
Planet MicroCap Review Magazine for Winter/Spring 2024 Now Online

Planet MicroCap Review Magazine for Winter/Spring 2024 Now Online

Planet MicroCap 2024 年冬季/春季評論雜誌現已上線
Accesswire ·  03/07 08:30

LOS ANGELES, CA / ACCESSWIRE / March 7, 2024 / Planet MicroCap, a global multimedia financial news, publishing, and events company that focuses on delivering news, information, data and analytics for publicly traded microcap companies, today announced that the Winter/Spring 2024 Issue of the Planet MicroCap Review Magazine is now available in digital format.

加利福尼亞州洛杉磯/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月7日/專注於爲上市微型股公司提供新聞、信息、數據和分析的全球多媒體財經新聞、出版和活動公司Planet MicroCap今天宣佈,2024年冬季/春季號 星球 MicroCap 評論雜誌 現在以數字格式提供。

Click here to read: Planet MicroCap Review Winter/Spring 2024 Issue

點擊此處閱讀: Planet MicroCap 評論 2024 年冬季/春季號



"On behalf of the entire Planet MicroCap Team we are pleased to announce the Winter/Spring 2024 issue of the Planet MicroCap Review," said Robert Kraft, CEO, Planet MicroCap. "Turning over every rock is what drives us to provide you with the highest possible quality content covering the MicroCap community; and despite what continues to be a difficult market for MicroCaps overall, we put together a collection of articles and Q&As that encapsulates what's caused negative sentiment in 2023, as well as provide some space for hope in 2024 and beyond. We'd like to thank all of our contributing writers, advertisers and subscribers for their contributions and continued support; please enjoy our Winter/Spring 2024 Issue."

Planet MicroCap首席執行官羅伯特·克拉夫特表示:“我們很高興代表整個Planet MicroCap團隊宣佈2024年冬季/春季的《Planet MicroCap評論》。“翻開每一塊石頭是促使我們爲您提供涵蓋MicroCap社區的最高質量內容的原因;儘管總體而言,MicroCaps的市場仍然艱難,但我們還是整理了一系列文章和問答,概述了2023年造成負面情緒的原因,併爲2024年及以後的希望提供了一些空間。我們要感謝所有特約撰稿人、廣告商和訂閱者的貢獻和持續支持;請欣賞我們的 2024 年冬季/春季刊。”

The Winter/Spring 2024 issue of the Planet MicroCap Review also includes profiles on public MicroCap companies, including:

2024年冬季/春季的《Planet MicroCap評論》還包括上市微型股公司的簡介,包括:

  • McCoy Global, Inc. (TSX:MCB)
  • Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ:LAKE)
  • Heritage Global, Inc. (NASDAQ:HGBL)
  • SinglePoint, Inc. (CBOE:SING)
  • 麥考伊環球公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:MCB)
  • 萊克蘭工業公司(納斯達克股票代碼:LAKE)
  • Heritage Global, Inc.(納斯達克股票代碼:HGBL)
  • SinglePoint, Inc.(芝加哥期權交易所代碼:SING)

Planet MicroCap Review Winter/Spring 2024 Issue: Articles from leading thinkers and experts in the MicroCap space include:

Planet MicroCap評論2024年冬季/春季號:來自微型股領域領先思想家和專家的文章包括:

