
Sun Summit Defines High Priority Au-Ag Targets at the Finn Zone, JD Project in the Toodoggone District, North-Central B.C.

Sun Summit Defines High Priority Au-Ag Targets at the Finn Zone, JD Project in the Toodoggone District, North-Central B.C.

Sun Summit 定義了位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部圖多貢區的京東項目芬蘭區的高優先級金銀目標
newsfile ·  02/01 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 1, 2024) - Sun Summit Minerals Corp. (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is pleased to announce that it has identified high priority gold and silver drill targets at the Finn zone, central to the recently optioned JD Project in the Toodoggone gold-copper mining district in north-central British Columbia.




  • Significant data compilation has defined priority targets: An ongoing comprehensive review and compilation of property-wide historical data has resulted in the definition of multiple new target areas, including mineralization expansion potential within the Finn Zone.

  • High-grade gold and silver mineralization in historical drill holes at Finn: Results from historical drilling highlight the high-grade gold-silver potential of near-surface epithermal-related mineralization at the Finn zone. Select drill highlights* include:

    • 35.7 m of 7.26 g/t Au including 1 m of 215.4 g/t Au (JD95-0471)
    • 22.0 m of 12.5 g/t Au including 0.8 m of 171.5 g/t Au (JD95-0642)
    • 25.9 m of 6.42 g/t Au including 6.1 m of 12.8 g/t Au (JD94-0151)
    • 22.0 m of 6.32 g/t Au including 12.6 m of 10.8 g/t Au (JD12-0032)
    • 27.8 m of 6.64 g/t Au including 11.0 m of 15.1 g/t Au (JD95-0972)
  • 重要的數據整編已定義出優先目標:整體的歷史數據編譯正在進行綜合審核和整編,已確定多個新的目標區域,包括Finn區域內的礦化擴展潛力。

  • 歷史鑽孔中Finn區域的高品位黃金和白銀礦化:歷史鑽探結果突出了Finn區域淺層表漿熱相關礦化的高品位黃金銀潛力。精選鑽探亮點*包括:

    • 7.26克/噸Au的35.7米,其中包括215.4克/噸Au的1米(JD95-0471) LG CNS的新一代“PerfecTwin ERP Edition”幫助企業客戶從SAP ECC遷移到SAP S/4HANA,在支持普通的SAP S/4HANA升級的同時,以近乎零缺陷率啓動。
    • 12.5克/噸Au的22.0米,其中包括171.5克/噸Au的0.8米(JD95-0642)
    • 6.42克/噸Au的25.9米,其中包括12.8克/噸Au的6.1米(JD94-0151)
    • 6.32克/噸Au的22.0米,其中包括10.8克/噸Au的12.6米(JD12-0032)
    • 6.64克/噸Au的27.8米,其中包括15.1克/噸Au的11.0米(JD95-0972)
  • Multiple target areas defined for follow-up drill testing: The footprint of mineralization at the Finn zone remains open in most directions, and historical data review identified numerous priority areas for initial drill testing to better define the extent of mineralization along-strike, down-dip and at depth. In addition, many historical drill holes were selectively sampled and the current data review suggests that many of these unsampled areas were in prospective geology.
  • 定義了多個目標區域進行後續鑽探測試:Finn區域的礦化足跡在大多數方向上仍然開放,歷史數據審核確定了許多優先區域,用於初步鑽探測試,以更好地定義礦化沿走向,向下傾斜和深度的範圍。此外,許多歷史鑽孔進行了有選擇地採樣,目前的數據審核表明,這些未採樣的區域中的許多區域具有前景地質條件。注:鑽探間隔爲井中埋置長度,實際帶寬未知。

* Note drill intervals are downhole core lengths. True widths are unknown.


"We are very excited to have commenced the compilation and review of historical exploration data from across the JD Project area as a means of identifying high-priority targets within the project, and specifically at the Finn and Creek zones," stated Sharyn Alexander, Sun Summit's President. "This data compilation is the first of its kind for the project, and is a critical component to ongoing target generation and prioritization. The extensive historical data, dating back to the 1970's will provide invaluable insights into the ongoing exploration potential of the project and lead to boots-on-ground exploration work, expected to commence in late May of this year. As the data compilation and review process progresses, we'll continue to report on additional target areas as they emerge."

