
No Decline in Cognition Scores in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease Who Received Simufilam Continuously For 24 Months

No Decline in Cognition Scores in Patients With Mild Alzheimer's Disease Who Received Simufilam Continuously For 24 Months

GlobeNewswire ·  02/07 09:08
  • ADAS-Cog Scores Were Stable in a Group of Patients with Mild Alzheimer's Who Received Drug Candidate Simufilam Continuously, Baseline to Month 24.
  • Mild Alzheimer's Patients Who Received Simufilam Non-Continuously Declined a Group Average of 1 Point on ADAS-Cog, Baseline to Month 24.
  • Oral Simufilam Safe, Well-Tolerated.
  • 在基線至第24個月持續接受候選藥物Simufilam治療的一組輕度阿爾茨海默氏症患者中,ADAS-Cog分數保持穩定。
  • 非連續接受Simufilam治療的輕度阿爾茨海默氏症患者在ADAS-Cog上平均下降了1分,基線爲第24個月。
  • 口服 Simufilam 安全,耐受性良好。

AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cassava Sciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: SAVA), a biotechnology company, today reported top-line results of a two-year clinical safety study of simufilam, an investigational oral drug for the proposed treatment of Alzheimer's disease dementia. The study enrolled over 200 patients with mild to moderate Alzheimer's and consisted of two open-label treatment phases and a randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase. Average changes in ADAS-Cog scores, baseline to month 24, indicate the following:

得克薩斯州奧斯汀,2024年2月7日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——生物技術公司木薯科學公司(納斯達克股票代碼:SAVA)今天公佈了一項爲期兩年的臨床安全性研究的主要結果,simufilam是一種用於擬議治療阿爾茨海默氏病癡呆的在研口服藥物。該研究招收了200多名輕度至中度阿爾茨海默氏症患者,包括兩個開放標籤治療階段和一個隨機、安慰劑對照的戒斷階段。以第24個月爲基線,ADAS-Cog分數的平均變化表明以下幾點:

  • Patients with mild Alzheimer's disease who received simufilam treatment continuously for two years (n=47) had no decline in ADAS-Cog scores (± 1.51 SE) as a group.
  • Patients with mild Alzheimer's who received simufilam treatment non-continuously (n=40) declined 1 point on ADAS-Cog (± 1.65 SE) as a group. Non-continuous treatment consisted of one year on open-label drug, six months on placebo and six months back on open-label drug.
  • In patients with mild Alzheimer's, the largest separation between the continuous and non-continuous treatment groups occurred at the end of the 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase.
  • Patients with moderate Alzheimer's who received simufilam treatment continuously for two years (n=32) declined 11.05 points on ADAS-Cog (± 1.91 SE) as a group.
  • 連續接受兩年(n=47)的輕度阿爾茨海默氏病患者的ADAS-Cog評分沒有下降(±1.51 SE)。
  • 非連續接受simufilam治療(n=40)的輕度阿爾茨海默氏症患者在ADAS-Cog(±1.65 SE)上同組下降了1分。非持續治療包括使用開放標籤藥物一年,使用安慰劑六個月,開放標籤藥物服用六個月。
  • 在輕度阿爾茨海默氏症患者中,持續和非連續治療組之間最大的分離發生在爲期6個月的隨機、安慰劑對照的戒斷階段結束時。
  • 連續接受兩年(n=32)的中度阿爾茨海默氏症患者在ADAS-Cog(±1.91 SE)上下降了11.05個百分點。

"We're fighting Alzheimer's disease by testing simufilam, a new type of drug that has a completely different mechanism of action from monoclonal antibody drug treatments," said Remi Barbier, President & CEO. "Stable ADAS-Cog scores over 2 years is clearly a desirable clinical outcome in Alzheimer's. Our data in mild patients may emphasize the importance of treating patients early in the disease."


This was a 24-month safety study (NCT04388254). It included a pre-specified exploratory efficacy endpoint of mean change in ADAS-Cog11 scores. The study enrolled over 200 patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease (MMSE 16-26) who were recruited from 16 U.S. clinical sites.

這是一項爲期 24 個月的安全性研究(NCT04388254)。它包括預先指定的ADAS-Cog11分數平均變化的探索性療效終點。該研究招募了200多名從美國16個臨床場所招募的輕度至中度阿爾茨海默氏病(MMSE 16-26)患者。

The safety study was conducted in three continuous phases:


  • a 12-month, open-label treatment phase, followed by
  • a 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase1, followed by
  • 6 additional months of open-label treatment.
  • 12個月的開放標籤治療階段,其次是
  • 爲期 6 個月的隨機、安慰劑對照的戒斷期1,其次是
  • 再延長 6 個月的開放標籤治療。

Study participants received simufilam oral tablets 100 mg twice-daily in the open-label treatment phases, and simufilam or matching placebo during the randomized withdrawal phase.


