
Signal Gold Outlines Near-Term 2024 Priorities, Building on Recent Success at the Goldboro Project

Signal Gold Outlines Near-Term 2024 Priorities, Building on Recent Success at the Goldboro Project

Signal Gold 在戈德伯勒項目最近取得成功的基礎上,概述了2024年短期的優先事項
Accesswire ·  02/07 07:00

TORONTO, ON / ACCESSWIRE / February 7, 2024 / Signal Gold Inc. ("Signal Gold" or the "Company") (TSX:SGNL)(OTCQX:SGNLF) is pleased to provide a summary of its near-term priorities for 2024, building on the significant advancements made in 2023 at both the Goldboro Project and as a Company.

安大略省多倫多/ACCESSWIRE/2024年2月7日/ Signal Gold Inc.(“Signal Gold” 或 “公司”)(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:SGNL)(OTCQX: SGNLF)很高興在2023年戈德伯勒項目和公司取得的重大進展的基礎上,概述其2024年的近期優先事項。

"Despite significant challenges in 2023 for junior mining companies, Signal Gold has made important advancements at the Goldboro Project, especially with its exploration programs and its permitting activities. I wish to personally thank all employees, consultants, and contractors for their outstanding efforts during this time and, also, shareholders, stakeholders and Rightsholders for their support. We look ahead to 2024 which could be a transformational year for the Company, as we look to create value through our exploration initiatives to generate new discoveries on our expanded exploration land package, by demonstrating the potential for additional mineable resources along strike to the existing Goldboro Deposit, and by obtaining all remaining key Project permits."

“儘管初級礦業公司在2023年面臨重大挑戰,但Signal Gold在戈德伯勒項目上取得了重要進展,尤其是在其勘探計劃和許可活動方面。我謹親自感謝所有員工、顧問和承包商在此期間所做的出色努力,也感謝股東、利益相關者和權利持有者的支持。我們展望2024年,這對公司來說可能是變革性的一年,因爲我們希望通過勘探計劃創造價值,在擴大的勘探用地一攬子計劃中發現新的發現,展示現有戈德伯勒礦牀罷工後獲得更多可開採資源的潛力,以及獲得所有剩餘的關鍵項目許可證。”

~ Kevin Bullock, President and CEO, Signal Gold Inc.

~ 凱文·布洛克,Signal Gold Inc. 總裁兼首席執行官

The Company ended 2023 with a cash balance of $9.85 million and preliminary working capital of $8.3 million (all dollar amounts are in Canadian Dollars). The Company has reduced overhead costs and discretionary spending; corporate administration costs in the most recent quarter were down 53% from the comparative period of 2022, reflecting the Company's exclusive focus on exploration and permitting at Goldboro. The Company is actively considering its options with respect to the existing credit facility with Nebari Partners and the further advancement of the Goldboro Project.

截至2023年,該公司的現金餘額爲985萬美元,初步營運資金爲830萬美元(所有美元金額均以加元計算)。該公司減少了管理費用和全權支出;最近一個季度的公司管理成本較2022年同期下降了53%,這反映了公司完全專注於Goldboro的勘探和許可。該公司正在積極考慮與Nebari Partners的現有信貸額度以及進一步推進戈德伯勒項目有關的選擇。

Recent Achievements and 2024 Priorities


In 2024, the Company is focused on those activities that will continue to add value to the Goldboro Project, including continued growth exploration along strike of the Goldboro Deposit and regionally, while aggressively pursuing all final project permits.


Growth Exploration - In 2023, the Company undertook its largest ever growth exploration program, comprising 11,435 metres from 61 drill holes. The Company intersected significant mineralization to the west of its current Mineral Resource, indicating the potential to delineate additional Mineral Resources. Select intersections* include:


