
Buy Now Or Wait? Apple's Vision Pro Craze Sends Resale Prices Soaring To $5000 In Overseas Markets

Buy Now Or Wait? Apple's Vision Pro Craze Sends Resale Prices Soaring To $5000 In Overseas Markets

立即購買還是等待?蘋果的Vision Pro熱潮使海外市場的轉售價格飆升至5000美元
Benzinga ·  02/08 00:14

The resale market for Apple Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AAPL) first-generation mixed-reality headset Vision Pro has been booming, with prices soaring up to $5,000 in overseas markets, far exceeding the original $3,500 price tag.

蘋果公司的轉售市場。”s(納斯達克股票代碼:AAPL)第一代混合現實耳機Vision Pro一直在蓬勃發展,海外市場的價格飆升至5,000美元,遠遠超過了最初的3500美元價格。

What Happened: The Vision Pro, which was released in a limited number of U.S. stores at the beginning of February, is now being resold at a premium in various international markets, reported Bloomberg.

發生了什麼:彭博社報道,Vision Pro於2月初在美國數量有限的門店上市,現在正在各個國際市場上以溢價轉售。

In Japan, the device is being sold for ¥800,000 ($5,400), while in China, it's going for 36,000 yuan ($5,000). In Singapore, the price has reached S$8,500 ($6,300), and in Hong Kong, it's being sold for HK$35,800 ($4,580).


Apple's $3,500 Vision Pro Headset Worth The Hype? Tech YouTuber MKBHD Weighs In

蘋果 3,500 美元的 Vision Pro 耳機值得炒作嗎?科技 YouTuber MKBHD 參與其中

Despite the high prices, the demand for the Vision Pro remains strong, driven by a variety of factors. Analyst Ivan Lam from Counterpoint Research noted that the early exclusivity of the device is driving up prices, with unofficial channels selling the Vision Pro for as much as 40,000 yuan.

儘管價格居高不下,但在各種因素的推動下,對Vision Pro的需求仍然強勁。Counterpoint Research的分析師伊萬·林指出,該設備早期的獨家經營推高了價格,非官方渠道以高達4萬元人民幣的價格出售了Vision Pro。

"Our observations indicate inflated prices on unofficial channels, reaching up to 40,000 yuan for Vision Pro units," he said. "However, these purchases likely represent a limited supply, originating from outside markets and deviating from typical consumer behavior."

他說:“我們的觀察表明,非官方渠道的價格上漲了,Vision Pro的產品價格高達4萬元人民幣。”“但是,這些購買可能代表有限的供應,源自外部市場,與典型的消費者行爲背道而馳。”

IDC analyst Bryan Ma said that the motivation to get an early unit of Vision Pro stems from a range of sources. Apart from loyal Apple enthusiasts, overseas software developers, industry participants, and competitors are eager to gain early access to understand their forthcoming strategies, the report noted.

IDC分析師布萊恩·馬錶示,購買早期Vision Pro的動機來自多種來源。報告指出,除了忠實的蘋果愛好者外,海外軟件開發商、行業參與者和競爭對手都渴望搶先了解他們即將推出的戰略。

While Apple has previously said that Vision Pro will be coming to more countries later this year, so far there hasn't been any concrete timeline related confirmation. However, it has been reported that in U.K. and Canada the headset will be launched not "much later" than its U.S. market launch.

儘管蘋果此前曾表示,Vision Pro將於今年晚些時候在更多國家上市,但到目前爲止,還沒有任何與時間表相關的具體確認。但是,據報道,該頭戴式耳機將在英國和加拿大的上市時間不晚於其在美國市場上市 “很晚”。

Why It Matters: The Vision Pro has been a topic of much discussion since its release. Tech analyst Mark Gurman compared the headset's functionality to that of an iPad in his early review, suggesting that it could potentially replace the tablet in the future.

爲何重要:自發布以來,Vision Pro一直是許多討論的話題。科技分析師馬克·古爾曼在早期的評測中將這款頭戴式耳機的功能與iPad的功能進行了比較,認爲它將來有可能取代平板電腦。

The device's durability was also tested and found to be sturdier than expected.


Despite its high price, the Vision Pro has been hailed as a revolutionary product by analysts, with its potential for future evolution being recognized. Apple CEO Tim Cook previously defended the high price of the headset, highlighting the incredible amount of technology packed into the product.

儘管價格昂貴,但Vision Pro仍被分析師譽爲革命性產品,其未來發展的潛力得到了認可。蘋果首席執行官蒂姆·庫克此前曾爲這款頭戴式耳機的高昂價格辯護,強調了該產品中包含的驚人數量的技術。

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