,“包括在Todoggone金銅礦區中心的JD區塊內。如Sharyn Alexander,Sun Summit公司總裁所述。這次數據整編是該項目的首次嘗試,是推進目標生成和優先級制定的關鍵組成部分。這次廣泛的歷史數據追溯到70年代,將爲該項目的持續勘探提供寶貴的洞見,並導致地面勘探工作的開展,預計將於今年5月底開始。隨着數據整編和審查的進展,我們將繼續報告新的目標領域。JD項目概述。JD項目包括位於卑詩省中北部、土杜貢黃金銅礦區15,000公頃的連續礦權。該項目是高品位表生熱液型金銀體系和斑岩型銅金體系的宿主(圖1)。圖1. 顯示JD項目的主要目標區域。隨着公司目前正在整理、數字化和解釋自1970年代初以來收集的所有歷史勘探數據,並在超過70份公估報告中進行報道。這次數據整編將成爲該公司進行目標選擇和優先級制定的關鍵組成部分。勘探數據包括約16,000個土壤樣品、2,000個岩石樣品、130個溝槽、超過330個鑽孔和衆多的基於地面和空中的地球物理數據集。

JD Project Overview


The JD Project comprises over 15,000 hectares of contiguous mineral claims in the prolific Toodoggone gold-copper mining district in north-central British Columbia. The project is host to high-grade epithermal-related gold-silver systems and porphyry-related copper-gold systems (Figure 1).

圖2. Finn區的歷史鑽探方位和選擇的Au間隔。Finn區的核心由強硅化+粘土+硬脈石改造的混合碎屑岩組成,局部膠結石英並含有黃鐵礦,少量閃鋅礦、方鉛礦和黃銅礦。周圍的表生熱液型改造漸變爲粘土硬脈石和更遠處的蝕變帶爲礦化周邊(成礦區)的葉綠石+綠泥石+/-赤鐵礦組合方式。

Figure 1. JD Project showing key target areas


The Company is currently compiling, digitizing, and interpreting all historical exploration data collected since the early 1970s and reported in over 70 public assessment reports. This data compilation will represent a critical component to ongoing target selection and prioritization. Exploration data includes approximately 16,000 soil samples, 2,000 rock samples, 130 trenches, over 330 drill holes, and numerous ground- and airborne-based geophysical datasets.


Finn Zone


Most of the historical drilling at the JD Project was focused on the Finn target where a broad zone of near-surface, epithermal-related gold-silver mineralization has been defined (Figure 2). Mineralization is primarily hosted in the hanging wall of a gently north-dipping, northeast-striking, inferred reverse fault (Figure 3). The fault, traced for over 1.5 kilometres along strike to the west from the Finn zone, separates two andesite-dominant lithological units of the Toodoggone Formation (Metsantan and McClair members). Faulting and subsequent mineralization likely exploited a volcaniclastic unit, at the base the Metsantan member, where epithermal-related fluids were focused along permeable volcanic breccias.

JD項目概述針對Finn目標 定義了廣泛的近地表的表生熱液型金銀礦化帶(圖3)。礦化主要寄生於一個漸緩向北傾斜、東北走向的推斷性逆斷層的 hanging wall 中(圖3)。該斷層從Finn區向西沿走向長達1.5千米,將Todoggone組的兩個安山岩佔優勢的巖性單元(Metsantan和McClair成員)分開。斷裂和隨之而來的礦化可能利用了火山碎屑岩單元,即Metsantan成員基底附近的部位,表生熱液型流體沿着滲透性火山角礫岩聚集。

Figure 2. Historical drill collars and select downhole Au intervals at the Finn zone

圖3. Finn區歷史鑽探抽芯和選擇的Au間隔。

The core of the Finn zone consists of strongly silica+clay+sericite altered polymictic breccias, locally cemented with quartz and mineralized with pyrite with lesser sphalerite, galena, and chalcopyrite. Peripheral to the high grade core, epithermal-related alteration grades into sericite+chlorite+pyrite and more distal epidote+chlorite+/-hematite assemblages.