  • 26.09 g/t gold over 8.9 metres (105.5 to 114.4 metres) in hole BR-23-393 including 79.18 g/t gold over 0.5 metres and 371.59 g/t gold over 0.5 metres;
  • 21.16 g/t gold over 0.7 metres (80.5 to 81.2 metres) in hole BR-23-397.
  • 11.79 g/t gold over 4.1 metres (49.9 to 54.0 metres) in hole BR-23-386 including 47.23 g/t gold over 1.0 metres;
  • 20.59 g/t gold over 3.0 metres (122.4 to 125.4 metres) in hole BR-23-383 including 113.90 g/t gold over 0.5 metres;
  • 9.46 g/t gold over 2.0 metres (123.5 to 125.5 metres) in hole BR-23-381 including 15.40 g/t gold over 0.5 metres;
  • 7.29 g/t gold over 2.5 metres (103.0 to 105.5 metres) in hole BR-23-382;
  • 19.15 g/t gold over 1.2 metres (114.7 to 115.9 metres) in hole BR-23-388;
  • 10.85 g/t gold over 1.3 metres (209.6 to 210.9 metres) in hole BR-23-395; and
  • BR-23-393 孔中超過 8.9 米(105.5 至 114.4 米)的 26.09 克/噸黃金,包括 0.5 米以上的 79.18 克/噸金和超過 0.5 米的 371.59 克/噸黃金;
  • BR-23-397 洞中超過 0.7 米(80.5 至 81.2 米)的金含量爲 21.16 克/噸。
  • BR-23-386 孔中超過 4.1 米(49.9 至 54.0 米)的 11.79 克/噸黃金,包括 1.0 米以上的 47.23 克/噸黃金;
  • BR-23-383 孔中超過 3.0 米(122.4 至 125.4 米)的 20.59 克/噸黃金,包括 0.5 米以上的 113.90 克/噸黃金;
  • BR-23-381 孔中超過 2.0 米(123.5 至 125.5 米)的 9.46 克/噸黃金,包括 0.5 米以上的 15.40 克/噸黃金;
  • BR-23-382 洞中 2.5 米(103.0 至 105.5 米)以上的黃金 7.29 g/t;
  • BR-23-388 洞中超過 1.2 米(114.7 至 115.9 米)的黃金 19.15 g/t;
  • BR-23-395 洞中超過 1.3 米(209.6 至 210.9 米)的金含量爲 10.85 g/t;以及

Drill results in 2023 conclusively demonstrate continuous gold mineralization between western extent of the Goldboro Deposit and the past producing Dolliver Mountain Mine, bringing the total strike length of known mineralization to 3.4 kilometres. The drilling west of the Mineral Resource may represent the up-plunge extension of mineralization beneath the existing planned pits at depth offering the potential for further underground resource growth in the future, as the Company has never drilled deeper than 550 vertical metres.


In 2024, the Company is focused on the discovery of additional gold deposits and expanding Mineral Resources at Goldboro. The Company plans to continue drill testing exploration targets along strike from the Goldboro Deposit based on recent drill results, and to test regional exploration targets within the consolidated Goldboro Gold District (see below) to identify potential Mineral Resources that could leverage planned mine and mill infrastructure. The Company will begin in-house resource modelling of recent drill results, west of the existing Goldboro Mineral Resource. This will also help to guide further drilling.


Advancing Towards Final Project Permits - In 2023, the Company has also achieved several key permitting milestones to advance the Project, including:


  • Mineral Lease Application submission on July 27, 2023
  • Industrial Approval Application submission on August 28, 2023
  • Fisheries Act Authorization submission on August 28, 2023
  • 2023 年 7 月 27 日提交礦產租賃申請
  • 2023 年 8 月 28 日提交工業批准申請
  • 2023 年 8 月 28 日提交的《漁業法》授權書

On August 3, 2022, the Goldboro Project received its Environmental Assessment Approval from the Nova Scotia Minister of Environment and Climate Change. The Company also submitted a Schedule 2 Amendment Application in December 2022 as well as a Crown Land Lease Application in mid-2022.


In early 2024, the Company will participate in the regulatory Consultation process as directed by Environment and Climate Change Canada ("ECCC") and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans ("DFO"), and will continue to engage with all regulators, stakeholders and Rightsholders as we progress towards final permitting. In November 2023, the Company was notified that the documentation required for the Schedule 2 Amendment had been reviewed and were recommended for Indigenous and public Consultations by both ECCC and the DFO. The Company continues to progress permitting activities through regulator, Indigenous, and public engagement, with the objective of obtaining all key project permits in 2024.


