
Eton Pharmaceuticals Announces Acquisition of PKU GOLIKE for Phenylketonuria

Eton Pharmaceuticals Announces Acquisition of PKU GOLIKE for Phenylketonuria

伊頓製藥宣佈因苯丙酮尿症收購PKU GOLIKE
GlobeNewswire ·  03/22 02:00
  • PKU GOLIKE is a commercial ultra-rare disease medical formula complementary to Eton's existing metabolic franchise and specialty call point
  • Transaction is expected to be accretive to 2024 earnings
  • Estimated peak sales of more than $10 million annually
  • U.S. phenylketonuria ("PKU") medical formula market estimated to be $100 million annually
  • PKU GOLIKE 是一種商用超罕見病醫療配方,是對伊頓現有代謝特許經營權和專業呼叫點的補充
  • 該交易預計將增加2024年的收益
  • 預計每年的峯值銷售額超過1000萬美元
  • 據估計,美國苯丙酮尿症(“PKU”)醫療配方奶市場每年爲1億美元

DEER PARK, Ill., March 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Eton Pharmaceuticals, Inc ("Eton" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: ETON), an innovative pharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing treatments for rare diseases, today announced that it has acquired U.S. rights to PKU GOLIKE from RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA ("Relief") (SIX: RLF, OTCQB: RLFTF, RLFTY).

伊利諾伊州鹿園,2024年3月22日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——專注於開發和商業化罕見疾病療法的創新制藥公司伊頓製藥公司(“伊頓” 或 “公司”)(納斯達克股票代碼:ETON)今天宣佈,它已從RELIEF THERAPEUTICS Holding SA(“救濟”)(SIX:RLF,OTCQB:RLFTF,RLFTY)手中收購了PKU GOLIKE的美國版權)。

"We are excited to be partnering with Relief on PKU GOLIKE in the United States. After extensive discussions with metabolic geneticists, dieticians, and PKU patients, we believe PKU GOLIKE is the best product in the estimated $100 million U.S. PKU medical formula market. With our sales force and existing relationships in the metabolic community, we believe we can significantly increase the awareness, education, and adoption of this important product," said Sean Brynjelsen, CEO of Eton Pharmaceuticals.

“我們很高興能與救濟組織合作開發美國的PKU GOLIKE。在與代謝遺傳學家、營養師和PKU患者進行了廣泛討論後,我們認爲PKU GOLIKE是估計耗資1億美元的美國PKU醫療配方市場中最好的產品。憑藉我們的銷售隊伍和代謝界的現有關係,我們相信我們可以顯著提高對這一重要產品的認識、教育和採用率。” 伊頓製藥首席執行官肖恩·布林傑爾森說。

"We are very pleased to gain this partnership with Eton for PKU GOLIKE patients in the US as it is aligned with RELIEF's strategy to enhance patient access to our innovative products," said Michelle Lock, interim CEO of Relief. "Eton brings valuable know-how in the metabolic space as well as commercialization expertise for products in rare diseases."

Relief臨時首席執行官米歇爾·洛克表示:“我們很高興與伊頓大學爲美國的PKU GOLIKE患者建立這種合作伙伴關係,因爲這符合REILEV的戰略,即增加患者獲得我們創新產品的渠道。”“伊頓在代謝領域帶來了寶貴的專業知識以及罕見疾病產品的商業化專業知識。”

PKU is a rare inherited disorder caused by a defect in the enzyme needed to break down phenylalanine, leading to a toxic buildup of phenylalanine when eating foods that contain proteins. Treatment of PKU requires patients to follow a strict diet that severely limits phenylalanine content and typically requires low protein foods supplemented by phenylalanine-free medical formulas. Excessive levels of phenylalanine in the blood accumulate in the brain and inhibit proper brain development. It is estimated that 8,000 PKU patients in the U.S. utilize medical formulas to manage their diet.