Most of the drilling from the 1990s at the Finn zone targeted the higher-grade core covering a footprint of approximately 300 metres by 100 metres within which drill holes were mostly collared on 25 metre centres. Although drilling, logging and surveying methods were completed to industry standards, core sampling was locally selective and left significant gaps in sampling. Some drill holes ended in Au-Ag mineralization and were not followed up with additional drilling. More recent drilling in 2012 and 2013 tested the margins of the Finn zone and extended the zone of mineralization down-dip for 350 metres and along strike for 500 metres.


Based on this review of historical drilling at the Finn zone, numerous priority areas for initial drill testing have been defined. These include:


  • Infill drilling near the center of the high-grade core to verify historical grades, confirm structural controls while drilling deeper to investigate the geometry and grade of the locally strongly mineralized footwall zone (e.g., JD12-009).
  • Step-out drilling down-dip towards hole JD12-015 to investigate mineralization continuity and to explore for additional higher-grade zones.
  • Step-out drilling along-strike towards hole JD13-024 to systematically test the low-angle fault zone for additional Finn zone-style high-grade gold-silver mineralization.
  • 通過向下竄探鑽處理JD12-015孔,探究礦化連續性並探索額外的更高品位區域。
  • 通過向沿着走向竄探鑽探究JD13-024孔,系統測試低傾角斷層帶是否存在額外的芬恩區式高品位金銀礦化。

Data compilation is ongoing and additional target areas will be reported as the process continues.


