Northwest Biotherapeutics Moves From Optimization of Flaskworks Prototype to Fabrication of GMP-Compliant Units For Installation, Validation and Final Testing Prior to Regulatory Certification
Northwest Biotherapeutics Moves From Optimization of Flaskworks Prototype to Fabrication of GMP-Compliant Units For Installation, Validation and Final Testing Prior to Regulatory Certification
Accompanied by Broad Patent Coverage
BETHESDA, Md., Feb. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Northwest Biotherapeutics (OTCQB: NWBO) ("NW Bio"), a biotechnology company developing DCVax personalized immune therapies for solid tumor cancers, announced today that the key development work for the Flaskworks manufacturing system has been completed and an external vendor has been engaged to produce GMP-grade units of the system. In addition, the patent coverage of the Flaskworks system has been expanded: the foundational patent has been issued in the U.S. (and elsewhere) and an additional new patent application has been filed. The Company believes that this broad patent coverage will help it build a strong franchise.
馬里蘭州貝塞斯達,2024 年 2 月 6 日 /PRNewswire/ — 開發 dcVax 的生物技術公司西北生物治療公司(OTCQB:NWBO)(“NW Bio”) 實體瘤癌的個性化免疫療法今天宣佈,Flaskworks製造系統的關鍵開發工作已經完成,並已聘請外部供應商生產該系統的GMP級單元。此外,Flaskworks系統的專利覆蓋範圍已擴大:基礎專利已在美國(和其他地方)頒發,另外一項新的專利申請也已提交。該公司認爲,這種廣泛的專利覆蓋範圍將有助於其建立強大的特許經營權。
The Company believes that the Flaskworks system will play a central role in enabling the efficient and timely scale-up of manufacturing to make DCVax-L products for large numbers of patients, and in reducing the manufacturing facility costs. The Company further believes that these efficiencies will be pivotal for enabling the DCVax-L platform to be affordable and potentially suitable for widespread use as a frontline therapy.
As the Company has previously reported, including at its Annual Meeting in December 2022, the Flaskworks system has been under intensive development for a number of years. Several fundamentally differing approaches and system designs were developed, tested, modified and re-tested until the best one was determined.
These efforts have required a combination of engineering, physics and biology expertise. This included both big-picture conceptual design work, and highly detailed work on factors such as the specific flow rates of liquids and materials through the system, shear forces and pressure on the cells in each part of each of multiple cell culture vessels on the machine at each time point, cell expression profiles, surface markers and functional characteristics, and countless other metrics.
Development Work That Has Been Completed
This work has now been completed and has included:
- Determining the fundamental type of mechanized approach to most closely mirror the existing manual process of manufacturing DCVax-L;
- Designing and creating a new machine to implement this approach;
- Making numerous prototype units and progressively optimizing the system;
- "Closing" the manufacturing process so that it does not involve any "open" steps (i.e., open to the air in the manufacturing lab) and therefore does not need to be conducted in the most sterile and most burdensome and expensive type of manufacturing lab;
- Automating key steps in the manufacturing process involving isolation of the desired immune cells, feeding and culturing those cells, and extracting them from the culture vessel (which involved special difficulty, as described below);
- Producing finished DCVax-L products with substantially the same composition and percentage purity of dendritic cells, the same biologic profile and functional characteristics of the cells, and the same yield in number of doses as with the existing manual process.
- 確定機械化方法的基本類型,以最接近現有的手工製造DCVAX-L的過程;
- 設計和創建一臺新機器來實現這種方法;
- 製作大量原型單元並逐步優化系統;
- “關閉” 製造過程,使其不涉及任何 “開放” 步驟(即在製造實驗室向空中開放),因此無需在最無菌、最繁瑣和最昂貴的製造實驗室中進行;
- 自動化製造過程中的關鍵步驟,包括分離所需的免疫細胞、餵養和培養這些細胞,以及從培養容器中提取它們(這涉及特殊困難,如下所述);
- 生產具有與現有手動工藝基本相同的樹突狀細胞成分和百分比純度、相同的細胞生物學特徵和功能特性以及相同的劑量產量的成品DCVAX-L產品。
The special difficulty involved in developing the Flaskworks machine was that, unlike other cell types, the dendritic cells tightly adhere to the surface of the culture vessel (similar to barnacles). Extracting them from inside the culture vessel without damaging the cells or reducing the yield of doses was extremely challenging. Other cells (including T cells) are generally cultured suspended in liquid in a bag, which makes it much easier to move them through processes. Many companies have developed or are developing machines to handle such other cell types - but not adherent cells.
