
Geomega Provides Update on Demo Plant, Project Design Change and Start of Site Preparation Activities at Saint-Hubert Facility

Geomega Provides Update on Demo Plant, Project Design Change and Start of Site Preparation Activities at Saint-Hubert Facility

GlobeNewswire ·  03/19 07:26

MONTREAL, March  19, 2024  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Geomega Resources Inc. ("Geomega" or the "Corporation") (TSX.V: GMA) (OTC: GOMRF), a developer of clean technologies for the mining, refining, and recycling of rare earths and other critical materials, is pleased to provide an update to shareholders on its rare earths recycling demonstration plant, including certain required project design modifications, and an update on site preparation activities that have started at the Saint-Hubert facility.

蒙特利爾,2024年3月19日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——稀土和其他關鍵材料的開採、提煉和回收清潔技術開發商Geomega Resources Inc.(“Geomega” 或 “公司”)(TSX.V:GMA)(場外交易代碼:GOMRF)很高興向股東介紹其稀土回收示範工廠的最新情況,包括某些必要的項目設計修改和更新現場準備活動已在聖休伯特設施開始。

Project engineering update
The past 6 months have been dedicated to bringing engineering to a sufficient level of completion that it could be tendered to the construction contractors for execution and completion of the rare earths recycling demonstration project. Procurement also progressed and various items were ordered while others were received at the Saint-Hubert facility during this period. In parallel, permitting activities have been ongoing at both the municipal and provincial levels. The objective was to be able to start the construction activities in February 2024. As a result of providing all the requested data to the governmental authorities, Geomega was notified by the municipality of Saint-Hubert, a borough within the city of Longueuil, that the sewer system capacity is not currently able to accommodate the water discharges from the cooling tower that was to be installed for the demonstration plant (please see September 20, 2023 press release for the 3D model of the originally intended layout of the plant and cooling tower). Various solutions have been evaluated by Geomega, including in collaboration with city engineers, however none were appropriate for the project due to resulting increased costs, additional unforeseeable delays, and the overall feasibility of the proposed solution. As a result, Geomega had to undertake a design change for the rare earths recycling demonstration plant.


Project design change from batch to continuous
Geomega's engineering team has begun a design change for the rare earths recycling demonstration plant from a batch process to a continuous 24hrs operation with smaller equipment and lower demand for utilities, most importantly in regard to the cooling requirements (chillers with a closed loop operation instead of a cooling tower with regular water discharges into the municipal sewer system). Despite the design change, the demonstration plant throughput capacity is planned to remain unchanged at 1.5 tonnes of feed material per day.


Geomega's engineering team believes that there are advantages to the change to continuous design:

Geomega 的工程團隊認爲,轉向持續設計有好處:

  • Continuous design is usually preferred over batch design in industrial operations and was the ultimate goal for the project in the long-term. Switching to this design now is much more applicable to the long-term market targeted by the Corporation, namely swarf recycling from NdFeB magnet factories that are being planned for Europe and North America. The first priority of the demonstration plant remains to process end of life and scrap magnets.

  • Continuous design simplifies the control system, improves the quality of the product and, therefore, has advantages on both the operating and capital costs of the demonstration plant.

  • The smaller equipment should have better availability with shorter lead times which should help the project to remain within the Corporation's timeline for the rare earths recycling demonstration plant.

  • 在工業運營中,連續設計通常比批量設計更受青睞,從長遠來看,這是該項目的最終目標。現在改用這種設計更適用於公司目標的長期市場,即計劃在歐洲和北美開展的釹鐵硼磁體工廠的切屑回收利用。該示範工廠的首要任務仍然是處理報廢和廢磁鐵。

  • 連續設計簡化了控制系統,提高了產品質量,因此在演示工廠的運營和資本成本方面都有優勢。

  • 較小的設備應具有更好的可用性,更短的交貨時間,這將有助於該項目保持在公司的稀土回收示範工廠的時間表內。

Geomega is aware that such a major design change may result in significant risks. The following are some of the primary risks that were considered and are being addressed by the management and engineering teams at Geomega:


  • Engineering – Batch to continuous design change is an important modification and requires a major rework of engineering documentation. The current detailed engineering package can no longer be used for construction as is, except for some sections. The new engineering package will be using components from the previous design and will help reduce some delays.

  • Procurement – The design change has a major impact on size of equipment and on equipment selection. An ongoing procurement review has already identified equipment that has been purchased and received but is no longer needed for the continuous design and has been already put for sale. Other equipment that has been ordered but not yet received was cancelled. Replacement equipment is being selected as part of the ongoing engineering rework and will be ordered as soon as possible.

  • Piloting – The batch process was piloted in 2019 and 2020 with the main objective of scaling it up and then converting to continuous process. Implementing the scale up of the process and switching from batch to continuous in one step is not optimal. On the other hand, the Corporation's R&D team has been working over the last year on continuous piloting in other similar processes. That experience gained provides the management and engineering teams with the confidence that the continuous process now proposed for the rare earths recycling demonstration plant should achieve the set product targets.