PKU 是一種罕見的遺傳性疾病,由分解苯丙氨酸所需的酶缺陷引起,進食含有蛋白質的食物時會導致苯丙氨酸的毒性積聚。PKU 的治療需要患者嚴格遵守飲食習慣,嚴格限制苯丙氨酸的含量,通常需要低蛋白食物,輔以不含苯丙氨酸的醫療配方。血液中苯丙氨酸水平過高會積聚在大腦中,抑制大腦的正常發育。據估計,美國有8,000名PKU患者使用醫療配方來管理飲食。

PKU GOLIKE is a next generation medical formula product engineered with the patent protected, pharmaceutical grade Physiomimic technology for the dietary management of PKU under medical supervision. PKU GOLIKE's taste-masked, odor-free coating technology is designed to provide a better taste and a superior experience compared to alternative PKU medical formulas. In addition, PKU GOLIKE's delayed amino acid release formulation is designed to keep patients full for a longer period of time. Relief launched PKU GOLIKE Granules in the United States in the fourth quarter of 2022 and the PKU GOLIKE Tropical Bar in the second quarter of 2023. Only a few months into the product's launch, PKU GOLIKE's fourth quarter net sales in the U.S. were at an annual run rate of more than $1 million. Relief, through its subsidiary APR, has commercialized PKU GOLIKE in Europe since 2019 and seen strong adoption.

PKU GOLIKE 是下一代醫療配方產品,採用受專利保護的藥用級 Physiomic 技術設計,用於在醫療監督下對 PKU 進行膳食管理。與其他 PKU 醫療配方相比,PKU GOLIKE 的掩味、無異味塗層技術旨在提供更好的口感和卓越的體驗。此外,PKU GOLIKE的延遲氨基酸釋放配方旨在讓患者在更長的時間內保持飽腹感。救濟組織於2022年第四季度在美國推出了PKU GOLIKE Granules,並於2023年第二季度推出了PKU GOLIKE Tropical Bar。該產品推出僅幾個月後,PKU GOLIKE在美國的第四季度淨銷售額就超過了100萬美元。自2019年以來,Relief已通過其子公司APR在歐洲將PKU GOLIKE商業化,並獲得了強勁的採用。

Eton plans to promote PKU GOLIKE with its existing metabolic sales force, which currently promotes Eton's Carglumic Acid, Betaine, and Nitisinone products. PKU patients' care is typically overseen by metabolic geneticists and their support staff of nurse practitioners and registered dieticians. Medical formulas for PKU are frequently covered by insurance and are regulated by the FDA as medical food products. PKU GOLIKE is exclusively distributed in the United States by Pentec Health. Patients and healthcare professionals seeking additional information on the product can visit .

伊頓計劃利用其現有的新陳代謝銷售隊伍推廣PKU GOLIKE,該銷售隊伍目前正在推廣伊頓的卡葡酸、甜菜鹼和尼替西農產品。PKU 患者的護理通常由代謝遺傳學家及其執業護士和註冊營養師的支持人員監督。PKU 的醫療配方通常由保險承保,並作爲醫療食品受到 FDA 的監管。PKU GOLIKE 由 Pentec Health 在美國獨家發行。尋求有關該產品的更多信息的患者和醫療保健專業人員可以訪問。

The transaction is expected to be accretive to Eton's 2024 earnings and the company expects peak sales of more than $10 million annually. As part of the transaction, Eton also received U.S. rights to Relief's GOLIKE medical formulas line extensions under development for the management of the metabolic conditions tyrosinemia and homocystinuria, which are expected to launch in 2025 and 2026, respectively. Eton has also been granted a right of first negotiation for Relief's RLF-OD032 development candidate. RLF-OD032 is an innovative drug product candidate under development for the treatment of PKU and is expected to be filed with the FDA in the second half of 2025 as a 505(b)(2) New Drug Application. Relief will continue to own PKU GOLIKE rights outside the United States.

該交易預計將增加伊頓公學2024年的收益,該公司預計每年的峯值銷售額將超過1000萬美元。作爲交易的一部分,伊頓還獲得了美國對Relief的GOLIKE醫療配方產品線的美國版權,該產品線正在開發中,用於管理酪氨酸血癥和高半胱氨酸尿症的代謝性疾病,預計將分別於2025年和2026年推出。伊頓公學還被授予了救濟組織的 RLF-OD032 開發候選人的首次談判權。RLF-OD032 是一種正在開發的用於治療PKU的創新候選藥物,預計將於2025年下半年作爲505(b)(2)新藥申請向美國食品藥品管理局提交。救濟組織將繼續在美國以外擁有PKU GOLIKE的版權。

About Eton Pharmaceuticals


Eton is an innovative pharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing treatments for rare diseases. The Company currently has five commercial rare disease products: ALKINDI SPRINKLE, PKU GOLIKE, Carglumic Acid, Betaine Anhydrous, and Nitisinone. The Company has three additional product candidates in late-stage development: ET-400, ET-600, and ZENEO hydrocortisone autoinjector. For more information, please visit our website at .

