
Gossan Resources 2023 Year in Review, 2024 Strategic Plans, 2023 AGM Results, and Grant of Options

Gossan Resources 2023 Year in Review, 2024 Strategic Plans, 2023 AGM Results, and Grant of Options

Gossan Resources 2023 年回顧、2024 年戰略計劃、2023 年股東大會業績和期權授予
newsfile ·  2024/02/27 05:30

Winnipeg, Manitoba--(Newsfile Corp. - February 26, 2024) - Gossan Resources Limited (TSXV: GSS) (FSE: GSR) (XETRA: GSR) (the "Company" or "Gossan") is pleased to give a general update to shareholders including a review of the work performed in 2023 and the Company's strategic plans for 2024. In addition, the Company announces results of its Annual and Special General Meeting and a stock option grant.

曼尼托巴省溫尼伯--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 26 日)- 高山資源有限公司 (TSXV: GSS) (FSE: GSR) (XETRA: GSR) (”公司“或”Gossan”)很高興向股東通報最新情況,包括對2023年工作以及公司2024年的戰略計劃的回顧。此外,公司還公佈了年度和特別股東大會的結果以及股票期權授予。

2023 Year in Review

2023 年年度回顧

Sale of Bird River Nickel PGM Project: In April 2023 Gossan agreed to sell to a third party a three-year option to purchase 100% of the title and interest in and to the Bird River Claims held by Gossan. The purchase value was assigned to be up to $1,610,000, and Gossan would also retain a 2% NSR royalty.

出售伯德河鎳業PGM項目: 2023年4月,Gossan同意向第三方出售爲期三年的期權,以購買Gossan持有的Bird River Claims和Bird River Claims的100%所有權和權益。收購價值最高爲161萬美元,Gossan還將保留2%的NSR特許權使用費。

Gander Gold Project: During Q4 2023, the Company conducted a new visit to the site to follow up on the results from the previous years' geophysical and detailed sampling programs. The Company engaged a contractor to conduct a 16-day field program, which included prospecting and till sampling of both the b-horizon and c-horizon. This till chemistry was conducted as a follow-up check survey to validate the previous years' results, and to improve understanding on the areas of greater prospectivity. Collections of bedrock and outcrops samples which consist of vein material, selvages of host rock, and minor sulphides also took place.

甘德黃金項目: 在2023年第四季度,該公司對該地點進行了新的訪問,以跟蹤前幾年的地球物理和詳細採樣計劃的結果。該公司聘請了一家承包商進行爲期16天的實地勘探項目,其中包括對b地平線和c地平線進行勘探和直到採樣。該直升機化學是作爲後續檢查調查進行的,目的是驗證前幾年的結果,並增進對前景更大的領域的理解。還收集了基岩和露頭樣本,這些樣本包括礦脈材料、宿主巖塊和少量硫化物。

The target areas for this survey consisted primarily of areas that had previously been determined to be of higher prospectivity. In total 55 samples were collected (Figure 1), including geochemistry samples, heavy mineralogy till samples, country rock samples, and mineralized rock samples. At the main Gander Property, mineralized samples were typically quartz veins with trace to 1-2% fine grained sulphides of pyrite, arsenopyrite, and chalcopyrite.

本次調查的目標區域主要包括先前確定具有更高前景的區域。總共收集了55個樣品(圖1),包括地球化學樣本、重礦物學樣品、鄉村岩石樣本和礦化岩石樣品。在主要的甘德地產,礦化樣品通常是石英脈,含有 1-2% 的黃鐵礦、亞硫鐵礦和黃銅礦的細顆粒硫化物。

At the satellite Island Pond Property, mineralized samples were collected of brecciated quartz-carbonate veining containing pyrite and galena, within felsic volcanic rocks. The analytical results from these samples and geological observations will support the validation and refinement of existing soil geochemistry anomalies. Final assay results and conclusions are pending.

