
AI/ML Innovations Inc. Welcomes Esmat Naikyar as Interim Chief Product Officer to Drive Healthcare Innovation

AI/ML Innovations Inc. Welcomes Esmat Naikyar as Interim Chief Product Officer to Drive Healthcare Innovation

AI/ML Innovations Inc.歡迎 Esmat Naikyar 擔任臨時首席產品官以推動醫療創新
Accesswire ·  03/04 08:40

VICTORIA, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 4, 2024 / AI/ML Innovations Inc. (the "Company" or "AIML") (CSE:AIML)(OTCQB:AIMLF)(FWB:42FB), a leading company committed to acquiring and advancing Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning technologies that address urgent societal needs, is pleased to announce the addition of Esmat Naikyar (BSc, Chemical Engineering) as Interim Chief Product Officer to the dynamic team at AIML. Esmat's role will be instrumental in steering the Company toward ambitious goals in the development of Neural Networks and other AI & ML healthcare products. Esmat's unique perspective and skill set make him an invaluable addition to the AI/ML Innovations' family.

不列顛哥倫比亞省維多利亞州/ACCESSWIRE /2024年3月4日/ AI/ML Innovations Inc.(“公司” 或 “AIML”)(CSE: AIML)(OTCQB: AIML)(OTCQB: AIMLF)(FWB: 42FB)是一家致力於收購和推進滿足緊急社會需求的人工智能/機器學習技術的領先公司,很高興地宣佈將Esmat Naikyar(化學工程學士)列爲 AIML 充滿活力的團隊的臨時首席產品官。Esmat的角色將有助於指導公司實現開發神經網絡和其他人工智能和機器學習醫療產品的雄心勃勃的目標。Esmat 獨特的視角和技能組合使他成爲人工智能/機器學習創新大家庭的寶貴成員。

Esmat Naikyar: A Rising Star in Health Tech Leadership

Esmat Naikyar:健康科技領導力領域的後起之秀

Esmat Naikyar brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to his role as Interim Chief Product Officer. His background showcases a strong foundation in leading start-ups that pioneer a future where AI and big data converge to transform healthcare through the design and implementation of systems that employ AI for automated decision making. In his new role at AIML, Esmat will be at the forefront of guiding AIML's subsidiary, Health Gauge Inc., in the development of advanced Neural Networks, contributing to the ongoing evolution of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications in healthcare.

Esmat Naikyar爲擔任臨時首席產品官帶來了豐富的知識和熱情。他的背景展示了領先初創企業的堅實基礎,這些初創企業開創了人工智能和大數據融合的未來,通過設計和實施使用人工智能進行自動決策的系統,實現醫療保健的轉型。在AIML的新職位上,Esmat將帶頭指導AIML的子公司Health Gauge Inc. 開發先進的神經網絡,爲醫療保健領域人工智能和機器學習應用的持續發展做出貢獻。

Simultaneously, AI/ML Innovations Inc. bids farewell to Bruce Matichuk, who served as the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Company and Health Gauge Inc. Bruce has been an integral part of the Company's journey, contributing his expertise to various technological advancements during his tenure.

同時,AI/ML Innovations Inc.告別了曾擔任公司和Health Gauge Inc.首席技術官(CTO)的布魯斯·馬蒂丘克。布魯斯一直是公司旅程中不可或缺的一部分,他在任職期間爲各種技術進步貢獻了自己的專業知識。

Paul Duffy, CEO of AI/ML Innovations Inc. stated, "We are excited to welcome Esmat to our team as Interim Chief Product Officer. Esmat's passion for healthcare technology aligns seamlessly with our vision for AI and ML innovations. His presence will undoubtedly contribute to the continued success and growth of Health Gauge Inc. We also express our gratitude to Bruce Matichuk for his valuable contributions during his time as CTO."