伊頓是一家創新制藥公司,專注於開發和商業化罕見疾病的治療方法。該公司目前有五種商用罕見病產品:ALKINDI SPRINKLE、PKU GOLIKE、Carglumic Acid、無水甜菜鹼和尼替西農。該公司還有另外三種候選產品處於後期開發階段:ET-400、ET-600 和ZENEO氫化可的松自動注射器。欲了解更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。



Relief is a commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company committed to advancing treatment paradigms and delivering improvements in efficacy, safety, and convenience to benefit the lives of patients living with select specialty and rare diseases. Relief's portfolio offers a balanced mix of marketed, revenue-generating products, proprietary, globally patented Physiomimic and TEHCLO platform technologies and a targeted clinical development pipeline consisting of risk-mitigated assets focused in three core therapeutic areas: rare metabolic disorders, rare skin diseases and rare respiratory diseases. In addition, Relief is commercializing several legacy products via licensing and distribution partners. Relief's mission is to provide therapeutic relief to those suffering from rare diseases and is being advanced by an international team of well-established, experienced biopharma industry leaders with extensive research, development and rare disease expertise. Relief is headquartered in Geneva, with additional offices in Balerna, Switzerland, Offenbach am Main, Germany and Monza, Italy. Relief is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange under the symbol RLF and quoted in the U.S. on OTCQB under the symbols RLFTF and RLFTY. For more information, visit .

Relief 是一家處於商業階段的生物製藥公司,致力於推進治療模式,改善療效、安全性和便利性,以造福特定特種和罕見疾病患者的生活。Relief的產品組合平衡地組合了已上市的創收產品、專有的、全球專利的Physiomic和TEHCLO平台技術,以及由風險緩解資產組成的有針對性的臨床開發管線,這些資產側重於三個核心治療領域:罕見代謝疾病、罕見皮膚病和罕見呼吸系統疾病。此外,Relief正在通過許可和分銷合作伙伴將幾種傳統產品商業化。Relief的使命是爲罕見疾病患者提供治療性救濟,由一支由知名的、經驗豐富的生物製藥行業領導者組成的具有廣泛研究、開發和罕見病專業知識的國際團隊正在推動這一使命。Relief總部設在日內瓦,在瑞士巴萊爾納、德國美因河畔奧芬巴赫和意大利蒙扎設有辦事處。救濟在瑞士證券交易所上市,股票代碼爲RLF,並在美國的OTCQB上市,股票代碼爲RLFTF和RLFTY。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

About Phenylketonuria (PKU)


Phenylketonuria (PKU) is caused by a defect of the enzyme needed to break down phenylalanine (Phe), leading to a toxic buildup of Phe from the consumption of foods containing protein or aspartame. Untreated PKU can result in global developmental delay or severe irreversible intellectual disability, as well as growth failure, hypopigmentation, motor deficits, ataxia and seizures. Living with PKU requires a limited diet and very careful management. If left unmanaged, PKU can lead to devastating consequences, such as brain damage. People living with PKU do not have the ability to metabolize Phe, which is found in many foods, and they require supplementation of amino acid-based phenylalanine-free medical formulas as part of an effort to prevent protein deficiency and optimize metabolic control. Medical formulas used in PKU are challenged to provide a range of amino acids slowly and without a medicinal aftertaste.

苯丙酮尿症(PKU)是由分解苯丙氨酸(Phe)所需的酶缺陷引起的,食用含有蛋白質或阿斯巴甜的食物會導致Phe的毒性積聚。未經治療的PKU可能導致全球發育遲緩或嚴重的不可逆的智力障礙,以及生長衰竭、色素減退、運動缺陷、共濟失調和癲癇發作。與PKU一起生活需要有限的飲食和非常謹慎的管理。如果不加以管理,PKU可能導致毀滅性後果,例如腦損傷。PKU患者沒有能力代謝PHE,PHE存在於許多食物中,他們需要補充基於氨基酸的無苯丙氨酸醫療配方,這是預防蛋白質缺乏和優化代謝控制的努力的一部分。PKU 中使用的醫療配方面臨的挑戰是緩慢提供一系列氨基酸,沒有藥用回味。



