
Alaska Energy Metals Files Updated NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Eureka Deposit, Nikolai Nickel Project, Alaska, USA

Alaska Energy Metals Files Updated NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Eureka Deposit, Nikolai Nickel Project, Alaska, USA

阿拉斯加能源金屬提交了美國阿拉斯加尼古拉鎳礦項目尤里卡礦牀更新的 NI 43-101 技術報告
GlobeNewswire ·  03/15 07:30

Contained nickel for the Eureka Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE"), effective February 12th, 2024, equals:

自 2024 年 2 月 12 日起生效的《尤里卡礦產資源估算》(“MRE”)中所含的鎳等於:

  • Indicated Resources:        3.9 billion pounds of nickel

  • Inferred Resources:           4.2 billion pounds of nickel

  • 指示資源:39 億磅鎳

  • 推斷資源:42 億磅鎳

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March  15, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Alaska Energy Metals Corporation (TSX-V: AEMC, OTCQB: AKEMF) ("AEMC" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has filed an Updated National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report (the "Updated Technical Report" or the "Report") on SEDAR+ for its 100% owned Eureka Property, Nikolai Nickel Project in Alaska, USA.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華,2024年3月15日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——阿拉斯加能源金屬公司(TSX-V:AEMC,OTCQB:AKEMF)(“AEMC” 或 “公司”)欣然宣佈,它已就其100%擁有的尤里卡地產尼古拉鎳業項目提交了SEDAR+的最新國家儀器43-101技術報告(“更新技術報告” 或 “報告”)阿拉斯加,美國。

Highlights of the Updated Eureka Technical Report and MRE include:

更新的尤里卡技術報告和 MRE 的亮點包括:

  • The Eureka West and Eureka East deposits reported in the maiden 2023 MRE are now connected as one deposit measuring 4.5 kilometers (2.8 miles) in length.

  • A significant portion of the Eureka MRE has been upgraded from Inferred to Indicated Resource. The Indicated Resource contains:

    • 813 million tonnes grading 0.29% NiEq containing:

    • 3,877 million pounds (1.758 million tonnes) of nickel

    • 1,276 million pounds (578,783 tonnes) of copper

    • 303 million pounds (137,438 tonnes) of cobalt

    • 4.0 million ounces of platinum, plus palladium and gold

  • The Inferred Resource increased from 319.6 million tonnes to 896 million tonnes, a 180% increase. The Inferred Resource contains:

    • 896 million tonnes grading 0.27% NiEq containing:

    • 4,225 million pounds (1.916 million tonnes) of nickel

    • 1,040 million pounds (471,736 tonnes) of copper

    • 327 million pounds (148,324 tonnes) of cobalt

    • 3.4 million ounces of platinum, plus palladium and gold

  • A higher-grade core, present over the southeastern half of the deposit, has been clearly confirmed and identified. The higher-grade core is open to the southeast, and the Company has plans to drill test this zone in 2024.

  • As a consequence of joining the two deposits together, the strip ratio has been reduced from 3.7:1 to 1.5:1.

  • Three parallel zones of mineralization are identified (EZ1, EZ2, and EZ3).

  • Chrome and iron have been identified as potentially significant co-products of mineralization at the Eureka deposit. AEMC will continue to evaluate the potential to produce a ferrochrome (FeCr) product through ongoing metallurgical testing currently in progress.

  • 2023 年 MRE 中報告的西尤里卡礦牀和尤里卡東部的礦牀現在作爲一個礦牀相互連接,長度爲 4.5 千米(2.8 英里)。

  • Eureka MRE 的很大一部分已從 “推斷資源” 升級爲 “指示資源”。指示的資源包含:

    • 8.13 億噸 NieQ 品位爲 0.29%,含有:

    • 38.77 億磅(175.8 萬噸)的鎳

    • 12.76 億磅(578,783 噸)的銅

    • 3.03 億磅(137,438 噸)的鈷

    • 400 萬盎司鉑金,外加鈀金和黃金

  • 推斷資源量從3.196億噸增加到8.96億噸,增長了180%。推斷資源包含:

    • 8.96 億噸 NieQ 品位爲 0.27%,含有:

