
Kodiak Uses VRIFY's Artificial Intelligence Software to Optimise Exploration and Drill Targeting

Kodiak Uses VRIFY's Artificial Intelligence Software to Optimise Exploration and Drill Targeting

Kodiak 使用 VRIFY 的人工智能軟件來優化勘探和鑽探目標
newsfile ·  03/04 06:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 4, 2024) - Kodiak Copper Corp. (TSXV: KDK) (OTCQB: KDKCF) (FSE: 5DD1) (the "Company" or "Kodiak") today reports that it has entered into an agreement with VRIFY to use its advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) mineral targeting software to enhance exploration and drilling at its 100% owned MPD copper-gold porphyry project in southern British Columbia.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年3月4日)——科迪亞克銅業公司(TSXV:KDK)(OTCQB:KDKCF)(FSE:5DD1)(“公司” 或 “科迪亞克”)今天報告說,它已與VRIFY達成協議,使用其先進的人工智能(AI)礦物靶向軟件來加強其100%擁有的MPD銅的勘探和鑽探不列顛哥倫比亞省南部的金斑岩項目。

Exploration results from the MPD project continue to expand the number of drill-confirmed zones and prospective target areas, which now stand at over 20 mineralized centres. Kodiak's management views AI technologies as a promising method to help prioritize drilling more efficiently and cost-effectively.


Data from MPD was analysed by VRIFY's AI software with the aim of predicting areas with a high probability of mineralization. Initial results of the AI analysis are encouraging and highlight drill targets already identified by Kodiak, in addition to a number of new prospective areas (Figure 1). New areas identified by VRIFY AI will be investigated as part of the 2024 exploration program. Moving forward, the dynamic nature of the VRIFY AI driven geo-targeting system is expected to result in more real-time and adaptable exploration strategies at MPD.

來自MPD的數據由VRIFY的人工智能軟件進行了分析,目的是預測礦化概率高的區域。人工智能分析的初步結果令人鼓舞,它突顯了科迪亞克已經確定的鑽探目標以及一些新的潛在區域(圖 1)。作爲2024年勘探計劃的一部分,將對VRIFY AI確定的新區域進行調查。展望未來,VRIFY AI驅動的地理定位系統的動態性質有望爲MPD帶來更具實時性和適應性的探索策略。

Kodiak will be featured at VRIFY's booth (#3321) at the Investors Exchange of the PDAC conference and will present the results to date from the AI analysis at MPD in a fully interactive 3D presentation. We invite you to attend the VRIFY AI launch event on Monday March 4 at 1pm or visit the booth anytime thereafter, to meet the Kodiak and VRIFY teams and learn more. A VRIFY AI 3D model of MPD will be available on Kodiak's website in due course.

科迪亞克將在PDAC投資者交易所會議的VRIFY展位 (#3321) 上亮相,並將以完全交互式的三維演示形式展示MPD迄今爲止的人工智能分析結果。我們邀請您參加3月4日星期一下午1點的VRIFY AI發佈會,或在此後隨時訪問展位,與科迪亞克和VRIFY團隊會面並了解更多信息。MPD的VRIFY AI 3D模型將在適當的時候在科迪亞克的網站上提供。

Claudia Tornquist, President and CEO of Kodiak, said, "I have no doubt that AI will revolutionize mineral exploration by vastly improving the integration and evaluation of large geological data sets, thus accelerating drill targeting, enhancing efficiency and reducing exploration costs. We are thrilled by the initial results from our work with VRIFY. Their powerful mineral targeting software fuses cutting-edge AI technology with human expertise in an iterative process, capable of validating existing targets and generating potential new ones at a rapid pace. MPD is well suited to AI-enhanced exploration as it is a treasure trove of data, with Kodiak's extensive project database complemented by historic information spanning many decades. VRIFY AI is an exciting new addition to Kodiak's exploration toolkit and we look forward to applying its full potential at MPD."

