
Geochemical Results From Newpath's Alpha/Bravo Project Continue to Support the Potential for LCT Pegmatites Target Areas Identified for Follow Up Exploration Planned for 2024

Geochemical Results From Newpath's Alpha/Bravo Project Continue to Support the Potential for LCT Pegmatites Target Areas Identified for Follow Up Exploration Planned for 2024

newsfile ·  02/05 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 5, 2024) - Newpath Resources Inc. (CSE: PATH) (FSE:0MZ) (OTC PINK: RDYFF) ("Newpath" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the preliminary analyses of analytical results received from the prospecting program carried out on its Alpha/Bravo Project (the "Project") during the late summer and fall of 2023. In addition to the Hilltop Pegmatite Showing (See November 22, 2023 news release), a preliminary review of the analytical results received in December has allowed the Company to refine and prioritize additional target areas that will be pursued in 2024.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 5 日)— Newpath Resources Inc.(CSE: PATH)(FSE: 0MZ)(場外交易代碼:RDYFF)(”新路徑“或者”公司“) 很高興提供對其Alpha/Bravo項目(”)開展的探礦計劃所得分析結果的初步分析的最新情況項目“) 在 2023 年的夏末和秋季。除了山頂偉晶岩展覽(見2023年11月22日新聞稿)外,對12月收到的分析結果的初步審查使公司能夠完善和優先考慮將在2024年追求的其他目標區域。

Alpha/Bravo 2023 Exploration Program Highlights

Alpha/Bravo 2023 探索計劃亮點

  • Key trace element (Li, Cs, Rb and Ta) whole rock and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy ("LIBS") analyses of samples collected from the Alpha/Bravo Project yield results consistent with trace element signatures and diagnostic rare earth element ratios associated with fertile granites, beryl type and spodumene subtype pegmatites.
  • In addition to the Hilltop Target Area, whole rock major element analyses identifies three new target areas centred on peraluminous, potentially fertile granite occurrences on the Alpha/Bravo Project
  • 關鍵微量元素(Li、Cs、Rb 和 Ta)全巖和激光誘導擊穿光譜(”LIBS“) 對從Alpha/Bravo項目收集的樣本進行分析得出的結果與與肥沃花崗岩、綠柱石型和鋰輝石亞型偉晶岩相關的微量元素特徵和診斷性稀土元素比率一致。
  • 除山頂目標區域外,全巖主要元素分析還確定了三個新的目標區域,這些區域以Alpha/Bravo項目中可能肥沃的過鋁質花崗岩礦點爲中心

Although the Company has not yet visually identified spodumene or other lithium bearing minerals on the Project, geochemical analyses of whole rock samples and LIBS scans of lithium indicator minerals have identified a number of positive indicators that support a favourable setting prospective for lithium-cesium-tantalum ("LCT") pegmatite deposits including;

儘管該公司尚未目視識別出該項目中的鋰輝石或其他含鋰礦物,但對整個岩石樣本的地球化學分析以及對鋰指示礦物的LIBS掃描已經確定了許多積極的指標,這些指標支持了鋰-銫-鉭的有利前景(”LCT“) 偉晶岩沉積物包括;

  • Elevated lithium and cesium contents in muscovite *
  • Elevated Rb and Cs contents in potassic feldspar *
  • K/Rb ratios from potassic feldspar *
  • Trace element analyses of 74 samples yielded Mg/Li ratios of less than thirty (30) and 28 samples yielded Nb/Ta ratios of less than eight (8), indicating a high degree of fractionation.
  • 白雲母中鋰和銫含量升高*
  • 鉀長石中 Rb 和 Cs 含量升高*
  • 來自鉀長石的 K/Rb 比率 *
  • 對74個樣品的微量元素分析得出的Mg/Li比率小於三十(30),28個樣本得出的Nb/Ta比率小於八(8),這表明分餾程度很高。

Just like other exploration companies exploring for LCT pegmatites in the Quetico Subprovince, the Company relied on an extensive body of research to assess whole rock and individual mineral geochemistry. In particular, the work by Selway, Breaks and Tindle (2008); summarized in A Review of Rare-Element (Li-Cs-Ta) Pegmatite Exploration Techniques for the Superior Province, Canada, and Large Worldwide Tantalum Deposits. Their research described a range of bulk trace element contents and rare element ratios associated with fertile granites and ranges of element compositions from bulk potassic feldspar and muscovite analyses associated with fertile granites, beryl type and spodumene subtype pegmatites. Based on these criteria, a large proportion of the geochemical results from whole rock analyses of samples collected from the Alpha/Bravo Project are consistent with the ranges of elements and associated rare earth element ratios associated with fertile granites. Furthermore, LIBS analyses of individual K feldspar and muscovite grains found within pegmatites found on the property have yielded ranges of element (Li, Cs, K, Rb) compositions and trace element ratios that are also favourable. Based on these results, the Company has identified four target areas (Including Hilltop) for follow up exploration in 2024.