    • 42.25 億磅(191.6 萬噸)的鎳

    • 10.4 億磅(471,736 噸)的銅

    • 3.27 億磅(148,324 噸)的鈷

    • 340 萬盎司鉑金,外加鈀金和黃金

  • 位於礦牀東南半部的更高品位岩心已得到明確確認和確定。更高等級的岩心向東南開放,該公司計劃在2024年對該區域進行鑽探測試。

  • 由於將兩個沉積物連接在一起,剝離比率已從3. 7:1 降低到1. 5:1。

  • 確定了三個平行的礦化帶(EZ1、EZ2 和 EZ3)。

  • 鉻和鐵已被確定爲尤里卡礦牀潛在的重要礦化副產物。AEMC將繼續通過目前正在進行的冶金測試來評估生產鉻鐵(FeCr)產品的潛力。

The Report titled "Nikolai Mineral Resource Estimate Technical Report" is dated March 13th, 2024 and supports the disclosure made by the company in its February 12, 2024 press release titled "Alaska Energy Metals Significantly Increases NI 43-101 Mineral Resource Estimate For The Eureka Deposit, Nikolai Nickel Project, Alaska, USA."

這份名爲 “尼古拉礦產資源估算技術報告” 的報告發佈於2024年3月13日,支持該公司在2024年2月12日發佈的新聞稿中披露的內容,該新聞稿題爲 “阿拉斯加能源金屬大幅提高了美國阿拉斯加尼古拉鎳礦項目尤里卡礦牀的NI 43-101礦產資源估算”。

The Independent MRE and Updated Technical Report were prepared by Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 regulations. The Report can be found under the Company's profile on SEDAR+ () and on the Alaska Energy Metals website ().

獨立的MRE和更新的技術報告由Stantec諮詢服務公司根據國家儀器43-101法規編寫。該報告可以在SEDAR+的公司簡介下找到 () 和阿拉斯加能源金屬網站 ()。

Alaska Energy Metals President & CEO Gregory Beischer commented: "It was fortunate that the spacing of the eight holes we drilled in 2023 allowed us to include 35 other holes that were drilled historically. This, in turn, allowed our consultant, Stantec, to produce a larger-than-expected Mineral Resource Estimate update. We now have a very substantial nickel deposit with a higher-grade core that could be mined early with a 0:1 strip ratio. This feature will be important for project economics. The deposit is open in all directions and the higher-grade zone, which projects to the southeast, will be drill tested during our planned 2024 drill program. So far, our discovery-exploration cost amounts to about one-tenth of a cent per pound of nickel discovered. This is a very good result for the funds entrusted to us by our shareholders."

阿拉斯加能源金屬公司總裁兼首席執行官格雷戈裏·貝舍爾評論說:“幸運的是,我們在2023年鑽的八個洞的間距使我們能夠包括歷史上鑽過的其他35個洞。這反過來又使我們的顧問Stantec得以編制超出預期的礦產資源估算的最新情況。我們現在有一個非常龐大的鎳礦牀,其岩心品位更高,可以以 0:1 的開採率儘早開採。此功能對於項目經濟學非常重要。該礦牀四面八方開放,在我們計劃的2024年鑽探計劃中,將對位於東南部的更高等級區域進行鑽探測試。到目前爲止,我們的發現勘探成本約爲每發現一磅鎳的十分之一美分。對於股東委託給我們的資金來說,這是一個非常好的結果。”

Mr. Derek Loveday, P. Geo. of Stantec Consulting Services Inc. is the independent Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, and has prepared, or supervised the preparation of, or has reviewed and approved, the scientific and technical data pertaining to the MRE and technical report. Mr. Loveday declares he has read this press release and that the scientific and technical information relating to the resource estimate are correct.

Stantec Consulting Services Inc.的P.Geo. Derek Loveday先生是《國家儀器43-101礦業項目披露標準》所定義的獨立合格人士,他已經編制或監督了與地雷風險評估和技術報告有關的科學和技術數據的編寫,或已經審查和批准了這些數據。洛夫迪先生宣稱他已經閱讀了這份新聞稿,與資源估算有關的科學和技術信息是正確的。

Gabriel Graf, the Company's Chief Geoscientist, is the qualified person, as defined under NI 43-101 having reviewed and approved all other scientific and technical information contained in this news release.

根據NI 43-101的定義,該公司首席地球科學家加布裏埃爾·格拉夫是合格人員,他審查並批准了本新聞稿中包含的所有其他科學和技術信息。

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