在 Island Pond Property 衛星,在長英質火山岩中採集了含有黃鐵礦和方鉛礦的角礫岩石英碳酸鹽礦脈的礦化樣品。這些樣本的分析結果和地質觀測結果將支持對現有土壤地球化學異常的驗證和完善。最終的化驗結果和結論尚待確定。

Figure 1: Gander till and bedrock sample locations.

圖 1:甘德礦和基岩樣本位置。

Separation Rapids Lithium Project: Following the quick advancement of Avalon Advanced Materials' property ("Avalon") during 2023, which sits contiguously and directly along strike to Gossan's property, the Company determined to re-visit the property for validation of its earlier work programs. During Q4 2023, the Company planned a sampling program intended to perform infill sampling within historically sampled outcrops, to sample mapped and unsampled pegmatites, and to collect samples for XRD analysis to gain a better understanding of the mineral phases present in the pegmatites. The program was ultimately completed in the first days of 2024.

分離急流鋰項目: 隨着阿瓦隆先進材料的財產(“阿瓦隆”)在2023年迅速發展,該地產與Gossan財產的罷工直接相連,該公司決定重新訪問該物業,以驗證其先前的工作計劃。在 2023 年第四季度,公司計劃了一項採樣計劃,旨在對歷史採樣的露頭進行填充採樣,對已繪製和未採樣的偉晶岩進行採樣,並收集樣本進行 XRD 分析,以更好地了解偉晶岩中存在的礦物相。該計劃最終在2024年的頭幾天完成。

Preliminary results show pegmatite mineralogy was seen to be relatively homogenous, being mostly dominated by sugary to granular coarse-grained albite and quartz with lesser accessory medium-grained muscovite and rare biotite and phlogopite. Lepidolite was seen in a few samples and was distinguished by a deep purple hue and basal cleavage (Figure 2). Several, previously unmapped pegmatite bodies were discovered. These pegmatite bodies were seen to extend the "Pegmatite Zone" to the west (toward Avalon) and follow the reported structural alignment of ~100 degrees strike and ~80 degrees dip.

初步結果顯示,偉晶岩礦物學被認爲相對均勻,主要以含糖到顆粒狀的粗顆粒長石和石英爲主,以及次要的中粒白雲母和稀有黑雲母和金雲母。在一些樣本中發現了鋰雲母,其特點是深紫色色調和基底裂解(圖 2)。發現了幾具以前未繪製的偉晶岩遺體。據觀察,這些偉晶岩體將 “偉晶岩區” 向西(向阿瓦隆)延伸,並遵循所報告的走向約100度,傾角約80度的結構方向。

In total, 19 samples were taken. All samples were sent for sodium peroxide fusion and seven samples were selected for additional semi-quantitative X-ray Diffraction. The assay certificates and final report are pending completion.


Figure 2: Sample found within an unmapped pegmatite outcrop on the west end of the "Pegmatite Zone." Lepidolite visible.

圖 2:在西端未繪製的偉晶岩露頭中發現的樣本 “偉晶岩區。”鋰雲母可見。

Samuel Pelaez, the Company's President and CEO, stated: "The work carried out in Gander over the past three seasons allows us to better refine areas for further exploration. The Company looks forward to defining drill target areas this year, and to identify the adequate source of financing for that next phase of exploration. Similarly, our Separation Rapids property, has generated renewed interest after Gossan's neighbors did a terrific job in 2023 by moving their property swiftly to a development stage and by engaging credible and reputable partners to put the asset into production. At Gossan, we are continuing to advance these properties while pursuing all avenues to create value for shareholders."

