
Canter Samples 430 Ppm Lithium, Acquires Historical Third-Party Data and Completes Data Integration at Columbus

Canter Samples 430 Ppm Lithium, Acquires Historical Third-Party Data and Completes Data Integration at Columbus

Canter 在 Columbus 採樣 430 Ppm 鋰電池,獲取第三方歷史數據並完成數據集成
newsfile ·  03/18 07:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 18, 2024) - Canter Resources Corp. (CSE: CRC) (OTC Pink: CNRCF) (FSE: 6O1) ("Canter" or the "Company") is pleased to report that the Company has acquired additional third-party data including historical soil sampling results and geophysical survey data that highlights significant lithium in soils along the eastern edge of the 5 by 2.5 km priority target area at the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project ("Columbus" or the "Project").

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 18 日)- Canter Resources Corp.(CSE:CRC)(場外交易粉紅:CNRCF)(FSE:6O1) (”慢跑“或者”公司“)高興地向大家報告,該公司已經獲得了更多的第三方數據,包括歷史土壤採樣結果和地球物理調查數據,這些數據突出顯示了哥倫布鋰硼項目(“哥倫布” 或 “項目”)5 x 2.5 km優先目標區域東部邊緣的土壤中大量的鋰含量。

The acquisition of substantial third-party historical geochemical sampling data, alongside Canter's own database and sampling efforts, provides a comprehensive dataset within the 23,000-acre project area. This combined dataset includes 473 surface samples and reveals a maximum surface sediment lithium ("Li") value of 540 ppm Li. Analysis of the newly acquired third-party data shows an average concentration of 144 ppm Li across 54 surface sediment samples and multiple locations exceeding 200 ppm Li, with the highest value from the historical dataset reported at 348ppm Li. Additionally, previous surface brine samples reveal lithium concentrations reaching 240 mg/L. This extensive combined dataset highlights the basin's potential for near-surface lithium enrichment (see Table 1 and Figure 1).

收購大量的第三方歷史地球化學採樣數據,加上Canter自己的數據庫和採樣工作,爲這個佔地23,000英畝的項目區域提供了全面的數據集。該組合數據集包括473個表面樣本,顯示最大地表沉積物鋰(“Li”)值爲540 ppm Li。對新獲得的第三方數據的分析顯示,54個地表沉積物樣本和多個地點的平均濃度爲144 ppm Li,超過200 ppm Li,歷史數據集中報告的最高值爲348ppm Li。此外,先前的地表鹽水樣本顯示鋰濃度達到240 mg/L。這個廣泛的綜合數據集突顯了該盆地近地表富集鋰的潛力(見表1和圖1)。

The Company recently engaged renowned geophysicist, Jim Wright of Wright Geophysics, who completed reinterpretation of available geophysical data. The Company has also obtained airborne magnetic and radiometric data from the recently completed collaboration between the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and the Department of Energy (DOE) designed in part to support geologic and geophysical mapping and modeling of Nevada's lithium clay and brine resources (see Figure 2).


"We have taken methodical low-cost steps to support our Phase I drilling at shallow and moderate depths while delineating additional targets throughout the 23,000-acre property package for subsequent campaigns," stated Joness Lang, CEO of Canter Resources. "We are actively updating our 3D model to integrate our expanded dataset and reprocessed geophysics. Initial observations continue to validate our Phase I program and highlight a significant brine target at Columbus."

Canter Resources首席執行官Joness Lang表示:“我們已經採取了有條不紊的低成本措施來支持我們在淺層和中等深度的第一階段鑽探,同時在23,000英畝的土地包中爲後續的活動確定了更多目標。”“我們正在積極更新我們的三維模型,以整合我們擴展的數據集和再處理的地球物理學。初步觀察繼續驗證我們的第一階段計劃,並凸顯了哥倫布的重要鹽水目標。”

Figure 1: Plan view showing historical/third-party geochemical results along the eastern flank of the Columbus Project and Canter's shallow auger assay result within the centre of the priority target area.

圖 1: 平面圖顯示了哥倫布項目東側的歷史/第三方地球化學結果,以及坎特在優先目標區域中心進行的淺層螺旋分析結果。

During a recent trip to site, the Company's geologists completed a single, one metre (~three feet) deep auger hole approximately 500 metres east of the first planned exploration well at Columbus. The small portable auger rig was not suitable for reaching the interpreted upper brine layer depth; however, the Company still collected a sediment sample at the bottom of the test hole that returned a value of 430 ppm Li. The Company will test the upper brine layer during its upcoming Geoprobe campaign.

在最近的一次實地考察中,該公司的地質學家在哥倫布計劃中的第一口勘探井以東約500米處完成了一個深一米(約三英尺)的單個螺旋孔。小型便攜式螺旋鑽機不適合達到經解釋的上層鹽水層深度;但是,該公司仍在測試孔底部採集了沉積物樣本,其返回值爲430 ppm Li。該公司將在即將到來的Geoprobe活動中測試上層鹽水層。

Table 1: Historical 3rd Party Surface Sediment Sample Highlights

表 1: 歷史的 3第三方 派對錶面沉積物樣本亮點

Historic 3rd Party Data Acquisition - Surface Samples
414 Total Samples Range (Li ppm) Average (Li ppm) High (Li ppm)
9 samples 300-400 337.0 392.0
24 samples 200-299.9 230.1 279.0
166 samples 100-199.9 141.4 199.5
總樣本數 414 範圍(Li ppm) 平均值(Li ppm) 高(Li ppm)
9 個樣本 300-400 337.0 392.0
24 個樣本 200-299.9 230.1 279.0
166 個樣本 100-199.9 141.4 1995

The historical dataset was obtained from a reliable source and includes original lab assay certificates, GPS coordinates and detailed quality assurance / quality control protocols and technical reports, however, the Company is still treating this dataset as historical. The Company views this data as relevant from a targeting perspective and a guide for its own exploration model but not relying on the data for any other purpose. To further validate and augment this data, the Company will collect additional surface sediment and brine samples in the coming weeks, concurrently with its shallow Geoprobe drilling (see press release dated March 6, 2024).


