
Baselode Ready to Start Drilling at Catharsis Uranium Project

Baselode Ready to Start Drilling at Catharsis Uranium Project

Baselode 準備開始在 Catharsis 鈾項目進行鑽探
newsfile ·  02/15 06:00
  • New video published detailing uranium targets planned for this drill program
  • Multiple untested targets will be drilled with this program
  • Drill and crews are on site, ready to start drilling
  • 發佈的新視頻詳細介紹了該鑽探計劃中的鈾目標
  • 該程序將鑽探多個未經測試的目標
  • 鑽探人員和工作人員已在現場,準備開始鑽探

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 15, 2024) - Baselode Energy Corp. (TSXV: FIND) (OTCQB: BSENF) ("Baselode" or the "Company") is pleased to provide details outlining drill plans for the Catharsis uranium project in northern Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin area.

安大略省多倫多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 15 日)——Baselode Energy Corp.(TSXV:FIND)(OTCQB:BSENF)(”Baselode“或者”公司“)很高興提供詳細資料,概述薩斯喀徹溫省北部阿薩巴斯卡盆地地區的Catharsis鈾項目的鑽探計劃。

"We have completed extensive work to define Tier 1 target areas that share characteristics with other world-class basement-hosted Athabasca uranium deposits, such as NexGen Energy Ltd. (TSX: NXE) and Denison Mines Corp. (TSX: DML) Arrow and Gryphon deposits, respectively. The Catharsis drill program is ready to start, and our focus is to fast-track discovery by drilling multiple target areas with helicopter support," stated James Sykes, CEO, President, and Director of Baselode.

“我們已經完成了大量工作,以確定與地下室託管的其他世界級阿薩巴斯卡鈾礦牀具有相同特徵的一級目標區域,例如NexGen能源有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:NXE)和丹尼森礦業公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:DML)Arrow和Gryphon礦牀。Catharsis鑽探計劃已準備就緒,我們的重點是通過在直升機支持下鑽探多個目標區域來加快發現速度。” Baselode首席執行官、總裁兼董事James Sykes表示。

Please watch the Company's video (below) for more details about the drill program, including an explanation of target areas, exploration methodologies, and an overview of the Catharsis project.


Catharsis 2024 Exploration Plans

Catharsis 2024 年勘探計劃

Catharsis Drill Program Details
8 to 10 drill holes for 2,000 metres ("m") are planned within 4 to 5 different untested target areas (Figure 2). All support staff and equipment, such as diamond drill and helicopter, are on site and the program is ready to start. The Company has received the necessary permits to complete the program.

8 到 10 個鑽孔 2,000 米 (”m“)計劃在 4 到 5 個不同的未測試目標區域內(圖 2)。所有支持人員和設備,例如鑽石鑽機和直升機,都在現場,該計劃已準備就緒,可以開始了。該公司已獲得完成該計劃的必要許可。

The logistics support for a high-resolution airborne magnetic and radiometric survey is underway. The survey is planned for over 10,000 line-km with flight lines 50 m apart.


About Baselode Energy Corp.
Baselode controls 100% of approximately 272,804 hectares for exploration in the Athabasca Basin area of northern Saskatchewan, Canada. The land package is free of any option agreements or underlying royalties.


The Company discovered the ACKIO near-surface, uranium prospect in September 2021. ACKIO measures greater than 375 m along strike, greater than 150 m wide, comprised of at least 9 separate uranium Pods, with mineralization starting as shallow as 28 m and 32 m beneath the surface in Pods 1 and 7, respectively, and down to approximately 300 m depth beneath the surface with the bulk of mineralization occurring in the upper 120 m. ACKIO remains open at depth, and to the north, south and east.

該公司於2021年9月發現了ACKIO近地表鈾礦勘探區。ACKIO 的走向長度超過 375 米,寬度大於 150 米,由至少 9 個獨立的鈾艙組成,1 號和第 7 號艙的礦化區分別從地表以下 28 米和 32 米處開始,一直到地表下約 300 米的深度,大部分礦化發生在 120 米以上。ACKIO 在深度、向北、向南和向東仍處於開放狀態。

Baselode's Athabasca 2.0 exploration thesis focuses on discovering near-surface, basement-hosted, high-grade uranium orebodies outside the Athabasca Basin. The exploration thesis is further complemented by the Company's preferred use of innovative and well-understood geophysical methods to map deep structural controls to identify shallow targets for diamond drilling.

Baselode的Athabasca 2.0勘探論文側重於發現阿薩巴斯卡盆地以外的近地表、地下室託管的高品位鈾礦體。該公司首選使用創新且廣爲人知的地球物理方法繪製深層結構控制圖,以確定鑽石鑽探的淺層目標,進一步補充了勘探論點。

QP Statement
The technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Cameron MacKay, P.Geo., Vice-President, Exploration & Development for Baselode Energy Corp., who is considered to be a Qualified Person as defined in "National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects."

QP 聲明
本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Baselode Energy Corp. 勘探與開發副總裁P.Geo. 審查和批准,他被認爲是 “國家儀器43-101,礦業項目披露標準” 中定義的合格人員。

For further information, please contact:


James Sykes, CEO, President and Director
Baselode Energy Corp.

James Sykes,首席執行官、總裁兼董事
Baselode Energy

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Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Baselode Energy Corp. assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Baselode Energy Corp. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in the Company's filings with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under Baselode Energy Corp. profile at .

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FIGURE 1 - Bear, Catharsis, Hook & Shadow projects location map. ACKIO uranium prospect identified by yellow circle

圖 1-Bear、Catharsis、Hook & Shadow 項目位置圖。用黃色圓圈確定了 ACKIO 鈾礦前景

FIGURE 2 - Catharsis project and 2024 diamond drilling target areas A to D (white circles)

圖 2-Catharsis 項目和 2024 年鑽石鑽探目標區域 A 至 D(白色圓圈)

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