
Zion Oil & Gas Gains Full Acceptance of Work Plan by Supervisory Committee in Israel

Zion Oil & Gas Gains Full Acceptance of Work Plan by Supervisory Committee in Israel

PR Newswire ·  02/26 16:48

Unit Program extended until March 31.


DALLAS and CAESAREA, Israel, Feb. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTC: ZNOG) announces the full acceptance of its work plan by the Supervisory Committee in Israel.

以色列達拉斯和凱撒利亞,2024年2月26日 /PRNewswire/ — 錫安石油天然氣公司(場外交易代碼:ZNOG)宣佈以色列監督委員會完全接受其工作計劃。

Exploration License 434 ("Megiddo Valleys License") spans approximately 75,000 acres.

"On February 21, 2024, members of the Supervisory Committee visited our rig site. During this visit, they interacted with staff from Zion Oil & Gas, and our consultants and potential service providers. Some of these interactions occurred at Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu, while others were conducted through video conferencing with participants from US, Europe, and the Middle East, among other locations. I'm pleased to report that following these discussions, the Committee has officially accepted our work plan for the MJ-01 project. This acceptance allows us to sign agreements and secure mobilization dates with our service providers to commence and complete the project," announced Zion Oil & Gas CEO, Robert Dunn.

“2024年2月21日,監督委員會成員訪問了我們的鑽機現場。在這次訪問中,他們與Zion Oil & Gas的員工以及我們的顧問和潛在的服務提供商進行了互動。其中一些互動發生在Kibbutz Sde Eliyahu,而另一些則是通過視頻會議與來自美國、歐洲和中東等地的參與者進行的。我很高興地向大家報告,經過這些討論,委員會已正式接受我們的 MJ-01 項目工作計劃。這種接受使我們能夠與服務提供商簽署協議並確保動員日期,以啓動和完成該項目。” Zion Oil & Gas首席執行官羅伯特·鄧恩宣佈。

On September 14, 2023, Zion announced that the Israeli Ministry of Energy had issued a new onshore exploration license – the Megiddo Valleys 434 license.


On October 7, 2023, during the Celebration of Simchat Torah, Hamas launched a vicious attack on Israel, which led to a declaration of war that is still in effect.

2023年10月7日,在慶祝Simchat Torah期間,哈馬斯對以色列發動了惡性攻擊,導致宣戰至今仍然有效。

On December 6, 2023, the Israeli Ministry of Energy formally approved a detailed, industry-specific operational framework for the planned reentry, production tests, and recompletion of the MJ-01 well. The submission of this work plan is a requirement under Israeli law.

2023 年 12 月 6 日,以色列能源部正式批准了計劃中的 MJ-01 油井重入、生產測試和再完工的詳細行業特定運營框架。提交該工作計劃是以色列法律的一項要求。

With the work plan approved, Zion was able to proceed with convening the required Supervisory Committee meeting. This Committee, consisting of a fifteen-member panel, is tasked with reviewing and endorsing the work plan. It also ensures that our planned operations have sufficiently mitigated potential impacts on the land, local roads, surrounding land uses, available water resources, and addressed other environmental and safety concerns.


Under Israeli law, the Supervisory Committee is composed of representatives from the Ministries of Energy, Water, and Environment, and representatives from the local Spring Valley County Council as well as from the surrounding kibbutzim of Sde Eliyahu (where the rig site is located) and Tirat Zvi (adjacent to Zion's rig site).

根據以色列法律,監督委員會由能源、水利和環境部的代表以及當地斯普林谷縣議會的代表以及周圍的Sde Eliyahu(鑽機所在地)和提拉特茲維(毗鄰錫安鑽井場地)的集體農場的代表組成。

Due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, scheduling a meeting with such a large Committee became more complex, as it required finding a date and time suitable for all members.


Zion will deploy cutting-edge technologies and innovative stimulation techniques in the MJ-01 well, aiming to unlock hydrocarbon flows in both previously and newly identified zones of interest.