開發Flaskworks機器所涉及的特殊困難在於,與其他細胞類型不同,樹突狀細胞緊緊地粘附在培養容器表面(類似於藤壺)。將它們從培養容器內提取 不損壞細胞 或者降低劑量產量極具挑戰性。其他細胞(包括T細胞)通常在液體中懸浮在袋子中培養,這使得它們更容易在整個過程中移動。許多公司已經開發或正在開發用於處理此類其他細胞類型的機器,但沒有開發出粘附細胞。
The tight adherence of dendritic cells is essential for 3 main reasons: (a) to isolate the specific desired cell population and remove others, (b) to assess the health of the patient's immune cells (if the cells do not adhere tightly, they are likely not healthy) and (c) to start the activation of the dendritic cells (the adherence triggers the start of activation).
Anticipated Benefits of the Flaskworks System
Flaskworks 系統的預期好處
The Company believes that implementing the Flaskworks system will deliver multiple benefits:
- Manufacturing using the "closed" Flaskworks system can be done in lower grade clean rooms (grade C labs) that are substantially less expensive to build out and to operate than the higher grade clean rooms (grade B labs) required for the existing "open" process. As the Company has previously reported, it has purposefully built out its Sawston facility in stages, both to manage capital expenditure and in anticipation of being able to transition away from the more expensive labs as manufacturing technology advanced.
- Manufacturing using the "closed" Flaskworks system will also enable products for multiple patients (potentially up to a dozen or so) to be produced in a single (larger) manufacturing lab at the same time. Under the present "open" process (as with most cell therapy production processes to date), only 1 patient's product can be made at a time in each manufacturing lab, and the lab must go through special cleaning in between each product.
- With the Flaskworks machine performing the manufacturing process steps, the manufacturing personnel will only need to operate and oversee the machine and transfer culture vessels onto and off of the machine for these manufacturing steps rather than performing the steps by hand. This will be crucial for scale up to producing DCVax-L for very large numbers of patients, because the personnel can be drawn from a much wider pool and not just the very limited number of technicians able to perform the process steps by hand in an essentially artisan process.
- 使用 “封閉式” Flaskworks系統進行製造可以在較低等級的潔淨室(C級實驗室)中完成,這些無塵室的建造成本要低得多 和 要比現有 “開放” 流程所需的更高級別的潔淨室(B 級實驗室)運行。正如該公司先前報道的那樣,該公司有意分階段建造其Sawston工廠,這既是爲了管理資本支出,也是爲了隨着製造技術的進步,預計能夠從更昂貴的實驗室過渡出來。
- 使用 “封閉式” Flaskworks系統進行製造還將使適用於多名患者(可能多達十二名左右)的產品能夠在單個(更大的)製造實驗室中同時生產。在目前的 “開放” 流程下(與迄今爲止的大多數細胞療法生產過程一樣),每個製造實驗室一次只能生產1種患者的產品,並且實驗室必須在每種產品之間進行特殊清潔。
- 在Flaskworks機器執行製造過程步驟時,製造人員只需要操作和監督機器,並將培養容器移入和移出機器即可完成這些製造步驟,而不是手動執行這些步驟。這對於擴大爲大量患者生產DCVAX-L的規模至關重要,因爲可以從更廣泛的人員庫中抽調人員,而不僅僅是能夠在基本上手工製作的流程中手工執行流程步驟的非常有限的技術人員。
Next Steps
The next step is to have GMP-compliant (i.e., clinical grade) versions of the prototype Flaskworks machine made with GMP grade materials. A specialized contractor has been engaged to do so. This process is expected to take several months, in part due to ongoing supply chain issues. As soon as the GMP-grade units are delivered, Advent BioServices will undertake final qualification and validation of the GMP units and use engineering runs with the system to collect data in order to submit an application to regulators to approve the use of the system for production of DCVax-L for patients.
下一步是使用GMP級材料製造的Flaskworks原型機器採用符合GMP標準(即臨床級)的版本。已聘請了一名專業承包商來做這件事。這一過程預計將持續數月,部分原因是持續的供應鏈問題。一旦GMP級單位交付,Advent BioServices將對GMP單位進行最終認證和驗證,並使用該系統的工程運行來收集數據,以便向監管機構提交申請,批准使用該系統爲患者生產DCVAX-L。
The Company is optimistic about this approach because the Flaskworks system now closely mirrors the existing manufacturing process, and the DCVax-L products manufactured through the Flaskworks system are substantially comparable to the DCVax-L products made through the existing manual process.
Patent Coverage
The Company and Flaskworks have worked to develop strong patent coverage on the Flaskworks system. The foundational patent, with broad claims covering this closed manufacturing system, has issued in the US and elsewhere. In addition, a new patent application has been filed in regard to the new and optimized system and features.
Linda Powers, the CEO of Northwest Biotherapeutics, parent company of Flaskworks, commented: "We are extremely proud of the Flaskworks team's successful development efforts. They combined a lot of creativity with meticulous and rigorous measurements, analyses and testing. We are also proud of the efforts and expertise contributed by the NW Bio team and the Advent BioServices team. The many skill sets brought to bear together were key to the successful development."
