Reach Announces a New Partnership Integration With ATLS Location Service, Enhancing School Safety & Operations
Reach Announces a New Partnership Integration With ATLS Location Service, Enhancing School Safety & Operations
HALIFAX, NS, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Reach School Life Management Systems is excited to announce a new strategic partnership with ELi Technology Inc. and GeoComm following the integration of their "ATLS Location Service", within Reach's Emergency Response Safety application, to further enhance school safety and emergency management.
新南威爾士州哈利法克斯,2024年3月19日 /PRNewswire/-Reach School Life Management Systems很高興地宣佈與eLi Technology Inc.和GeoComm建立新的戰略合作伙伴關係,此前他們的 “ATLS定位服務” 已整合到Reach的應急響應安全應用程序中,以進一步加強學校安全和應急管理。
ATLS is a unique digital location and mapping service developed by ELi Technology, a SaaS location technology company, and supported by GeoComm, creators and deliverers of locally authoritative indoor and outdoor GIS for mission critical applications serving local, regional, statewide, and military agencies in forty-nine US states.
ATLS是由SaaS定位技術公司eLi Technology開發的獨一無二的數字定位和測繪服務,由GeoComm以及本地權威室內和室外GIS的創建者和交付者GeoComm提供支持,用於關鍵任務應用程序,爲美國49個州的當地、區域、全州和軍事機構提供服務。
The ATLS Service has been integrated into Reach's Emergency Response system to provide more accurate indoor location information, supporting Reach's student locator and emergency management capabilities.
This integration aims to build higher levels of school safety and efficiency through delivery of more actionable, accurate, and precise indoor location intelligence, down to the classroom and floor-level, clearly depicted on indoor floorplans.
Via the Reach platform the ATLS Location Service equips responders, security personnel, and school or campus administrators with vital location information for various scenarios, from routine staff or student check-ins, minor medical alerts to emergency situations such as threats, lockdowns, evacuations, and reunifications.
ATLS supplies cutting-edge location intelligence and improves situational awareness for all school safety stakeholders. Accurately mapped location of the incident is shared immediately via Reach's platform with designated school personnel and external law enforcement, whether onsite or close by. ATLS is a bolt-on service, and requires no additional infrastructure changes, or ongoing maintenance costs, and fully respects privacy and security.
ATLS 提供尖端的位置情報,並提高所有學校安全利益相關者的態勢感知能力。無論是在現場還是附近,都能通過Reach的平台立即與指定的學校人員和外部執法部門共享準確繪製的事件位置。ATLS是一項附加服務,不需要額外的基礎設施變更或持續的維護成本,並且完全尊重隱私和安全。
"ATLS" has created a revolutionary technology that will change the landscape of situational response in schools. Reach and ATLS together will bring a level of Crisis Management that will disrupt the industry and more importantly, it will keep kids safe." ~ Brian Murray, Director at Reach
“ATLS” 創造了一種革命性的技術,它將改變學校的情境響應格局。Reach和ATLS的共同將帶來一定程度的危機管理,這將顛覆整個行業,更重要的是,它將確保孩子的安全。” ~ Reach 董事布萊恩·默裏
"Reach offers one of the most comprehensive Student Management Systems on the market", says ELi's CEO Peter Woodford. "Perfectionists in their work, they strive to set a global benchmark for school and campus automation. Integrating ATLS ensures even higher levels of effective and efficient incident management. It's a win-win for both our companies and we're excited to see ATLS make the Reach solution even more impactful. It will become invaluable not only for Reach's day-to-day operations that leverage location, but also during medical emergencies, when time really is of the essence, and knowing the exact location will ensure prompt and coordinated responses."
eLi首席執行官彼得·伍德福德說:“Reach提供了市場上最全面的學生管理系統之一。”“完美主義者在工作中努力爲學校和校園自動化設定全球基準。集成 ATLS 可確保更高水平的有效和高效的事件管理。這對我們兩家公司來說都是雙贏的,我們很高興看到ATLS使Reach解決方案更具影響力。這不僅對於Reach利用位置的日常運營來說將變得無價之寶,而且在醫療緊急情況下也是如此,那時時間確實至關重要,而知道確切的位置將確保及時和協調的應對措施。”
About Reach: The School Life Management System chosen by 500+ schools across five continents. Reach includes purpose-built features for Schools and Summer Camps. All the modules in Reach provide schools and camps with automated control across all student activities including leave and transportation management, communications, attendance in the dorm, Event Management, medication dispensary, student wellness, and emergency response, among others. Reach sets the global benchmark for school automation with more than 18 core modules that help schools manage risk, improve efficiency, and improve communication. Visit to learn more.
關於 Reach: 學校生活管理系統由五大洲的500多所學校選擇。Reach 包括專門爲學校和夏令營打造的功能。Reach 中的所有模塊爲學校和夏令營提供了對所有學生活動的自動控制,包括休假和交通管理、通信、宿舍出勤、活動管理、藥房、學生健康和應急響應等。Reach 通過超過 18 個核心模塊爲學校自動化設定了全球基準,這些模塊可幫助學校管理風險、提高效率和改善溝通。參觀 到 了解更多。
About GeoComm: GeoComm, creator and deliverer of locally authoritative indoor and outdoor GIS for mission critical applications serves local, regional, statewide, and military agencies in forty-nine states, helping keep more than 100 million people safe. Over the last 28 years, GeoComm's public safety GIS systems have routed emergency calls to the appropriate 9-1-1 call centers, mapped callers' locations on tactical emergency response mapping displays, and guided emergency responders to accident scenes on in-vehicle mapping and navigation applications within police, fire, and ambulance vehicles. Visit to learn more about GeoComm.
關於 GeoComm: GeoComm是用於關鍵任務應用的本地權威室內和室外GIS的創建者和交付者,爲49個州的當地、區域、全州和軍事機構提供服務,幫助保護超過1億人的安全。在過去的28年中,GeoComm的公共安全地理信息系統已將緊急呼叫路由到相應的9-1-1呼叫中心,在戰術應急響應測繪顯示屏上繪製呼叫者的位置,並通過警察、消防和救護車輛內的車載測繪和導航應用引導應急人員前往事故現場。參觀 了解有關 GeoComm 的更多信息。
About ELi Technology Inc: ELi-Technology, a Nova Scotian SaaS location technology company has been dedicated to addressing inaccurate location information provided to 9-1-1 calls, specifically for inside multi-story buildings. Their uniquely patented location technology, called "EML" offers both 9-1-1 location information on a more detailed level than ever before. EML, or "Emergency Mobile Location" is the world's first and only location methodology capable of providing a verified dispatchable address, with usable accurate, and precise indoor and vertical location information, on any device, anywhere, anytime. Visit to learn more.
關於 eLi 科技公司: 新斯科舍省SaaS定位技術公司Eli-Technology一直致力於解決向9-1-1通話提供的不準確位置信息,特別是針對多層建築物內部的位置信息。他們獨特的專利定位技術稱爲 “EML”,比以往任何時候都更詳細地提供了 9-1-1 的位置信息。EML 或 “緊急移動定位” 是世界上第一個也是唯一一種能夠隨時隨地在任何設備上提供經過驗證的可調度地址以及可用的準確、精確的室內和垂直位置信息的定位方法。參觀 以了解更多信息。
來源 Reach