  • Feed material – Dealing with end-of-life material always had a risk of feed variability which is better to adjust to with a batch design. Switching to continuous design requires a more uniform feed which may have an impact on sourcing of material and might require blending and preparation of feed in a way that will not impose significant changes on the operation conditions.

  • 工程 — 從批量到持續的設計變更是一項重要的修改,需要對工程文檔進行重大修改。除某些部分外,目前的詳細工程包不能再按原樣用於施工。新的工程包將使用先前設計的組件,這將有助於減少一些延遲。

  • 採購 — 設計變更對設備尺寸和設備選擇有重大影響。正在進行的採購審查已經確定了已經購買和收到的設備,但不再需要進行持續設計並已開始出售。其他已訂購但尚未收到的設備已取消。作爲正在進行的工程返修的一部分,正在選擇替換設備,並將儘快訂購。

  • 試點——批處理流程於2019年和2020年試行,主要目標是擴大規模,然後轉換爲連續流程。逐步擴大流程規模並從批處理切換到連續流程並不是最佳選擇。另一方面,該公司的研發團隊在過去一年中一直在持續試點其他類似工藝。所獲得的經驗使管理層和工程團隊相信,目前爲稀土回收示範工廠提議的連續工藝應該能夠實現設定的產品目標。

  • 飼料 — 處理報廢材料總是存在飼料變異的風險,最好通過批量設計進行調整。切換到連續設計需要更均勻的進料,這可能會影響材料的採購,並且可能需要以不會對操作條件造成重大變化的方式來混合和製備飼料。

For ease of reference, a comparison between batch and continuous design is presented in the table below:


Batch Design

Continuous Design

Operation schedule

8-10 hrs per day

24 hrs per day

Process cooling technology

Cooling tower with regular water discharges

Chillers with closed loop operation

Magnet throughput capacity

1.5 tpd

1.5 tpd

Heating duty

1,962 kW

466 kW

Cooling duty

1,940 kW

449 kW




每天 8-10 小時

每天 24 小時





1.5 噸/日

1.5 噸/日


1,962 千瓦

466 千瓦


1,940 千瓦

449 千瓦

Start of Site Preparation Activities at the Saint-Hubert Facility
Following a thorough review of the required construction activities and the ongoing design change, the engineering team was able to select several items that are not being impacted by the design change to continuous operation. In particular, Geomega has secured the services of a local construction company that will manage and execute the required work. The site preparation activities that have begun at the Saint-Hubert facility include some of the civil work that is not being affected by the design change, electrical work, installation of the required fire protection system and the HVAC system for the rare earths recycling demonstration plant. The majority of that work is expected to be completed by end of June 2024. Engineering and procurement work will continue in parallel to these site preparation activities to avoid any further delays once equipment installation and assembly is ready to commence.


"We have been working diligently with all the stakeholders to build a sustainable solution for rare earths recycling. Although we have some challenging engineering work to do during the coming months, we are excited to finally start the site preparation activities at our Saint-Hubert facility. We believe that the proposed design modifications not only resolve the obstacle we faced with the municipality's sewer infrastructure but overall makes our process a more environmentally sustainable technological solution to REE recycling, a more robust industrial application and a better demonstration plant for our future clients to see. As design modifications and procurement progress during the coming months, we will be better positioned to provide regular updates. In addition, I would like to highlight that none of the recent developments and changes to the REE demonstration plant are expected to affect our bauxite residues valorization initiatives. Furthermore, we continue to believe that the centralized facility in Saint-Hubert is the best available option for both the demonstration plant and our other R&D activities," commented Kiril Mugerman, President & CEO of Geomega.

“我們一直在努力與所有利益相關者合作,爲稀土回收建立可持續的解決方案。儘管在接下來的幾個月中,我們有一些艱鉅的工程工作要做,但我們很高興終於在聖休伯特工廠開始了場地準備活動。我們認爲,擬議的設計修改不僅解決了我們在市政下水道基礎設施方面面臨的障礙,而且總體而言,使我們的流程成爲更具環境可持續性的稀土回收技術解決方案,更強大的工業應用以及更好的示範工廠供我們未來的客戶觀看。隨着未來幾個月的設計修改和採購的進展,我們將更好地提供定期更新。此外,我想強調的是,稀土礦示範工廠的最新發展和變化預計不會影響我們的鋁土礦殘留物估值計劃。此外,我們仍然認爲,位於聖休伯特的集中設施是示範工廠和其他研發活動的最佳選擇。” Geomega總裁兼首席執行官基里爾·穆格曼評論道。

Addendum to the Last Press Release
Geomega would like to make an addendum to its January 26, 2024 Press Release relative to the vesting of the Restricted Share Units ("RSUs") in order to align with the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. The change is as follows:


Vesting and settlement terms as indicated in the January 26, 2024 press release: "The RSUs vest over a 2-year period in increments of 25% every 6 months and may be settled after 3 years."


The corrected vesting and settlement terms: "The RSUs vest over a 2-year period in increments of 50% every year and may be settled after 3 years."


The rest of the information presented in the January 26, 2024 press release remains unchanged.


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