
Falcon Recieves Drill Permit Approval at Great Burnt Copper Project Adjacent to Benton, Central Newfoundland

Falcon Recieves Drill Permit Approval at Great Burnt Copper Project Adjacent to Benton, Central Newfoundland

獵鷹在紐芬蘭中部本頓附近的Great Burnt Copper項目獲得鑽探許可證
Accesswire ·  03/04 10:15

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 4, 2024 / Falcon Gold Corp. (FG:TSX-V)(3FA:GR)(FGLDF:OTCQB); ("Falcon" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the company has received drill permit approval to commence diamond drilling at its Great Burnt Copper Project in Central Newfoundland. The Company will be reporting back in the coming week once drill contractors have been finalized. Falcon initially plans to test up to 10 geophysical anomalies with a maximum of 1100 meters of drilling.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE /2024年3月4日/獵鷹黃金公司(FG: TSX-V)(3FA: GR)(FGLDF: OTCQB);(“獵鷹” 或 “公司”)很高興地宣佈,該公司已獲得鑽探許可證,可以開始在紐芬蘭中部的Great Burnt Copper項目進行鑽石鑽探。鑽探承包商最終確定後,該公司將在下週進行報告。獵鷹最初計劃測試多達10個地球物理異常,最多鑽探1100米。

Falcon holds 2,275 hectares in the Great Burnt Camp, with licenses located north of, and contiguous to the Benton-Spruce Ridge Great Burnt Copper-Gold joint venture (see Figure 1). Benton Resources Inc. recently optioned the Great Burnt Copper Gold Project from Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd. In an agreement that allows Benton to earn a 70% interest in the property (press release dated August 17, 2023). The Benton-Spruce Ridge property is host to the Great Burnt Copper Zone, a deposit with an indicated resource of 381,300 tonnes at 2.68% Cu and inferred resources of 663,100 tonnes at 2.10% Cu. ( Recent drilling by Benton Resources Inc. over the Great Burnt Copper Deposit reported drill results that returned 7.20% Cu, 7.12 g/t Ag and 0.05% Co over 12.30 meters (press release dated December 5, 2023). Previous drilling in 2020 by Spruce Ridge Resources reported 8.06% Cu over 27.2m (TSXV: SHL press release dated March 18, 2021). The Great Burnt greenstone belt is prospective for copper and gold, and further hosts the South Pond A and South Pond B copper-gold zones, and the End Zone copper prospect along a 14 km mineralized corridor. The mineralized corridor occurs along a conductive trend, and this conductive trend continues into Falcon's Great Burnt Copper Property (see Figure 2).

獵鷹在 Great Burnt Camp 擁有2,275公頃土地,許可證位於本頓-斯普魯斯嶺大燒銅金合資企業以北和毗鄰(見圖 1)。本頓資源公司最近選擇了Spruce Ridge Resources Ltd.的Great Burnt Copper Gold項目,該協議允許本頓獲得該物業70%的權益(2023年8月17日的新聞稿)。本頓-斯普魯斯嶺地產是大燒銅礦區的所在地,該礦牀的標示資源量爲381,300噸,銅含量爲2.68%,推斷資源量爲663,100噸,銅含量爲2.10%(本頓資源公司最近在大燒銅礦牀上進行的鑽探結果顯示,在12.30米以上返回了7.20%的銅、7.12克/噸銀和0.05%的鈷(2023年12月5日新聞稿)。Spruce Ridge Resources 此前在 2020 年的鑽探報告稱,銅含量超過 2720萬枚,爲 8.06%(多倫多證券交易所:SHL 於 2021 年 3 月 18 日發佈的新聞稿)。Great Burnt綠巖帶具有銅和金的前景,還擁有南池A和南池B銅金帶,以及14公里礦化走廊沿線的終點區域銅礦勘探區。礦化走廊沿着導電趨勢出現,這種傳導趨勢延續到獵鷹的大燒銅礦產中(見圖 2)。

The Great Burnt Copper Property


The Property is hosted within the Great Burnt greenstone belt (GBGB) which hosts massive sulphide deposits that have been interpreted as Besshi-type. These types of deposits generally occur as laterally extensive sheets of pyrrhotite- or pyrite-rich sulphide rock within mixed volcanic-sedimentary environments. Sulphide lenses can be several meters thick and extend for several kilometres. Besshi-type massive sulphide deposits are generally copper dominant, commonly contain other lithophile elements like cobalt or lead, and can contain precious metals such as gold and silver. The Property is also located 4km west of the Crest Resources-Exploits Discovery joint venture project within the Exploits Subzone. The Exploits Subzone contains deep seated gold-bearing structures of the Dog Bay-Appleton Fault- GRUB Line deformation corridor that contains the high-grade Keats Gold Zone of New Found Gold.