該公司總裁兼首席執行官塞繆爾·佩萊茲表示:“過去三個季節在甘德開展的工作使我們能夠更好地精煉區域以進行進一步的勘探。該公司期待在今年確定鑽探目標區域,併爲下一階段的勘探確定足夠的融資來源。同樣,我們的Separation Rapids房產再次引起了人們的興趣,此前Gossan的鄰居們在2023年做得非常出色,他們迅速將房產轉移到了開發階段,並聘請了可靠和信譽良好的合作伙伴將該資產投入生產。在Gossan,我們將繼續推進這些物業的發展,同時尋求各種途徑爲股東創造價值。”

2024 Corporate Plans

2024 年企業計劃

Royalty Sub-Co: The Company is advancing plans to create a wholly-owned subsidiary to hold the Company's royalty portfolio. The royalty portfolio currently consists of four royalties, including the per ton royalty on Canadian Premium Sand Inc. Manigotagan deposit which is currently making advance royalty payments. The Company also holds a right to repurchase a percentage of a royalty on its Gander Property. In addition, it is the intention of the Company to create new royalty agreements on its remaining exploration and development properties, and to assign them to the newly created royalty subsidiary. The process is ongoing and the Company will make further announcements as milestones are completed.

特許權使用費子公司: 該公司正在推進創建全資子公司的計劃,以持有公司的特許權使用費組合。特許權使用費組合目前由四項特許權使用費組成,其中包括加拿大優質砂業公司Manigotagan礦牀的每噸特許權使用費,該公司目前正在預付特許權使用費。該公司還擁有回購其甘德地產一定比例的特許權使用費的權利。此外,公司打算就其剩餘的勘探和開發物業簽訂新的特許權使用費協議,並將其分配給新成立的特許權使用費子公司。該過程仍在進行中,隨着里程碑的完成,公司將發佈進一步的公告。

Exploration Activities:


Gander Gold Project: Gossan intend to continue to advance its Gander Property to a drill ready state. Final conclusions from the 2023 work program are pending, and new explorations plans will follow these recommendations.

甘德黃金項目: Gossan打算繼續將其甘德地產推向鑽探就緒狀態。2023年工作計劃的最終結論尚待確定,新的勘探計劃將遵循這些建議。

Glitter VMS Project: The Company has been planning to conduct downhole EM surveys on its last set of drill holes. The Company will continue to look for the opportune time to commit the resources to this project as it plans to continue to advance the project, as funding allows.

Glitter VMS 項目: 該公司一直計劃對其最後一組鑽孔進行井下電磁勘測。該公司將繼續尋找合適的時機爲該項目投入資源,因爲該公司計劃在資金允許的情況下繼續推進該項目。

Separation Rapids Lithium Project: The Company is looking to complete an airborne geophysical survey of the property. Together with the recent sampling, these results will allow the Company to better determine further explorations plans. These plans may include a mechanized program to better expose the widths and strike lengths of the mapped pegmatites.

分離急流鋰項目: 該公司正在尋求完成對該物業的航空地球物理調查。加上最近的抽樣,這些結果將使公司能夠更好地確定進一步的勘探計劃。這些計劃可能包括一個機械化程序,以更好地暴露測繪的偉晶岩的寬度和走向長度。

Pipestone Critical Metals Project: The Company is encouraged by the launch of the Canadian Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund ("CIMF"), looking to "unlock new critical mineral resources, support improved environmental performance at mine sites, promote reconciliation with Indigenous partners, and strengthen critical minerals supply and value chains." The Company believes that its large indicated and inferred titanium dioxide and vanadium resource could become a leading supplier of minerals and materials for clean energy technologies. (Please refer to the Company's Pipestone 43-101 for details).

Pipestone 關鍵金屬項目: 公司對加拿大關鍵礦產基礎設施基金(“CIMF”)的啓動感到鼓舞,該基金希望 “釋放新的關鍵礦產資源,支持改善礦場的環境績效,促進與土著合作伙伴的和解,加強關鍵礦產供應和價值鏈。”該公司認爲,其大量指示和推斷的二氧化鈦和釩資源可能成爲清潔能源技術礦產和材料的主要供應商。(詳情請參閱該公司的Pipestone 43-101)。

Currently, the Company is exploring a scenario involving the local community, a leading educational institution, and a technical consultant for engineering and environment to partner with the intention to secure CIMF funding to develop the Pipestone project through to completion of pre-feasibility.