All study participants who completed 12 months of open-label simufilam treatment were eligible to participate in the 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase. Likewise, all study participants who completed the randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase were eligible for 6 additional months of open-label treatment.


Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease of the brain. Over time, a patient's cognition progressively worsens as the disease takes its toll. The science literature suggests that patients with mild Alzheimer's decline by a group average of approximately 3 points per year on the ADAS-Cog scale. With disease progression, patients move from mild to moderate to, eventually, severe Alzheimer's disease. Cognitive decline becomes more pronounced, and presumably more difficult to treat, in advanced stages of the disease.


Patients with mild Alzheimer's disease (n=87) entered the open-label study with MMSE 21-26, with ten exceptions.2 Patients with moderate Alzheimer's entered the open-label study with MMSE 16-20, with one patient who entered with MMSE 15.

輕度阿爾茨海默病(n=87)患者以MMSE 21-26進入開放標籤研究,但有十個例外。2 中度阿爾茨海默氏症患者以MMSE 16-20進入開放標籤研究,其中一名患者以MMSE 15進入研究。

Mild patients who received simufilam for 24 continuous months (n=47) showed an average change of 0.07 points on ADAS-Cog11 (± 1.51 SE), baseline to month 24, as a group.

連續24個月(n=47)接受simufilam治療的輕度患者,從基線到第24個月,ADAS-Cog11(±1.51 SE)的平均變化爲0.07個百分點。

Mild Alzheimer's patients who received 12 months of open-label simufilam, followed by placebo in the 6-month randomized, placebo-controlled withdrawal phase, followed by an additional 6 months of open-label simufilam (n=40), declined by an average of 1.04 points on ADAS-Cog11 (± 1.65 SE), baseline to month 24, as a group.

在6個月的隨機安慰劑對照的戒斷階段接受了12個月的開放標籤西姆非蘭,其次是安慰劑的輕度阿爾茨海默氏症患者,接着又接受了6個月的開放標籤simufilam(n=40),基線至第24個月,ADAS-Cog11(±1.65 SE)平均下降1.04個百分點。

Mean ADAS-Cog scores at baseline were approximately balanced in the group of mild Alzheimer's patients who received drug continuously versus non-continuously (15.2 and 14.6, respectively).


Safety Data


Oral simufilam 100 mg tablets twice daily appeared safe and well tolerated in this study. There were no drug-related serious adverse events. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were Covid-19 and urinary tract infection, with 33 occurrences of each.

在這項研究中,每天兩次口服 simufilam 100 mg 片劑似乎安全且耐受性良好。沒有發生與藥物相關的嚴重不良事件。最常見的治療緊急不良事件(TEAE)是Covid-19和尿路感染,各發生33次。

Efficacy Data Presentation


The pre-specified cognition endpoints were analyzed on the Full Analysis Set (FAS) by Pentara Corporation, an independent consulting firm that specializes in complex statistical analysis of clinical trial results. Suzanne Hendrix, PhD, CEO of Pentara, has over 150 peer-reviewed publications of clinical trial results and statistical approaches for clinical trials, many focusing on statistical methodology for Alzheimer's disease.

Pentara Corporation是一家專門從事臨床試驗結果複雜統計分析的獨立諮詢公司,在完整分析集(FAS)上對預先指定的認知終點進行了分析。Pentara首席執行官蘇珊娜·亨德里克斯博士發表了150多篇關於臨床試驗結果和臨床試驗統計方法的同行評審出版物,其中許多出版物側重於阿爾茨海默氏病的統計方法。

We expect to report data from the two-year clinical safety study in a science forum.


Prior Results
Top-line results of the 6-month randomized withdrawal phase (i.e., the Cognition Maintenance Study) were announced July 5, 2023. Please see:

爲期 6 個月的隨機戒斷階段(即認知維持研究)的最終結果已於 2023 年 7 月 5 日公佈。請參閱:

Top-line results of the 12-month open-label phase were announced on January 24, 2023. Please see:

爲期 12 個月的開放標籤階段的業績已於 2023 年 1 月 24 日公佈。請參閱:

Study Limitations
Data results from our two-year open-label safety study, or any phase thereof, do not constitute, and should not be interpreted as, regulatory evidence of safety or efficacy for simufilam in Alzheimer's disease dementia. Rigorous evidence for drug safety and efficacy is derived from one or more large, randomized, placebo-controlled studies. The open-label design and limited size of this study, and each sub-group of this study, may introduce clinical or statistical bias or may generate results that may not fully distinguish between drug effects and random variation. In addition, we do not know how long a washout period may be needed to remove lingering drug effects, if any, from prior treatment with open-label simufilam. Different methods of statistical analysis of clinical data from the same study may lead to objectively different numerical results. These and other statistical and clinical features of our open-label study add complexity or limitations to the scope of data interpretation.