科迪亞克總裁兼首席執行官克勞迪婭·託恩奎斯特表示:“我毫不懷疑,人工智能將極大地改善大型地質數據集的整合和評估,從而加快鑽探目標,提高效率並降低勘探成本,從而徹底改變礦產勘探。我們對與VRIFY合作的初步結果感到非常興奮。他們強大的礦物靶向軟件在迭代過程中將尖端的人工智能技術與人類專業知識融爲一體,能夠驗證現有目標並快速生成潛在的新目標。MPD 非常適合人工智能增強探索,因爲它是數據的寶庫,科迪亞克龐大的項目數據庫輔之以跨越數十年的歷史信息。VRIFY AI是科迪亞克探索工具包中令人興奮的新增內容,我們期待在MPD充分發揮其潛力。”

Figure 1: Screenshot of VRIFY AI 3D geo-targeting model at MPD North area. Peaks and colour contours rank predictive areas for Cu-Au-Mo mineralization. In addition to identifying known targets (spheres with white text) VRIFY AI modelling selected new prospective areas that will be followed-up in 2024 (black boxes with yellow text and arrows)

圖 1: 在 MPD 北部區域 VRIFY AI 3D 地理定位模型的屏幕截圖。峯值和顏色輪廓對銅金鉬礦化的預測區域進行排名。除了識別已知目標(帶有白色文本的球體)外,VRIFY AI 建模還選定了新的前景區域,這些區域將在 2024 年進行後續跟進(帶有黃色文字和箭頭的黑框)

Jeff Ward, P.Geo, Vice President Exploration and the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has approved and verified the technical data used in the VRIFY AI mineral targeting software and information contained in this news release. The historic data used herein is believed to be from reliable sources using industry standards at the time, based on Kodiak's review of available documentation and select verification work. However, the Company has not independently validated all historic work, and the reader is cautioned about its accuracy.

勘探副總裁兼國家儀器43-101定義的合格人員傑夫·沃德P.Geo已批准並驗證了VRIFY AI礦物靶向軟件中使用的技術數據以及本新聞稿中包含的信息。根據科迪亞克對現有文檔的審查和部分驗證工作,據信此處使用的歷史數據來自使用當時行業標準的可靠來源。但是,該公司尚未獨立驗證所有歷史著作,並提醒讀者注意其準確性。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Kodiak Copper Corp.


Claudia Tornquist
President & CEO


For further information contact:
Nancy Curry, VP Corporate Development
+1 (604) 646-8362

+1 (604) 646-8362

About VRIFY Artificial Intelligence

關於 VRIFY 人工智能

VRIFY's artificial intelligence ("AI") targeting system uses a combination of deep learning and computer vision architectures to train predictive models with data from various exploration features like drillholes, rock geochemistry, and mineral occurrences. VRIFY's system then combines data embedding with supervised predictive models to generate a prospectivity score, enabling probabilistic predictions of mineralized areas. The approach leverages complex data relationships to predict mineral exploration targets, streamlining the process of identifying viable mineral deposits. The automation of target generation will allow the trained model to be updated quickly with new data from ongoing exploration work. By using locally trained models, VRIFY will be able to deliver prediction accuracy metrics and feature importance maps, giving true insight into exploration vectors.

VRIFY 的人工智能(“AI”)瞄準系統結合了深度學習和計算機視覺架構,使用來自鑽孔、岩石地球化學和礦物礦點等各種勘探特徵的數據來訓練預測模型。然後,VRIFY的系統將數據嵌入與監督預測模型相結合,生成前景分數,從而可以對礦化區域進行概率預測。該方法利用複雜的數據關係來預測礦產勘探目標,簡化了識別可行礦牀的過程。目標生成的自動化將允許使用來自正在進行的勘探工作的新數據快速更新經過訓練的模型。通過使用本地訓練的模型,VRIFY將能夠提供預測精度指標和特徵重要性地圖,從而真正了解探索向量。

The VRIFY modeling is conducted by compiling the exploration data into a gridded data space. Feature engineering steps include, geophysical standard filtering such as vertical derivatives ("FVD"), tilt angle (tilt) and other Fourier filtering. Geological information from outcrops is used to generate a probabilistic lithological map and geochemical data is interpolated using a random forest regression process. The feature engineering process is validated using statistical evaluation of the products together with visual validation. All exploration features are then compiled as entry to the VRIFY targeting algorithm. Learning examples are derived from known mineralized samples established from drillholes, surface sampling, etc.