PKU GOLIKE products are foods for special medical purposes (FSMPs) for the dietary management of PKU in both children and adults for use under medical supervision. Developed with Relief's proprietary, patent-protected Physiomimic Technology drug delivery platform, PKU GOLIKE products are the first prolonged-release amino acid FSMPs, characterized by a special coating that ensures physiological absorption of the amino acids mirroring that of natural proteins. The special coating also masks the unpleasant taste, odor and aftertaste of the amino acids. PKU GOLIKE granules are flavorless and can be mixed with many foods. PKU GOLIKE products contain all 19 amino acids that people with PKU need to maintain neurological and muscular health and is fortified with 27 essential vitamins and minerals, including ones normally found in protein-rich foods like iron, calcium and vitamin B12. The PKU GOLIKE line of products are available in convenient packets (PKU GOLIKE Plus 3-16 and 16+) and medical formula bars (PKU GOLIKE BAR). PKU GOLIKE products have been commercially available in the U.S. since October 2022. For more information, visit (Please note this site is intended for U.S. audiences only).

PKU GOLIKE 產品是用於特殊醫療用途 (FSMP) 的食品,用於兒童和成人 PKU 的膳食管理,可在醫療監督下使用。PKU GOLIKE產品採用Relief專有的、受專利保護的Physiomic Technology藥物遞送平台開發,是首款延長釋放的氨基酸FSMP,其特點是特殊塗層可確保氨基酸的生理吸收與天然蛋白質類似。特殊塗層還掩蓋了氨基酸的難聞味道、氣味和回味。PKU GOLIKE 顆粒無味,可以與許多食物混合。PKU GOLIKE 產品含有 PKU 患者維持神經和肌肉健康所需的所有 19 種氨基酸,並富含 27 種必需維生素和礦物質,包括鐵、鈣和維生素 B12 等富含蛋白質的食物中常見的維生素和礦物質。PKU GOLIKE 系列產品有方便的包裝(PKU GOLIKE Plus 3-16 和 16+)和醫用配方棒(PKU GOLIKE BAR)可供選擇。自2022年10月以來,PKU GOLIKE產品已在美國上市。欲了解更多信息,請訪問(請注意,本網站僅面向美國觀衆)。

Forward-Looking Statements


Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements associated with the expected ability of Eton to undertake certain activities and accomplish certain goals and objectives. These statements include but are not limited to statements regarding Eton's business strategy, Eton's plans to develop and commercialize its product candidates, the safety and efficacy of Eton's product candidates, Eton's plans and expected timing with respect to regulatory filings and approvals, and the size and growth potential of the markets for Eton's product candidates. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Words such as "believes," "anticipates," "plans," "expects," "intends," "will," "goal," "potential" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon Eton's current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, risks associated with the process of discovering, developing and commercializing drugs that are safe and effective for use as human therapeutics, and in the endeavor of building a business around such drugs. These and other risks concerning Eton's development programs and financial position are described in additional detail in Eton's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made. Eton undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made.

本新聞稿中有關非歷史事實事項的陳述是1995年《私人證券訴訟改革法》所指的 “前瞻性陳述”,包括與伊頓公學開展某些活動和實現某些目的和目標的預期能力相關的陳述。這些聲明包括但不限於有關伊頓商業戰略、伊頓開發和商業化其候選產品的計劃、伊頓候選產品的安全性和有效性、伊頓在監管申報和批准方面的計劃和預期時機以及伊頓候選產品的市場規模和增長潛力的聲明。由於此類陳述受風險和不確定性的影響,因此實際結果可能與此類前瞻性陳述所表達或暗示的結果存在重大差異。諸如 “相信”、“預期”、“計劃”、“期望”、“打算”、“將”、“目標”、“潛力” 等詞語以及類似的表述旨在識別前瞻性陳述。這些前瞻性陳述基於伊頓當前的預期,涉及可能永遠無法實現或可能被證明不正確的假設。由於各種風險和不確定性,包括但不限於發現、開發和商業化可用作人類療法的安全有效藥物的過程以及圍繞此類藥物開展業務的努力,實際結果和事件發生時間可能與此類前瞻性陳述中的預期存在重大差異。伊頓向美國證券交易委員會提交的文件中進一步詳細描述了這些風險以及其他與伊頓公學發展計劃和財務狀況有關的風險。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性陳述僅代表其發佈之日。伊頓沒有義務更新此類聲明以反映在聲明發表之日後發生的事件或存在的情況。

Investor Relations:
Lisa M. Wilson, In-Site Communications, Inc.
T: 212-452-2793

T: 212-452-2793

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