
E-Tech Resources Unravels Regional-Scale Rare Earth Potential at Its Eureka Tenement in Namibia

E-Tech Resources Unravels Regional-Scale Rare Earth Potential at Its Eureka Tenement in Namibia

E-Tech Resources揭示了其位於納米比亞的尤里卡礦權的區域規模稀土潛力
newsfile ·  02/06 09:40

Halifax, Nova Scotia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 6, 2024) - E-Tech Resources Inc. (TSXV: REE) (FSE: K2I) ("E-Tech" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update on the 2023 exploration activities on its 100%-owned Eureka project on Exclusive Prospecting License ("EPL") 6762 in Namibia.

新斯科舍省哈利法克斯--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 6 日)-E-Tech Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REE)(FSE:K2I)(”電子科技“或者”公司“)很高興提供其在納米比亞擁有100%股權的尤里卡獨家勘探許可證(“EPL”)6762項目2023年勘探活動的最新情況。

E-Tech implemented corporate and exploration management changes in the second half of 2023 (see press releases of July 17, 2023 and October 16, 2023), which resulted in the Company reassessing and revising its exploration strategy and approach.


The reassessment of historic data in 2023 resulted in a revised view of the lithological and structural setting of the light rare earth element ("LREE") mineralization on the Eureka project and the immediate roll-out of an exploration program including a systematic property-wide geochemical soil sampling program covering the "Eureka dome" structure and selected ultra high-resolution drone-based magnetic surveys in Q4 2023.

2023年對歷史數據的重新評估導致對尤里卡項目輕稀土元素(“LREE”)礦化的巖性和結構背景進行了修訂,並立即啓動了一項勘探計劃,包括覆蓋 “尤里卡穹頂” 結構的系統地球化學土壤採樣計劃,以及2023年第四季度精選的超高分辨率無人機磁力測量。

Key results of the integration of all new and historic data are:


- Seven large soil geochemical LREE anomalies occur in a specific stratigraphic and structural corridor within the Eureka dome. With only one of these anomalies explored ("Eureka Central"), the exploration potential on EPL 6762 increased manyfold.

-七個大型土壤地球化學 LREE 異常發生在尤里卡穹頂內的特定地層和結構走廊中。由於只勘探了其中一個異常(“尤里卡中部”),EPL 6762的勘探潛力增加了許多倍。

- Further potential exploration upside exists on the Company's recently secured EPL 8748, which covers at least a similar portion of the potential continuation of the zone as EPL 6762.

-該公司最近獲得的EPL 8748還有進一步的潛在勘探上行空間,它至少涵蓋了該區域潛在延伸部分與EPL 6762相似的部分。

- First ground truthing by the field crew already confirmed the occurrence of monazite (the main LREE-bearing mineral on the property) in three of the six new targets.


- The preliminary interpretation of the ultra-high resolution aeromagnetic data produced by Flightec indicates spectacular high resolution, potentially mineralized structures, in both previously known and new targets.


CEO Todd Burlingame says, "The new data obtained from the late 2023 exploration program indicates that there is likely to be a multifold repeatability of the known Eureka Central mineralization on a regional scale on E-Tech's property. This, combined with enhanced geophysical tools and the first boots on the ground on the new EPL 8748 will allow us to expand our exploration activities on a regional scale. I am excited to see how integration and reinterpretation of all the data will get us going in 2024."

首席執行官託德·伯林格姆說, “從2023年底的勘探計劃中獲得的新數據表明,E-Tech的財產在區域範圍內已知的尤里卡中央礦化可能具有多倍的可重複性。再加上增強的地球物理工具和新EPL 8748的首批地面靴子,將使我們能夠在區域範圍內擴大勘探活動。我很高興看到所有數據的整合和重新解釋將如何推動我們在2024年前進。”

Geochemical soil survey


The Eureka project soil geochemical database entails approximately 33,000 samples by the end of 2023 covering all ground prospective for rare earth element ("REE") mineralization. The historic database of E-Tech comprises 11,745 sample points where leptosoils were sieved to <1 mm and analyzed in-situ with the Company's pXRF analyzer. The data of 20 m by 20 m grids cover irregularly shaped clusters throughout EPL 6762. The data points form part of the consolidated soil database.