Figure 3. North-south section of the high grade core of the Finn zone


Table 1. Select historical drillhole intercepts from the Finn zone


Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Interval (m)* Au (g/t) Ag (g/t)
JD94-15 15.8 41.8 25.9 6.4 8.4
including 34.1 40.2 6.1 12.8 6.4
JD94-16 9.8 39.0 29.3 3.7 12.3
including 31.1 37.2 6.1 10.9 8.9
JD94-18 4.6 26.8 22.3 6.1 7.2
including 14.3 20.4 6.1 18.5 13.0
JD94-24 7.9 28.7 20.7 4.9 8.4
including 16.2 25.6 9.4 9.6 10.5
JD95-47 38.9 74.6 35.7 7.26 94.1
including 51.0 74.6 23.6 10.9 135.6
including 66.0 67.0 1.0 215.4 307.8
JD95-64 20.0 42.0 22.0 12.5 25.1
including 25.2 38.0 12.8 20.3 35.5
including 25.2 26.0 0.8 171.5 1.0
JD95-76 34.0 79.0 45.0 3.0 143.2
including 52.0 57.0 5.0 8.2 917.7
including 65.6 77.0 11.4 6.9 14.1
JD95-85 17.4 37.5 20.1 7.4 37.7
including 23.0 35.5 12.5 11.8 45.3
JD95-97 3.1 30.9 27.8 6.6 51.8
including 15.0 26.0 11.0 15.1 107.8
JD95-124 8.2 15.0 6.7 13.4 10.8
including 11.7 15.0 3.3 21.4 11.5
JD12-02 26.0 57.5 31.5 3.6 52.2
including 53.0 56.0 3.0 13.0 23.8
JD12-03 22.0 44.0 22.0 6.3 46.3
including 30.0 42.6 12.6 10.8 65.7
JD12-09 3.1 94.0 91.0 1.0 2.4
including 3.1 46.0 43.0 1.9 3.6
including 29.0 40.0 11.0 2.5 5.5
JD12-15 82.0 138.0 56.0 0.9 1.6
including 86.0 112.0 26.0 1.3 2.4
including 94.0 102.0 8.0 3.0 3.2
JD13-24 113.0 125.0 12.0 1.8 38.1
including 119.0 124.3 5.3 3.7 39.5
鑽孔 從(m) 到(m) 區間(m)* Au(g/t) Ag(g/t)
JD94-15 15.8 41.8 25.9 6.4 8.4
包括 34.1 40.2 6.1 12.8 6.4
JD94-16 9.8 截至2023年9月30日和2022年12月31日,原預期履行期限小於3個月的驗收合同的未完成成本不到3,800萬美元,分別被記錄在預付費用和其他流動資產中。因需固定生產設備賃賃費用、未滿足目前項目的驗收義務、部分工程項目的資本化以及ISDNA的一隊團隊的租金和擴展費用,公司分別向其記錄了79萬美元和75萬美元的資本化利息。在2023年9月30日和2022年12月31日,利息收入爲90萬美元和58萬美元,相應地記錄爲其他收入,詳見附註8“借款、融資租賃和其他融資成本”. 29.3 3.7 費用和費用 - 費用
包括 31.1 37.2 6.1 10.9 8.9
JD94-18 4.6 26.8 22.3 6.1 7.2
包括 14.3 20.4 6.1 18.5 13.0
JD94-24 7.9 28.7 20.7 4.9 8.4
包括 16.2 25.6開多 9.4 9.6 10.5
JD95-47 38.9 74.6 35.7 7.26 94.1
包括 51.0 74.6 23.6 10.9 135.6
包括 66.0 67.0 1.0 215.4 307.8
JD95-64 20.0 42.0 22.0 12.5 25.1
包括 25.2 38.0 12.8 20.3 35.5
包括 25.2 26.0 0.8 171.5 1.0
JD95-76 34.0 79.0 45.0 3.0 143.2
包括 52.0 57.0 5.0 8.2 917.7
包括 65.6 770.0 11.4 6.9 14.1
JD95-85 17.4 3750萬美元將在Legacy GeneDx集團2023財年的營收達到或超過6000萬美元時到期和應付;前提是,如果Legacy GeneDx集團在該期間實現了其營業收入目標,則第二個里程碑付款的1%至2%將變爲可支付金額。 20.1 7.4 37.7
包括 23.0 35.5 12.5 11.8 45.3
JD95-97 3.1 30.9 27.8 6.6 51.8
包括 15.0 26.0 11.0 15.1 107.8
JD95-124 8.2 15.0 6.7 13.4 10.8
包括 11.7 15.0 3.3 21.4 11.5 違約利息:如果您或有關方未能在本協議項下的任何金額到期時爲我們支付該等金額,則我們保留按逾期未付款項的未付金額計算的利息收取權利(無論判決前後),利率爲該貨幣的1個月擔保過夜融資利率(SOFR)加1%,或者如果該利率不可獲得,則爲我們和您或有關方在善意上相互協商的利率。利息將按照複合日計息,每月複利重置的方式計算,並由相關方作爲單獨的債務到期應付。
JD12-02 26.0 57.5 31.5 3.6 52.2
包括 53.0 56.0 3.0 13.0 23.8
JD12-03 22.0 44.0 22.0 6.3 46.3
包括 30.0 42.6 12.6 10.8 65.7
JD12-09 3.1 94.0 91.0 1.0 2.4
包括 3.1 46.0 43.0 1.9 3.6
包括 29.0 與Allist協議有關,在2021年12月,雙方還簽署了一份聯合臨床合作協議(“臨床合作”),規定了雙方合作和共同承擔全球臨床研究成本的框架。在2024年3月31日和2023年的三個月期間內,公司分別支出了1,200萬美元的成本補償金,這已在臨床協作協議下記爲研究和發展費用貸方。對於2024年3月31日和2023年的每個三個月期間,公司還有資格從Allist獲得1200萬美元的費用補償金,這已被記錄爲減少研究和開發費用。公司按照ASC 808《合作安排》進行了臨床合作評估。 11.0 2.5 5.5
JD12-15 82.0 138.0 56.0 0.9 1.6
包括 86.0 112.0 26.0 1.3 2.4
包括 94.0 102.0 8.0 3.0 公司將按照計劃所規定的條件出售和發行普通股。這些普通股已獲得授權並將在全額支付所規定的代價的情況下發行,且按照計劃中的規定獎勵。作爲開曼群島法律規定,只有在其已被納入成員(股東)登記冊時,股份才被認爲已發行。
JD13-24 113.0 125.0 12.0 1.8 38.1
包括 119.0 124.3 5.3 3.7 39.5

* Note drill intervals are downhole core lengths. True widths are unknown.

