
Evome Medical Technologies Executes Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Extend Remaining Simbex Acquisition Debt to June 2025; Increases Sales Targets by 7.5% for Biodex Distribution Contracts; Raises Biodex Product Pricing by 2% for 2024

Evome Medical Technologies Executes Non-Binding Letter of Intent to Extend Remaining Simbex Acquisition Debt to June 2025; Increases Sales Targets by 7.5% for Biodex Distribution Contracts; Raises Biodex Product Pricing by 2% for 2024

Evome Medical Technologies簽署不具約束力的意向書,將剩餘的Simbex收購債務延長至2025年6月;將Biodex分銷合同的銷售目標提高7.5%;將2024年的Biodex產品定價提高2%
GlobeNewswire ·  02/08 07:30

NEW YORK, Feb. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evome Medical Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "Evome") has executed a non-binding letter of intent (LOI) to extend acquisition debt of US$3,294,440 to the sellers of Simbex, LLC ("Simbex") to June 30, 2025. In exchange for the extensions, the Company intends to grant the Simbex sellers (i) a subordinated security interest in all non-Biodex assets, (ii) a 10% annual interest rate on the amount due from April 14, 2023 to the due date, (iii) cash payments when free cash flow balances of the Company exceed $500,000 after payments to other creditors with priority, and (iv) a waiver from the contractual restriction from holding more than 500,000 common shares of Evome (the "Common Shares") at any one time. As part of the transaction, Simbex sellers have indicated an intention to convert the 4,640,708 Class A non-voting shares (the "Class A Shares") still held into Common Shares.

紐約,2024年2月8日(環球新聞專線)——Evome Medical Technologies Inc.(“公司” 或 “Evome”)簽署了一份不具約束力的意向書(LOI),將Simbex, LLC(“Simbex”)賣方的3,294,440美元的收購債務延長至2025年6月30日。作爲延期的交換,公司打算授予Simbex賣方(i)所有非Biodex資產的次級擔保權益,(ii)從2023年4月14日至到期日到期日的到期金額的10%的年利率,(iii)在向其他優先債權人付款後公司的自由現金流餘額超過50萬美元時支付現金,以及(iv)免除持有超過50萬股普通股的合同限制 Evome(“普通股”)的任意時間。作爲交易的一部分,Simbex賣方表示打算將仍持有的4,640,708股A類無表決權股票(“A類股票”)轉換爲普通股。

The Company has increased sales targets by 7.5% for all distributors in the United States as well as raising Biodex product prices 2% on all products effective January 1, 2024 for the US market. The management believes these new targets and price increases should have a positive impact on the current quarter.


"I am pleased we were able to restructure and extend this last part of our acquisition debt obligation," said Mike Seckler, CEO of Evome Medical Technologies Inc. "This enables the Company to use capital in the coming quarters to accelerate growth and work towards building cash on our balance sheet. 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year for us. We have two new products we expect to launch shortly. We have a new sales and marketing team that has improved our distribution contracts by incorporating performance metrics including volume minimums. We have reorganized the board of directors and the top management to focus on our business plan. This debt extension follows my plan to provide time and space to execute our business plan over the next 18 months. As part of the negotiations with the Simbex sellers, we made sure this debt extension did not violate any of the terms of our previous agreement executed with holders of our other acquisition debt and our current bank lines."

Evome Medical Technologies Inc.首席執行官邁克·塞克勒說:“我很高興我們能夠重組和延長收購債務的最後一部分。這使公司能夠在未來幾個季度使用資本來加速增長並努力在資產負債表上積累現金。2024年對我們來說將是激動人心的一年。我們預計不久將推出兩款新產品。我們有一個新的銷售和營銷團隊,通過納入包括最低銷量在內的績效指標,改善了我們的分銷合同。我們重組了董事會和高層管理人員,將重點放在業務計劃上。此次債務延期遵循我的計劃,即在未來18個月內爲執行我們的業務計劃提供時間和空間。作爲與Simbex賣方談判的一部分,我們確保此次債務延期沒有違反我們先前與我們的其他收購債務和當前銀行額度持有人簽訂的協議的任何條款。”

For more information please contact:‎


Mike Seckler
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 1 (800) 760-6826‎

電話:1 (800) 760-6826‎

Additional Information


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the ‎policies of ‎‎the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this ‎release.‎