In Q4 2023, the Company's field team and Gecko Exploration ("GEX") embarked on a systematic soil sampling program on N-S oriented sample lines on a grid of 40 m line spacing and 20 m sample spacing covering the entire potentially prospective area on EPL 6762.

2023年第四季度,該公司的現場團隊和Gecko Exploration(“GEX”)在覆蓋EPL 6762的整個潛在潛在區域的網格上對朝北南的樣本線進行了系統的土壤採樣計劃,該網格線的線間距爲40 m,樣本間距爲20 m。

With the GEX sampling logistics and system in place, 22,295 samples were collected in 10 weeks. Samples of the <1 mm fraction were taken in the field and pXRF analysis conducted at the clean facilities of the Company's Karibib office. The sample material is safely stored at Karibib and is sufficient for further full laboratory analysis if required at a later point.


Figure 1: The >33,000 soil sample geochemical database clearly delineates seven large lanthanum anomalies. The field crew already identified monazite in lithic leptosoils outside the historic prospect of Eureka Central at the new Eureka East and Eureka North prospects.

圖 1:超過 33,000 個土壤樣本地球化學數據庫清楚地描繪了七個大型的鉭異常。實地工作人員已經在新的尤里卡東部和尤里卡北部勘探區的 Eureka Central 歷史前景之外的岩石細端土中發現了獨居石。

Due to the clear correlation of lanthanum ("La") in soil samples with the LREE mineralization, La values were used to identify LREE anomalies (see figure 1).

由於土壤樣本中的(“La”)與 LREE 礦化之間存在明顯的相關性,因此使用 La 值來識別 LREE 異常(見圖 1)。

The new systematic soil geochemical data puts previous exploration focus on Eureka Central (Zones 1 to 3) into perspective to new targets which seem to be qualitatively and quantitatively of a similar order of magnitude, and thus presenting highly prospective new targets.


The new anomalies will now guide the field team in planned, focused mapping before trenching, and eventually drilling will be conducted.


Review of the geological model


Mineralization of economic importance seems to be controlled by structures parallel to foliation while swelling of the mineralization occurs in dilatation zones (e.g. jogs and fold noses).


On a regional scale, significant REE soil anomalies seem to follow a specific pattern and position within the sedimentary sequence and dome structure (see figure 2). Besides the structural control of the mineralization, the systematic soil data supports a stratigraphic control to a carbonate containing sequence within the upper Etusis Formation (due to the dome structure forming the exploration target). Further structural and lithological studies are ongoing.

在區域範圍內,重大的稀土土壤異常似乎遵循沉積序列和穹頂結構中的特定模式和位置(見圖 2)。除了礦化的結構控制外,系統的土壤數據還支持對上埃圖西斯組內含碳酸鹽的序列進行地層控制(由於圓頂結構構成了勘探目標)。進一步的結構和巖性研究正在進行中。

Figure 2: REE-anomalies seem to follow a certain position in the stratigraphic sequence of the Etusis Formation in the Eureka Dome. A stratigraphic control would allow focused exploration on the new tenement EPL8748 adjacent to the east of the Eureka project.

圖2:在尤里卡穹頂埃圖西斯組的地層序列中,REE異常似乎遵循某個位置。地層控制將允許對毗鄰尤里卡項目以東的新礦場 EPL8748 進行集中勘探。

Ultra-high resolution drone magnetic survey


E-Tech went into an agreement with Flightec Systems to conduct high-resolution, UAV-based magnetic surveys (see press release of October 16, 2023). A limited survey over three small, selected targets was conducted by Flightec to test methods in detecting zones which host monazite mineralization assuming magnetic responses from several magnetite and pyrrhotite-hosting lithologies.

E-Tech與Flightec Systems達成協議,進行基於無人機的高分辨率磁場測量(見2023年10月16日的新聞稿)。Flightec對三個選定的小型目標進行了有限的調查,以測試探測獨居石礦化區域的方法,假設來自幾種磁鐵礦和硫鐵礦巖的磁響應。

First results are very encouraging with the new data clearly delineating NW-striking zones correlating with known mineralization in very high detail. Parts of the inferred carbonatite dykes from historical mapping correlate well with WNW to NW-striking positive magnetic anomalies.


