeding period.
  • If Expenditures incurred by any date are less than the amount of Expenditures required to be incurred by such date provided such shortfall shall not exceed 20% of the expected Expenditures, Lion Rock shall have the right, but not the obligation, to pay the shortfall to, or at the direction of, the Tinton Partners in cash within 10 days of such date, in order to maintain the Option in good standing.
  • Such payments in cash in lieu of Expenditures shall be deemed Expenditures incurred on the Property on or before such date.
  • Failure to make any of the Expenditures or payments on a timely basis will result in an immediate termination of the Option.
  • Once Lion Rock has completed the Expenditures and made all payments and issuances of Lion Rock Shares as specified in the Option Agreement, Lion Rock will have exercised the Option and acquired a 100% interest in the Property, other than the Carve Out Property, subject to the royalties described below.
  • Lion Rock應在執行意向書後向Tinton Partners支付25,000美元(已付費);
  • Lion Rock 應在多倫多證券交易所風險投資交易所的 5 個工作日內向 Tinton Partners 支付 475,000 美元的現金(”TSXV“) 批准 (”多倫多證券交易所批准“) 期權協議;
  • Lion Rock將在TSXV批准後的5個工作日內發行Lion Rock資本中相同數量的普通股(”股份“)以合夥人指示的面額和名稱向Tinton Partners轉讓,相當於Lion Rock已發行和流通股份的9.9%(”獅山股票“) 在未稀釋、交易後和融資後的基礎上,前提是Lion Rock承擔與LOI或期權協議相關的融資;
  • 在多倫多證券交易所批准一週年之日或之前(”一週年紀念日“),Lion Rock將產生總額爲1800,000美元的勘探支出(”支出“) 財產上,所有這些都應作爲評估工作提交給相應的政府登記處,以保持財產的良好狀態;
  • 在第一週年紀念日後的10個工作日內,Lion Rock應支付125萬美元現金,併發行此類額外數量的獅子山股票,其發行價格基於一週年日前的20天VWAP,等於 (i) 維持Tinton Partners股權所需的獅子山股票數量的較大值,金額等於截至當日計算的當時已發行和流通的獅子山股票的9.9% 一週年紀念日(未稀釋),或(ii)等於美元價值的獅子山股票數量500,000(使用加拿大銀行一週年日匯率兌換成加元);
  • 在多倫多證券交易所批准兩週年之日或之前(”兩週年紀念日“),Lion Rock將在該財產上產生總額爲350萬美元的支出,所有這些支出都應作爲評估工作提交給相應的政府登記處,以保持財產的良好狀態;
  • 在兩週年紀念日後的10個工作日內,Lion Rock應向Tinton Partners支付225萬美元現金,併發行額外數量的獅子山股票,其發行價格基於緊接二週年日前的20天VWAP,等於 (i) 維持廷託合作伙伴股權所需的獅子山股票數量的較大值,金額等於當時已發行和流通的獅子山股票的9.9% 截至兩週年紀念日(未稀釋),或(ii)獅子山的數量價值等於75萬美元的股票(使用加拿大銀行兩週年日的匯率兌換成加元);
  • 在任何日期之前發生的超過該日所需支出金額的支出應結轉至下一個期間,並符合下一個期間的支出資格。
  • 如果在任何日期之前產生的支出少於在該日期之前所需的支出金額,前提是該短缺不得超過預期支出的20%,則Lion Rock有權但沒有義務在該日期後的10天內以現金向Tinton Partners或按其指示以現金支付缺口,以維持期權的良好信譽。
  • 此類以現金代替支出的款項應視爲在該日期或之前在財產上發生的支出。
  • 未能及時支付任何支出或付款將導致期權立即終止。
  • 一旦Lion Rock按照期權協議的規定完成支出並支付了獅子山股票的所有付款和發行,Lion Rock將行使期權並收購該物業的100%權益,但須繳納下述特許權使用費。