多倫多證券交易所風險交易所及其監管服務提供商(該術語在‎‎the 多倫多證券交易所風險投資交易所的‎policies 中定義)均不對本‎release 的充分性或準確性承擔責任。‎

Unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts in this press release are expressed in Canadian ‎‎dollars.‎

除非另有說明,否則本新聞稿中的所有美元金額均以加拿大元‎‎dollars 表示。‎

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking information" within the ‎meaning of ‎‎the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities ‎laws. These statements can ‎‎be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" ‎‎"believes", "estimates", "may", "would", ‎‎‎"could", ‎‎"should", "potential", ‎‎‎‎‎"will", "seek", "intend", ‎‎"plan", and "anticipate", and similar expressions as they ‎‎relate ‎‎‎‎to the Company, including: the Company executing a definitive agreement with the Simbex sellers and closing the transaction as contemplated by the LOI disclosed herein; and the timing and number of products the Company intends to launch. All ‎statements ‎other than statements of ‎historical fact may be forward-looking‎ information. Such ‎statements ‎‎reflect the Company's current views and intentions with respect to future ‎events, and ‎current information ‎available ‎to the Company, and are subject to certain risks, ‎uncertainties and ‎assumptions, including: the successfully negation and execution of a definitive agreement related to the LOI disclosed herein; the Company receiving all necessary approvals ‎for the transaction described herein; and all ‎conditions to closing the transaction described herein being satisfied or waived. The Company cautions that ‎the forward-looking statements contained ‎herein are qualified by important ‎factors that could cause ‎actual results to differ materially from those reflected by ‎such statements. Such factors ‎include but ‎are not limited to the ‎‎general business and ‎‎economic ‎conditions in the ‎regions in ‎which the Company ‎‎operates; the ability of the Company to execute on key ‎‎priorities, ‎including the ‎successful completion ‎of ‎acquisitions, business‎ retention, and‎‎ strategic plans and to‎‎ attract, develop ‎and retain key ‎‎executives; difficulty ‎integrating newly acquired businesses; ‎‎ongoing or new disruptions in the supply ‎chain, the ‎extent and scope of ‎such supply chain disruptions, and the timing or extent of the resolution ‎or improvement of ‎such disruptions; the ‎ability to‎‎‎ implement business strategies and pursue business ‎opportunities; ‎‎disruptions in or ‎attacks (including ‎‎cyber-attacks) on the Company's information ‎technology, internet, network access or other ‎‎voice ‎or data ‎‎communications systems or services; the ‎evolution of various types of fraud or other ‎‎‎criminal behavior to ‎which ‎ ‎the Company is exposed; the ‎failure of third parties to comply with their obligations to ‎‎ the Company or its ‎‎‎affiliates; the‎ impact of ‎new and changes to, or application of, current laws and regulations; ‎granting of permits ‎‎and licenses ‎in a highly regulated business; the ‎overall difficult ‎‎‎‎‎litigation environment, including in the United ‎‎‎States; increased competition; changes in foreign currency rates; ‎increased ‎‎‎‎funding ‎costs and market ‎volatility due ‎‎to market illiquidity and competition for funding; the ‎availability of funds ‎‎‎‎and ‎resources to pursue operations; ‎‎critical ‎accounting estimates and changes to accounting standards, ‎policies,‎‎‎‎ and methods used by the Company; ‎the ‎occurrence of natural and unnatural‎‎ catastrophic ‎‎events ‎and claims ‎‎‎‎resulting from such events; as well as ‎those ‎risk factors discussed or ‎referred to ‎in ‎the ‎Company's disclosure ‎documents filed with United States ‎Securities and ‎Exchange Commission ‎‎and ‎available at ‎, and with ‎the securities regulatory authorities ‎in certain ‎provinces of ‎Canada and ‎‎available at ‎. Should any ‎factor affect the Company in an ‎unexpected ‎‎manner, or should ‎‎assumptions underlying ‎the forward-looking ‎information prove incorrect, the actual ‎‎results or ‎events may differ ‎‎materially from the results ‎or events predicted. ‎Any such forward-looking ‎information ‎is ‎expressly qualified in its ‎‎entirety by this cautionary ‎statement. Moreover, ‎the Company ‎does not assume ‎‎responsibility for the accuracy or ‎‎completeness of such ‎forward-looking ‎information. ‎The forward-looking ‎‎information included in this press release ‎‎is made as of the ‎date of this press ‎‎release and the Company undertakes ‎‎no obligation to publicly update or revise ‎‎any forward-‎looking ‎information, ‎other than as required by applicable ‎‎law‎.‎