2023 AGM Results

2023 年股東大會結果

The Company is pleased to announce the results of its Annual and Special Meeting of Shareholders (the "Meeting"), held on December 14, 2023. At the Meeting, incumbent directors MaryAnn Myhichuk, Hamid M. Mumin, and George N. Mannard were re-elected as directors of Gossan. All other items put forth at the Meeting were also approved, including the re-appointment of the Company's auditors, as well as the approval of a change to the Company's by-laws.


Grant of Options


On February 26, 2024 the Board of Directors of the Company granted 1,700,000 incentive stock options to Directors, Officers, Advisors and Consultants. The options are subject to the Corporation's stock option plan. The options have an exercise price of $0.05 per share and expire on February 26, 2029. The options vest in tranches over a period of 2-years from the date of grant. In addition, 80,000 previously issued stock options to advisors have been cancelled. As of the date of this press release the Corporation has 68,801,471 shares outstanding, and 3,330,000 stock options outstanding.

2024 年 2 月 26 日,公司董事會向董事、高級管理人員、顧問和顧問授予了 1,700,000 份激勵性股票期權。期權受公司的股票期權計劃約束。這些期權的行使價爲每股0.05美元,將於2029年2月26日到期。自授予之日起,期權在2年內分批歸屬。此外,先前向顧問發行的80,000份股票期權已被取消。截至本新聞稿發佈之日,該公司有68,801,471股已發行股票,333萬股已發行股票期權。

Qualified Person:


The technical content of this release has been reviewed and approved by Hamid Mumin, Ph.D., P.Eng., P.Geo., a Director of the Company and a 'Qualified Person' as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過哈米德·穆明博士、工程學碩士、P.Geo.、公司董事和加拿大國家儀器43-101定義的 “合格人員” 的審查和批准。

About Gossan Resources:

關於 Gossan 資源:

Gossan Resources Limited holds mineral exploration and development properties located in Manitoba, Northwestern Ontario and Newfoundland. The Company's focus is to advance exploration and drilling of its Glitter Property, located in the zinc-copper-silver rich polymetallic Sturgeon Lake Greenstone Belt of Northwestern Ontario. The Company is also advancing its Gander Gold Property in Newfoundland. The company also holds a broadly diversified portfolio of multi-element properties, prospective for hosting gold, base metals and platinum group elements, as well as specialty "green-battery metals", nickel, cobalt, vanadium, titanium, tantalum, lithium and chromium. Gossan also has a deposit of high-purity, magnesium-rich dolomite, and holds advance and production royalty interests in a high-purity silica sand deposit. The Company trades on the TSX Venture and the Frankfurt/Freiverkehr & Xetra Exchanges and currently has 66,801,471 Common Shares outstanding.

Gossan Resources Limited持有位於曼尼托巴省、安大略省西北部和紐芬蘭的礦產勘探和開發物業。該公司的重點是推進其Glitter地產的勘探和鑽探,該地產位於安大略省西北部富含鋅銅銀的多金屬鱘湖綠石帶。該公司還在推進其位於紐芬蘭的甘德黃金地產。該公司還擁有廣泛多元化的多元素資產組合,有望儲存黃金、基本金屬和鉑族元素,以及特種 “綠色電池金屬”、鎳、鈷、釩、鈦、鉭、鋰和鉻。Gossan 還擁有高純度、富含鎂的白雲石礦牀,並持有高純度硅砂礦牀的預付款和生產特許權使用費權益。該公司在多倫多證券交易所風險投資和法蘭克福/Freiverkehr和Xetra交易所交易,目前已發行普通股66,801,471股。

For further information, please bookmark or contact:


Samuel Pelaez, President & CEO
Gossan Resources Limited
Tel: (202) 677-8513

電話:(202) 677-8513

Kathy Ringland, Office Manager
Tel: (204) 943-1990

電話:(204) 943-1990

Cautionary Statement on Forward -Looking Information


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. This news release contains forward-looking information which is not comprised of historical facts. Forward-looking information involves risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, uncertainty over the outcome of any litigious matters, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, statements regarding exploration results and exploration plans. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates, the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.


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