Man-made anomalies especially from drill casings were identified within the Eureka Central prospect. Flightec managed to effectively erase the effects of the drill collars and provided a top-quality product for this prospect which allows for correlation with the dense drill data.

在 Eureka Central 勘探區發現了人爲異常,尤其是來自鑽井套管的異常。Flightec設法有效地消除了鑽環的影響,併爲該前景提供了高質量的產品,可以與密集的鑽探數據進行關聯。

Linear WNW-striking magnetic features at Eureka Zone 1 and Zone 2 correlate well with structures hosting known monazite mineralization. The magnetic features clearly show the expected discontinuity due to tight folding and/or en-echelon step-overs.

尤里卡區 1 和區域 2 的線性 WNW 引人注目的磁性特徵與已知獨居石礦化的結構密切相關。磁性特徵清楚地顯示了由於緊密摺疊和/或跨階梯而導致的預期不連續性。

Figure 3: Patch of Flightec's ultra-high resolution magnetic data (RTP tilt) over the Eureka Central prospect showing tremendous detail of structures most likely related to the monazite mineralization.

圖 3:Flightec 在 Eureka Central 勘探區上空發佈的超高分辨率磁數據(RTP 傾斜)補丁顯示了極有可能與獨居石礦化相關的大量結構細節。

About E-Tech Resources Inc.

關於 E-Tech 資源公司

E-Tech Resources Inc. (TSXV: REE) (FSE: K2I) is a rare earths exploration company focused on developing its Eureka Rare Earths Project in Namibia. Eureka represents a district-scale swarm of calc-silicate hosted monazite mineralization.

E-Tech Resources Inc.(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:REE)(FSE:K2I)是一家稀土勘探公司,專注於開發其在納米比亞的尤里卡稀土項目。尤里卡(Eureka)代表了以鈣硅酸鹽爲主的地區規模的獨居石礦化群。

The Eureka project is located approximately 250 km north-west of Namibia's capital city Windhoek and 140 km east of Namibia's main industrial port Walvis Bay. The project is crossed by the national B1 highway and right next to the main national railroad line. The Eureka project is based on EPL 6762. E-Tech has also entered a definitive agreement to acquire an 85% interest in EPL 8748, which lies adjacent to and surrounds the Company's EPL 6762.

尤里卡項目位於納米比亞首都溫得和克西北約250公里處,納米比亞主要工業港口沃爾維斯灣以東140公里處。該項目與國家B1高速公路交叉,毗鄰國家主要鐵路線。尤里卡項目以 EPL 6762 爲基礎。E-Tech還簽訂了收購EPL 874885%權益的最終協議,該公司位於該公司的EPL 6762附近和周圍。

Namibia is recognized as one of Africa's most politically stable jurisdictions, with an extremely well-established infrastructure and clear and transparent mining legislative and regulatory framework.


Qualified Person


Keith Webb, BSc Honours in Applied Geology, is a Consulting Geologist with 37 years' experience in the mining and exploration sector and has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical information in this news release. Mr. Webb is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) membership number: 3688 and is a Qualified Person for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

Keith Webb,應用地質學榮譽學士學位,是一位諮詢地質學家,在採礦和勘探領域擁有 37 年的經驗,他審查並批准了本新聞稿中的科學和技術信息。韋伯先生是澳大利亞地球科學家協會(AIG)的成員,成員編號:3688,並且是國家儀器43-101的合格人士- 礦產項目披露標準

Cautionary Statements


This press release may contain forward-looking information. This information is based on current expectations and assumptions (including assumptions relating to general economic and market conditions) that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results may differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking information. E-Tech does not assume any obligation to update forward-looking information in this release, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward-looking information unless and until required by securities laws applicable to E-Tech. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the filings made by E-Tech with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available at .


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information, please contact Todd Burlingame, CEO of E-Tech Resources Inc., at (782) 409-5474.

欲了解更多信息,請致電 (782) 409-5474與電子科技資源公司首席執行官託德·伯林格姆聯繫。

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