Consolidation of the Goldboro Gold District - In 2023, the Company significantly consolidated the majority of the Goldboro Gold District in Nova Scotia, increasing its exploration license area to approximately 19,450 hectares (195 km2). The significantly expanded prospective land position, contiguous to the Goldboro Project, encompasses a 28-kilometre strike length along the Goldboro Trend and a 23-kilometre strike length along the Seal Harbour Trend.


Already in 2024, the Company has increased its exploration license area to over 27,200 hectares (~272 km2) surrounding Goldboro, acquiring prospective land immediately north of, and contiguous with, the Project which covers gold, antimony and tungsten glacial till anomalies which have not been previously drill tested and represent additional discovery potential in the Goldboro Gold District.

早在 2024 年,該公司已將其勘探許可面積擴大到超過 27,200 公頃(約 272 千米)2)圍繞戈德伯勒,收購緊鄰該項目的北部和毗鄰的潛在土地,該項目涵蓋黃金、銻和鎢冰川直至異常,這些異常之前沒有經過鑽探測試,這表明戈德伯勒金區的更多發現潛力。

Maintaining an Exceptional Social License - The Company continued to actively engage and support surrounding local and indigenous communities throughout 2023, including detailed engagement with Rightsholders and stakeholders on provincial and federal authorizations and permits, potential impacts to fish and fish habitat and related compensation plans, through public open house sessions and targeted meetings, such as meetings with the Goldboro Community Liaison Committee. The Company supported and attended multiple community events,


In 2024, the Company will continue to progress an impact benefits agreement with the Mi'kmaq of Nova Scotia and considers finalization of this agreement to be a high priority for 2024. The Company actively engages with Mi'kmaqw organizations and individual Mi'kmaq communities on all aspects of the Project, and supports important events such as the Paqtnkek Pow Wow and the North American Indigenous Games. The Company was recently proud to collaborate with the Ministry of Human Resources Council on a 12-week training program for Mining Essentials, providing recognized training for mining skills to local indigenous community members.

2024年,公司將繼續推進與新斯科舍省米克馬克的影響力福利協議,並認爲敲定該協議是2024年的重中之重。該公司積極與Mi'kmaq各組織和個別Mi'kmaq社區就該項目的各個方面進行合作,並支持諸如Paqtnkek Pow Wow和北美土著運動會等重要活動。該公司最近很榮幸與人力資源部委員會合作開展了爲期12周的《礦業基礎知識》培訓計劃,爲當地土著社區成員提供公認的採礦技能培訓。

Signal Gold remains committed to advancing the Goldboro Project to become the next fully permitted, construction ready, gold project in Canada.

Signal Gold仍然致力於推進戈德伯勒項目,使其成爲加拿大下一個完全獲批、準備施工的黃金項目。

*See press releases from December 21, 2023, September 12, 2023, June 14, 2023, and February 23, 2023

*參見 2023 年 12 月 21 日、2023 年 9 月 12 日、2023 年 6 月 14 日和 2023 年 2 月 23 日的新聞稿

Intervals are reported as core length only. True widths are estimated to be between 70% and 100% of the core length.


Drill holes were oriented along a north-south trend with holes on the north limb of the hosting anticlinal structure drilled southward and holes located south of the anticlinal structure drilled northward. The dip of holes is dependent upon the location relative to the anticline with the goal of intersecting mineralized zones orthogonally.


All samples and the resultant composites referred to in this release are collected using QA/QC protocols including the regular insertion of standards and blanks within the sample batch for analysis and check assays of select samples. All samples quoted in this release were analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. in Springdale, NL, for Au by fire assay (30 g) with an AA finish.