VRIFY 建模是通過將勘探數據編譯到網格化數據空間來進行的。特徵工程步驟包括地球物理標準過濾,例如垂直導數(“FVD”)、傾斜角度(傾斜)和其他傅里葉濾波。來自露頭的地質信息用於生成概率巖性地圖,並使用隨機森林回歸過程對地球化學數據進行插值。使用產品的統計評估和可視化驗證來驗證功能工程流程。然後,將所有探索功能編譯爲VRIFY目標算法的入口。學習示例源自通過鑽孔、地表採樣等獲得的已知礦化樣品。

The available learning data points are separated between training and validation sets in order to train and test the algorithm. This allows VRIFY to evaluate the performance metrics associated with the predictive modeling. Together with a stochastic approach in modeling, the results can be evaluated and an uncertainty factor can be associated to each of the AI defined targets.


About Kodiak Copper


Kodiak is focused on its 100% owned copper porphyry projects in Canada and the USA that have been historically drilled and present known mineral discoveries with the potential to hold large-scale deposits. The Company's most advanced asset is the MPD copper-gold porphyry project in the prolific Quesnel Terrane in south-central British Columbia, Canada, a mining district with producing mines and excellent infrastructure. MPD has all the hallmarks of a major, multi-centered porphyry system. Kodiak made an initial discovery of a high-grade porphyry centre of significant size at the Gate Zone and has since successfully outlined multiple kilometre-scale mineralized zones across the large MPD property. With more target areas yet to be tested, Kodiak continues to systematically explore the project to build critical mass and demonstrate MPD's district-scale potential. The Company also holds the Mohave copper-molybdenum-silver porphyry project in Arizona, USA, near the world-class Bagdad mine.

科迪亞克專注於其在加拿大和美國的 100% 自有銅斑岩項目,這些項目歷來都經過鑽探,目前已知的礦產發現有可能儲存大規模礦牀。該公司最先進的資產是加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省中南部多產的Quesnel Terrane的MPD銅金斑岩項目,該礦區擁有出產礦山和良好的基礎設施。MPD 具有主要的多中心斑岩系統的所有特徵。科迪亞克在Gate Zone初步發現了一個規模龐大的高品位斑岩中心,此後成功地描繪了大型MPD地產中多個千米級的礦化帶。由於還有更多目標區域有待測試,科迪亞克繼續系統地探索該項目,以建立臨界質量並展示MPD的地區規模潛力。該公司還在世界一流的巴格達礦附近持有位於美國亞利桑那州的莫哈維銅鉬銀斑岩項目。

Kodiak's founder and Chairman is Chris Taylor who is well-known for his gold discovery success with Great Bear Resources. Kodiak is also part of Discovery Group led by John Robins, one of the most successful mining entrepreneurs in Canada.


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Forward-Looking Statement (Safe Harbor Statement): This press release contains forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. The use of any of the words "anticipate", "plan", "continue", "expect", "estimate", "objective", "may", "will", "project", "should", "predict", "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward looking statements. In particular, this press release contains forward looking statements concerning the Company's exploration plans. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company cannot give any assurance that they will prove correct. Since forward looking statements address future events and conditions, they involve inherent assumptions, risks, and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of assumptions, factors, and risks. These assumptions and risks include, but are not limited to, assumptions and risks associated with conditions in the equity financing markets, and assumptions and risks regarding receipt of regulatory and shareholder approvals.

前瞻性聲明(安全港聲明):本新聞稿包含適用證券法所指的前瞻性陳述。使用 “預測”、“計劃”、“繼續”、“期望”、“估計”、“目標”、“可能”、“將”、“項目”、“應該”、“預測”、“潛力” 等詞語中的任何詞語都是爲了識別前瞻性陳述。特別是,本新聞稿包含有關公司勘探計劃的前瞻性聲明。儘管公司認爲前瞻性陳述所依據的預期和假設是合理的,但不應過分依賴前瞻性陳述,因爲公司無法保證這些陳述會被證明是正確的。由於前瞻性陳述涉及未來的事件和狀況,因此它們涉及固有的假設、風險和不確定性。由於許多假設、因素和風險,實際結果可能與目前的預期存在重大差異。這些假設和風險包括但不限於與股權融資市場狀況相關的假設和風險,以及有關獲得監管和股東批准的假設和風險。

Management has provided the above summary of risks and assumptions related to forward looking statements in this press release in order to provide readers with a more comprehensive perspective on the Company's future operations. The Company's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits the Company will derive from them. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or results or otherwise.


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