
Locafy Announces Partnership Agreement With DiDNA to Enhance Digital Property Portfolio With Leading Advertising Technology

Locafy Announces Partnership Agreement With DiDNA to Enhance Digital Property Portfolio With Leading Advertising Technology

GlobeNewswire ·  02/29 08:00

diDNA to Provide Advertising Technology and Services to Help Enhance Locafy's Portfolio of Digital Properties; diDNA to Also Promote Locafy's Article Accelerator to Large Publisher Network


PERTH, Australia, Feb. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Locafy Limited (Nasdaq: LCFY, LCFYW) ("Locafy" or the "Company"), a globally recognized software-as-a-service technology company specializing in programmatic "Entity-Based" search engine marketing, today entered an agreement (the "Agreement") with diDNA, a leading ad tech provider for the publisher ecosystem. Under the terms of the Agreement, diDNA will provide advertising technology and services to help Locafy enhance its digital property portfolio. Also, diDNA has agreed to promote Locafy's Article Accelerator technology ("Article Accelerator") to its sizeable publisher client network.

澳大利亞珀斯,2024 年 2 月 29 日(環球通訊社)-- Locafy 有限公司 (納斯達克股票代碼:LCFY,LCFYW)(“Locafy” 或 “公司”)是一家全球公認的專門從事 “基於實體” 的程序化搜索引擎營銷的軟件即服務技術公司,今天與發行商生態系統的領先廣告技術提供商diDNA簽訂了一項協議(“協議”)。根據協議條款,diDNA將提供廣告技術和服務,以幫助Locafy增強其數字房地產投資組合。此外,diDNA已同意向其龐大的出版商客戶網絡推廣Locafy的文章加速器技術(“文章加速器”)。

Through diDNA's proprietary, publisher-first advertising technology, publishers can apply advanced business logic to their ad inventories and programmatic ad deployment processes to maximize their earnings while creating custom user experiences. diDNA's software provides publishers the opportunity to cut down on time, resources, and extra personnel, further unlocking the monetization capabilities of publishers' ad inventories.


Pursuant to the Agreement, Locafy will broadly deploy diDNA software within its directory portfolio, maximizing Locafy's revenue-generating opportunities with its directories, including brands such as Hotfrog, Aussieweb, Pink Pages, and SuperPages. Locafy also plans to engage diDNA to monetize its most recent acquisition of Scoop, an iconic luxury media brand representing leading local and global brands and products in the Australian market. As Locafy replicates its strategy of revitalizing underperforming websites through additional acquisition opportunities, especially in niche publishing sectors that have high advertising dollar value, it expects to deploy diDNA technology for these brands as well.

根據該協議,Locafy將在其目錄組合中廣泛部署diDNA軟件,最大限度地利用其名錄(包括Hotfrog、Aussieweb、Pink Pages和SuperPages等品牌)的創收機會。Locafy還計劃聘請diDNA通過其最新版本獲利 收購 of Scoop,一個代表澳大利亞市場領先的本地和全球品牌和產品的標誌性奢侈媒體品牌。隨着Locafy複製其戰略,即通過額外的收購機會振興表現不佳的網站,尤其是在廣告價值高的利基出版領域,它預計也將爲這些品牌部署diDNA技術。

In addition to its advertising software, diDNA boasts a publishing network that includes over 40,000 publishers, including many that publish on a national-level scale. The broader online publishing industry has faced significant readership and traffic declines in recent years that have grown more acute in the past 12-18 months, largely driven by significant algorithm updates and a surge in AI-generated content. However, ongoing Article Accelerator engagements show that Locafy's technology drives increased readership by surfacing advertorials through Google search results, rather than expecting readers to access the article through the publisher's primary website.

除了廣告軟件外,diDNA還擁有一個出版網絡,其中包括40,000多家出版商,其中包括許多在全國範圍內出版的出版商。近年來,更廣泛的在線出版行業面臨着讀者人數和流量的大幅下降,在過去的12-18個月中,這種下降變得更加嚴重,這主要是由重要的算法更新和人工智能生成內容的激增所推動的。但是,持續的Article Accelerator活動表明,Locafy的技術通過谷歌搜索結果顯示軟文來增加讀者群,而不是指望讀者通過出版商的主要網站訪問文章。

Through the Agreement, diDNA will implement Article Accelerator alongside its existing advertising software to allow its publishers to increase the prominence of advertorials within online search results for competitive keywords. This collaboration will begin with a paid trial that includes 10-15 publishers in diDNA's network, where publishers will pay a fee based on the increase in number of clicks on their website with an agreed monthly threshold per article. Assuming that the trials are successful, diDNA will then recommend Article Accelerator to the broader set of publishers as well.