本新聞稿中提及的所有樣本和合成複合物均使用質量保證/質量控制協議進行收集,包括定期在樣品批次中插入標準品和空白,以便對選定樣本進行分析和檢查分析。本新聞稿中引用的所有樣品均在位於荷蘭斯普林代爾的東方分析有限公司進行了金分析(30 g),並進行了AA表面處理。

All assays in this press release are reported as fire assays only. For samples analyzing greater than 0.5 g/t Au via 30 g fire assay, these samples will be re-analyzed at Eastern Analytical Ltd. via total pulp metallics. For the total pulp metallics analysis, the entire sample is crushed to -10mesh and pulverized to 95% -150mesh. The total sample is then weighed and screened to 150mesh. The +150mesh fraction is fire assayed for Au, and a 30 g subsample of the -150mesh fraction analyzed via fire assay. A weighted average gold grade is calculated for the final reportable gold grade. Total pulp metallics assays for drill holes sited within this press release may be updated in a future news release.

本新聞稿中的所有化驗均僅作爲火災化驗報告。對於通過30 g火法分析的金含量超過0.5 g/t的樣品,東方分析有限公司將通過全紙漿金屬化合物對這些樣品進行重新分析。對於總紙漿金屬化合物分析,將整個樣品粉碎至-10目,然後粉碎至95%-150目。然後對總樣本進行稱重並篩選至 150 目。對+150mesh分數進行火法測定金含量,通過火試分析對-150mesh分數的30g子樣本進行分析。加權平均黃金等級是根據最終應報告的黃金等級計算得出的。本新聞稿中鑽孔的總紙漿金屬化合物分析結果可能會在未來的新聞稿中更新。

This news release has been reviewed and approved by Paul McNeill, P.Geo., VP Exploration with Signal Gold Inc., a "Qualified Person", under National Instrument 43-101 Standard for Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

根據國家儀器43-101礦產項目披露標準,本新聞稿已由Signal Gold Inc.勘探副總裁Paul McNeill,P.Geo進行了審查和批准,他是 “合格人士”。



Signal Gold is advancing the Goldboro Gold Project in Nova Scotia, a significant growth project subject to a positive Feasibility Study which demonstrates an approximately 11-year open pit life of mine with average gold production of 100,000 ounces per annum and an average diluted grade of 2.26 grams per tonne gold. (Please see the 'NI 43-101 Technical Report and Feasibility Study for the Goldboro Gold Project, Eastern Goldfields District, Nova Scotia' on January 11, 2022, for further details). On August 3, 2022, the Goldboro Project received its environmental assessment approval from the Nova Scotia Minister of Environment and Climate Change, a significant regulatory milestone, and the Company has now submitted all key permits including the Industrial Approval, Fisheries Act Authorization and Schedule 2 Amendment, and the Mining and Crown Land Leases. The Goldboro Project has significant potential for further Mineral Resource expansion, particularly towards the west along strike and at depth, and the Company has consolidated 27,200 hectares (~272 km2) of prospective exploration land in the Goldboro Gold District.

Signal Gold正在推進位於新斯科舍省的戈德伯勒黃金項目,這是一個重要的增長項目,有待進行積極的可行性研究,該項目表明該礦的露天礦壽命約爲11年,平均黃金產量爲100,000盎司,平均稀釋後的每噸黃金品位爲2.26克。(更多詳情請參閱2022年1月11日發佈的 “新斯科舍省東金礦區戈德伯勒黃金項目的NI 43-101技術報告和可行性研究”)。2022年8月3日,戈德伯勒項目獲得了新斯科舍省環境和氣候變化部長的環境評估批准,這是一個重要的監管里程碑,該公司現已提交所有關鍵許可證,包括工業批准、漁業法授權和附表2修正案以及採礦和公有土地租賃。戈德伯勒項目具有進一步擴張礦產資源的巨大潛力,尤其是沿着走向西和深度擴張,該公司已整合了27,200公頃(約272千米)2)戈德伯勒黃金區的潛在勘探用地。



Signal Gold Inc.
Kevin Bullock
President and CEO
(647) 388-1842

Signal Gold 公司
(647) 388-1842

Reseau ProMarket Inc.
Dany Cenac Robert
Investor Relations
(514) 722-2276 x456

Resau ProMarket Inc
(514) 722-2276 x456

SOURCE: Signal Gold Inc.

來源:Signal Gold Inc.

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