AI/ML Innovations Inc.首席執行官保羅·達菲表示:“我們很高興歡迎Esmat加入我們的團隊,擔任臨時首席產品官。Esmat 對醫療保健技術的熱情與我們對人工智能和機器學習創新的願景無縫契合。他的到來無疑將爲Health Gauge Inc.的持續成功和成長做出貢獻。我們還對布魯斯·馬蒂丘克在擔任首席技術官期間所做的寶貴貢獻表示感謝。”

Esmat Naikyar, Interim Chief Product Officer added, "I am honored to join AI/ML Innovations Inc. at a time when health tech is at the forefront of innovation. I look forward to working alongside the talented team to drive advancements in Neural Networks and AI & ML healthcare products, making a meaningful impact on the future of healthcare."


About AI/ML Innovations Inc.

關於 AI/ML Innovations Inc.

AI/ML Innovations Inc. has realigned its business operations to capitalize on the burgeoning fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), with an initial investment focus on emerging digital health and wellbeing companies that leverage AI, ML, cloud computing and digital platforms to drive transformative healthcare management solutions and precision support delivery across the health continuum. Through strategic partnerships with Health Gauge (95.2% owned by AIML), Tech2Heal (up to 22% ownership rights, with 12.44% currently owned by AIML), AI Rx Inc. (70% owned by AIML) and other planned accretive investments, the Company continues to capitalize on expanding growth areas, to the benefit of all the Company's stakeholders. AI/ML's shares are traded on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol "AIML", the OTCQB Venture Market under "AIMLF", and the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under "42FB".

AI/ML Innovations Inc.調整了其業務運營,以利用新興的人工智能(AI)和機器學習(ML)領域,最初的投資重點是新興的數字健康和福祉公司,這些公司利用人工智能、機器學習、雲計算和數字平台推動變革性的醫療管理解決方案和整個健康連續體的精準支持交付。通過與Health Gauge(AIML持有95.2%的股權)、Tech2Heal(高達22%的所有權,目前由AIML持有12.44%的所有權)、AI Rx Inc.(AIML持有70%的股權)以及其他計劃中的增值投資,公司繼續利用不斷擴大的增長領域,使公司所有利益相關者受益。AI/ML的股票在加拿大證券交易所交易,代碼爲 “AIML”,OTCQB風險投資市場以 “AIMLF” 的形式交易,在法蘭克福證券交易所交易的代碼爲 “42FB”。

On behalf of the Board of Directors
Tim Daniels, Executive Chairman


For more information about AI/ML Innovations:

有關 AI/ML 創新的更多信息:

For detailed information please see AI/ML's website or the Company's filed documents at


For further information, contact: Blake Fallis at (778) 405-0882 or

欲了解更多信息,請致電 (778) 405-0882 或 與 Blake Fallis 聯繫

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For AI/ML Innovations Investors


Certain statements made in this press release that are not based on historical information are forward-looking statements that involve substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties. This press release contains express or implied forward-looking statements relating to, among other things, AI/ML Innovations' expectations concerning management's plans, objectives, and strategies, including strategies for defending the Company's intellectual property. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees but are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond our control, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements. Existing and prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. AI/ML Innovations Inc. undertakes no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, or circumstances or otherwise except as expressly required by applicable securities law. Further information regarding the uncertainties and risks can be found in the disclosure documents filed by AI/ML with the securities regulatory authorities, available at .

本新聞稿中發表的某些非基於歷史信息的陳述是前瞻性陳述,涉及大量已知和未知的風險和不確定性。本新聞稿包含與AI/ML Innovations對管理層計劃、目標和戰略(包括捍衛公司知識產權的戰略)的預期有關的明示或暗示的前瞻性陳述。這些陳述既不是承諾也不是擔保,但存在各種風險和不確定性,其中許多風險和不確定性是我們無法控制的,這可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述中設想的結果存在重大差異。提醒現有和潛在投資者不要過分依賴這些前瞻性陳述,這些陳述僅代表截至本文發佈之日。除非適用的證券法明確要求,否則AI/ML Innovations Inc. 沒有義務更新或修改本新聞稿中包含的信息,無論是由於新信息、未來事件或情況還是其他原因。有關不確定性和風險的更多信息,可以在AI/ML向證券監管機構提交的披露文件中找到,網址爲。

SOURCE: AI/ML Innovations Inc.

來源:AI/ML Innovations Inc.

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