通過該協議,diDNA將在其現有廣告軟件的同時實施Article Accelerator,以允許其出版商提高軟文在競爭性關鍵字的在線搜索結果中的突出地位。此次合作將從付費試用開始,其中包括diDNA網絡中的10-15家出版商,出版商將根據其網站點擊量的增加支付費用,並商定每篇文章的月度門檻。假設試驗成功,diDNA隨後還將向更廣泛的出版商推薦Article Accelerator。

"diDNA is an established name in the advertising, technology, multimedia, and publishing industries, with specific software and strategies to unlock publisher advertising revenue," said Locafy CEO, Gavin Burnett. "We believe that this agreement will accelerate our work to drive revenue from the digital properties in our portfolio. Additionally, our technology increases readership with diDNA's sizeable publishing client base, we are confident that Article Accelerator will increase the overall traffic for diDNA's publishing network websites, augmenting diDNA's advertising expertise. We look forward to our continued partnership with diDNA as we work to revolutionize how brands approach online SEO."

Locafy首席執行官加文·伯內特表示:“diDNA是廣告、科技、多媒體和出版行業的知名品牌,其特定的軟件和策略可以解鎖出版商的廣告收入。”“我們相信,該協議將加快我們的工作,以增加投資組合中數字資產的收入。此外,我們的技術憑藉diDNA龐大的出版客戶群增加了讀者群,我們相信,Article Accelerator將增加diDNA出版網絡網站的總體流量,增強diDNA的廣告專業知識。我們期待與diDNA繼續合作,努力徹底改變品牌採用在線SEO的方式。”

"We expect our partnership with Locafy to be a catalyst for additional growth among our already-established customer base," said diDNA COO, Caleb Hooper. "The broader online marketplace has seen recent algorithm updates result in lost website traffic. We are confident that Locafy's technology will allow us to restore much of that traffic and provide fuel for our software as we help our brands maximize advertising monetization. This agreement is an important step as we expand our market share in the online advertising space."


For more information about Locafy's technology, including educational blogs and case studies, please view Locafy's investor relations website at


About Locafy
Locafy (Nasdaq: LCFY, LCFYW) is a globally recognized software-as-a-service technology company specializing in local search engine marketing. Founded in 2009, Locafy's mission is to revolutionize the US$700 billion SEO sector. We help businesses and brands increase search engine relevance and prominence in a specific proximity using a fast, easy, and automated approach. For more information, please visit .

關於 Locafy
Locafy(納斯達克股票代碼:LCFY,LCFYW)是一家全球公認的軟件即服務技術公司,專門從事本地搜索引擎營銷。Locafy成立於2009年,其使命是徹底改變價值7000億美元的搜索引擎優化行業。我們使用快速、簡單和自動化的方法,幫助企業和品牌在特定地區提高搜索引擎的相關性和知名度。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 。

About diDNA
diDNA, based in Orlando, FL, was founded in 2016 and is one of the world's leading full-service advertising solutions providers for the publisher ecosystem. diDNA's ad management platform maximizes ad revenue through a holistic approach including core ad tech, access to premium demand partners, and a dedicated revenue optimization team committed to delivering industry leading results.

關於 diDNA

Currently, the company works with over 40,000 publisher properties, providing automated tools, hands-on management and a product suite designed to empower and instantly increase revenue for everyone within the publisher and advertising community. diDNA prides itself on developing a "culture of no competition" to foster strong industry relationships, thus quickly becoming the bedrock of the publisher advertising world.

目前,該公司與40,000多家出版商合作,提供自動化工具、實際操作管理和產品套件,旨在增強出版商和廣告界每個人的能力並即時增加收入。diDNA爲發展一種 “無競爭文化” 以促進牢固的行業關係而感到自豪,從而迅速成爲出版商廣告界的基石。

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參觀 然後關注我們 領英 獲取更多信息和公司新聞。

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This press release contains "forward-looking statements" that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as "subject to", "believe," "anticipate," "plan," "expect," "intend," "estimate," "project," "may," "will," "should," "would," "could," "can," the negatives thereof, variations thereon and similar expressions, or by discussions of strategy, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, they do involve assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, and these expectations may prove to be incorrect. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of a variety of factors, including those discussed in the Company's periodic reports that are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission and available on its website ( All forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or persons acting on its behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by these factors. Other than as required under the securities laws, the Company does not assume a duty to update these forward-looking statements.

本新聞稿包含受重大風險和不確定性影響的 “前瞻性陳述”。本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述,除歷史事實陳述外,均爲前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述可以通過使用 “受到”、“相信”、“預期”、“計劃”、“期望”、“打算”、“估計”、“項目”、“可能”、“將”、“應該”、“會”、“可以”、“可以” 等詞語來識別,也可以通過戰略討論來識別,儘管並非都是前瞻性的語句包含這些單詞。儘管公司認爲此類前瞻性陳述中反映的預期是合理的,但它們確實涉及假設、風險和不確定性,這些預期可能被證明是不正確的。您不應過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本新聞稿發佈之日。由於多種因素,包括公司向美國證券交易委員會提交併在其網站上公佈的定期報告中討論的因素,公司的實際業績可能與這些前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異(。歸因於公司或代表公司行事的人的所有前瞻性陳述均受這些因素的明確限制。除證券法的要求外,公司不承擔更新這些前瞻性陳述的責任。

Investor Relations Contact
Tom Colton or Chris Adusei-Poku
Gateway Group
(949) 574-3860

Tom Colton 或 Chris Adusei-Poku
(949) 574-3860

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