The Parties will enter into (i) a Gross Smelter Returns Royalty Agreement, other than for gold, under which Lion Rock will grant the Partners a 2% GSR on the Property subject to a buy back option exercisable upon the commencement of commercial production for a period of five years in favour of Lion Rock of 1% of the GSR (effectively reducing the GSR to 1%) for US$1,000,000; and (ii) a Net Smelter Returns Royalty Agreement for gold under which Lion Rock will grant the Tinton Partners a 2% NSR on the Property subject to a buy back option exercisable upon the commencement of commercial production for a period of five years in favour of Lion Rock of 1% of the NSR (effectively reducing the NSR to 1%) for US$1,000,000. In all circumstances the royalties will be registered on title and will be assigned with the Property in the event of any sale of the Property, whether in whole or in part.

雙方將簽訂(i)除黃金以外的總冶煉廠回報特許權使用費協議,根據該協議,Lion Rock將向合作伙伴授予該物業2%的GSR,但需在開始商業生產時行使回購期權,爲期五年,以100萬美元的價格向Lion Rock提供GSR的1%(實際上將GSR降至1%);以及(ii)淨冶煉廠回報特許權使用費協議對於黃金,Lion Rock將向Tinton Partners授予該物業2%的淨資產淨回報率,前提是可以行使的回購期權開始商業化生產,爲期五年,以1,000,000美元的價格將NSR的1%用於Lion Rock(實際上將NSR降至1%)。在任何情況下,特許權使用費都將按所有權登記,如果出售全部或部分財產,則特許權使用費將與財產一起分配。

The Share issuances described above will be subject to the prior approval of the TSXV and may require the filing and approval of Personal Information Forms from representatives of the Tinton Partners and shareholder approval if required under TSXV policies.

上述股票發行必須事先獲得多倫多證券交易所的批准,如果多倫多證券交易所的政策要求,可能需要Tinton Partners代表提交和批准個人信息表,並獲得股東的批准。

About the Volney Lithium Project


The Volney Lithium Project is comprised of 114 private land claims totaling 510 ha in the Black Hills. The Property is located 20 km south of Spearfish, South Dakota and approximately 15 km west of Lead. Pegmatites are within a Neoarchean greenstone belt, featuring the Giant Volney pegmatite, historically mined for Tin. The Property is accessible by road and strategically located with proximity to infrastructure and major mining jurisdiction.


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Carl Ginn, P.Geo., consultant to the Company and a Qualified Person pursuant to National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由公司顧問、美國國家儀器43-101規定的合格人員Carl Ginn,P.Geo進行了審查和批准。

About Lion Rock Resources Inc.


Lion Rock Resources Inc. is a brownfields exploration company focused on the Maybrun Copper-Gold Project in northwestern Ontario, approximately 80 km from New Gold's Rainy River Gold Mine and 15 km from First Mining Gold's Cameron Lake Project. The Company also holds properties prospective for lithium in Ontario and Quebec.

Lion Rock Resources Inc. 是一家棕地勘探公司,專注於安大略省西北部的邁布倫銅金項目,距離新金的雷尼河金礦約80公里,距離第一礦業金業的卡梅倫湖項目約15公里。該公司還在安大略省和魁北克省擁有潛在的鋰礦產地。

On Behalf of the Board


R. Dale Ginn, President & Chief Executive Officer
O: 604-678-5308

R. Dale Ginn,總裁兼首席執行官

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


[1] Nellis, D.A., 1973, Tantalum in the Volney Pegmatite, Tinton, South Dakota, Boston, Boston University Ph.D.
[2] Lincoln, P.R, 1954, Pegmatite Investigations 1942-1945 Black Hills, South Dakota.

[1] Nellis,D.A.,1973 年,波士頓波士頓南達科他州廷頓沃爾尼偉晶岩中的鉭博士
[2] 林肯,P.R.,1954 年,《偉晶岩調查》,1942-1945 年,南達科他州布萊克希爾斯。

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