'Top-line data' is a summary of the clinical data prior to the completion of a full and final audit or quality-control of the clinical database. We are communicating top-line data so that stakeholders may have timely access to a summary of the open-label study findings prior to us receiving the final dataset. Final data may change from top-line data.

“頂線數據” 是臨床數據庫的全面和最終審計或質量控制完成之前的臨床數據摘要。我們正在傳遞一線數據,以便利益相關者可以在我們收到最終數據集之前及時獲得開放標籤研究結果的摘要。最終數據可能會與頂線數據有所不同。

On-going Phase 3 Studies of Simufilam in Alzheimer's Disease
Cassava Sciences is evaluating oral simufilam for Alzheimer's disease dementia in two global Phase 3 clinical studies, both of which are fully enrolled. A total of 1,929 patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's disease dementia who met study eligibility criteria were randomized into the Phase 3 program from sites in the U.S., Puerto Rico, Canada, Australia and South Korea.

正在進行的 Simufilam 治療阿爾茨海默氏病的 3 期研究
Cassava Sciences正在兩項全球3期臨床研究中評估口服simufilam治療阿爾茨海默氏病癡呆的療法,這兩項研究均已全部入組。共有1,929名符合研究資格標準的輕度至中度阿爾茨海默氏病癡呆患者被從美國、波多黎各、加拿大、澳大利亞和韓國隨機分組進入3期項目。

The first Phase 3 trial (NCT04994483) has a 52-week treatment period; 804 Alzheimer's patients were randomized into this study. Top-line results for the 52-week Phase 3 study are expected approximately year-end 2024.


The second Phase 3 trial (NCT05026177) has a 76-week treatment period; 1,125 Alzheimer's patients were randomized into this study. Top-line results for the 76-week Phase 3 study are expected approximately mid-year 2025.


About Simufilam
Simufilam is Cassava Sciences' proprietary, small molecule (oral) drug candidate that restores the normal shape and function of altered filamin A (FLNA) protein in the brain. Cassava Sciences owns worldwide development and commercial rights to its research programs in Alzheimer's disease, and related technologies, without royalty obligations to any third party.

關於 Simufilam
Simufilam是木薯科學專有的小分子(口服)候選藥物,可恢復大腦中改變後的纖維素A(FLNA)蛋白的正常形狀和功能。Cassava Sciences擁有其阿爾茨海默氏病研究項目和相關技術的全球開發和商業權利,不對任何第三方承擔特許權使用費。

About Cassava Sciences, Inc.
Cassava Sciences is a clinical-stage biotechnology company based in Austin, Texas. Our mission is to detect and treat neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease. Our product candidates have not been approved by any regulatory authority, and their safety, efficacy or other desirable attributes have not been established in humans.

關於 Cassava Sciences, Inc.
Cassava Sciences是一家臨床階段的生物技術公司,總部位於德克薩斯州奧斯汀。我們的使命是檢測和治療神經退行性疾病,例如阿爾茨海默氏病。我們的候選產品尚未獲得任何監管機構的批准,其安全性、有效性或其他理想屬性尚未在人體中得到證實。

For more information, please visit:


For More Information Contact:
Eric Schoen, Chief Financial Officer
(512) 501-2450

(512) 501-2450

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements and Other Notices:
Simufilam is our investigational product candidate. It is not approved by any regulatory authority in any jurisdiction and its safety, efficacy or other desirable attributes, if any, have not been established in patients.


Drug development involves a high degree of risk, and only a small number of research and development programs result in regulatory approval and commercialization of a product. Clinical results from our prior studies may not be indicative of results of future or larger scale clinical trials and do not ensure regulatory approval. You should not place undue reliance on these statements or any scientific data we present or publish.