本新聞稿中包含的某些陳述構成‎meaning of‎‎the《私人證券訴訟改革法》和適用的加拿大證券‎laws 中的 “前瞻性信息”。這些陳述可以‎‎be 通過使用諸如 “期望”‎‎ “相信”、“估計”、“可能”、“會”、‎‎‎ “可以” 等前瞻性術語來識別,‎‎ “應該”、“潛在”、‎‎‎‎‎ “會”、“尋找”、“打算”、‎‎ “計劃” 和 “預測”,以及與‎‎relate‎‎‎‎to 公司類似的表述,包括:公司與公司簽訂最終協議Simbex按照此處披露的意向書的設想賣出並完成交易;以及公司打算推出產品的時間和數量。除‎historical 事實陳述外,所有‎statements‎other 都可能是前瞻性的‎ 信息。這樣‎statements‎‎reflect 公司目前對未來‎events 的看法和意圖,以及‎current 信息‎available‎to 公司,並面臨某些風險,‎uncertainties 和‎assumptions,包括:成功否定和執行與本文披露的意向書有關的最終協議;公司獲得所有必要的批准‎for 本文所述的交易;以及所有‎conditions 以完成本文所述的交易感到滿意或被放棄。該公司警告說,包含‎herein 的‎the 前瞻性陳述受重要‎factors 的限定,這可能會導致‎actual 業績與‎such 陳述所反映的結果存在重大差異。這些因素‎include 但是‎are 不限於‎‎general 業務和‎‎economic‎conditions‎regions in‎which the Company‎‎operates;公司執行密鑰的能力‎‎priorities,‎including‎successful 完成‎of‎acquisitions、業務‎ 留存和‎‎ 戰略計劃和‎‎吸引、發展‎and 留住關鍵‎‎executives;困難‎integrating 新收購的企業;‎‎ongoing 或者供應出現新的中斷‎chain,‎extent 和‎such 供應鏈中斷的範圍,以及解決問題的時機或程度‎or 改善‎such 中斷;‎ability 到‎‎‎ 實施業務戰略並根據公司信息開展業務‎opportunities;‎‎disruptions in 或‎attacks(包括‎‎cyber-attacks)‎technology、互聯網、網絡接入或其他‎‎voice‎or data‎‎communications 系統或服務;各類欺詐或其他行爲的‎evolution‎‎‎criminal 對‎which‎‎the 公司的行爲是風險的;‎failure 需要遵守其義務‎‎ 公司或其‎‎‎affiliates;‎ 對現行法律法規的變更或適用的影響;‎new‎granting of 許可證‎‎and 許可證‎in 一家監管嚴格的企業;‎overall 很難‎‎‎‎‎litigation 環境,包括美國‎‎‎States;競爭加劇;外幣匯率變化;‎increased‎‎‎‎funding‎costs 還有市場‎volatility 到期‎‎to 市場流動性不足和資金競爭;‎availability 資金‎‎‎‎and‎resources 用於開展業務;‎‎critical‎accounting 會計準則的估計和變更、‎policies、‎‎‎‎ 和公司使用的方法;‎the‎occurrence 既自然又不自然‎‎ 災難性‎‎events‎and 聲稱‎‎‎‎resulting 來自此類事件;以及‎those‎risk 討論的因素或‎referred 到‎in‎the‎Company 的披露‎documents 向美國‎Securities 和‎Exchange 委員會提交‎‎and‎available 位於‎www,還有‎the 證券監管機構‎in 肯定有‎provinces 的‎Canada 和‎‎available 在‎。在‎unexpected‎‎manner 中,是否有任何‎factor 會影響公司,還是‎‎assumptions 標的‎the 前瞻性‎information 證明不正確,實際的‎‎results 或‎events 可能與‎or 事件預測的結果‎‎materially 有所不同。‎Any 如此具有前瞻性‎information‎is‎expressly 根據這份警示符在其‎‎entirety 中獲得資格‎statement。此外,‎the Company‎does 不要假設‎‎responsibility 的準確性或‎‎completeness‎forward‎information。‎The 前瞻性‎‎information 包含在本新聞稿中‎‎is 截至本報的‎date‎‎release 而且公司承諾‎‎no 有義務公開更新或修改‎‎any forward-‎looking‎information,‎other 超出了適用的‎‎law‎ 的要求。‎

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