Reprocessing of historical gravity data, incorporating data from both regional and property-specific surveys, has identified a prominent gravity anomaly within the basin. This anomaly is indicative of a substantial layer of low-density sediment that may extend to depths exceeding 3,300 meters.


Canter Resources has also integrated airborne magnetic and radiometric data from the USGS - DOE collaboration. This data, underpinned by a comprehensive reinterpretation by Wright Geophysics, has highlighted the intricate structural dynamics at play within the Columbus Basin. The detailed overlay of this geophysical data with our conceptual model of structural kinematics has not only affirmed the presence of a closed structural basin but has also sharpened understanding of the basin's geology.

Canter Resources還整合了來自美國地質調查局與美國能源部合作的機載磁學和輻射測量數據。這些數據以萊特地球物理學的全面重新解釋爲基礎,突顯了哥倫布盆地內部錯綜複雜的結構動力學。這些地球物理數據與我們的結構運動學概念模型的詳細疊加不僅證實了封閉結構盆地的存在,而且也加深了對盆地地質學的理解。

Figure 2: USGS airborne magnetic survey with structural interpretation

圖 2: 美國地質調查局空中磁力勘測與結構解釋

This synthesis of airborne magnetic survey data with structural interpretation provides a view into the basin's subsurface, revealing insights into fault orientations and movements. The analysis delineates the complex interplay of the Coaldale Fault, CSM Fault, and their interaction with the broader tectonic regimes of the Walker Lane and Mina Deflection, underscoring the basin's potential for lithium enrichment.


Corporate Update Note


Further to the Company's news release of March 14, 2024, the Company wishes to clarify that Gordon Holmes, a director and officer of Streetwise Reports, owns 250,000 common shares of the Company. Streetwise Reports was engaged by the Company to create image ads for use on various Streetwise Reports digital platforms and to create a company profile page to be hosted on Streetwise Reports.

繼公司於2024年3月14日發佈新聞稿之後,該公司希望澄清Streetwise報告的董事兼高管戈登·霍姆斯擁有該公司的25萬股普通股。該公司聘請Streetwise Reports製作圖片廣告,用於Streetwise Reports的各種數字平台,並創建將在Streetwise Reports上託管的公司簡介頁面。

Historical Results and QA/QC


All historical results quoted herein are based on historical data and reports obtained and prepared by previous operators. Other than the verification procedures described in this news release, the Company has not undertaken work to verify results and there is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of included information. The Company considers this historical data to be relevant as the Company will use this data within its exploration models and databases to guide future exploration programs, and it should not be used for any other purpose. The Company considers the data to be reliable for these purposes, however, the Company's future exploration work will include additional verification of the data through further confirmation sampling in priority target areas.


The sampling procedure for the Company's 430 ppm Li result involved auger drilling down to approximately three feet below the surface to penetrate the surface playa crust and access the underlying clay zone, which exhibited an olive green color change indicative of potential mineralogical variations. The collected sample was then analyzed at ALS in Reno, NV, employing the LiICP-61 protocol, a specialized test focused on lithium detection. This analysis utilized a four-acid digestion and ICP-AES finish with a low-temperature drying process designed to minimize the volatilization of lithium.

該公司430 ppm Li結果的採樣程序包括螺旋鑽向地表以下約三英尺處鑽探,穿透地表層地殼並進入底層粘土區域,該區域呈橄欖綠色變化,表明潛在的礦物學變化。然後,使用LiICP-61協議,在內華達州里諾的ALS對收集的樣本進行了分析,該協議是一項專門針對鋰檢測的測試。該分析採用四酸消解和 ICP-AES 表面處理,採用低溫乾燥工藝,旨在最大限度地減少鋰的揮發。

Qualified Person (QP)

合格人員 (QP)

The technical information contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Eric Saderholm P.Geo, Director and Technical Advisor of Canter Resources, a Qualified Person (QP), as defined under National Instrument 43- 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Canter Resources董事兼技術顧問Eric Saderholm P.Geo審查和批准,他是合格人士(QP),其定義見國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準

About Canter Resources Corp.


Canter Resources Corp. is a Canadian junior mineral exploration company advancing the Columbus Lithium-Boron Project in Nevada, USA, the Beaver Creek Lithium Property in Montana, USA, and the Puzzle Lake Property in Saskatchewan, Canada. The Company is preparing for a Phase I drill campaign at Columbus to test a highly prospective lithium-brine target and plans to leverage the Company's critical metals targeting database to generate a portfolio of high-quality projects with the aim of defining mineral resources that support the domestic clean energy supply chain in North America.

Canter Resources Corp. 是一家加拿大初級礦產勘探公司,負責推進美國內華達州的哥倫布鋰硼項目、美國蒙大拿州的比弗溪鋰礦業和加拿大薩斯喀徹溫省的Puzzle Lake地產。該公司正在爲哥倫布市的第一階段鑽探活動做準備,以測試極具前景的鋰鹽水目標,並計劃利用公司的關鍵金屬靶向數據庫生成一系列高質量的項目,目的是定義支持北美國內清潔能源供應鏈的礦產資源。

For further information contact:


Joness Lang
Chief Executive Officer
Canter Resources Corp.


For investor inquiries contact:


Kristina Pillon, High Tide Consulting Corp.
Tel: 604.908.1695

克里斯蒂娜·皮隆,High Tide 諮詢公司

The Canadian Securities Exchange has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release. The Canadian Securities Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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