  • FEATURE: High-yield Spread Significant Predictor of Small-cap Equity Returns - Q&A with Chris Satterthwaite, Senior Analyst at Verdad Advisors
  • FEATURE: Canadian MicroCap Buy-outs: Something Has to Give - Q&A with Mathieu Martin, Portfolio Manager at Rivemont MicroCap Fund
  • FEATURE: CBOE Global Listings Initiative - Q&A with Erik Sloane, Global Head of Company Listings for CBOE Global Markets & Chief Revenue Officer at CBOE Canada
  • FEATURE: Making the Case for Japanese MicroCaps - Q&A with David Baeckelandt, Senior Vice President and Head of Client Relations at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Americas, Inc. (SuMi TRUST)
  • Where to Find Capital with Jennifer Scutti, The Benchmark Company
  • US MicroCap Sell Off Provides Opportunities for Patient Investors by Claire Aitchison, Independent Investment Research
  • Accounting Corner: Americans Aren't Seeing the Flood of New EV Designs Coming Out of China, But Investors Can't Afford to Ignore Them by Drew Bernstein, CPA, Marcum Bernstein & Pinchuk
  • The MicroCap Report 2023: Year in Review by Joseph Lucosky, Esq., Lucosky Brookman LLP
  • ESG Investing in Action by Filip Erhardt, ESG FIRE
  • Emerging Growth Companies and New Tech in Canada by Sean Peasgood, Sophic Capital
  • SPAC Corner: Changes Coming to SPACs by Douglas Ellenoff, Member, Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP
  • Listing vs. Settlements by Erik Nelson, Coral Capital Advisors, LLC
  • Microcap Review - What's Next for 2024 by Kelly Anderson, CPA, CXO Executive Solutions
  • Murphy is Alive and Well by Lynne Bolduc, Esq., Partner at FitzGerald Kreditor Bolduc Risbrough LLP
  • Asia Corner: Hong Kong's IPO Rebound Falls Flat Amid Ongoing Global Pressures by Leslie Richardson, Elite IR
  • ESG and D&O by Chaz Churchwell, Churchwell Insurance Agency
  • Making Money in Gold and Silver is Easy with the Right Information by David Morgan, The Morgan Report
  • 專題:高收益利差是小盤股回報的重要預測指標——Verdad Advisors高級分析師Chris Satterthwaite的問答
  • 專題:加拿大微型股收購:必須付出一些努力——與Rivemont MicroCap Fund投資組合經理馬修·馬丁的問答
  • 專題:芝加哥期權交易所全球上市計劃——芝加哥期權交易所全球市場公司上市全球主管兼加拿大芝加哥期權交易所首席營收官埃裏克·斯隆問答
  • 專題:爲日本微型股辯護——與三井住友信託資產管理美洲公司(SumI TRUST)高級副總裁兼客戶關係主管大衛·貝克蘭德的問答
  • 與基準公司詹妮弗·斯庫蒂一起在哪裏尋找資金
  • 美國微型股拋售爲患者投資者提供了機會作者:獨立投資研究的克萊爾·艾奇森
  • 會計專欄:美國人沒有看到來自中國的大量新電動汽車設計,但投資者承受不起忽視它們的代價。作者:德魯·伯恩斯坦、註冊會計師德魯·伯恩斯坦、馬庫姆·伯恩斯坦和平丘克
  • Lucosky Brookman LLP 律師約瑟夫·盧科斯基律師事務所的《2023年微型股報告:年度回顧》
  • 菲利普·埃哈特的《ESG 投資行動》,ESG FIRE
  • 加拿大的新興成長型公司和新科技公司作者:Sophic Capital 的 Sean Peasgood
  • SPAC 專區:SPAC 即將發生的變更作者:Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP 成員 Douglas Ellenoff
  • Coral Capital Advisors, LLC的埃裏克·納爾遜的上市與和
  • 微型股評論——2024年的下一步是什麼,作者:註冊會計師、執行解決方案首席運營官凱利·安德森
  • 《墨菲還活着很好》作者:Lynne Bolduc,Esq.,FitzGerald Kreditor Bolduc Bolduc LLP 合夥人
  • 亞洲專區:Elite IR Leslie Richardson在全球持續施加壓力的情況下,香港首次公開募股反彈持平
  • 丘奇韋爾保險機構查茲·丘奇韋爾的 ESG 和 D&O
  • 藉助大衛·摩根在《摩根報告》中的正確信息,用黃金和白銀賺錢很容易

Planet MicroCap Review Magazine is available to subscribers Free on, see here: Planet MicroCap Review WInter/Spring 2024 Issue

Planet MicroCap 評論雜誌可在 上免費向訂閱者索取,參見此處:Planet MicroCap 評論 2024 年冬季/春季號

To receive the next issue of the Planet MicroCap Review Magazine, please subscribe to our Substack here: SUBSCRIBE

要接收下一期《Planet MicroCap 評論雜誌》,請在此處訂閱我們的 Substack:訂閱

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訂閱我們的 YouTube 頻道:Planet micro

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About Planet MicroCap

Planet MicroCap

Founded in 1998, Planet MicroCap is a global multimedia financial news, publishing, and events company that focuses on market awareness and investor visibility for public and pre-public microcap companies. In addition to its recently launched index and quarterly online magazine, Planet MicroCap also broadcasts a microcap news podcast, the Planet MicroCap Podcast, and hosts investor conferences.

Planet MicroCap成立於1998年,是一家全球多媒體財經新聞、出版和活動公司,專注於提高上市和上市前微型股公司的市場知名度和投資者知名度。除了最近推出的指數和季度在線雜誌外,Planet MicroCap還播出微型股新聞播客Planet MicroCap播客,並主持投資者會議。

Investors and those who wish to receive the next issue of Planet MicroCap Review Magazine, please follow the link here: SUBSCRIBE. Contact Planet MicroCap at for advertising inquiries and questions about services.

投資者和那些希望收到下一期的人 Planet MicroCap評論雜誌 請點擊此處的鏈接:訂閱。如需諮詢廣告問題和有關服務的問題,請通過 與 Planet MicroCap 聯繫。

For more Information, Contact:


Robert Kraft, CEO
Planet MicroCap


SOURCE: Planet MicroCap

來源:Planet MicroCap

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