錫安將在 MJ-01 油井中部署尖端技術和創新的刺激技術,旨在釋放先前和新確定的感興趣區域的碳氫化合物流動。

With this news, Zion Oil & Gas is also announcing the extension of its current Unit Program. Originally set to conclude on February 29, 2024, the program will now run until March 31, 2024. This extension offers investors additional time to participate in Zion's vision for Israel's energy independence. Each $250 investment per unit will continue to provide investors with $250 worth of ZNOG stock at the trading day's high-low average and fifty 25-cent Warrants, with the exercise period now extended from April 15, 2024, to April 14, 2025.


Investors can participate directly in Zion's mission via the company's website at through Zion's Direct Stock Purchase Program.


John Brown, Zion Founder and Chairman, expressed gratitude for the unwavering support from Zion's shareholders and the diligent efforts of the team in Israel. "This achievement reflects God's faithfulness toward advancing Israel's energy landscape. We are deeply thankful for the continuous support of our investors and the many prayers by our supporters during this time of difficulty for Israel."


Zion Oil & Gas, a US public company traded on the OTC, explores for oil and gas onshore in Israel on the 75,000 acre "Megiddo Valleys License 434" area.

Zion Oil & Gas是一家在場外交易的美國上市公司,在佔地7.5萬英畝的 “Megiddo Valleys 434號許可證” 區域勘探以色列陸上石油和天然氣。

"As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."
1 Peter 4:10

彼得前書 4:10

"Let your eyes look straight ahead,
And your eyelids look right before you.
Ponder the path of your feet,
And let all your ways be established.
Do not turn to the right or the left;
Remove your foot from evil."
Proverbs 4:25-27

箴言 4:25-27

Andrew Summey
VP, Marketing and Investor Relations
Zion Oil & Gas, Inc. (OTC: ZNOG)
12655 North Central Expressway, Suite 1000, Dallas, TX 75243
Telephone: 888-891-9466
Email: [email protected]

12655 中北部高速公路,1000 號套房,德克薩斯州達拉斯 75243

FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Statements in this communication that are not historical fact, including, but not limited to, statements regarding Zion's operations and the results therefrom, including testing and completion; Zion's ability to discover and produce oil in commercial quantities; Zion's ability to continue as a going concern including raising the necessary funds for operations; operational risks in ongoing exploration efforts; regulatory approvals needed for exploration within our license and the rig's operation; the effect, if any, of the coronavirus pandemic on the timing of the operation of the well; the effect, if any, of the uncertainties associated with wars and skirmishes between Israel and other organizations and/or countries, and liquidity for shareholders on the OTC market are forward-looking statements as defined in the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on assumptions that are subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other unpredictable factors, many of which are described in Zion's periodic reports filed with the SEC and are beyond Zion's control. These risks could cause Zion's actual performance to differ materially from the results predicted by these forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, those described in Item 1A in Zion's Annual Report on Form 10-K, which is expressly incorporated herein by reference, and other factors as may periodically be described in Zion's filings with the SEC. Zion can give no assurance that the expectations reflected in these statements will prove to be correct and assumes no responsibility to update these statements.

前瞻性陳述:本來文中非歷史事實的陳述,包括但不限於有關錫安運營及其結果的陳述,包括測試和完工;錫安發現和生產商業數量石油的能力;錫安繼續作爲持續經營企業的能力,包括籌集必要的運營資金;正在進行的勘探工作中的運營風險;在我們的許可範圍內進行勘探和鑽機運營所需的監管批准;影響(如果有),冠狀病毒疫情對油井運營時機的影響;與以色列和其他組織和/或國家之間的戰爭和小規模衝突相關的不確定性的影響(如果有)以及場外交易市場股東的流動性是前瞻性陳述,如1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》的 “安全港” 條款所定義。這些前瞻性陳述基於假設,這些假設受重大已知和未知風險、不確定性和其他不可預測因素的影響,其中許多因素在錫安向美國證券交易委員會提交的定期報告中進行了描述,是錫安無法控制的。這些風險可能導致錫安的實際表現與這些前瞻性陳述所預測的結果存在重大差異。這些風險和不確定性包括但不限於錫安10-K表年度報告第1A項中描述的風險和不確定性,該報告以引用方式明確納入此處,以及錫安可能在向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中定期描述的其他因素。錫安無法保證這些聲明中反映的期望將被證明是正確的,並且不承擔更新這些聲明的責任。

SOURCE Zion Oil & Gas, Inc.

來源 Zion Oil & Gas, Inc.

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