該物業位於Great Burnt綠巖帶(GBGB)內,那裏有大量的硫化物礦牀,這些礦牀被解釋爲Besshi型。這些類型的沉積物通常在混合的火山沉積環境中以橫向寬闊的富含黃鐵礦或黃鐵礦的硫化物岩層的形式出現。硫化物鏡片可以厚幾米,可以延伸幾千米。Besshi型塊狀硫化物礦牀通常以銅爲主,通常含有其他親石元素,例如鈷或鉛,並且可能含有金和銀等貴金屬。該物業還位於Exploits Subzone內的Crest Resources-Exploits Discovery合資項目以西4公里處。Exploits Subzone 包含 Dog Bay-Appleton Fault-GRUB Line 變形走廊的深層含金結構,該走廊包含高品位濟慈金礦新發現的黃金區。

Figure 1. Location of proposed drilling within Falcon Gold's recent acquisition proximal to the Benton -Spruce Ridge Great Burnt Copper Gold Project in central Newfoundland.
圖 1。擬進行鑽探的地點位於Falcon Gold最近收購的項目中,位於紐芬蘭中部的本頓-Spruce Ridge Great Burnt銅金項目附近。
Figure 2. Great Burnt Bend Project Area with FG Claims in Orange and Spruce Ridge / Benton JV in Blue. New Claims Cover Conductive Trend Hosting Copper and Gold Mineralization
圖 2。Great Burnt Bend 項目區域,橙色爲 FG 索賠,Spruce Ridge /Benton JV 爲藍色。新的索賠涵蓋了銅和金礦化的導電趨勢



Mr. Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Now that we have our drill permit application approved, we are moving very quickly preparing for our inaugural drill program at Great Burnt. Our claims lie along the same conductive trend which hosts significant gold and copper mineralization held by Benton Resources JV yet have never been drill tested or subjected to any systematic exploration programs. Our desktop studies have identified geophysical targets within the project that are drill-ready - We look forward to announcing our exploration and drilling plans in the coming weeks."

首席執行官卡里姆·拉亞尼先生評論說:“現在我們的鑽探許可證申請已經獲得批准,我們正在迅速採取行動,爲我們在Great Burnt的首次鑽探計劃做準備。我們的主張與Benton Resources合資公司持有大量金銅礦化的導電趨勢相同,但從未經過鑽探測試或進行過任何系統的勘探計劃。我們的桌面研究已經確定了項目中可供鑽探的地球物理目標——我們期待在未來幾周內公佈我們的勘探和鑽探計劃。”

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by, P.Geo., who is a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101, Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新聞稿的技術內容已經過P.Geo. 的審查和批准,根據National Instrument 43-101《礦業項目披露標準》,他是合格人士。

The QP and the Company has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the properties comprising the Great Burnt property claim group particularly regarding historical exploration, neighboring companies, and government geological work.

QP和該公司尚未完成足夠的工作,無法覈實Great Burnt財產索賠小組所屬財產的歷史信息,特別是有關歷史勘探、鄰近公司和政府地質工作的歷史信息。

About Falcon Gold Corp.


Falcon is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on generating, acquiring, and exploring opportunities in the Americas. Falcon's flagship project, the Central Canada Gold Mine, is approximately 20km southeast of Agnico Eagle's Hammond Reef Gold Deposit which has currently estimated 3.32 million ounces of gold (123.5 million tonnes grading 0.84 g/t gold) mineral reserves, and 2.3 million ounces of measured and indicated mineral resources (133.4 million tonnes grading 0.54 g/t gold). The Hammond Reef gold property lies on the Hammond shear zone, which is a northeast-trending splay off the Quetico Fault Zone ("QFZ") and may be the control for the gold deposit. The Central Gold property lies on a similar major northeast-trending splay of the QFZ.

Falcon是一家加拿大礦產勘探公司,專注於在美洲創造、收購和探索機會。獵鷹的旗艦項目加拿大中部金礦位於Agnico Eagle的哈蒙德礁金礦牀東南約20公里處,該礦牀目前估計有332萬盎司黃金(1.235億噸黃金品位爲0.84克/噸)礦產儲量和230萬盎司已測定和標明的礦產資源(1.334億噸黃金品位爲0.54克/噸)。哈蒙德礁的黃金礦產位於哈蒙德剪切帶上,這是Quetico斷層區(“QFZ”)以外的東北趨勢,可能是金礦的控制區。Central Gold的房產位於QFZ類似的主要東北趨勢上。

The Company holds multiple additional projects: The Viernes Gold/Silver/Copper project in Antofagasta Chile including Area 51; The Springpole West Property in the world-renowned Red Lake mining camp; a 49% interest in the Burton Gold property with Iamgold near Sudbury Ontario; in B.C., the high grade gold Spitfire -Sunny Boy, and Gaspard Gold claims; In Central Newfoundland, the Golden Brook adjacent to First Mining and Matador, the Great Burnt Copper project adjacent to Benton. Most recently Battery Metals projects in Ontario and Quebec the Timmins West, Outarde, and HSP.

該公司還持有多個其他項目:智利安託法加斯塔的Viernes Gold/Silver/Copper項目,包括51區;位於世界著名的紅湖採礦營地的Springpole West地產;安大略省薩德伯裏附近Iamgold持有的伯頓黃金地產49%的權益;不列顛哥倫比亞省的高級黃金Spitfire-Sunny Boy和Gaspard Gold索賠;在紐芬蘭中部,毗鄰第一礦業的金溪金溪還有毗鄰本頓的 Great Burnt Copper 項目 Matador。最近在安大略省和魁北克省的電池金屬項目是蒂明斯西部、Outarde和HSP。



Falcon Gold Corp.
"Karim Rayani"
Karim Rayani
Chief Executive Officer, Director
T: +1 604 716 1036

Karim Rayani
電話:+1 604 716 1036

CHF Capital Markets


Cathy Hume, CEO
T: (416) 868-1079 x 251

首席執行官 Cathy Hume
T: (416) 868-1079 x 251

Cautionary Language and Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, etc. Forward looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.


This news release may contain forward looking statements including but not limited to comments regarding the timing and content of upcoming work programs, geological interpretations, receipt of property titles, etc. Forward looking statements address future events and conditions and therefore, involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from those currently anticipated in such statements.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Falcon Gold Corp.


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