* 注意鑽探間隙是鑽孔長度,真實寬度未知。

National Instrument 43-101 Disclosure


This news release has been reviewed and approved by Sun Summit's Vice President Exploration, Ken MacDonald, P. Geo., a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects of the Canadian Securities Administrators. He has not been able to verify the historical exploration data disclosed, including sampling, analytical and test data, underlying the technical information in this news release since such data is historical and the original drill core is not readily available. Technical information contained in this release is historical in nature and has been compiled from public sources believed to be accurate. The technical information has not been verified by Sun Summit and may in some instances be unverifiable dependent on the existence of historical drill core and grab samples.

本新聞發佈已由Sun Summit的勘探副總裁Ken MacDonald, P.Geo.檢查和獲得批准,他是加拿大證券管理機構第43-101號國家儀器定義的“有資格人士”。由於這些數據是歷史數據且原始鑽孔核心不易獲得,因此他無法驗證所披露的歷史勘探數據(包括取樣、分析和測試數據)對本新聞發佈中的技術信息的基礎。本發佈中的技術信息具有歷史性,已從公開來源編制,被認爲準確。Sun Summit尚未驗證技術信息,並且在某些情況下可能無法驗證技術信息,具體取決於歷史鑽孔核心和碎片取樣的存在與否。遵守礦業項目披露標準("NI 43-101")後,在SEDAAR+上對Bilboes硫化物金項目("項目")的單階段開發進行了初步經濟評估報告。PEA的拷貝題爲"Bilboes Gold Project Preliminary Economic Assessment",有效日期爲2024年5月30日,由DRA Projects(Pty)Ltd("DRA")編制,反映本公告中所包含的摘要信息,同時也將在公司的網站上提供。所有金額均以美元計算。社區參與:Sun Summit正在與我們項目所在領土上的原住民進行接觸,並討論他們的興趣,並識別合同和工作機會以及支持社區倡議的機會。該公司期待繼續與當地和區域的原住民共同進行勘探。

Community Engagement

關於JD項目:JD項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone採礦區,這是一個非常有前途的含礦牀礦產趨勢。該項目涵蓋了一個超過15,000公頃的區域,並且靠近正在進行的勘探和開發項目,例如Thesis Gold的律政與牧場項目,TDG Gold的貝克-莎斯塔項目,Centerra Gold的Kemess East(金)和地下項目,以及 Kemess開放式銅金礦的地方礦。該項目位於距離Prince George市450公里以北,並且靠近斯特迪機場以北25公里處。它接近現有的基礎設施,可支持 Kemess礦山的開採,包括道路和一條水電線路。JD項目位於有利的地質環境中,表現爲高品位淺成因金銀礦化和斑岩型銅金礦化。該物業上已經開展了一些歷史勘探活動,包括鑽探、地球化學和地球物理學等活動,但該項目區域在很大程度上尚未得到充分勘探。

Sun Summit is engaging with First Nations on whose territory our projects are located and is discussing their interests and identifying contract and work opportunities, as well as opportunities to support community initiatives. The Company looks forward to continuing to work with local and regional First Nations with ongoing exploration.

關於Sun Summit:Sun Summit Minerals Corp.定位爲探索性的礦產勘探和開發公司,專注於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省的富有潛力的礦產區域的探索,其股票在加拿大證券交易所上市,交易代碼爲SMN。

About the JD Project

JD Project簡介:JD Project位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone採礦區,被認爲是具有前途的銅、金、銀礦化趨勢。該項目涵蓋了一個超過15,000公頃的區域,並且靠近正在進行的勘探和開發項目,例如Thesis Gold的律政與牧場項目,TDG Gold的貝克-莎斯塔項目,Centerra Gold的Kemess East(金)和地下項目,以及 Kemess開放式銅金礦的地方礦。

The JD Project is located in the Toodoggone mining district in north-central British Columbia, a highly prospective deposit-rich mineral trend. The project covers an area of over 15,000 hectares and is in close proximity to active exploration and development projects, such as Thesis Gold's Lawyers and Ranch projects, TDG Gold's Baker-Shasta projects, Centerra's Gold's Kemess East and Underground projects, as well as the past-producing Kemess open pit copper-gold mine.

項目位置:JD項目位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的Toodoggone採礦區,距離Price George市450公里以北,距離斯特迪機場以北25公里,接近Kemess East(金)-Kemess Underground(Kemess地下)-Kemess Open Pit銅-金礦、Thesis Gold的律政與牧場項目、TDG Gold的貝克-莎斯塔項目等在該區域內進行的勘探和開發項目。

The project is 450 kilometres northwest of the city of Prince George, and 25 kilometres north of the Sturdee airstrip. It is proximal to existing infrastructure in place to support the past-producing Kemess mine, including roads and a hydroelectric power line.


