
Granite Creek Copper Closes $1.5 Million Private Placement Financing

Granite Creek Copper Closes $1.5 Million Private Placement Financing

Granite Creek Copper 完成 150 萬美元的私募融資
Accesswire ·  03/22 07:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 22, 2024 / Granite Creek Copper Ltd. (TSX.V:GCX)(OTCQB:GCXXF) ("Granite Creek" or the "Company") announces the completion of the previously announced private placement offering for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,500,000, through the issuance of a total of 37,500,000 units at $0.04 per unit (see news release dated March 7, 2024).

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月22日/花崗岩溪銅業有限公司(多倫多證券交易所股票代碼:GCXX)(OTCQB: GCXF)(“Granite Creek” 或 “公司”)宣佈完成先前宣佈的私募發行,總收益爲1,500,000美元,總收益爲1,500,000美元(見2024年3月7日的新聞稿)。

Each unit consisted of one common share of the Company (a "Share") and one share purchase warrant, entitling the holder to acquire one common share of the Company at an exercise price of $0.07 for a period of 24 months following the closing date of the private placement (the "Closing Date").


The Shares are subject to a hold period of four months and one day from issuance, in accordance with applicable securities laws and the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange. The Shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the U.S. Securities Act or any U.S. state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons, absent registration or any applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act and applicable U.S. state securities laws. The private placement remains subject to the final approval of the TSX Venture Exchange.


In connection with the private placement, Granite Creek has paid commissions to eligible parties totaling $40,740.00 and issued 1,018,500 finder's warrants. Each finder's warrant is exercisable into one Share of the Company at exercise price of $0.07 for 24 months from the date of closing of the private placement.

在私募方面,Granite Creek已向符合條件的各方支付了總額爲40,740.00美元的佣金,併發行了1,018,500份發現者認股權證。自私募股結束之日起,每份發現者的認股權證可按行使價0.07美元行使爲公司的一股股份,爲期24個月。

The net proceeds from the private placement are expected to be fully used for working capital.


Officers and Directors of the Company subscribed for a total of 2,125,000 units of the private placement. Participation of Officers and Directors of Granite Creek in the private placement is considered a "related party transaction" as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 ("MI 61-101"). The transactions are exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 as neither the fair market value of the securities to be distributed in the private placement nor the consideration to be received for those securities, in so far as the private placement involves insiders, exceeds 25% of the Company's market capitalization.

該公司的高級管理人員和董事共認購了2,125,000個私募單位。根據第61-101號多邊文書(“MI 61-101”)的定義,Granite Creek的高級管理人員和董事參與私募被視爲 “關聯方交易”。這些交易不受密歇根州61-101的正式估值和少數股東批准要求的約束,因爲只要私募股涉及內部人士,以私募方式分配的證券的公允市場價值和這些證券的對價都不超過公司市值的25%。

About Granite Creek Copper


Granite Creek Copper, a member of the Metallic Group of Companies, is a focused on the exploration and development of critical minerals projects in North America. The Company's projects consist of its flagship 176 square kilometer Carmacks project in the Minto copper district of Canada's Yukon Territory on trend with the formerly operating, high-grade Minto copper-gold mine and the advanced stage LS molybdenum project and the Star copper-nickel-PGM project, both located in central British Columbia. More information about Granite Creek Copper can be viewed on the Company's website at .

Granite Creek Copper是金屬集團公司的成員,專注於北美關鍵礦產項目的勘探和開發。該公司的項目包括位於加拿大育空地區明託銅區的176平方千米的旗艦項目Carmacks項目,前期運營的高品位明託銅金礦以及處於後期階段的LS鉬項目和Star Copper-Nickel-PGM項目均位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中部。有關Granite Creek Copper的更多信息,可在該公司的網站上查看,網址爲。



Timothy Johnson, President & CEO
Telephone: 1 (604) 235-1982
Toll Free: 1 (888) 361-3494

電話:1 (604) 235-1982
免費電話:1 (888) 361-3494

Forward-Looking Statements


Forward Looking Statements: This news release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts including, without limitation, statements regarding expected use of proceeds from the private placement and future plans and objectives of the company are forward-looking statements that involve various risks and uncertainties. Although Granite Creek Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on a number of material factors and assumptions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include failure to obtain necessary approvals, unsuccessful exploration results, changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined, results of future resource estimates, future metal prices, availability of capital and financing on acceptable terms, general economic, market or business conditions, risks associated with regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of personnel, materials and equipment on a timely basis, accidents or equipment breakdowns, uninsured risks, delays in receiving government approvals, unanticipated environmental impacts on operations and costs to remedy same, and other exploration or other risks detailed herein and from time to time in the filings made by the companies with securities regulators. Readers are cautioned that mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. Mineral exploration and development of mines is an inherently risky business. Accordingly, the actual events may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. For more information on Granite Creek Copper and the risks and challenges of their businesses, investors should review their annual filings that are available at .

前瞻性陳述:本新聞稿包括某些可能被視爲 “前瞻性陳述” 或 “前瞻性信息” 的陳述。除歷史事實陳述外,本新聞稿中的所有陳述,包括但不限於有關私募收益預期用途以及公司未來計劃和目標的陳述,均爲前瞻性陳述,涉及各種風險和不確定性。儘管Granite Creek Copper認爲此類前瞻性陳述中表達的預期是基於合理的假設,但此類陳述並不能保證未來的業績,實際業績或發展可能與前瞻性陳述中的業績或發展存在重大差異。前瞻性陳述基於許多重要因素和假設。可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述存在重大差異的因素包括未能獲得必要的批准、勘探結果不成功、計劃不斷完善後項目參數的變化、未來資源估算的結果、未來金屬價格、可接受條件下的資本和融資可用性、總體經濟、市場或商業狀況、與監管變更相關的風險、所有權缺陷、人員、材料和設備的及時可用性、事故或設備故障、未投保的風險、延遲獲得政府批准、對運營的意外環境影響和補救成本,以及其他勘探或其他風險,這些風險在本公司向證券監管機構提交的文件中不時詳述。提醒讀者,非礦產儲量的礦產資源尚未顯示出經濟可行性。礦產勘探和開發礦山是一項固有的風險業務。因此,實際事件可能與前瞻性陳述中的預測有重大差異。有關Granite Creek Copper及其業務風險和挑戰的更多信息,投資者應查看其年度申報表,網址爲。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Granite Creek Copper Ltd.

來源:Granite Creek 銅業有限公司

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