Flaskworks母公司西北生物治療公司的首席執行官琳達·鮑爾斯評論說:“我們爲Flaskworks團隊的成功開發工作感到非常自豪。他們將大量創造力與細緻而嚴格的測量、分析和測試相結合。我們還爲NW Bio團隊和Advent BioServices團隊所做的努力和專業知識感到自豪。彙集的衆多技能組合是成功開發的關鍵。”
Ms. Powers continued: "We are also very pleased to have expanded the scope of our patent coverage on the Flaskworks system. We believe this is a valuable asset that will help Northwest Bio build a strong franchise."
鮑爾斯女士繼續說:“我們也很高興擴大了Flaskworks系統的專利覆蓋範圍。我們相信這是一項寶貴的資產,將幫助Northwest Bio建立強大的特許經營權。”
About Northwest Biotherapeutics
Northwest Biotherapeutics is a biotechnology company focused on developing personalized immunotherapy products that are designed to treat cancers more effectively than current treatments, without toxicities of the kind associated with chemotherapies, and on a cost-effective basis. The Company has a broad platform technology for DCVax dendritic cell-based vaccines. The Company's lead program involves DCVax-L treatment for glioblastoma (GBM). GBM is the most aggressive and lethal form of primary brain cancer, and is an "orphan disease." The Company has completed a 331-patient Phase III trial of DCVax-L for GBM, presented the results in scientific meetings, published the results in JAMA Oncology and submitted a MAA for commercial approval in the UK. The Company has also developed DCVax-Direct for inoperable solid tumor cancers. It has completed a 40-patient Phase I trial and, as resources permit, plans to pursue Phase II trials. The Company previously conducted a Phase I/II trial with DCVax-L for advanced ovarian cancer together with the University of Pennsylvania.
Northwest Biotherapeutics是一家生物技術公司,專注於開發個性化免疫療法產品,這些產品旨在比目前的治療更有效地治療癌症,沒有與化療相關的毒性,並且具有成本效益。該公司擁有廣泛的DCVax平台技術 樹突狀細胞疫苗。該公司的牽頭計劃涉及 DCVax-L 膠質母細胞瘤 (GBM) 的治療。GBM 是原發性腦癌中最具侵略性和致命性的形式,是一種 “孤兒病”。該公司已經完成了一項針對GBM的331名患者的DCVAX-L的III期試驗,在科學會議上公佈了結果,在JAMA Oncology上發表了結果,並提交了MAA以供英國商業批准。該公司還開發了 DCVax-直接用於無法手術的實體瘤癌。它已經完成了一項40名患者的I期試驗,並計劃在資源允許的情況下進行II期試驗。該公司此前曾與賓夕法尼亞大學一起使用DCVax-L進行了一項針對晚期卵巢癌的I/II期試驗。
Statements made in this news release that are not historical facts, including statements concerning plans for DCVax are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words such as "expect," "believe," "intend," "design," "plan," "continue," "may," "will," "anticipate," and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Actual results may differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statement. Readers should not rely upon forward-looking statements. There are a number of important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated, including, without limitation, risks related to delays or uncertainties in regulatory processes and decisions, risks related to the Company's ability to achieve timely performance of third parties, risks related to whether the Company's products will be viewed as demonstrating safety and efficacy, risks related to the Company's ongoing ability to raise additional capital, and other risks included in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filings. Additional information on the foregoing risk factors and other factors, including Risk Factors, which could affect the Company's results, is included in its SEC filings. Finally, there may be other factors not mentioned above or included in the Company's SEC filings that may cause actual plans, results or timelines to differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statement. The Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or developments, except as required by securities laws.
本新聞稿中發表的非歷史事實的陳述,包括有關DCVax計劃的陳述,均爲1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的前瞻性陳述。諸如 “期望”、“相信”、“打算”、“設計”、“計劃”、“繼續”、“可能”、“將”、“預期” 等詞語以及類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述,儘管並非所有前瞻性陳述都包含這些識別詞。實際結果可能與任何前瞻性陳述中的預測存在重大差異。讀者不應依賴前瞻性陳述。有許多重要因素可能導致實際業績與預期存在重大差異,包括但不限於與監管程序和決策的延誤或不確定性相關的風險、與公司實現第三方及時業績的能力相關的風險、與公司產品是否被視爲具有安全性和有效性相關的風險、與公司持續籌集額外資金的能力相關的風險以及公司證券交易委員會中包含的其他風險(“SEC”)的文件。有關上述風險因素和其他因素的更多信息,包括可能影響公司業績的風險因素,已包含在SEC文件中。最後,可能還有其他未在公司向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中未提及的因素可能導致實際計劃、業績或時間表與任何前瞻性陳述中的預測存在重大差異。除非證券法要求,否則公司沒有義務因新信息、未來事件或事態發展而更新任何前瞻性陳述。
Northwest Biotherapeutics
Dave Innes
[email protected]
Les Goldman
[email protected]
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