The JD Project is in a favourable geological environment characterized by both high-grade epithermal gold and silver mineralization, as well as porphyry-related copper and gold mineralization. Some historic exploration, including drilling, geochemistry and geophysics, has been carried out on the property, however the project area is largely underexplored.


About Sun Summit

關於Sun Summit Minerals Corp.:Sun Summit Minerals Corp.是一家定位爲礦產勘探和開發的探索公司,其專注於加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省內的高潛力礦產區域的勘探。

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) is a mineral exploration company focused on expansion and discovery of district scale gold and copper assets in British Columbia. The Company's diverse portfolio includes the Buck Project in central B.C, and the JD Project in the Toodoggone region of north-central B.C.

Sun Summit Minerals (TSXV: SMN) (OTCQB: SMREF) 是一家礦產勘探公司,專注於在英屬哥倫比亞省擴大和發現區域規模的黃金和銅類資產。該公司擁有各種投資組合,其中包括位於中部不列顛哥倫比亞省的Buck項目和位於英屬哥倫比亞省中北部Toodoggone地區的JD項目。

Further details are available at .




  1. Krause, R.G. (1995), 1994 Geological and Geochemical Report on the JD Gold Silver Property, Toodoggone River Area, Omineca Mining Division, British Columbia, Assessment Report Indexing System, Report 23663, .

  2. Krause, R.G. (1996), 1995 Geological Report on the JD Gold Silver Property, Toodoggone River Area, Omineca Mining Division, British Columbia, Assessment Report Indexing System, Report 24284, .

  3. McBride, S. (2013), 2012 Geological, geochemical and diamond drilling report on the JD Property, Assessment Report Indexing System, Report 33556, .

  4. McBride, S. and Leslie, C. (2014), 2013 Geological, geophysical and diamond drilling report on the JD Property, Assessment Report Indexing System, Report 34762, .

  1. Krause, R.G. (1995), 1994年有關JD金銀物業、Toodoggone River地區、Omineca礦業區的地質和地球化學報告,評估報告索引系統,報告編號23663。

  2. Krause, R.G. (1996), 1995年有關JD金銀物業、Toodoggone River地區、Omineca礦業區的地質報告,評估報告索引系統,報告編號24284。

  3. McBride, S. (2013), 2012年有關JD物業的地質、地球化學和金剛石鑽探報告,評估報告索引系統,報告編號33556。

  4. McBride, S. 和 Leslie, C. (2014),2013年有關JD物業的地質、物理勘查和金剛石鑽探報告,評估報告索引系統,報告編號34762。

Link to Figures


Figure 1:


Figure 2:


Figure 3:


On behalf of the board of directors


Brian Lock


For further information, contact:


Sharyn Alexander


Matthew Benedetto
Simone Capital

Simone Capital

Tel. 416-817-1226


Forward-Looking Information


Statements contained in this news release that are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements, which involve risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. In addition, the forward-looking statements require management to make assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. There is significant risk that the forward-looking statements will not prove to be accurate, that the management's assumptions may not be correct and that actual results may differ materially from such forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Generally forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "anticipate", "will", "expect", "may", "continue", "could", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential" and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may include, but are not limited to, potential mineralization on the JD Project and the Buck Project, exploration plans, and engagement with First Nations communities. These forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions which may prove to be incorrect which, without limiting the generality of the following, include: risks inherent in exploration activities; the impact of exploration competition; unexpected geological or hydrological conditions; changes in government regulations and policies, including trade laws and policies; failure to obtain necessary permits and approvals from government authorities; volatility and sensitivity to market prices; volatility and sensitivity to capital market fluctuations; the ability to raise funds through private or public equity financings; environmental and safety risks including increased regulatory burdens; weather and other natural phenomena; and other exploration, development, operating, financial market and regulatory risks. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof or the dates specifically referenced in this press release, where applicable. Except as required by applicable securities laws and regulation, Sun Summit disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


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