就像其他在奎蒂科分省勘探LCT偉晶岩的勘探公司一樣,該公司依靠大量的研究來評估整個岩石和單個礦物的地球化學。特別是 Selway、Breaks and Tindle(2008)的作品;總結於 加拿大蘇必利爾省和全球大型鉭礦牀稀有元素(Li-Cs-Ta)偉晶岩勘探技術綜述 他們的研究描述了一系列與肥沃花崗岩相關的體積微量元素含量和稀有元素比率,以及與肥沃花崗岩、綠柱石型和鋰輝石亞型偉晶岩相關的塊狀鉀長石和白雲母分析得出的各種元素成分。根據這些標準,對從Alpha/Bravo項目收集的樣品進行全巖分析得出的很大一部分地球化學結果與與肥沃花崗岩相關的元素範圍和相關的稀土元素比率一致。此外,LIBS對在該地質上發現的偉晶岩中發現的單個K長石和白雲母顆粒進行了分析,得出的元素(Li、Cs、K、Rb)成分和微量元素比率也很不錯。基於這些結果,該公司確定了2024年後續勘探的四個目標區域(包括山頂)。

During the first-pass prospecting programme approximately 450 outcrops were visited, 113 pegmatites evaluated and 142 representative grab, float and channel samples were collected and submitted for analyses. Although most of the accessible roads were prospected, the sample density remains sparse and a second, more focussed phase of prospecting and mapping will be required to follow up on positive geochemical results from the 2023 program, particularly in areas with no road access.


Sampling and Analytical Protocols


Newpath's field consultants implemented industry standard sampling, analytical and QA/QC protocols during the collection of all rock samples collected during the 2023 exploration campaign from the Alpha/Bravo Project. Grab samples were collected in the field with a hammer, channel samples were collected using a rock saw to cut parallel cuts and collected by hammer and chisel. The vast majority of samples collected were greater than 1 kg in weight. The internal QA/QC protocol included inserting and monitoring either an OREAS lithium standard or blank material approximately every twenty samples collected.


All rock grab samples were put in sturdy plastic bags, tagged, and sealed by the field geologists. Sample bags were then put in rice sacks and kept secure before delivered by our exploration consultants to AGAT Laboratories Ltd. ("AGAT") in Thunder Bay, Ontario. AGAT is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standards and certified to ISO 9001:2015.

所有岩石採集樣本都裝在堅固的塑料袋中,由野外地質學家貼上標籤並密封。然後將樣品袋放入大米袋中並妥善保管,然後由我們的勘探顧問交付給AGAT實驗室有限公司。(”AGAT“)在安大略省桑德貝。AGAT 已獲得 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 標準的認證,並獲得了 ISO 9001:2015 認證。

Field crews used a SciAps Z903 LIBS handheld scanner to analyze specific minerals in rock samples. The LIBS unit was initially calibrated by SciAps, Inc. using a matrix matched Li pegmatite calibration based on commercially available standard reference materials. The LIBS unit calibration was also checked regularly in the field utilizing the same standards.

現場工作人員使用 sciAPS Z903 LIBS 手持式掃描儀來分析岩石樣本中的特定礦物。LIBS 單元最初由 SciAps, Inc. 使用基於市售標準參考材料的矩陣匹配鋰偉晶岩校準進行校準。還使用相同的標準定期在現場檢查LIBS單元校準。

*The geochemical results from the LIBs scanner are considered semi quantitative and being used by the Company in a comparative context. The primary objective is to identify fractionation trends by assessing the relative concentrations of lithium, cesium, potassium, and rubidium within specific indicator minerals, primarily K-feldspar and Muscovite minerals. Due to the limitations and uncertainties associated with handheld LIBS technology, the company does not exclusively depend on LIBS analyses for determining the element compositions of entire rock or mineral samples.


Due to the high degree of variability and heterogeneity in the sampled pegmatites and granites, the reported sample analyses may not be representative of the overall mineralization/characteristics of the bedrock.


Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Douglas S. Turnbull, P.Geo., the Company's COO and a "Qualified Person" as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由道格拉斯·特恩布爾、P.Geo.、該公司首席運營官和國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準中定義的 “合格人士” 審查和批准。

Acknowledgment of First Nations


Newpath Resources Inc. is committed to fostering lasting, transparent, trust-based relationships with the Indigenous communities where we operate. We respectfully acknowledge that our Alpha/Bravo project is on the traditional territories of many Nations including Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek, Fort William First Nation, Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek, Red Rock Indian Band, the Metis Nation of Ontario and Red Sky Metis Independent Nation.

Newpath Resources Inc. 致力於與我們開展業務的土著社區建立持久、透明、基於信任的關係。我們恭敬地承認,我們的Alpha/Bravo項目位於許多國家的傳統領土上,包括Biinjitiwaabik Zaaging Anishinaabek、Fort William First Nation、Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek、Red Rock Indian Band、安大略梅蒂斯民族和紅天梅蒂斯獨立國家。

Newpath Resources recognizes the great privilege of conducting work on these lands and recognizes the accountability and commitment we owe to the communities who have resided here since time immemorial. Newpath shares a common interest in ensuring that the lands and waters will continue to provide cultural, environmental, and economic wellbeing for Indigenous communities for generations to come.

Newpath Resources認識到在這些土地上開展工作的巨大榮幸,並認可我們對自遠古以來一直居住在這裏的社區負有的責任和承諾。Newpath在確保土地和水域能夠爲子孫後代繼續爲土著社區提供文化、環境和經濟福祉方面有着共同的利益。

About Newpath Resources Inc.

關於 Newpath 資源公司

Newpath is a Canadian exploration company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol PATH. Newpath's early-stage Orefield critical metal exploration project, which is composed of three claim groups (Alpha Bravo, Charlie and Delta), totals 3,180 claim units covering approximately 67,448 hectares (approximately 674 square kilometres) west and southwest of Lake Nipigon in Northern Ontario. The company also wholly owns the Northshore gold project located in the Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt.

Newpath是一家在加拿大證券交易所上市的加拿大勘探公司,股票代碼爲PATH。Newpath的早期Orefield關鍵金屬勘探項目由三個索賠組(Alpha Bravo、Charlie和Delta)組成,共有3,180個索賠單元,覆蓋安大略省北部尼皮貢湖西部和西南部的約67,448公頃(約674平方千米)。該公司還全資擁有位於施雷伯-赫姆洛綠巖帶的北岸黃金項目。

On Behalf of the Company,




"Alexander McAulay"
Chief Executive Officer
CEO Direct Line: +1 (604) 365-0425

首席執行官直線電話:+1 (604) 365-0425

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information


This news release may contain certain "forward-looking information". Forward-looking information included in this news release includes, but is not limited to, statements with respect to the exploration work on the Project. Forward-looking information is based upon the assumptions and estimates considered reasonable by management of the Company as of the date such statements are made. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, including the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, fluctuating commodity prices, the effectiveness and feasibility of lithium extraction technologies on a commercial scale , and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Although management of the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. As a result, readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Any statement containing forward looking information speaks only as of the date of this news release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

本新聞稿可能包含某些 “前瞻性信息”。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息包括但不限於有關該項目勘探工作的陳述。前瞻性信息基於截至發表此類陳述之日公司管理層認爲合理的假設和估計。前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的風險、不確定性、假設,包括礦產勘探和開發的投機性質、大宗商品價格的波動、鋰開採技術在商業規模上的有效性和可行性,以及可能導致公司的實際業績、業績或成就與前瞻性信息所表達或暗示的任何未來業績、業績或成就存在重大差異的其他因素。儘管公司管理層試圖確定可能導致實際業績與前瞻性陳述或前瞻性信息中包含的業績存在重大差異的重要因素,但可能還有其他因素導致業績不如預期、估計或預期。無法保證此類陳述會被證明是準確的,因爲實際結果和未來事件可能與此類陳述中的預期存在重大差異。因此,提醒讀者不要過分依賴任何前瞻性信息。任何包含前瞻性信息的聲明僅代表截至本新聞發佈之日,除非適用的證券法另有要求,否則公司不承擔任何更新任何前瞻性信息的意圖或義務,無論這些信息是由於新信息、未來事件或業績或其他原因造成的。

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