藥物開發涉及高風險,只有少數研發計劃會導致產品的監管批准和商業化。 我們先前研究的臨床結果可能並不代表未來或更大規模的臨床試驗的結果,也不能確保監管部門的批准。 您不應過分依賴這些陳述或我們提供或發佈的任何科學數據。

This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, relating to: the design, scope, conduct or intended purpose of our two-year, open-label study or Phase 3 program of simufilam in patients with Alzheimer's disease; the ability of simufilam to provide patients with drug effects; the apparent ability of simufilam to favor patients with mild Alzheimer's disease; the apparent safety or tolerance of simufilam in our open-label clinical trials; our current expectations regarding timing of clinical data for our Phase 3 studies; any expected clinical results of Phase 3 studies; the treatment of people with Alzheimer's disease dementia; the safety or efficacy of simufilam in people with Alzheimer's disease dementia; our expectation to present the clinical safety study at a science forum, comments made by our employees regarding simufilam, drug effect, and the treatment of Alzheimer's disease; and potential benefits, if any, of our product candidates. These statements may be identified by words such as "may," "anticipate," "believe," "could," "expect," "would", "forecast," "intend," "plan," "possible," "potential," and other words and terms of similar meaning.

本新聞稿包含前瞻性陳述,包括根據1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的安全港條款發表的聲明,內容涉及: 我們針對阿爾茨海默氏病患者的爲期兩年的開放標籤研究或三期計劃的設計、範圍、進行或預期目的;simufilam爲患者提供藥物作用的能力;simufilam偏愛輕度阿爾茨海默氏病患者的明顯能力; simufilam在我們的開放標籤臨床試驗中的明顯安全性或耐受性;我們目前對3期研究臨床數據發佈時間的預期; 三期研究的任何預期臨床結果;阿爾茨海默氏病癡呆患者的治療;simufilam對阿爾茨海默病癡呆患者的安全性或有效性;我們對呈現的期望 科學論壇上的臨床安全性研究我們的員工就simufilam、藥物作用和阿爾茨海默氏病的治療發表的評論;以及我們的候選產品的潛在益處(如果有)。這些陳述可以用 “可能”、“預期”、“相信”、“可以”、“期望”、“將”、“預測”、“打算”、“計劃”、“可能”、“潛在” 等詞語以及其他具有類似含義的詞語和術語來識別。

Such statements are based largely on our current expectations and projections about future events. Such statements speak only as of the date of this news release and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to, those risks relating to the ability to conduct or complete clinical studies on expected timelines, to demonstrate the specificity, safety, efficacy or potential health benefits of our product candidates, and including those described in the section entitled "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, and subsequent reports filed with the SEC. The foregoing sets forth some, but not all, of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from expectations in any forward-looking statement. In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, the forward-looking statements and events discussed in this news release are inherently uncertain and may not occur, and actual results could differ materially and adversely from those anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, you should not rely upon forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Except as required by law, we disclaim any intention or responsibility for updating or revising any forward-looking statements contained in this news release. For further information regarding these and other risks related to our business, investors should consult our filings with the SEC, which are available on the SEC's website at

此類聲明主要基於我們目前對未來事件的預期和預測。此類聲明僅代表截至本新聞發佈之日,並受許多風險、不確定性和假設的影響,包括但不限於與按預期時間表進行或完成臨床研究、證明我們的候選產品的特異性、安全性、有效性或潛在健康益處的能力相關的風險,包括截至2022年12月31日年度10-K表年度報告中題爲 “風險因素” 的部分中描述的風險,,以及隨後向美國證券交易委員會提交的報告。上述內容列出了可能導致實際業績與任何前瞻性陳述中的預期不同的部分(但不是全部)因素。鑑於這些風險、不確定性和假設,本新聞稿中討論的前瞻性陳述和事件本質上是不確定的,可能不會發生,實際結果可能與前瞻性陳述中的預期或暗示存在重大不利差異。因此,您不應依賴前瞻性陳述作爲對未來事件的預測。除非法律要求,否則我們不打算或承擔任何更新或修改本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性陳述的意圖或責任。有關這些風險以及與我們的業務相關的其他風險的更多信息,投資者應查閱我們向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件,這些文件可在美國證券交易委員會的網站上查閱

This news release may also contain statistical data and drug information based on independent industry publications or other publicly available information. We have not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the data contained in these publicly available sources of data and information. Accordingly, we make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of such data or information. You are cautioned not to give undue weight to such data.


The content of this presentation is solely our responsibility and does not represent the views of Pentara Corporation, the National Institutes of Health or any other government agency.

本演示文稿的內容完全由我們負責,不代表 Pentara 公司、國立衛生研究院或任何其他政府機構的觀點。

1 The 6-month randomized withdrawal phase has previously been referred to as the 'Cognition Maintenance Study', or CMS.
2 Ten patients entered with MMSE > 26 due to prior participation in a study of simufilam (n=2) or evidence of Alzheimer's disease pathology (n=8).

1 爲期6個月的隨機退出階段以前被稱爲 “認知維持研究”(CMS)。
2 十名患者由於先前參與了simufilam研究(n=2)或有阿爾茨海默病病理學證據(n=8)而入院的MMSE>26。

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